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// $Id: G4SurfaceProperty.hh,v 1.10 2009-11-12 00:53:43 gum Exp $
// GEANT4 tag $Name: not supported by cvs2svn $
// G4SurfaceProperty Definition
// Class Description:
// A base class describing a surface property.
// Derived classes are G4Opticalsurface, G4Firovsurface, etc.      
// Contains the enumeration G4SurfaceType.

// File:        G4SurfaceProperty.hh
// Description: A base class for for descriping surface property such
//              as G4OpticalSurface, G4FirsovSurface, G4X-raySurface
// Version:     1.0
// Created:     13-10-2003
// Author:      Fan Lei

#ifndef G4SurfaceProperty_h
#define G4SurfaceProperty_h 1

// Includes

#include <vector>

#include "G4Types.hh"
#include "G4String.hh"

class G4SurfaceProperty;

typedef std::vector<G4SurfaceProperty*> G4SurfacePropertyTable;

enum G4SurfaceType
   dielectric_metal,            // dielectric-metal interface
   dielectric_dielectric,       // dielectric-dielectric interface
   dielectric_LUT,              // dielectric-Look-Up-Table interface
   firsov,                      // for Firsov Process
   x_ray                        // for x-ray mirror process

// Class Definition

class G4SurfaceProperty
  public: // Without description

     // Operators

    // G4SurfaceProperty(const G4SurfaceProperty &right);
    // const G4SurfaceProperty & operator=(const G4SurfaceProperty &right);

    // G4int operator==(const G4SurfaceProperty &right) const;
    // G4int operator!=(const G4SurfaceProperty &right) const;

  public: // With description

    // Constructors and Destructor

    G4SurfaceProperty(const G4String& name, G4SurfaceType type = x_ray);
    // Constructor of a X-ray optical surface object.

  public: // Without description

    virtual ~G4SurfaceProperty();

    // Methods

  public: // With description

    const G4String& GetName() const { return theName; }
    // Returns the surface name.
    void     SetName(const G4String& name) { theName = name; }
    // Sets the surface name.

    const G4SurfaceType& GetType() const { return theType; }
    // Returns the surface type.
    void     SetType(const G4SurfaceType& type) { theType = type; }
    // Sets the surface type.        

    static void CleanSurfacePropertyTable();
    static const G4SurfacePropertyTable* GetSurfacePropertyTable();
    static size_t GetNumberOfSurfaceProperties();
    static void DumpTableInfo();
    // To handle the table of surface properties.


    // ------------------
    // Basic data members ( To define surface property)
    // ------------------

    G4String theName;                // Surface name

    G4SurfaceType theType;           // Surface type

    static G4SurfacePropertyTable theSurfacePropertyTable;
    // The static Table of SurfaceProperties.

#endif /* G4SurfaceProperty_h */