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// * This  code  implementation is the result of  the  scientific and *
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// $Id: G4VisModelManager.hh,v 1.4 2006-06-29 21:29:10 gunter Exp $
// GEANT4 tag $Name: not supported by cvs2svn $
// Generic model manager. Manages models, associated
// factories, messengers, command placement etc
// Jane Tinslay, March 2006

#include "G4UImessenger.hh"
#include "G4VisCommandModelCreate.hh"
#include "G4VisListManager.hh"
#include "G4VModelFactory.hh"
#include <vector>

template <typename Model>
class G4VisModelManager {

public: // With description

  // Useful typedef's
  typedef G4VisListManager<Model> List;
  typedef G4VModelFactory<Model> Factory;

  G4VisModelManager(const G4String&);
  virtual ~G4VisModelManager();

  // Registration methods
  void Register(Model*);
  void Register(Factory*); 

  // Change/Retrieve "Current" object
  void SetCurrent(const G4String&);
  const Model* Current() const;

  // Command placement
  G4String Placement() const;

  // Print factory and model data
  void Print(std::ostream& ostr, const G4String& name="") const;

  // Accessors
  const List* ListManager() const;
  const std::vector<Factory*>& FactoryList() const;


  // Private copy constructor and assigment operator - copying and
  // assignment not allowed.  Keeps Coverity happy.
  G4VisModelManager (const G4VisModelManager&);
  G4VisModelManager& operator = (const G4VisModelManager&);

  // Data members
  G4String fPlacement;
  List* fpModelList;  
  std::vector<Factory*> fFactoryList;
  std::vector<G4UImessenger*> fMessengerList;


template <typename Model>
G4VisModelManager<Model>::G4VisModelManager(const G4String& placement)
  ,fpModelList(new List)

template <typename Model>
  // Cleanup
  std::vector<G4UImessenger*>::iterator iterMsgr = fMessengerList.begin();
  while (iterMsgr != fMessengerList.end()) {
    delete *iterMsgr;

  typename std::vector<Factory*>::iterator iterFactory = fFactoryList.begin();
  while (iterFactory != fFactoryList.end()) {
    delete *iterFactory;

  delete fpModelList;

template <typename Model>
G4VisModelManager<Model>::Register(Model* model)

template <typename Model>
G4VisModelManager<Model>::Register(Factory* factory)
  // Assume ownership

  // Generate "create" command for this factory
  fMessengerList.push_back(new G4VisCommandModelCreate<Factory>(factory, fPlacement));

template <typename Model>
G4VisModelManager<Model>::SetCurrent(const G4String& model) 

template <typename Model>
const Model*
G4VisModelManager<Model>::Current() const
  return fpModelList->Current();

template <typename Model>
G4VisModelManager<Model>::Placement() const
  return fPlacement;

template <typename Model>
G4VisModelManager<Model>::Print(std::ostream& ostr, const G4String& name) const
  ostr<<"Registered model factories:"<<std::endl;

  typename std::vector<Factory*>::const_iterator iter = fFactoryList.begin();

  while (iter != fFactoryList.end()) {

  if (0 == fFactoryList.size()) ostr<<"  None"<<std::endl;

  ostr<<"Registered models: "<<std::endl;

  fpModelList->Print(ostr, name);

template <typename Model>
const G4VisListManager<Model>*
G4VisModelManager<Model>::ListManager() const
  return fpModelList;

template <typename Model>
const std::vector<G4VModelFactory<Model>*>&
G4VisModelManager<Model>::FactoryList() const
  return fFactoryList;
