// BLFOR009.cc /* This source file is part of G4beamline, http://g4beamline.muonsinc.com Copyright (C) 2003,2004,2005,2006 by Tom Roberts, all rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html */ #include <map> #include <vector> #include "BLFOR009.hh" #include "BLAsciiFile.hh" struct Track { G4ThreeVector pos; G4double time; G4ThreeVector momentum; G4ThreeVector Bfield; G4ThreeVector Efield; int PDGid; int eventId; int trackId; int parentId; G4double weight; }; struct Region { std::vector<Track> track; double Z; Region(double v) : track() { Z=v; } void addTrack(Track &t) { track.push_back(t); } }; BLFOR009::BLFOR009(G4String _filename, G4String title, G4String _mode) { filename = _filename; status = BLTF_ERROR; file = 0; mode = _mode; map = new RegionMap(); if(mode != "w") { fprintf(stderr,"BLFOR009: only write mode is implemented\n"); return; } file = BLAsciiFile::fopen(filename); if(!file) { fprintf(stderr,"BLFOR009: Cannot open file '%s' for writing\n", filename.c_str()); return; } status = BLTF_OK; fprintf(file,"#%s\n",title.c_str()); fprintf(file,"#Units are ns, meters, GeV/c, Tesla, and V/m\n"); fprintf(file,"#IEVT IPNUM IPTYP IPFLG JSRG T X Y Z Px Py Pz Bx By Bz Weight Ex Ey Ez SARC POLx POLy POLz\n"); } BLFOR009::~BLFOR009() { close(); // no attempt to delete map (too complicated, and unnecessary) } void BLFOR009::close() { if(status != BLTF_OK || !file) return; RegionMap::iterator i; int jsrg; for(i=map->begin(),jsrg=1; i!=map->end(); ++i,++jsrg) { int ignored = 0; int n = i->second->track.size(); bool hasReference = false; for(int k=0; k<n; ++k) { Track t(i->second->track[k]); int iptyp=0; switch(t.PDGid) { case -11: iptyp = 1; break; case 11: iptyp = -1; break; case -13: iptyp = 2; break; case 13: iptyp = -2; break; case -211: iptyp = -3; break; case 211: iptyp = 3; break; case -321: iptyp = -4; break; case 321: iptyp = 4; break; case -2212: iptyp = -5; break; case 2212: iptyp = 5; break; default: ++ignored; continue; } if(t.eventId == 0) hasReference = true; fprintf(file,"%d %d %d %d %d" " %.6g" " %.6g %.6g %.6g" " %.6g %.6g %.6g" " %.6g %.6g %.6g" " %.4f" " %.6g %.6g %.6g" " 0 0 0 0\n", t.eventId,t.trackId,iptyp,0,jsrg, t.time/second, t.pos[0]/meter,t.pos[1]/meter,t.pos[2]/meter, t.momentum[0]/GeV,t.momentum[1]/GeV,t.momentum[2]/GeV, t.Bfield[0]/tesla,t.Bfield[1]/tesla,t.Bfield[2]/tesla, t.weight, t.Efield[0]/(volt/meter),t.Efield[1]/(volt/meter),t.Efield[2]/(volt/meter) ); } if(!hasReference) G4Exception("FOR009.DAT output","No reference", JustWarning, ""); printf("FOR009.DAT Region %d z=%.1f %d tracks, %d " "unsupported particles ignored\n", jsrg,i->second->Z,n,ignored); } BLAsciiFile::fclose(file); file = 0; } BLTrackFileStatus BLFOR009::write(G4ThreeVector& pos, G4double time, G4ThreeVector& momentum, G4ThreeVector& Bfield, G4ThreeVector& Efield, int PDGid, int eventId, int trackId, int parentId, G4double weight) { if(status != BLTF_OK) return status; double z = pos[2]; Region *m = (*map)[z]; if(!m) { m = new Region(z); (*map)[z] = m; } // eventId=-1 is the center particle, and eventId=0 is a real event. // in FOR009.DAT center must be event 0. if(eventId == 0) { // yes, one line per region is printed. printf("BLFOR009: beam event 0 omitted (0 must be reference)\n"); return BLTF_OK; } else if(eventId == -1) { eventId = 0; } Track t; t.pos = pos; t.time = time; t.momentum = momentum; t.Bfield = Bfield; t.Efield = Efield; t.PDGid = PDGid; t.eventId = eventId; t.trackId = trackId; t.parentId = parentId; t.weight = weight; m->addTrack(t); return BLTF_OK; } BLTrackFileStatus BLFOR009::read(G4ThreeVector& pos, G4double& time, G4ThreeVector& momentum, G4ThreeVector& Bfield, G4ThreeVector& Efield, int& PDGid, int& eventId, int& trackId, int& parentId) { return BLTF_ERROR; } BLTrackFileStatus BLFOR009::read(G4ThreeVector& pos, G4double& time, G4ThreeVector& momentum, G4ThreeVector& Bfield, G4ThreeVector& Efield, int& PDGid, int& eventId, int& trackId, int& parentId, G4double &weight) { return BLTF_ERROR; }