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// * the Geant4 Collaboration.  It is provided  under  the terms  and *
// * conditions of the Geant4 Software License,  included in the file *
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// * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing *
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// * This  code  implementation is the result of  the  scientific and *
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// ********************************************************************

#ifndef G4ExcitedString_h
#define G4ExcitedString_h 1

// ------------------------------------------------------------
//      GEANT 4 class header file
//      ---------------- G4ExcitedString ----------------
//             by Gunter Folger, June 1998.
//       class for an excited string used by Parton String Models
// ------------------------------------------------------------

#include "G4ios.hh"
#include "globals.hh"
#include "G4ThreeVector.hh"
#include "G4LorentzVector.hh"
#include "G4LorentzRotation.hh"
#include "G4Parton.hh"
#include "G4PartonVector.hh"
#include "G4KineticTrack.hh"
#include "G4HadronicException.hh"
#include <algorithm>

class G4ExcitedString 


      enum {
           PROJECTILE  = 1, 
           TARGET  = -1 

      G4ExcitedString(G4Parton* Color, G4Parton* Gluon,  G4Parton* AntiColor, G4int Direction=PROJECTILE);
      G4ExcitedString(G4Parton* Color, G4Parton* AntiColor, G4int Direction=PROJECTILE);
      G4ExcitedString(G4KineticTrack * atrack);
      G4ExcitedString(const G4ExcitedString &right);


      int operator==(const G4ExcitedString &right) const;

      int operator!=(const G4ExcitedString &right) const;

      G4double GetTimeOfCreation() const;               // Uzhi 15.05.08

      void  SetTimeOfCreation(G4double aTime);          // Uzhi 15.05.08

      const G4ThreeVector & GetPosition() const;

      void SetPosition(const G4ThreeVector &aPosition); 

      const G4PartonVector * GetPartonList() const;
      G4LorentzVector Get4Momentum() const;
      void LorentzRotate(const G4LorentzRotation & rotation);

      void InsertParton(G4Parton * aParton, const G4Parton * addafter = NULL);

      G4LorentzRotation TransformToCenterOfMass();
      G4LorentzRotation TransformToAlignedCms();

      void      Boost(G4ThreeVector& Velocity);

      G4Parton* GetColorParton(void) const;
      G4Parton* GetGluon(void) const;
      G4Parton* GetAntiColorParton(void) const;
      G4Parton* GetGluon(G4int GluonPos) const;
      G4KineticTrack * GetKineticTrack() const;

      G4Parton* GetLeftParton(void) const;
      G4Parton* GetRightParton(void) const;

      G4bool    IsItKinkyString(void) const;
      G4int     GetDirection(void) const;
      G4bool    IsExcited() const;


      G4int    theDirection;  // must be 1 or -1 (PROJECTILE or TARGET)
      G4double theTimeOfCreation;                   // Uzhi 15.05.08
      G4ThreeVector thePosition;
      G4PartonVector thePartons;  // would like initial capacity for 3 Partons.
      G4KineticTrack* theTrack;


int G4ExcitedString::operator==(const G4ExcitedString &right) const
	return this == &right;

int G4ExcitedString::operator!=(const G4ExcitedString &right) const
	return this != &right;

G4double G4ExcitedString::GetTimeOfCreation() const      // Uzhi 15.05.08
	return theTimeOfCreation;

void G4ExcitedString::SetTimeOfCreation(G4double aTime)  // Uzhi 15.05.08
	theTimeOfCreation=aTime;                         // Uzhi 15.05.08

const G4ThreeVector & G4ExcitedString::GetPosition() const 
	return thePosition;

void G4ExcitedString::SetPosition(const G4ThreeVector &aPosition)
	thePosition= aPosition;

G4LorentzVector G4ExcitedString::Get4Momentum() const
	G4LorentzVector momentum;
	for ( unsigned int index=0; index < thePartons.size() ; index++ )
	    // std::cout << "HPW "<<thePartons[index]->Get4Momentum()<<std::endl;
	    momentum += thePartons[index]->Get4Momentum();
	return momentum;

void G4ExcitedString::LorentzRotate(const G4LorentzRotation & rotation)
	for ( unsigned int index=0; index < thePartons.size() ; index++ )

void G4ExcitedString::InsertParton(G4Parton *aParton, const G4Parton * addafter)

	G4PartonVector::iterator insert_index;
	if ( addafter != NULL ) 
	   insert_index=std::find(thePartons.begin(), thePartons.end(), addafter);
	   if (insert_index == thePartons.end())		// No object addafter in thePartons
	      G4String text = "G4ExcitedString::InsertParton called with invalid second argument";
  	      throw G4HadronicException(__FILE__, __LINE__, text);
	thePartons.insert(insert_index+1, aParton);

G4LorentzRotation G4ExcitedString::TransformToCenterOfMass()
	G4LorentzVector momentum=Get4Momentum();
	G4LorentzRotation toCms(-1*momentum.boostVector());

	for ( unsigned int index=0; index < thePartons.size() ; index++ )
	    momentum=toCms * thePartons[index]->Get4Momentum();
	return toCms;

G4LorentzRotation G4ExcitedString::TransformToAlignedCms()
	G4LorentzVector momentum=Get4Momentum();
	G4LorentzRotation toAlignedCms(-1*momentum.boostVector());

	momentum= toAlignedCms* thePartons[0]->Get4Momentum();
	for ( unsigned int index=0; index < thePartons.size() ; index++ )
	    momentum=toAlignedCms * thePartons[index]->Get4Momentum();
	return toAlignedCms;

const G4PartonVector * G4ExcitedString::GetPartonList() const
	return &thePartons;

G4KineticTrack * G4ExcitedString::GetKineticTrack() const
	return theTrack;

G4bool G4ExcitedString::IsExcited() const
	return theTrack == 0;
