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// * This  code  implementation is the result of  the  scientific and *
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// $Id: G4QuadrangularFacet.hh,v 1.6 2008-12-18 12:57:24 gunter Exp $
// GEANT4 tag $Name: not supported by cvs2svn $
// %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
// MODULE:              G4QuadrangularFacet.hh
// Date:                15/06/2005
// Author:              P R Truscott
// Organisation:        QinetiQ Ltd, UK
// Customer:            UK Ministry of Defence : RAO CRP TD Electronic Systems
// Contract:            C/MAT/N03517
// %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
// --------------
// 31 October 2004, P R Truscott, QinetiQ Ltd, UK - Created.
// %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
// Class description:
//   The G4QuadrangularFacet class is used for the contruction of
//   G4TessellatedSolid.
//   It is defined by four vertices, which shall be in the same plane and be
//   supplied in anti-clockwise order looking from the outsider of the solid
//   where it belongs. Its constructor
//     G4QuadrangularFacet (const G4ThreeVector Pt0, const G4ThreeVector vt1,
//                          const G4ThreeVector vt2, const G4ThreeVector vt3,
//                          G4FacetVertexType);
//   takes 5 parameters to define the four vertices:
//     1) G4FacetvertexType = "ABSOLUTE": in this case Pt0, vt1, vt2 and vt3
//        are the four vertices required in anti-clockwise order when looking
//        from the outsider.
//     2) G4FacetvertexType = "RELATIVE": in this case the first vertex is Pt0,
//        the second vertex is Pt0+vt, the third vertex is Pt0+vt2 and 
//        the fourth vertex is Pt0+vt3, in anti-clockwise order when looking 
//        from the outsider.

#ifndef G4QuadranglarFacet_HH
#define G4QuadranglarFacet_HH 1

#include "G4VFacet.hh"
#include "G4TriangularFacet.hh"
#include "G4ThreeVector.hh"
#include "globals.hh"

class G4QuadrangularFacet : public G4VFacet
  public:  // with description

    G4QuadrangularFacet (const G4ThreeVector Pt0, const G4ThreeVector vt1,
                         const G4ThreeVector vt2, const G4ThreeVector vt3,
    virtual ~G4QuadrangularFacet ();
    G4QuadrangularFacet (const G4QuadrangularFacet &right);
    const G4QuadrangularFacet &operator=(G4QuadrangularFacet &right);    

    G4VFacet *GetClone ();
    G4ThreeVector Distance (const G4ThreeVector &p);
    G4double Distance (const G4ThreeVector &p, const G4double minDist);
    G4double Distance (const G4ThreeVector &p, const G4double minDist,
                       const G4bool outgoing);
    G4double Extent   (const G4ThreeVector axis);
    G4bool Intersect  (const G4ThreeVector &p, const G4ThreeVector &v,
                       const G4bool outgoing, G4double &distance,
                             G4double &distFromSurface, G4ThreeVector &normal);
    G4double GetArea ();
    G4ThreeVector GetPointOnFace () const;


    G4TriangularFacet *facet1;
    G4TriangularFacet *facet2;
