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// * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing *
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// * This  code  implementation is the result of  the  scientific and *
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// $Id: G4RegularNavigation.hh,v 1.4 2010-09-03 16:29:43 gcosmo Exp $
// GEANT4 tag $Name: not supported by cvs2svn $
// class G4RegularNavigation
// Class description:
// Utility for fast navigation in volumes containing a regular
// parameterisation. If two contiguous voxels have the same material,
// navigation does not stop at the surface

// History:
// - Created.   P. Arce, May 2007
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
#ifndef G4RegularNavigation_HH
#define G4RegularNavigation_HH

#include <vector>

#include "G4Types.hh"
#include "G4ThreeVector.hh"

class G4NormalNavigation;
class G4VPhysicalVolume;
class G4Navigator;
class G4NavigationHistory;

class G4RegularNavigation
  public:  // with description
    G4bool LevelLocate(      G4NavigationHistory& history,
                       const G4VPhysicalVolume* blockedVol,
                       const G4int blockedNum,
                       const G4ThreeVector& globalPoint,
                       const G4ThreeVector* globalDirection,
                       const G4bool pLocatedOnEdge, 
                             G4ThreeVector& localPoint );
      // Locate point using its position with respect to regular
      // parameterisation container volume.

    G4double ComputeStep( const G4ThreeVector& globalPoint,
                          const G4ThreeVector& globalDirection,
                          const G4double currentProposedStepLength,
                                G4double& newSafety,
                                G4NavigationHistory& history,
                                G4bool& validExitNormal,
                                G4ThreeVector& exitNormal,
                                G4bool& exiting,
                                G4bool& entering,
                                G4VPhysicalVolume *(*pBlockedPhysical),
                                G4int& blockedReplicaNo );
      // Method never called because to be called the daughter has to be a
      // 'regular' volume. This would only happen if the track is in the
      // mother of voxels volume. But the voxels fill completely their mother,
      // so when a track enters the mother it automatically enters a voxel.
    G4double ComputeStepSkippingEqualMaterials( 
                                G4ThreeVector& localPoint,
                          const G4ThreeVector& globalDirection,
                          const G4double currentProposedStepLength,
                                G4double& newSafety,
                                G4NavigationHistory& history,
                                G4bool& validExitNormal,
                                G4ThreeVector& exitNormal,
                                G4bool& exiting,
                                G4bool& entering,
                                G4VPhysicalVolume *(*pBlockedPhysical),
                                G4int& blockedReplicaNo,
                                G4VPhysicalVolume* pCurrentPhysical);
      // Compute the step skipping surfaces when they separate voxels with
      // equal materials. Loop to voxels until a different material is found:
      // invokes G4NormalNavigation::ComputeStep() in each voxel and move the
      // point to the next voxel.

    G4double ComputeSafety( const G4ThreeVector& localPoint,
                            const G4NavigationHistory& history,
                            const G4double pProposedMaxLength=DBL_MAX );
      // Method never called because to be called the daughter has to be a
      // 'regular' volume. This would only happen if the track is in the
      // mother of voxels volume. But the voxels fill completely their mother,
      // so when a track enters the mother it automatically enters a voxel.

  public:  // without description

    // Set and Get methods

    void SetVerboseLevel(G4int level) { fverbose = level; }
    void CheckMode(G4bool mode) { fcheck = mode; }
    void SetNormalNavigation( G4NormalNavigation* fnormnav )
      { fnormalNav = fnormnav; }


    G4int fverbose;
    G4bool fcheck;

    G4NormalNavigation* fnormalNav;
    G4double kCarTolerance;  
