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// * This  code  implementation is the result of  the  scientific and *
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// $Id: G4TrackingManager.hh,v 1.23 2010-10-06 13:17:15 kurasige Exp $
// GEANT4 tag $Name: not supported by cvs2svn $
// G4TrackingManager.hh
// class description:
//  This is an interface class among the event,  the track
//  and the tracking category. It handles necessary 
//  message passings between the upper hierarchical object, which 
//  is the event manager (G4EventManager), and lower hierarchical 
//  objects in the tracking category. It receives one track in an 
//  event from the event manager and takes care to finish tracking it. 
//  Geant4 kernel use only.
// Contact:
//   Questions and comments to this code should be sent to
//     Katsuya Amako  (e-mail: Katsuya.Amako@kek.jp)
//     Takashi Sasaki (e-mail: Takashi.Sasaki@kek.jp)

class G4TrackingManager;

#ifndef G4TrackingManager_h
#define G4TrackingManager_h 1

#include "globals.hh"                  // Include from 'global'
/////#include "G4Hit.hh"               // Include from 'Hit/dig'
#include "G4SteppingManager.hh"        // Include from 'tracking'
#include "G4Track.hh"                  // Include from 'tracking'
#include "G4TrackingMessenger.hh"
#include "G4TrackVector.hh"            // Include from 'tracking'
#include "G4TrackStatus.hh"            // Include from 'tracking'
#include "G4StepStatus.hh"             // Include from 'tracking'
#include "G4UserTrackingAction.hh"     // Include from 'tracking'
#include "G4UserSteppingAction.hh"     // Include from 'tracking'
#include "G4VTrajectory.hh"             // Include from 'tracking'

class G4VUserTrackInformation;

class G4TrackingManager 

public: // without description

// Constructor/Destructor

      // TrackingManger should be dynamic persistent, therefore you
      // need to invoke new() when you call this constructor.
      // "G4SteppingManger' and "G4UserTrackingAction" will be 
      // constructed in this constructor. "This" pointer will be
      // passed to "G4UserTrackingAction". 


// Get/Set functions

   G4Track* GetTrack() const;

   G4int GetStoreTrajectory() const;
   void SetStoreTrajectory(G4int value);

   G4SteppingManager* GetSteppingManager() const;

   G4UserTrackingAction* GetUserTrackingAction() const;

   G4VTrajectory* GimmeTrajectory() const;
   void SetTrajectory(G4VTrajectory* aTrajectory);
   G4TrackVector* GimmeSecondaries() const;

  //   void SetNavigator(G4Navigator* apValue);

   void SetUserAction(G4UserTrackingAction* apAction);
   void SetUserAction(G4UserSteppingAction* apAction);

   void SetVerboseLevel(G4int vLevel);
   G4int GetVerboseLevel() const;

// Other member functions

   void ProcessOneTrack(G4Track* apValueG4Track);
      // Invoking this function, a G4Track given by the argument
      // will be tracked.  

   void EventAborted();
      // Invoking this function, the current tracking will be
      // aborted immediately. The tracking will return the 
      // G4TrackStatus in 'fUserKillTrackAndSecondaries'.
      // By this the EventManager deletes the current track and all 
      // its accoicated csecondaries.

   void SetUserTrackInformation(G4VUserTrackInformation* aValue);
      // This method can be invoked from the user's G4UserTrackingAction
      // implementation to set his/her own G4VUserTrackInformation concrete
      // class object to a G4Track object.


// Member data

   G4Track* fpTrack;
   G4SteppingManager* fpSteppingManager;
   G4UserTrackingAction* fpUserTrackingAction;
   G4VTrajectory* fpTrajectory;
   G4int StoreTrajectory;
   G4int verboseLevel;
   G4TrackingMessenger* messenger;
   G4bool EventIsAborted;
// verbose
   void TrackBanner();


//  Inline function 

   inline G4Track* G4TrackingManager::GetTrack() const { 
     return fpTrack;

   inline G4int G4TrackingManager::GetStoreTrajectory() const { 
     return StoreTrajectory;

   inline void G4TrackingManager::SetStoreTrajectory(G4int value){ 
     StoreTrajectory = value;

   inline G4SteppingManager* G4TrackingManager::GetSteppingManager() const { 
     return fpSteppingManager; 

   inline G4UserTrackingAction* G4TrackingManager::GetUserTrackingAction() const  { 
     return fpUserTrackingAction; 

   inline G4VTrajectory* G4TrackingManager::GimmeTrajectory() const { 
     return fpTrajectory ; 
   inline G4TrackVector* G4TrackingManager::GimmeSecondaries() const { 
     return fpSteppingManager->GetfSecondary(); 

   inline void G4TrackingManager::SetUserAction(G4UserTrackingAction* apAction){
     fpUserTrackingAction = apAction;
     if(apAction != 0){

   inline void G4TrackingManager::SetUserAction(G4UserSteppingAction* apAction){
     if(apAction != 0){

   inline void G4TrackingManager::SetVerboseLevel(G4int vLevel){ 
     verboseLevel = vLevel; 
     fpSteppingManager -> SetVerboseLevel( vLevel );

   inline G4int G4TrackingManager::GetVerboseLevel() const { 
     return verboseLevel; 

   inline void G4TrackingManager::SetUserTrackInformation(G4VUserTrackInformation* aValue) {
     if(fpTrack) fpTrack->SetUserInformation(aValue);
