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// * This  code  implementation is the result of  the  scientific and *
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// ********************************************************************
// ===========================================================================
// GEANT4 class header file
// Class:                G4VIonDEDXTable 
// Author:               Anton Lechner (Anton.Lechner@cern.ch)
// First implementation: 15. 02. 2009
// Modifications:        
// 02. 11. 2009 A. Lechner: Added BuildPhysicsVector function which should
//              invoke the build process of physics vectors.
// Class description:
//    Base class for electronic stopping power tables for ions.
// Comments:
// =========================================================================== 


#include "globals.hh"

class G4PhysicsVector;

class G4VIonDEDXTable {

   virtual ~G4VIonDEDXTable();  

   // Function for building a stopping power table for a material consisting of
   // a single element only.
   virtual G4bool BuildPhysicsVector(
        G4int,  // Atomic number of ion
        G4int   // Atomic number of elemental material
                               ) = 0;

   // Function building stopping power table for a given ion-material pair.
   virtual G4bool BuildPhysicsVector(
        G4int,           // Atomic number of ion
        const G4String&  // Name or chemical formula of material
                               ) = 0;

   // Function for checking the availability of stopping power tables
   // for a given ion-material pair, where the material consists of
   // a single element only.
   virtual G4bool IsApplicable(
        G4int,  // Atomic number of ion
        G4int   // Atomic number of elemental material
                               ) = 0;

   // Function for checking the availability of stopping power tables
   // for a given ion-material pair.
   virtual G4bool IsApplicable(
        G4int,           // Atomic number of ion
        const G4String&  // Name or chemical formula of material
                               ) = 0;

   // Function returning the stopping power vector for a given ion-material
   // pair, where the material consists of a single element only (the 
   // physics vector returned by this function must contain the kinetic 
   // energy per nucleon vs the mass stopping power of the elemental material). 
   virtual G4PhysicsVector* GetPhysicsVector(
	G4int,    // Atomic number of ion
        G4int     // Atomic number of elemental material
					     ) = 0;

   // Function returning the stopping power vector for given ion-material
   // pair (the physics vector returned by this function must contain the 
   // kinetic energy per nucleon vs the mass stopping power of the material). 
   virtual G4PhysicsVector* GetPhysicsVector(
	G4int,           // Atomic number of ion
        const G4String&  // Name or chemical formula of material
					     ) = 0;