// @(#)root/eve:$Id: TEvePathMark.h 44784 2012-06-27 19:57:47Z matevz $ // Author: Matevz Tadel 2010 /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2007, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ #ifndef ROOT_TEvePathMark #define ROOT_TEvePathMark #include <TEveVector.h> //============================================================================== // TEvePathMark //============================================================================== template <typename TT> class TEvePathMarkT { public: enum EType_e { kReference, kDaughter, kDecay, kCluster2D, kLineSegment }; EType_e fType; // Mark-type. TEveVectorT<TT> fV; // Vertex. TEveVectorT<TT> fP; // Momentum. TEveVectorT<TT> fE; // Extra, meaning depends on fType. TT fTime; // Time. TEvePathMarkT(EType_e type=kReference) : fType(type), fV(), fP(), fE(), fTime(0) {} TEvePathMarkT(EType_e type, const TEveVectorT<TT>& v, TT time=0) : fType(type), fV(v), fP(), fE(), fTime(time) {} TEvePathMarkT(EType_e type, const TEveVectorT<TT>& v, const TEveVectorT<TT>& p, TT time=0) : fType(type), fV(v), fP(p), fE(), fTime(time) {} TEvePathMarkT(EType_e type, const TEveVectorT<TT>& v, const TEveVectorT<TT>& p, const TEveVectorT<TT>& e, TT time=0) : fType(type), fV(v), fP(p), fE(e), fTime(time) {} template <typename OO> TEvePathMarkT(const TEvePathMarkT<OO>& pm) : fType((EType_e)pm.fType), fV(pm.fV), fP(pm.fP), fE(pm.fE), fTime(pm.fTime) {} const char* TypeName(); ClassDefNV(TEvePathMarkT, 1); // Template for a special point on a track: position/momentum reference, daughter creation or decay. }; typedef TEvePathMarkT<Float_t> TEvePathMark; typedef TEvePathMarkT<Float_t> TEvePathMarkF; typedef TEvePathMarkT<Double_t> TEvePathMarkD; #endif