# # # # Copyright (C) 1997-2013 by Dimitri van Heesch. # # Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its # documentation under the terms of the GNU General Public License is hereby # granted. No representations are made about the suitability of this software # for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. # See the GNU General Public License for more details. # # Documents produced by Doxygen are derivative works derived from the # input used in their production; they are not affected by this license. ############################################################################# # Makefile for building ../lib/libdoxygen.a # Generated by tmake at 14:19, 2015/05/12 # Project: libdoxygen # Template: libdoxygen.t ############################################################################# ####### Compiler, tools and options CC = gcc CXX = g++ CFLAGS = -pipe -fsigned-char -Wall -W -O2 CXXFLAGS= -pipe -fsigned-char -fno-exceptions -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -Wall -W -O2 INCPATH = -I../qtools -I../libmd5 AR = ar cqs RANLIB = MOC = moc TAR = tar -cf GZIP = gzip -9f ####### Files HEADERS = arguments.h \ bib2xhtml.pl.h \ bufstr.h \ cite.h \ clangparser.h \ classdef.h \ classlist.h \ cmdmapper.h \ code.h \ commentcnv.h \ commentscan.h \ 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diagram.cpp \ dirdef.cpp \ docparser.cpp \ docsets.cpp \ doctokenizer.cpp \ dot.cpp \ doxygen.cpp \ eclipsehelp.cpp \ entry.cpp \ filedef.cpp \ filename.cpp \ formula.cpp \ ftextstream.cpp \ ftvhelp.cpp \ fortrancode.cpp \ fortranscanner.cpp \ groupdef.cpp \ htags.cpp \ htmldocvisitor.cpp \ htmlgen.cpp \ htmlhelp.cpp \ image.cpp \ index.cpp \ language.cpp \ latexdocvisitor.cpp \ latexgen.cpp \ layout.cpp \ lodepng.cpp \ logos.cpp \ mandocvisitor.cpp \ mangen.cpp \ sqlite3gen.cpp \ markdown.cpp \ marshal.cpp \ memberdef.cpp \ membergroup.cpp \ memberlist.cpp \ membername.cpp \ message.cpp \ msc.cpp \ dia.cpp \ namespacedef.cpp \ objcache.cpp \ outputgen.cpp \ outputlist.cpp \ pagedef.cpp \ perlmodgen.cpp \ pre.cpp \ pycode.cpp \ pyscanner.cpp \ qhp.cpp \ qhpxmlwriter.cpp \ reflist.cpp \ rtfdocvisitor.cpp \ rtfgen.cpp \ rtfstyle.cpp \ scanner.cpp \ searchindex.cpp \ store.cpp \ tagreader.cpp \ tclscanner.cpp \ template.cpp \ textdocvisitor.cpp \ tooltip.cpp \ util.cpp \ version.cpp \ vhdlcode.cpp \ vhdldocgen.cpp \ vhdlparser.cpp \ vhdlscanner.cpp \ xmldocvisitor.cpp \ xmlgen.cpp \ docbookvisitor.cpp \ docbookgen.cpp OBJECTS = ../objects/arguments.o \ ../objects/constexp.o \ ../objects/ce_parse.o \ ../objects/cite.o \ ../objects/clangparser.o \ ../objects/classdef.o \ ../objects/classlist.o \ ../objects/cmdmapper.o \ ../objects/code.o \ ../objects/commentcnv.o \ ../objects/commentscan.o \ ../objects/condparser.o \ ../objects/context.o \ ../objects/cppvalue.o \ ../objects/dbusxmlscanner.o \ ../objects/debug.o \ ../objects/defgen.o \ ../objects/declinfo.o \ ../objects/defargs.o \ ../objects/define.o \ ../objects/definition.o \ ../objects/diagram.o \ ../objects/dirdef.o \ ../objects/docparser.o \ ../objects/docsets.o \ ../objects/doctokenizer.o \ ../objects/dot.o \ ../objects/doxygen.o \ ../objects/eclipsehelp.o \ ../objects/entry.o \ ../objects/filedef.o \ ../objects/filename.o \ ../objects/formula.o \ ../objects/ftextstream.o \ ../objects/ftvhelp.o \ 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libdoxygen.pro dist: $(TAR) libdoxygen.tar libdoxygen.pro $(SOURCES) $(HEADERS) $(DIST) $(GZIP) libdoxygen.tar clean: -rm -f $(OBJECTS) $(OBJMOC) $(SRCMOC) $(TARGET) -rm -f *~ core ####### Compile ../objects/arguments.o: arguments.cpp \ arguments.h \ marshal.h \ sortdict.h \ store.h \ portable.h $(CXX) -c $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o ../objects/arguments.o arguments.cpp ../objects/constexp.o: constexp.cpp $(CXX) -c $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o ../objects/constexp.o constexp.cpp ../objects/ce_parse.o: ce_parse.cpp $(CXX) -c $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o ../objects/ce_parse.o ce_parse.cpp ../objects/cite.o: cite.cpp \ cite.h \ portable.h \ config.h \ ftextstream.h \ message.h \ util.h \ types.h \ sortdict.h \ language.h \ translator.h \ classdef.h \ definition.h $(CXX) -c $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o ../objects/cite.o cite.cpp ../objects/clangparser.o: clangparser.cpp \ clangparser.h \ settings.h \ message.h \ sortdict.h \ outputgen.h \ index.h \ section.h \ ftextstream.h \ filedef.h \ definition.h \ types.h \ memberlist.h \ memberdef.h \ doxygen.h \ membergroup.h \ dirdef.h \ util.h \ config.h \ growbuf.h \ membername.h \ filename.h \ tooltip.h $(CXX) -c $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o ../objects/clangparser.o clangparser.cpp ../objects/classdef.o: classdef.cpp \ classdef.h \ definition.h \ types.h \ classlist.h \ sortdict.h \ entry.h \ doxygen.h \ ftextstream.h \ membergroup.h \ dirdef.h \ memberlist.h \ memberdef.h \ membername.h \ message.h \ config.h \ util.h \ diagram.h \ language.h \ translator.h \ htmlhelp.h \ index.h \ example.h \ outputlist.h \ outputgen.h \ section.h \ dot.h \ defargs.h \ debug.h \ docparser.h \ docvisitor.h \ htmlattrib.h \ searchindex.h \ vhdldocgen.h \ layout.h \ arguments.h \ groupdef.h \ filedef.h \ namespacedef.h $(CXX) -c $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o ../objects/classdef.o classdef.cpp ../objects/classlist.o: classlist.cpp \ classlist.h \ classdef.h \ definition.h \ types.h \ sortdict.h \ config.h \ ftextstream.h \ util.h \ outputlist.h \ index.h \ outputgen.h \ section.h \ language.h \ translator.h \ doxygen.h \ membergroup.h \ dirdef.h \ memberlist.h \ memberdef.h \ vhdldocgen.h \ layout.h \ arguments.h \ entry.h \ defargs.h $(CXX) -c $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o ../objects/classlist.o classlist.cpp ../objects/cmdmapper.o: cmdmapper.cpp \ cmdmapper.h $(CXX) -c $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o ../objects/cmdmapper.o cmdmapper.cpp ../objects/code.o: code.cpp $(CXX) -c $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o ../objects/code.o code.cpp ../objects/commentcnv.o: commentcnv.cpp $(CXX) -c $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o ../objects/commentcnv.o commentcnv.cpp ../objects/commentscan.o: commentscan.cpp $(CXX) -c $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o ../objects/commentscan.o commentscan.cpp ../objects/condparser.o: condparser.cpp \ condparser.h \ config.h \ ftextstream.h \ message.h $(CXX) -c $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o ../objects/condparser.o condparser.cpp ../objects/context.o: context.cpp \ context.h \ types.h \ template.h \ config.h \ ftextstream.h \ index.h \ classlist.h \ classdef.h \ definition.h \ sortdict.h \ doxygen.h \ membergroup.h \ dirdef.h \ memberlist.h \ memberdef.h \ namespacedef.h \ filedef.h \ pagedef.h \ groupdef.h \ util.h \ version.h \ language.h \ translator.h \ message.h \ vhdldocgen.h \ layout.h \ arguments.h \ entry.h \ filename.h \ docparser.h \ docvisitor.h \ htmlattrib.h \ htmlgen.h \ outputgen.h \ section.h \ htmldocvisitor.h \ dot.h \ diagram.h \ example.h \ membername.h \ parserintf.h \ portable.h $(CXX) -c $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o ../objects/context.o context.cpp ../objects/cppvalue.o: cppvalue.cpp \ cppvalue.h \ constexp.h $(CXX) -c $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o ../objects/cppvalue.o cppvalue.cpp ../objects/dbusxmlscanner.o: dbusxmlscanner.cpp \ dbusxmlscanner.h \ parserintf.h \ types.h \ commentscan.h \ entry.h \ message.h \ util.h \ sortdict.h \ arguments.h $(CXX) -c $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o ../objects/dbusxmlscanner.o dbusxmlscanner.cpp ../objects/debug.o: debug.cpp \ debug.h \ message.h $(CXX) -c $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o 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message.h \ outputlist.h \ index.h \ outputgen.h \ section.h \ code.h \ util.h \ groupdef.h \ pagedef.h \ htags.h \ parserintf.h \ marshal.h \ store.h \ portable.h \ debug.h \ vhdldocgen.h \ layout.h \ arguments.h \ entry.h \ namespacedef.h \ filedef.h $(CXX) -c $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o ../objects/definition.o definition.cpp ../objects/diagram.o: diagram.cpp \ ftextstream.h \ diagram.h \ image.h \ classdef.h \ definition.h \ types.h \ config.h \ message.h \ util.h \ sortdict.h \ doxygen.h \ membergroup.h \ dirdef.h \ memberlist.h \ memberdef.h \ portable.h \ index.h \ classlist.h $(CXX) -c $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o ../objects/diagram.o diagram.cpp ../objects/dirdef.o: dirdef.cpp \ dirdef.h \ sortdict.h \ definition.h \ types.h \ filename.h \ filedef.h \ index.h \ memberlist.h \ memberdef.h \ doxygen.h \ ftextstream.h \ membergroup.h \ util.h \ outputlist.h \ outputgen.h \ section.h \ language.h \ translator.h \ classdef.h \ message.h \ dot.h \ layout.h \ config.h \ docparser.h \ 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namespacedef.h \ util.h $(CXX) -c $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o ../objects/docsets.o docsets.cpp ../objects/doctokenizer.o: doctokenizer.cpp $(CXX) -c $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o ../objects/doctokenizer.o doctokenizer.cpp ../objects/dot.o: dot.cpp \ dot.h \ sortdict.h \ doxygen.h \ ftextstream.h \ membergroup.h \ types.h \ dirdef.h \ definition.h \ memberlist.h \ memberdef.h \ message.h \ util.h \ config.h \ language.h \ translator.h \ classdef.h \ defargs.h \ docparser.h \ docvisitor.h \ htmlattrib.h \ debug.h \ pagedef.h \ portable.h \ vhdldocgen.h \ layout.h \ arguments.h \ entry.h \ groupdef.h \ classlist.h \ filename.h \ filedef.h \ index.h \ namespacedef.h $(CXX) -c $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o ../objects/dot.o dot.cpp ../objects/doxygen.o: doxygen.cpp \ version.h \ doxygen.h \ ftextstream.h \ sortdict.h \ membergroup.h \ types.h \ dirdef.h \ definition.h \ memberlist.h \ memberdef.h \ scanner.h \ parserintf.h \ entry.h \ index.h \ logos.h \ message.h \ config.h \ util.h \ pre.h \ tagreader.h \ dot.h \ msc.h \ docparser.h \ docvisitor.h \ htmlattrib.h \ outputlist.h \ outputgen.h \ section.h \ declinfo.h \ htmlgen.h \ latexgen.h \ mangen.h \ language.h \ translator.h \ classdef.h \ debug.h \ htmlhelp.h \ qhp.h \ qhpxmlwriter.h \ ftvhelp.h \ defargs.h \ rtfgen.h \ sqlite3gen.h \ xmlgen.h \ docbookgen.h \ defgen.h \ perlmodgen.h \ reflist.h \ pagedef.h \ bufstr.h \ commentcnv.h \ cmdmapper.h \ searchindex.h \ htags.h \ pyscanner.h \ fortranscanner.h \ dbusxmlscanner.h \ tclscanner.h \ code.h \ objcache.h \ store.h \ portable.h \ marshal.h \ vhdlscanner.h \ vhdldocgen.h \ layout.h \ arguments.h \ eclipsehelp.h \ cite.h \ filestorage.h \ markdown.h \ groupdef.h \ classlist.h \ namespacedef.h \ filedef.h \ filename.h \ membername.h \ docsets.h \ formula.h \ settings.h \ context.h \ template.h $(CXX) -c $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o ../objects/doxygen.o doxygen.cpp ../objects/eclipsehelp.o: eclipsehelp.cpp \ eclipsehelp.h \ index.h \ ftextstream.h \ util.h \ types.h \ sortdict.h \ config.h \ message.h \ doxygen.h \ membergroup.h \ dirdef.h \ definition.h \ memberlist.h \ memberdef.h $(CXX) -c $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o ../objects/eclipsehelp.o eclipsehelp.cpp ../objects/entry.o: entry.cpp \ entry.h \ types.h \ marshal.h \ sortdict.h \ store.h \ portable.h \ util.h \ section.h \ doxygen.h \ ftextstream.h \ membergroup.h \ dirdef.h \ definition.h \ memberlist.h \ memberdef.h \ filestorage.h \ arguments.h $(CXX) -c $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o ../objects/entry.o entry.cpp ../objects/filedef.o: filedef.cpp \ memberlist.h \ memberdef.h \ types.h \ definition.h \ sortdict.h \ classlist.h \ classdef.h \ filedef.h \ index.h \ doxygen.h \ ftextstream.h \ membergroup.h \ dirdef.h \ namespacedef.h \ util.h \ language.h \ translator.h \ outputlist.h \ outputgen.h \ section.h \ dot.h \ message.h \ docparser.h \ docvisitor.h \ htmlattrib.h \ searchindex.h \ htags.h \ parserintf.h \ portable.h \ vhdldocgen.h \ layout.h \ arguments.h \ entry.h \ debug.h \ groupdef.h \ filename.h \ config.h \ clangparser.h \ settings.h $(CXX) -c $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o ../objects/filedef.o filedef.cpp ../objects/filename.o: filename.cpp \ filename.h \ filedef.h \ index.h \ definition.h \ types.h \ sortdict.h \ memberlist.h \ memberdef.h \ util.h \ config.h \ ftextstream.h $(CXX) -c $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o ../objects/filename.o filename.cpp ../objects/formula.o: formula.cpp \ formula.h \ image.h \ util.h \ types.h \ sortdict.h \ message.h \ config.h \ ftextstream.h \ portable.h \ index.h \ doxygen.h \ membergroup.h \ dirdef.h \ definition.h \ memberlist.h \ memberdef.h $(CXX) -c $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o ../objects/formula.o formula.cpp ../objects/ftextstream.o: ftextstream.cpp \ ftextstream.h $(CXX) -c $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o ../objects/ftextstream.o ftextstream.cpp ../objects/ftvhelp.o: ftvhelp.cpp \ ftvhelp.h \ index.h \ config.h \ ftextstream.h \ message.h \ doxygen.h \ sortdict.h \ membergroup.h \ types.h \ dirdef.h \ definition.h \ memberlist.h \ memberdef.h \ language.h \ translator.h \ classdef.h \ htmlgen.h \ outputgen.h \ section.h \ layout.h \ pagedef.h \ docparser.h \ docvisitor.h \ htmlattrib.h \ htmldocvisitor.h \ filedef.h \ util.h $(CXX) -c $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o ../objects/ftvhelp.o ftvhelp.cpp ../objects/fortrancode.o: fortrancode.cpp $(CXX) -c $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o ../objects/fortrancode.o fortrancode.cpp ../objects/fortranscanner.o: fortranscanner.cpp $(CXX) -c $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o ../objects/fortranscanner.o fortranscanner.cpp ../objects/groupdef.o: groupdef.cpp \ groupdef.h \ sortdict.h \ definition.h \ types.h \ classdef.h \ filedef.h \ index.h \ memberlist.h \ memberdef.h \ classlist.h \ outputlist.h \ outputgen.h \ section.h \ ftextstream.h \ namespacedef.h \ language.h \ translator.h \ util.h \ message.h \ membergroup.h \ doxygen.h \ dirdef.h \ pagedef.h \ docparser.h \ docvisitor.h \ htmlattrib.h \ searchindex.h \ dot.h \ vhdldocgen.h \ layout.h \ arguments.h \ entry.h \ membername.h \ config.h $(CXX) -c $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o ../objects/groupdef.o groupdef.cpp ../objects/htags.o: htags.cpp \ htags.h \ util.h \ types.h \ sortdict.h \ message.h \ config.h \ ftextstream.h \ portable.h $(CXX) -c $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o ../objects/htags.o htags.cpp ../objects/htmldocvisitor.o: htmldocvisitor.cpp \ htmldocvisitor.h \ docvisitor.h \ docparser.h \ htmlattrib.h \ language.h \ translator.h \ classdef.h \ definition.h \ types.h \ doxygen.h \ ftextstream.h \ sortdict.h \ membergroup.h \ dirdef.h \ memberlist.h \ memberdef.h \ outputgen.h \ index.h \ section.h \ dot.h \ message.h \ config.h \ htmlgen.h \ parserintf.h \ msc.h \ dia.h \ util.h \ vhdldocgen.h \ layout.h \ arguments.h \ entry.h \ filedef.h $(CXX) -c $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o ../objects/htmldocvisitor.o htmldocvisitor.cpp ../objects/htmlgen.o: htmlgen.cpp \ message.h \ htmlgen.h \ outputgen.h \ index.h \ section.h \ sortdict.h \ ftextstream.h \ config.h \ util.h \ types.h \ doxygen.h \ membergroup.h \ dirdef.h \ definition.h \ memberlist.h \ memberdef.h \ logos.h \ diagram.h \ version.h \ dot.h \ language.h \ translator.h \ classdef.h \ htmlhelp.h \ docparser.h \ docvisitor.h \ htmlattrib.h \ htmldocvisitor.h \ searchindex.h \ pagedef.h \ debug.h \ vhdldocgen.h \ layout.h \ arguments.h \ entry.h \ image.h \ ftvhelp.h \ bufstr.h $(CXX) -c $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o ../objects/htmlgen.o htmlgen.cpp ../objects/htmlhelp.o: htmlhelp.cpp \ sortdict.h \ htmlhelp.h \ index.h \ ftextstream.h \ config.h \ message.h \ doxygen.h \ membergroup.h \ types.h \ dirdef.h \ definition.h \ memberlist.h \ memberdef.h \ language.h \ translator.h \ classdef.h \ portable.h \ groupdef.h \ filedef.h $(CXX) -c $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o ../objects/htmlhelp.o htmlhelp.cpp ../objects/image.o: image.cpp \ image.h \ lodepng.h \ config.h \ ftextstream.h $(CXX) -c $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o ../objects/image.o image.cpp ../objects/index.o: index.cpp \ message.h \ index.h \ doxygen.h \ ftextstream.h \ sortdict.h \ membergroup.h \ types.h \ dirdef.h \ definition.h \ memberlist.h \ memberdef.h \ config.h \ filedef.h \ outputlist.h \ outputgen.h \ section.h \ util.h \ groupdef.h \ language.h \ translator.h \ classdef.h \ htmlgen.h \ htmlhelp.h \ ftvhelp.h \ dot.h \ pagedef.h \ vhdldocgen.h \ layout.h \ arguments.h \ entry.h \ classlist.h \ namespacedef.h \ filename.h $(CXX) -c $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o ../objects/index.o index.cpp ../objects/language.o: language.cpp \ message.h \ config.h \ ftextstream.h \ util.h \ types.h \ sortdict.h \ language.h \ translator.h \ classdef.h \ definition.h \ lang_cfg.h \ translator_en.h \ translator_adapter.h \ version.h \ translator_nl.h \ translator_am.h \ translator_sv.h \ translator_cz.h \ translator_fr.h \ translator_id.h \ translator_it.h \ translator_de.h \ translator_jp.h \ translator_je.h \ translator_es.h \ translator_eo.h \ translator_fi.h \ translator_ru.h \ translator_hr.h \ translator_pl.h \ translator_pt.h \ translator_hu.h \ translator_ke.h \ translator_kr.h \ translator_ro.h \ translator_si.h \ translator_cn.h \ translator_tw.h \ translator_no.h \ translator_br.h \ translator_dk.h \ translator_sk.h \ translator_ua.h \ translator_gr.h \ translator_sr.h \ translator_ca.h \ translator_lt.h \ translator_lv.h \ translator_za.h \ translator_ar.h \ translator_fa.h \ translator_mk.h \ translator_sc.h \ translator_vi.h \ translator_tr.h $(CXX) -c $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o ../objects/language.o language.cpp ../objects/latexdocvisitor.o: latexdocvisitor.cpp \ htmlattrib.h \ latexdocvisitor.h \ docvisitor.h \ docparser.h \ language.h \ translator.h \ classdef.h \ definition.h \ types.h \ doxygen.h \ ftextstream.h \ sortdict.h \ membergroup.h \ dirdef.h \ memberlist.h \ memberdef.h \ outputgen.h \ index.h \ section.h \ dot.h \ util.h \ message.h \ parserintf.h \ msc.h \ dia.h \ cite.h \ filedef.h \ config.h $(CXX) -c $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o ../objects/latexdocvisitor.o latexdocvisitor.cpp ../objects/latexgen.o: latexgen.cpp \ latexgen.h \ outputgen.h \ index.h \ section.h \ sortdict.h \ ftextstream.h \ config.h \ message.h \ doxygen.h \ membergroup.h \ types.h \ dirdef.h \ definition.h \ memberlist.h \ memberdef.h \ util.h \ diagram.h \ language.h \ translator.h \ classdef.h \ version.h \ dot.h \ pagedef.h \ docparser.h \ docvisitor.h \ htmlattrib.h \ latexdocvisitor.h \ cite.h \ groupdef.h \ classlist.h \ namespacedef.h \ filedef.h \ filename.h $(CXX) -c $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o ../objects/latexgen.o latexgen.cpp ../objects/layout.o: layout.cpp \ layout.h \ types.h \ message.h \ language.h \ translator.h \ classdef.h \ definition.h \ vhdldocgen.h \ arguments.h \ entry.h \ util.h \ sortdict.h \ doxygen.h \ ftextstream.h \ membergroup.h \ dirdef.h \ memberlist.h \ memberdef.h \ version.h \ config.h $(CXX) -c $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o ../objects/layout.o layout.cpp ../objects/lodepng.o: lodepng.cpp \ lodepng.h \ portable.h $(CXX) -c $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o ../objects/lodepng.o lodepng.cpp ../objects/logos.o: logos.cpp $(CXX) -c $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o ../objects/logos.o logos.cpp ../objects/mandocvisitor.o: mandocvisitor.cpp \ mandocvisitor.h \ docvisitor.h \ docparser.h \ htmlattrib.h \ language.h \ translator.h \ classdef.h \ definition.h \ types.h \ doxygen.h \ ftextstream.h \ sortdict.h \ membergroup.h \ dirdef.h \ memberlist.h \ memberdef.h \ outputgen.h \ index.h \ section.h \ code.h \ dot.h \ util.h \ message.h \ parserintf.h \ filedef.h $(CXX) -c $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o ../objects/mandocvisitor.o mandocvisitor.cpp ../objects/mangen.o: mangen.cpp \ message.h \ mangen.h \ outputgen.h \ index.h \ section.h \ sortdict.h \ ftextstream.h \ config.h \ util.h \ types.h \ doxygen.h \ membergroup.h \ dirdef.h \ definition.h \ memberlist.h \ memberdef.h \ docparser.h \ docvisitor.h \ htmlattrib.h \ mandocvisitor.h \ language.h \ translator.h \ classdef.h $(CXX) -c $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o ../objects/mangen.o mangen.cpp ../objects/sqlite3gen.o: sqlite3gen.cpp \ settings.h \ message.h \ qtbc.h \ sqlite3gen.h \ doxygen.h \ ftextstream.h \ sortdict.h \ membergroup.h \ types.h \ dirdef.h \ definition.h \ memberlist.h \ memberdef.h \ config.h \ util.h \ docparser.h \ docvisitor.h \ htmlattrib.h \ language.h \ translator.h \ classdef.h \ dot.h \ arguments.h \ classlist.h \ filedef.h \ index.h \ namespacedef.h \ filename.h \ groupdef.h \ pagedef.h $(CXX) -c $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o ../objects/sqlite3gen.o sqlite3gen.cpp ../objects/markdown.o: markdown.cpp \ markdown.h \ parserintf.h \ types.h \ growbuf.h \ debug.h \ util.h \ sortdict.h \ doxygen.h \ ftextstream.h \ membergroup.h \ dirdef.h \ definition.h \ memberlist.h \ memberdef.h \ commentscan.h \ entry.h \ bufstr.h \ commentcnv.h \ config.h \ section.h $(CXX) -c $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o ../objects/markdown.o markdown.cpp ../objects/marshal.o: marshal.cpp \ sortdict.h \ marshal.h \ store.h \ portable.h \ entry.h \ types.h \ section.h \ memberlist.h \ memberdef.h \ definition.h \ groupdef.h \ example.h \ arguments.h $(CXX) -c $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o ../objects/marshal.o marshal.cpp ../objects/memberdef.o: memberdef.cpp \ memberdef.h \ types.h \ definition.h \ membername.h \ sortdict.h \ doxygen.h \ ftextstream.h \ membergroup.h \ dirdef.h \ memberlist.h \ util.h \ code.h \ message.h \ htmlhelp.h \ index.h \ language.h \ translator.h \ classdef.h \ outputlist.h \ outputgen.h \ section.h \ example.h \ groupdef.h \ defargs.h \ docparser.h \ docvisitor.h \ htmlattrib.h \ dot.h \ searchindex.h \ parserintf.h \ marshal.h \ store.h \ portable.h \ objcache.h \ vhdlscanner.h \ vhdldocgen.h \ layout.h \ arguments.h \ entry.h \ namespacedef.h \ filedef.h \ config.h $(CXX) -c $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o ../objects/memberdef.o memberdef.cpp ../objects/membergroup.o: membergroup.cpp \ membergroup.h \ sortdict.h \ types.h \ memberlist.h \ memberdef.h \ definition.h \ outputlist.h \ index.h \ outputgen.h \ section.h \ ftextstream.h \ util.h \ classdef.h \ namespacedef.h \ filedef.h \ language.h \ translator.h \ groupdef.h \ doxygen.h \ dirdef.h \ docparser.h \ docvisitor.h \ htmlattrib.h \ marshal.h \ store.h \ portable.h \ entry.h $(CXX) -c $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o ../objects/membergroup.o membergroup.cpp ../objects/memberlist.o: memberlist.cpp \ memberlist.h \ memberdef.h \ types.h \ definition.h \ sortdict.h \ classdef.h \ message.h \ util.h \ language.h \ translator.h \ doxygen.h \ ftextstream.h \ membergroup.h \ dirdef.h \ outputlist.h \ index.h \ outputgen.h \ section.h \ groupdef.h \ marshal.h \ store.h \ portable.h \ vhdldocgen.h \ layout.h \ arguments.h \ entry.h \ namespacedef.h \ filedef.h \ config.h \ docparser.h \ docvisitor.h \ htmlattrib.h $(CXX) -c $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o ../objects/memberlist.o memberlist.cpp ../objects/membername.o: membername.cpp \ membername.h \ memberdef.h \ types.h \ definition.h \ sortdict.h \ classdef.h \ util.h \ filedef.h \ index.h \ memberlist.h $(CXX) -c $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o ../objects/membername.o membername.cpp ../objects/message.o: message.cpp \ config.h \ ftextstream.h \ util.h \ types.h \ sortdict.h \ debug.h \ doxygen.h \ membergroup.h \ dirdef.h \ definition.h \ memberlist.h \ memberdef.h \ portable.h \ filedef.h \ index.h \ message.h $(CXX) -c $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o ../objects/message.o message.cpp ../objects/msc.o: msc.cpp \ msc.h \ portable.h \ config.h \ ftextstream.h \ message.h \ docparser.h \ docvisitor.h \ htmlattrib.h \ doxygen.h \ sortdict.h \ membergroup.h \ types.h \ dirdef.h \ definition.h \ memberlist.h \ memberdef.h \ util.h $(CXX) -c $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o ../objects/msc.o msc.cpp ../objects/dia.o: dia.cpp \ dia.h \ portable.h \ config.h \ ftextstream.h \ message.h \ util.h \ types.h \ sortdict.h $(CXX) -c $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o ../objects/dia.o dia.cpp ../objects/namespacedef.o: namespacedef.cpp \ namespacedef.h \ sortdict.h \ definition.h \ types.h \ filedef.h \ index.h \ memberlist.h \ memberdef.h \ outputlist.h \ outputgen.h \ section.h \ ftextstream.h \ util.h \ language.h \ translator.h \ classdef.h \ classlist.h \ doxygen.h \ membergroup.h \ dirdef.h \ message.h \ docparser.h \ docvisitor.h \ htmlattrib.h \ searchindex.h \ vhdldocgen.h \ layout.h \ arguments.h \ entry.h \ config.h $(CXX) -c $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o ../objects/namespacedef.o namespacedef.cpp ../objects/objcache.o: objcache.cpp \ objcache.h $(CXX) -c $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o ../objects/objcache.o objcache.cpp ../objects/outputgen.o: outputgen.cpp \ outputgen.h \ index.h \ section.h \ sortdict.h \ ftextstream.h \ message.h \ portable.h $(CXX) -c $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o ../objects/outputgen.o outputgen.cpp ../objects/outputlist.o: outputlist.cpp \ outputlist.h \ index.h \ outputgen.h \ section.h \ sortdict.h \ ftextstream.h \ config.h \ message.h \ definition.h \ types.h \ docparser.h \ docvisitor.h \ htmlattrib.h \ vhdldocgen.h \ layout.h \ arguments.h \ entry.h $(CXX) -c $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o ../objects/outputlist.o outputlist.cpp ../objects/pagedef.o: pagedef.cpp \ pagedef.h \ definition.h \ types.h \ sortdict.h \ groupdef.h \ docparser.h \ docvisitor.h \ htmlattrib.h \ config.h \ ftextstream.h \ util.h \ outputlist.h \ index.h \ outputgen.h \ section.h \ doxygen.h \ membergroup.h \ dirdef.h \ memberlist.h \ memberdef.h \ language.h \ translator.h \ classdef.h \ namespacedef.h \ filedef.h \ reflist.h $(CXX) -c $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o ../objects/pagedef.o pagedef.cpp ../objects/perlmodgen.o: perlmodgen.cpp \ perlmodgen.h \ docparser.h \ docvisitor.h \ htmlattrib.h \ message.h \ doxygen.h \ ftextstream.h \ sortdict.h \ membergroup.h \ types.h \ dirdef.h \ definition.h \ memberlist.h \ memberdef.h \ pagedef.h \ arguments.h \ config.h \ groupdef.h \ classdef.h \ classlist.h \ filename.h \ filedef.h \ index.h \ membername.h \ namespacedef.h \ section.h $(CXX) -c $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o ../objects/perlmodgen.o perlmodgen.cpp ../objects/pre.o: pre.cpp $(CXX) -c $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o ../objects/pre.o pre.cpp ../objects/pycode.o: pycode.cpp $(CXX) -c $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o ../objects/pycode.o pycode.cpp ../objects/pyscanner.o: pyscanner.cpp $(CXX) -c $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o ../objects/pyscanner.o pyscanner.cpp ../objects/qhp.o: qhp.cpp \ qhp.h \ index.h \ qhpxmlwriter.h \ ftextstream.h \ message.h \ config.h \ memberdef.h \ types.h \ definition.h \ groupdef.h \ sortdict.h \ doxygen.h \ membergroup.h \ dirdef.h \ memberlist.h \ filedef.h $(CXX) -c $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o ../objects/qhp.o qhp.cpp ../objects/qhpxmlwriter.o: qhpxmlwriter.cpp \ qhpxmlwriter.h \ ftextstream.h \ util.h \ types.h \ sortdict.h $(CXX) -c $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o ../objects/qhpxmlwriter.o qhpxmlwriter.cpp ../objects/reflist.o: reflist.cpp \ reflist.h \ sortdict.h \ util.h \ types.h \ ftextstream.h $(CXX) -c $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o ../objects/reflist.o reflist.cpp ../objects/rtfdocvisitor.o: rtfdocvisitor.cpp \ rtfdocvisitor.h \ docvisitor.h \ docparser.h \ htmlattrib.h \ language.h \ translator.h \ classdef.h \ definition.h \ types.h \ doxygen.h \ ftextstream.h \ sortdict.h \ membergroup.h \ dirdef.h \ memberlist.h \ memberdef.h \ outputgen.h \ index.h \ section.h \ dot.h \ msc.h \ util.h \ rtfstyle.h \ message.h \ parserintf.h \ dia.h \ filedef.h \ config.h $(CXX) -c $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o ../objects/rtfdocvisitor.o rtfdocvisitor.cpp ../objects/rtfgen.o: rtfgen.cpp \ rtfgen.h \ outputgen.h \ index.h \ section.h \ sortdict.h \ ftextstream.h \ config.h \ message.h \ doxygen.h \ membergroup.h \ types.h \ dirdef.h \ definition.h \ memberlist.h \ memberdef.h \ util.h \ diagram.h \ language.h \ translator.h \ classdef.h \ dot.h \ version.h \ pagedef.h \ rtfstyle.h \ rtfdocvisitor.h \ docvisitor.h \ docparser.h \ htmlattrib.h \ vhdldocgen.h \ layout.h \ arguments.h \ entry.h \ portable.h \ groupdef.h \ classlist.h \ filename.h \ filedef.h \ namespacedef.h $(CXX) -c $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o ../objects/rtfgen.o rtfgen.cpp ../objects/rtfstyle.o: rtfstyle.cpp \ rtfstyle.h \ message.h $(CXX) -c $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o ../objects/rtfstyle.o rtfstyle.cpp ../objects/scanner.o: scanner.cpp $(CXX) -c $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o ../objects/scanner.o scanner.cpp ../objects/searchindex.o: searchindex.cpp \ searchindex.h \ config.h \ ftextstream.h \ util.h \ types.h \ sortdict.h \ doxygen.h \ membergroup.h \ dirdef.h \ definition.h \ memberlist.h \ memberdef.h \ language.h \ translator.h \ classdef.h \ pagedef.h \ growbuf.h \ message.h \ version.h \ groupdef.h \ classlist.h \ filedef.h \ index.h \ filename.h \ membername.h \ namespacedef.h $(CXX) -c $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o ../objects/searchindex.o searchindex.cpp ../objects/store.o: store.cpp \ store.h \ portable.h $(CXX) -c $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o ../objects/store.o store.cpp ../objects/tagreader.o: tagreader.cpp \ tagreader.h \ entry.h \ types.h \ classdef.h \ definition.h \ doxygen.h \ ftextstream.h \ sortdict.h \ membergroup.h \ dirdef.h \ memberlist.h \ memberdef.h \ util.h \ message.h \ defargs.h \ arguments.h \ filedef.h \ index.h \ filename.h \ section.h $(CXX) -c $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o ../objects/tagreader.o tagreader.cpp ../objects/tclscanner.o: tclscanner.cpp $(CXX) -c $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o ../objects/tclscanner.o tclscanner.cpp ../objects/template.o: template.cpp \ template.h \ sortdict.h \ ftextstream.h \ message.h \ util.h \ types.h $(CXX) -c $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o ../objects/template.o template.cpp ../objects/textdocvisitor.o: textdocvisitor.cpp \ textdocvisitor.h \ docvisitor.h \ docparser.h \ htmlattrib.h \ ftextstream.h \ message.h $(CXX) -c $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o ../objects/textdocvisitor.o textdocvisitor.cpp ../objects/tooltip.o: tooltip.cpp \ tooltip.h \ definition.h \ types.h \ outputgen.h \ index.h \ section.h \ sortdict.h \ ftextstream.h \ util.h \ filedef.h \ memberlist.h \ memberdef.h \ doxygen.h \ membergroup.h \ dirdef.h \ config.h $(CXX) -c $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o ../objects/tooltip.o tooltip.cpp ../objects/util.o: util.cpp \ util.h \ types.h \ sortdict.h \ message.h \ classdef.h \ definition.h \ filedef.h \ index.h \ memberlist.h \ memberdef.h \ doxygen.h \ ftextstream.h \ membergroup.h \ dirdef.h \ outputlist.h \ outputgen.h \ section.h \ defargs.h \ language.h \ translator.h \ config.h \ htmlhelp.h \ example.h \ version.h \ groupdef.h \ reflist.h \ pagedef.h \ debug.h \ searchindex.h \ textdocvisitor.h \ docvisitor.h \ docparser.h \ htmlattrib.h \ portable.h \ parserintf.h \ bufstr.h \ image.h \ growbuf.h \ entry.h \ arguments.h \ classlist.h \ namespacedef.h \ membername.h \ filename.h $(CXX) -c $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o ../objects/util.o util.cpp ../objects/version.o: version.cpp $(CXX) -c $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o ../objects/version.o version.cpp ../objects/vhdlcode.o: vhdlcode.cpp $(CXX) -c $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o ../objects/vhdlcode.o vhdlcode.cpp ../objects/vhdldocgen.o: vhdldocgen.cpp \ vhdldocgen.h \ layout.h \ types.h \ arguments.h \ entry.h \ message.h \ config.h \ ftextstream.h \ doxygen.h \ sortdict.h \ membergroup.h \ dirdef.h \ definition.h \ memberlist.h \ memberdef.h \ util.h \ language.h \ translator.h \ classdef.h \ commentscan.h \ index.h \ searchindex.h \ outputlist.h \ outputgen.h \ section.h \ parserintf.h \ vhdlscanner.h \ portable.h \ groupdef.h \ classlist.h \ namespacedef.h \ filedef.h \ filename.h $(CXX) -c $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o ../objects/vhdldocgen.o vhdldocgen.cpp ../objects/vhdlparser.o: vhdlparser.cpp $(CXX) -c $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o ../objects/vhdlparser.o vhdlparser.cpp ../objects/vhdlscanner.o: vhdlscanner.cpp $(CXX) -c $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o ../objects/vhdlscanner.o vhdlscanner.cpp ../objects/xmldocvisitor.o: xmldocvisitor.cpp \ xmldocvisitor.h \ docvisitor.h \ docparser.h \ htmlattrib.h \ language.h \ translator.h \ classdef.h \ definition.h \ types.h \ doxygen.h \ ftextstream.h \ sortdict.h \ membergroup.h \ dirdef.h \ memberlist.h \ memberdef.h \ outputgen.h \ index.h \ section.h \ xmlgen.h \ dot.h \ message.h \ util.h \ parserintf.h \ filename.h \ filedef.h \ config.h $(CXX) -c $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o ../objects/xmldocvisitor.o xmldocvisitor.cpp ../objects/xmlgen.o: xmlgen.cpp \ xmlgen.h \ doxygen.h \ ftextstream.h \ sortdict.h \ membergroup.h \ types.h \ dirdef.h \ definition.h \ memberlist.h \ memberdef.h \ message.h \ config.h \ classlist.h \ classdef.h \ util.h \ defargs.h \ outputgen.h \ index.h \ section.h \ dot.h \ pagedef.h \ filename.h \ filedef.h \ version.h \ xmldocvisitor.h \ docvisitor.h \ docparser.h \ htmlattrib.h \ language.h \ translator.h \ parserintf.h \ arguments.h \ groupdef.h \ namespacedef.h \ membername.h $(CXX) -c $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o ../objects/xmlgen.o xmlgen.cpp ../objects/docbookvisitor.o: docbookvisitor.cpp \ docbookvisitor.h \ docvisitor.h \ docparser.h \ htmlattrib.h \ language.h \ translator.h \ classdef.h \ definition.h \ types.h \ doxygen.h \ ftextstream.h \ sortdict.h \ membergroup.h \ dirdef.h \ memberlist.h \ memberdef.h \ outputgen.h \ index.h \ section.h \ docbookgen.h \ dot.h \ message.h \ util.h \ parserintf.h \ filename.h \ filedef.h \ config.h \ msc.h \ dia.h $(CXX) -c $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o ../objects/docbookvisitor.o docbookvisitor.cpp ../objects/docbookgen.o: docbookgen.cpp \ docbookgen.h \ doxygen.h \ ftextstream.h \ sortdict.h \ membergroup.h \ types.h \ dirdef.h \ definition.h \ memberlist.h \ memberdef.h \ message.h \ config.h \ classlist.h \ classdef.h \ util.h \ defargs.h \ outputgen.h \ index.h \ section.h \ dot.h \ pagedef.h \ filename.h \ filedef.h \ version.h \ docbookvisitor.h \ docvisitor.h \ docparser.h \ htmlattrib.h \ language.h \ translator.h \ parserintf.h \ arguments.h \ groupdef.h \ namespacedef.h \ membername.h $(CXX) -c $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o ../objects/docbookgen.o docbookgen.cpp LEX = /vols/escience01/martynia/MAUS-v0.9.5/third_party/install/bin/flex YACC = /usr/bin/bison PYTHON = /vols/escience01/martynia/MAUS-v0.9.5/third_party/install/bin/python PERL = %%PERL%% INCBUFSIZE = $(PYTHON) increasebuffer.py #################### scanner.cpp: scanner.l \ scanner.h \ parserintf.h \ types.h \ entry.h \ message.h \ config.h \ ftextstream.h \ doxygen.h \ sortdict.h \ membergroup.h \ dirdef.h \ definition.h \ memberlist.h \ memberdef.h \ util.h \ defargs.h \ language.h \ translator.h \ classdef.h \ commentscan.h \ code.h \ arguments.h \ clangparser.h $(LEX) -PscannerYY -t scanner.l | $(INCBUFSIZE) >scanner.cpp code.cpp: code.l \ entry.h \ types.h \ doxygen.h \ ftextstream.h \ sortdict.h \ membergroup.h \ dirdef.h \ definition.h \ memberlist.h \ memberdef.h \ message.h \ outputlist.h \ index.h \ outputgen.h \ section.h \ util.h \ membername.h \ searchindex.h \ arguments.h \ config.h \ groupdef.h \ classlist.h \ classdef.h \ filedef.h \ filename.h \ namespacedef.h \ tooltip.h $(LEX) -PcodeYY -t code.l | $(INCBUFSIZE) >code.cpp pyscanner.cpp: pyscanner.l \ pyscanner.h \ parserintf.h \ types.h \ entry.h \ message.h \ config.h \ ftextstream.h \ doxygen.h \ sortdict.h \ membergroup.h \ dirdef.h \ definition.h \ memberlist.h \ memberdef.h \ util.h \ defargs.h \ language.h \ translator.h \ classdef.h \ commentscan.h \ pycode.h \ arguments.h $(LEX) -PpyscannerYY -t pyscanner.l | $(INCBUFSIZE) >pyscanner.cpp pycode.cpp: pycode.l \ pycode.h \ types.h \ message.h \ scanner.h \ parserintf.h \ entry.h \ doxygen.h \ ftextstream.h \ sortdict.h \ membergroup.h \ dirdef.h \ definition.h \ memberlist.h \ memberdef.h \ outputlist.h \ index.h \ outputgen.h \ section.h \ util.h \ membername.h \ searchindex.h \ config.h \ groupdef.h \ classlist.h \ classdef.h \ filedef.h \ namespacedef.h \ tooltip.h $(LEX) -PpycodeYY -t pycode.l | $(INCBUFSIZE) >pycode.cpp fortranscanner.cpp: fortranscanner.l \ fortranscanner.h \ parserintf.h \ types.h \ entry.h \ message.h \ config.h \ ftextstream.h \ doxygen.h \ sortdict.h \ membergroup.h \ dirdef.h \ definition.h \ memberlist.h \ memberdef.h \ util.h \ defargs.h \ language.h \ translator.h \ classdef.h \ commentscan.h \ fortrancode.h \ pre.h \ arguments.h $(LEX) -i -PfortranscannerYY -t fortranscanner.l | $(INCBUFSIZE) >fortranscanner.cpp fortrancode.cpp: fortrancode.l \ entry.h \ types.h \ doxygen.h \ ftextstream.h \ sortdict.h \ membergroup.h \ dirdef.h \ definition.h \ memberlist.h \ memberdef.h \ message.h \ outputlist.h \ index.h \ outputgen.h \ section.h \ util.h \ membername.h \ searchindex.h \ defargs.h \ config.h \ groupdef.h \ classlist.h \ classdef.h \ filedef.h \ namespacedef.h \ tooltip.h $(LEX) -i -PfortrancodeYY -t fortrancode.l | $(INCBUFSIZE) >fortrancode.cpp vhdlcode.cpp: vhdlcode.l \ entry.h \ types.h \ doxygen.h \ ftextstream.h \ sortdict.h \ membergroup.h \ dirdef.h \ definition.h \ memberlist.h \ memberdef.h \ message.h \ outputlist.h \ index.h \ outputgen.h \ section.h \ util.h \ membername.h \ searchindex.h \ vhdldocgen.h \ layout.h \ arguments.h \ config.h \ classdef.h \ filedef.h \ tooltip.h $(LEX) -i -PvhdlcodeYY -t vhdlcode.l | $(INCBUFSIZE) >vhdlcode.cpp tclscanner.cpp: tclscanner.l \ entry.h \ types.h \ message.h \ config.h \ ftextstream.h \ doxygen.h \ sortdict.h \ membergroup.h \ dirdef.h \ definition.h \ memberlist.h \ memberdef.h \ util.h \ defargs.h \ language.h \ translator.h \ classdef.h \ commentscan.h \ pre.h \ tclscanner.h \ parserintf.h \ outputlist.h \ index.h \ outputgen.h \ section.h \ membername.h \ searchindex.h \ commentcnv.h \ bufstr.h \ portable.h \ arguments.h \ namespacedef.h \ filedef.h $(LEX) -i -PtclscannerYY -t tclscanner.l | $(INCBUFSIZE) >tclscanner.cpp pre.cpp: pre.l \ pre.h \ constexp.h \ cppvalue.h \ define.h \ doxygen.h \ ftextstream.h \ sortdict.h \ membergroup.h \ types.h \ dirdef.h \ definition.h \ memberlist.h \ memberdef.h \ message.h \ util.h \ defargs.h \ debug.h \ bufstr.h \ portable.h \ arguments.h \ entry.h \ condparser.h \ config.h \ filedef.h \ index.h \ membername.h $(LEX) -PpreYY -t pre.l | $(INCBUFSIZE) >pre.cpp declinfo.cpp: declinfo.l \ declinfo.h \ util.h \ types.h \ sortdict.h \ message.h $(LEX) -PdeclinfoYY -t declinfo.l | $(INCBUFSIZE) >declinfo.cpp defargs.cpp: defargs.l \ defargs.h \ entry.h \ types.h \ util.h \ sortdict.h \ arguments.h \ message.h $(LEX) -PdefargsYY -t defargs.l | $(INCBUFSIZE) >defargs.cpp doctokenizer.cpp: doctokenizer.l \ doctokenizer.h \ htmlattrib.h \ cmdmapper.h \ config.h \ ftextstream.h \ message.h \ section.h \ sortdict.h \ membergroup.h \ types.h \ definition.h \ doxygen.h \ dirdef.h \ memberlist.h \ memberdef.h \ portable.h $(LEX) -PdoctokenizerYY -t doctokenizer.l | $(INCBUFSIZE) >doctokenizer.cpp commentcnv.cpp: commentcnv.l \ bufstr.h \ debug.h \ message.h \ config.h \ ftextstream.h \ doxygen.h \ sortdict.h \ membergroup.h \ types.h \ dirdef.h \ definition.h \ memberlist.h \ memberdef.h \ util.h \ condparser.h $(LEX) -PcommentcnvYY -t commentcnv.l | $(INCBUFSIZE) >commentcnv.cpp commentscan.cpp: commentscan.l \ scanner.h \ parserintf.h \ types.h \ entry.h \ doxygen.h \ ftextstream.h \ sortdict.h \ membergroup.h \ dirdef.h \ definition.h \ memberlist.h \ memberdef.h \ message.h \ config.h \ util.h \ index.h \ defargs.h \ language.h \ translator.h \ classdef.h \ outputlist.h \ outputgen.h \ section.h \ reflist.h \ debug.h \ cite.h \ markdown.h \ condparser.h \ formula.h $(LEX) -PcommentscanYY -t commentscan.l | $(INCBUFSIZE) >commentscan.cpp constexp.cpp: constexp.l \ ce_parse.h \ constexp.h \ cppvalue.h \ message.h $(LEX) -PconstexpYY -t constexp.l | $(INCBUFSIZE) >constexp.cpp ce_parse.cpp: constexp.y \ cppvalue.h \ constexp.h \ message.h $(YACC) -l -p constexpYY constexp.y -o ce_parse.cpp ce_parse.h: constexp.y \ cppvalue.h \ constexp.h \ message.h $(YACC) -l -d -p ce_parsexpYY constexp.y -o ce_parse.c -rm ce_parse.c vhdlscanner.cpp: vhdlscanner.l \ vhdlparser.h \ commentscan.h \ types.h \ vhdlscanner.h \ parserintf.h \ vhdldocgen.h \ layout.h \ arguments.h \ entry.h \ doxygen.h \ ftextstream.h \ sortdict.h \ membergroup.h \ dirdef.h \ definition.h \ memberlist.h \ memberdef.h \ searchindex.h \ scanner.h \ util.h \ bufstr.h \ message.h \ vhdlcode.h \ config.h $(LEX) -i -PvhdlscannerYY -t vhdlscanner.l | $(INCBUFSIZE) >vhdlscanner.cpp vhdlparser.cpp: vhdlparser.y \ config.h \ ftextstream.h \ membergroup.h \ sortdict.h \ types.h \ vhdldocgen.h \ layout.h \ arguments.h \ entry.h \ doxygen.h \ dirdef.h \ definition.h \ memberlist.h \ memberdef.h \ searchindex.h \ vhdlscanner.h \ parserintf.h \ commentscan.h $(YACC) -l -p vhdlscannerYY vhdlparser.y -o vhdlparser.cpp vhdlparser.h: vhdlparser.y \ config.h \ ftextstream.h \ membergroup.h \ sortdict.h \ types.h \ vhdldocgen.h \ layout.h \ arguments.h \ entry.h \ doxygen.h \ dirdef.h \ definition.h \ memberlist.h \ memberdef.h \ searchindex.h \ vhdlscanner.h \ parserintf.h \ commentscan.h $(YACC) -l -d -p vhdlscannerYY vhdlparser.y -o vhdlparser.c -rm vhdlparser.c layout.cpp: layout_default.xml.h TO_C_CMD=$(PYTHON) to_c_cmd.py < $< > $@ cite.cpp: doxygen.bst.h bib2xhtml.pl.h ftvhelp.cpp: navtree.js.h resize.js.h navtree.css.h htmlgen.cpp: header.html.h footer.html.h doxygen.css.h search_functions.php.h \ search_opensearch.php.h search.css.h jquery_p1.js.h jquery_p2.js.h \ jquery_p3.js.h jquery_ui.js.h jquery_fx.js.h jquery_pt.js.h \ svgpan.js.h dynsections.js.h extsearch.js.h layout.cpp: layout_default.xml.h xmlgen.cpp: index.xsd.h compound.xsd.h latexgen.cpp: doxygen.sty.h searchindex.cpp: search.js.h index.xsd.h: index.xsd $(TO_C_CMD) compound.xsd.h: compound.xsd $(TO_C_CMD) layout_default.xml.h: layout_default.xml $(TO_C_CMD) header.html.h: header.html $(TO_C_CMD) footer.html.h: footer.html $(TO_C_CMD) search_functions.php.h: search_functions.php $(TO_C_CMD) search_opensearch.php.h: search_opensearch.php $(TO_C_CMD) search.js.h: search.js $(TO_C_CMD) search.css.h: search.css $(TO_C_CMD) extsearch.js.h: extsearch.js $(TO_C_CMD) doxygen.css.h: doxygen.css $(TO_C_CMD) doxygen.sty.h: doxygen.sty $(TO_C_CMD) navtree.js.h: navtree.js $(TO_C_CMD) resize.js.h: resize.js $(TO_C_CMD) jquery_p1.js.h: jquery_p1.js $(TO_C_CMD) jquery_p2.js.h: jquery_p2.js $(TO_C_CMD) jquery_p3.js.h: jquery_p3.js $(TO_C_CMD) jquery_ui.js.h: jquery_ui.js $(TO_C_CMD) jquery_fx.js.h: jquery_fx.js $(TO_C_CMD) jquery_pt.js.h: jquery_pt.js $(TO_C_CMD) navtree.css.h: navtree.css $(TO_C_CMD) svgpan.js.h: svgpan.js $(TO_C_CMD) dynsections.js.h: dynsections.js $(TO_C_CMD) doxygen.bst.h: doxygen.bst $(TO_C_CMD) bib2xhtml.pl.h: bib2xhtml.pl $(TO_C_CMD) version.cpp: ../configure $(PYTHON) version.py HEADERS += translator_am.h translator_ar.h translator_br.h translator_ca.h translator_cn.h translator_cz.h translator_de.h translator_dk.h translator_en.h translator_eo.h translator_es.h translator_fa.h translator_fi.h translator_fr.h translator_gr.h translator_hr.h translator_hu.h translator_id.h translator_it.h translator_je.h translator_jp.h translator_ke.h translator_kr.h translator_lt.h translator_lv.h translator_mk.h translator_nl.h translator_no.h translator_pl.h translator_pt.h translator_ro.h translator_ru.h translator_sc.h translator_si.h translator_sk.h translator_sr.h translator_sv.h translator_tr.h translator_tw.h translator_ua.h translator_vi.h translator_za.h