#!/bin/sh # # $Id: roots.in 48991 2013-03-28 15:25:11Z rdm $ # # # Template for the 'roots.sh' script. # In case of problems with 'ssh' not executing the relevant rc init # script, an ad hoc version of this script can be put, for example, under # $HOME/bin, defining explicitly $ROOTSYS, e.g. # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # #!/bin/sh # # ROOTSYS=/afs/cern.ch/sw/lcg/external/root/5.15.06/slc4_amd64_gcc34 # cd $ROOTSYS # source bin/thisroot.sh # cd # # echo "Using ROOT at $ROOTSYS" # # exec $ROOTSYS/bin/roots.exe "$@" # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # # In such a case to start the remote session do # # root [0] .R lxplus ~/bin/roots # lxplus:root [1] # cd $ROOTSYS source bin/thisroot.sh cd echo "Using ROOT at $ROOTSYS" exec @bindir@/roots.exe "$@"