// @(#)root/rpdutils:$Id: rpdp.h 25629 2008-09-30 16:48:14Z ganis $ // Author: Gerardo Ganis 7/4/2003 /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2000, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ #ifndef ROOT_rpdp #define ROOT_rpdp ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // rpdp // // // // This header file contains private definitions and declarations // // used by modules in rpdutils/src. // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef ROOT_VarArgs #include "Varargs.h" #endif #ifndef ROOT_MessageTypes #include "MessageTypes.h" #endif #ifndef ROOT_rpderr #include "rpderr.h" #endif #include #ifdef R__GLOBALSTL namespace std { using ::string; } #endif ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // Definition used by daemons // // // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef ROOT_rpddefs #include "rpddefs.h" #endif const int kMAXPATHLEN = kMAXSECBUF; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // Prototypes used by daemons // // // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // rpdutils globals namespace ROOT { // Utility functions int SPrintf(char *buf, size_t size, const char *va_(fmt), ...); // error handling functions void Error(ErrorHandler_t ErrHand,int code,const char *va_(fmt), ...); void ErrorInfo(const char *va_(fmt), ...); void ErrorInit(const char *ident); int GetErrno(); void Perror(char *buf, int size = kMAXPATHLEN); void ResetErrno(); // network functions void NetClose(); double NetGetBytesRecv(); double NetGetBytesSent(); void NetGetRemoteHost(std::string &host); int NetGetSockFd(); int NetInit(EService service, int port1, int port2, int tcpwindowsize); int NetParOpen(int port, int size); int NetOpen(int inetdflag, EService service); int NetRecv(char *msg, int len, EMessageTypes &kind); int NetRecvAllocate(void *&buf, int &len, EMessageTypes &kind); int NetRecvRaw(void *buf, int len); void NetResetByteCount(); int NetSend(int code, EMessageTypes kind); int NetSend(const char *msg, EMessageTypes kind = kMESS_STRING); int NetSendError(ERootdErrors err); int NetSendRaw(const void *buf, int len); void NetSetSigPipeHook(SigPipe_t hook); // fork functionality void DaemonStart(int ignsigcld, int fdkeep, EService service); // rpdutils.cxx void RpdAuthCleanup(const char *sstr, int opt); int RpdGenRSAKeys(int); int RpdGetAuthProtocol(); const char *RpdGetKeyRoot(); int RpdGetClientProtocol(); int RpdGetOffSet(); #ifdef R__GLBS int RpdGetShmIdCred(); #endif int RpdInitSession(int, std::string &, int &); int RpdInitSession(int, std::string &, int &, int &, std::string &); int RpdInitSession(int, std::string &, int &, int &, int &, std::string &); void RpdInit(EService serv, int pid, int sproto, unsigned int opts, int rumsk, int sshp, const char *tmpd, const char *asrpp, int login = 0); void RpdSetErrorHandler(ErrorHandler_t Err, ErrorHandler_t Sys, ErrorHandler_t Fatal); #ifdef R__KRB5 void RpdSetKeytabFile(const char *keytabfile); #endif void RpdSetSysLogFlag(int syslog); void RpdSetMethInitFlag(int methinit); int RpdUpdateAuthTab(int opt, const char *line, char **token, int ilck = 0); } // namespace ROOT ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // Internal Definition and prototypes used by modules in rpdutils // // // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // type of authentication method enum ESecurity { kClear, kSRP, kKrb5, kGlobus, kSSH, kRfio }; // // Prototypes // namespace ROOT { // // Utility functions char *ItoA(int i); // // net.cxx int NetRecv(char *msg, int max); int NetRecvRaw(int sock, void *buf, int len); int NetSend(const void *buf, int len, EMessageTypes kind); int NetSendAck(); void NetSetOptions(EService service, int sock, int tcpwindowsize); // // netpar.cxx void NetParClose(); int NetParRecv(void *buf, int len); int NetParSend(const void *buf, int len); // // rpdutils.cxx int RpdAuthenticate(); int RpdCheckAuthAllow(int Sec, const char *Host); int RpdCheckAuthTab(int Sec, const char *User, const char *Host, int RemId, int *OffSet); int RpdCheckDaemon(const char *daemon); int RpdCheckHost(const char *Host, const char *host); int RpdCheckOffSet(int Sec, const char *User, const char *Host, int RemId, int *OffSet, char **tkn, int *shmid, char **glbsuser); int RpdCheckSpecialPass(const char *passwd); int RpdRetrieveSpecialPass(const char *usr, const char *fpw, char *pwd, int lmx); int RpdCheckSshd(int opt); bool RpdCheckToken(char *tknin, char *tknref); int RpdCleanupAuthTab(const char *crypttoken); int RpdCleanupAuthTab(const char *Host, int RemId, int OffSet); void RpdDefaultAuthAllow(); int RpdDeleteKeyFile(int ofs); void RpdFreeKeys(); int RpdGetAuthMethod(int kind); char *RpdGetIP(const char *host); char *RpdGetRandString(int Opt, int Len); int RpdGetRSAKeys(const char *PubKey, int Opt); int RpdGlobusAuth(const char *sstr); int RpdGuessClientProt(const char *buf, EMessageTypes kind); void RpdInitAuth(); void RpdInitRand(); int RpdKrb5Auth(const char *sstr); int RpdLogin(int,int); int RpdNoAuth(int); int RpdPass(const char *pass, int errheq = 0); int RpdProtocol(int); int RpdRecvClientRSAKey(); int RpdRenameKeyFile(int oofs, int nofs); int RpdReUseAuth(const char *sstr, int kind); int RpdRfioAuth(const char *sstr); int RpdSavePubKey(const char *PubKey, int OffSet, char *User); int RpdSecureRecv(char **Str); int RpdSecureSend(char *Str); void RpdSendAuthList(); int RpdSetUid(int uid); int RpdSRPUser(const char *user); int RpdSshAuth(const char *sstr); int RpdUser(const char *sstr); // // Ssh Utility Function prototypes ... int SshToolAllocateSocket(unsigned int, unsigned int, char **); void SshToolDiscardSocket(const char *, int); int SshToolGetAuth(int); int SshToolGetAuth(int, const char *); int SshToolNotifyFailure(const char *); } // namespace ROOT // // Globus stuff ... // #ifdef R__GLBS #define HAVE_MEMMOVE 1 extern "C" { #ifdef IOV_MAX #undef IOV_MAX #endif #ifdef R__GLBS22 #include #else #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include } // Globus Utility Function prototypes ... namespace ROOT { void GlbsToolError(char *, int, int, int); int GlbsToolCheckCert(char **); int GlbsToolCheckContext(int); int GlbsToolCheckProxy(char **); int GlbsToolStoreContext(gss_ctx_id_t, char *); int GlbsToolStoreToShm(gss_buffer_t, int *); char *GlbsToolExpand(char *); } // namespace ROOT #endif // Globus ... #endif