#include "MDRebuildManager.h" bool MDRebuildManager::Scan() { bool data_ERR; cout << "\n### Scanning the raw data files ###\n\n"; for(unsigned int xfile=0; xfile<_infiles.size(); xfile++) { cout << "--- Scanning file " << _infiles[xfile]->GetFileName() << " --> "; bool Err = this->Scan(_infiles[xfile]); if (!Err) cout << "OK\n"; data_ERR |= Err; } return data_ERR; } int MDRebuildManager::Scan(MDdateFile *infile) { int nEv(0), nErr(0); unsigned char *eventBuffer; eventBuffer = infile->GetNextEvent(); // while (nEv < 30) { while ( eventBuffer ) { long pos = infile->_curPos; // cout << "\n\nEvent " << nEv << " pos: " << pos << endl; try { MDevent theEvent(eventBuffer); if (theEvent.EventType()==PHYSICS_EVENT && theEvent.IsSuperEvent()) { int nSubEvts = theEvent.NsubEvent(); // cout << "" << _infile->_curPos << " type: " << theEvent.EventType() // << " nSub: " << nSubEvts // << " size: " << theEvent.EventSize() // << " hsize: " << theEvent.HeadSize() << endl; uint32_t nPart(0), nPart_this(0); pos += theEvent.HeadSize(); if (nSubEvts>1) for (int iEvt=0; iEvtGetNextEvent(); } return nErr; } bool MDRebuildManager::Reorder() { std::vector newmap; newmap.resize(_nLDCs); EvntLabel subEv0, subEv1; int xEvt=0; while(1) { if(_addresMap[0].empty() || _addresMap[1].empty()) break; subEv0 = _addresMap[0].front(); subEv1 = _addresMap[1].front(); // cout << xEvt << " @ " << subEv0._nPartEv << " " << subEv1._nPartEv << endl; if (subEv0._nPartEv == subEv1._nPartEv) { newmap[0].push_back(subEv0); newmap[1].push_back(subEv1); _addresMap[0].pop_front(); _addresMap[1].pop_front(); } else if ( !Synchronize() ) { cout << " ERROR: Unable to restore the event synchronization.\n" << " Trying again\n"; if( !Synchronize() ) { cout << " ERROR: Unable to restore the event synchronization.\n" << "Give up!"; return false; } } xEvt++; } _addresMap = newmap; return true; } void printV(std::vector v) { cout << "pt: " << v[0] << " " << v[1] << " " << v[2] << " " << v[3] << endl; } bool MDRebuildManager::Synchronize() { // Remove 3 spills from the first LDC. In principle the messy spill must be only one, but ... _addresMap[0].erase(_addresMap[0].begin(), _addresMap[0].begin()+3); std::vector pt_vector0(4), pt_vector_this(4); std::vector ldfc_ok(false, _nLDCs-1); // For the first LDC - create a vector with the number of particle triggers for 4 spills. for(int xSpill=0; xSpill<4; xSpill++) pt_vector0[xSpill] = _addresMap[0][xSpill]._nPartEv; // printV(pt_vector0); // Now try to resynchronize this LDC with the other LDCs. for(int xLDC=1;xLDC<_nLDCs;xLDC++) { // Try 10 possible shifts. for(int xSpill_shift=0; xSpill_shift<10; xSpill_shift++) { // Create a vector with the number of particle triggers for this particular case. for(int xSpill=0; xSpill<4; xSpill++) pt_vector_this[xSpill] = _addresMap[xLDC][xSpill_shift+xSpill]._nPartEv; // printV(pt_vector_this); if(pt_vector0==pt_vector_this){ _addresMap[xLDC].erase(_addresMap[xLDC].begin(), _addresMap[xLDC].begin()+xSpill_shift); ldfc_ok[xLDC] = true; break; } } } for(int xLDC=1;xLDC<_nLDCs;xLDC++) if(ldfc_ok[xLDC]==false) return false; return true; } void MDRebuildManager::Rebuild() { // Get the Run Number from the name of tha first data file. int runNum_int; stringstream ss; ss.str(_infiles[0]->GetFileName()); ss >> runNum_int; for(unsigned int xfile=0; xfile<_infiles.size(); xfile++) { if(_addresMap[0].empty() || _addresMap[1].empty() ) break; cout << "--- Rebuilding file " << _infiles[xfile]->GetFileName() << endl; ss.str(""); // Create a new binary file. The rebuilt data will be recorded here. if (xfile<10) ss << runNum_int << ".90" << xfile; else if (xfile<100) ss << runNum_int << ".9" << xfile; else ss << runNum_int << "." << xfile; cout << "Creating file " << ss.str() << endl; ofstream outfile (ss.str().c_str(), ofstream::binary); this->Rebuild(_infiles[xfile], &outfile); outfile.close(); } } void MDRebuildManager::Rebuild(MDdateFile *infile, ofstream *outfile) { // cout << "MDRebuildManager::Rebuild() " << _infile->GetFileName() << endl; // Go back to the begining of the original binary file. infile->Reset(); int nEvts=0; unsigned char *eventBuffer; eventBuffer = infile->GetNextEvent(); // while (nEvts < 30) { while ( eventBuffer ) { long pos = infile->_curPos; long pos_next = infile->GetStreamPos(); MDevent theEvent(eventBuffer); if( theEvent.EventType()!=PHYSICS_EVENT) { outfile->write((char*)eventBuffer, theEvent.EventSize()); } else { EvntLabel subEv0 = _addresMap[0].front(); EvntLabel subEv1 = _addresMap[1].front(); // cout << "rebuilding Event " << nEvts << " pos: " << pos << " next pos: " << pos_next << endl; // cout << "SubEv0 pos: " << subEv0._pos << " SubEv1 pos: " << subEv1._pos << endl; if (subEv0._pos < pos || subEv1._pos < pos) { // This is an event in the next file. Skip few spills and continue with the next file. while ( (subEv0._pos > pos || subEv1._pos > pos) && !_addresMap[0].empty() && ! _addresMap[1].empty() ) { // cout << "Removing SubEv0 pos: " << subEv0._pos << " SubEv1 pos: " << subEv1._pos << endl; _addresMap[0].pop_front(); _addresMap[1].pop_front(); subEv0 = _addresMap[0].front(); subEv1 = _addresMap[1].front(); } break; } _addresMap[0].pop_front(); _addresMap[1].pop_front(); ( *theEvent.EventSizePtr() ) = theEvent.HeadSize() + subEv0._size + subEv1._size; outfile->write((char*)eventBuffer, theEvent.HeadSize()); unsigned char *buffer = new unsigned char[subEv0._size]; infile->GetEvent(buffer, subEv0._pos, subEv0._size); MDevent theSubEvent0(buffer); // cout /*<< (int*)eventBuffer */<< "SubEv0 type: " << theSubEvent0.EventType() // << " pos: " << subEv0._pos // << " size: " << subEv0._size << endl; outfile->write((char*)buffer, subEv0._size); delete[] buffer; buffer = new unsigned char[subEv1._size]; infile->GetEvent(buffer, subEv1._pos, subEv1._size); MDevent theSubEvent1(buffer); // cout /*<< (int*)eventBuffer */<< "SubEv1 type: " << theSubEvent1.EventType() // << " pos: " << subEv1._pos // << " size: " << subEv1._size << endl; outfile->write((char*)buffer, subEv1._size); delete[] buffer; // cout << nEvts << " " << subEv0._nPartEv << " " << subEv1._nPartEv << endl; nEvts++; infile->GoTo(pos_next); } // cout << "FIFO size: " <<_addresMap[0].size() << " " << _addresMap[1].size() << endl; if(_addresMap[0].empty() || _addresMap[1].empty() ) break; eventBuffer = infile->GetNextEvent(); } } void MDRebuildManager::DumpAddresMap(int LdcId) { // int nEvts = _addresMap[LdcId]; // cout << "#### AddresMap LDC ####" << LdcId << endl; // for (int iEvt=0; iEvt