#include "MDprocessManager.h" #include MDprocessManager::MDprocessManager():_eMap(),_status(OK),_runNumber((uint32_t)-1),_timeStamp(0),_spillNumber(-1),_gdcId(-1),_ldcId(-1),_eventType(0),_physEventNumber(-1),_equipmentType(0),_boardId(-1),_firstEventProc(0),_startOfRunProc(0),_endOfRunProc(0),_startOfSpillProc(0),_endOfSpillProc(0),_superHeaderProc(0),_eventHeaderProc(0),_equipmentHeaderProc(0) { // Enable all equipments by default equipMap_t::iterator it=MDequipMap::begin(); while ( it != MDequipMap::end() ){ // cout << " Enable equipment ID " << it->first << endl; _enableMap[it->first] = true; ++it; } } void MDprocessManager::SetTest(DataTestCallback funk) { // set the test function for all fragments equipMap_t::iterator it=MDequipMap::begin(); while ( it != MDequipMap::end() ){ // cout << " Enable equipment ID " << it->first << endl; (it->second)->GetFragmentPtr()->SetTest( funk ); ++it; } } void MDprocessManager::SetFragmentProc(unsigned int aType,MDprocessor* aProc){ if (MDequipMap::IsDefined(aType)){ _fragmentProc[aType] = aProc; aProc->SetProcessManager(this); } else { stringstream ss; ss << "WARNING in MDprocessManager::SetFragmentProc : Type " ; ss << dec << aType << " not found in the map, ignored." << endl; throw MDexception( ss.str() ); } } void MDprocessManager::SetFragmentProc(string aName,MDprocessor* aProc){ SetFragmentProc(MDequipMap::GetType(aName), aProc); } void MDprocessManager::SetPartEventProc(unsigned int aType,MDprocessor* aProc){ if (MDequipMap::IsDefined(aType)){ _partEventProc[aType] = aProc; aProc->SetProcessManager(this); } else { stringstream ss; ss << "WARNING in MDprocessManager::SetPartEventProc : Type " ; ss << dec << aType << " not found in the map, ignored." << endl; throw MDexception( ss.str() ); } } void MDprocessManager::SetPartEventProc(string aName,MDprocessor* aProc){ SetPartEventProc(MDequipMap::GetType(aName), aProc); } void MDprocessManager::DumpContextData() { cout << " *** Process Manager Context Data ***" << dec << endl; cout << " Run Number : " << GetRunNumber(); cout << " ; GDC Id : " << GetGdcId(); cout << " ; LDC Id : " << GetLdcId(); cout << " ; Event Type : " << GetEventType(); cout << " ; Physics Event Number : " << GetPhysEventNumber(); cout << " ; Equipment Type : " << GetEquipmentType(); cout << " ; Board Id : " << GetBoardId() ; cout << " ; Spill Number : " << GetSpillNumber() ; cout << " ; Time Stamp : " << GetTimeString() << endl; } string MDprocessManager::GetTimeString() { time_t xMyTime = _timeStamp; return ctime( &xMyTime ); } void MDprocessManager::SetTimeStamp() { time_t rawtime; // get the time: time(&rawtime); uint32_t t = rawtime; this->SetTimeStamp(&t); } int MDprocessManager::Process(unsigned char* aDataPtr){ MDevent theEvent(aDataPtr); uint32_t oldType = GetEventType(); SetEventType(theEvent.EventType()); SetTimeStamp(theEvent.TimeStampPtr()); // cout << "\nEvt Type: " << GetEventType() << endl; if (_runNumber == (uint32_t)-1) { // first event if ( GetEventType() != START_OF_RUN ) { cerr << "WARNING : The first event is not a START_OF_RUN. Spill count and Event count not accurate. " << endl; } SetRunNumber(theEvent.RunNb()); if (_firstEventProc) { try { _status = _firstEventProc->Process(&theEvent);} catch(...) {throw MDexception("ERROR processing First Event");} } if (theEvent.IsSuperEvent()) { _nLdcs = theEvent.NsubEvent(); } else { _nLdcs = 1; } } switch ( GetEventType() ) { case START_OF_RUN: if ( oldType != START_OF_RUN ) { // There are two consecutive START_OF_RUN events per LDC. // Only the first one generates a call to the // startOfRun Procedure SetRunNumber(theEvent.RunNb()); if (_startOfRunProc) { try { _status = _startOfRunProc->Process(&theEvent);} catch(...) {throw MDexception("ERROR processing Start of Run");} } } break; case END_OF_RUN: if ( oldType != END_OF_RUN ) { if (_endOfRunProc) { try { _status = _endOfRunProc->Process(&theEvent);} catch(...) {throw MDexception("ERROR processing End of Run");} } } break; case START_OF_BURST: // MICE start of Spill corresponds to DATE START_OF_BURST (clash of name space) if ( oldType != START_OF_BURST ) { // There might be several consecutive START_OF_BURST // events (one per LDC if no building) // Only the first one generates a call to the // startOfSpill Procedure ++_spillNumber; if (_startOfSpillProc) { try { _status = _startOfSpillProc->Process(&theEvent);} catch(...) {throw MDexception("ERROR processing Start of Spill");} } } break; case END_OF_BURST: if ( oldType != END_OF_BURST ) { if (_endOfSpillProc) { try {_status = _endOfSpillProc->Process(&theEvent);} catch(...) {throw MDexception("ERROR processing End of Spill");} } } break; /* case PHYSICS_EVENT: if ( oldType != PHYSICS_EVENT ) { ++_physEventNumber; } else { //cerr << "WARNING : Two consecutive DAQ events found in data file (no event building?)" << endl; //cout<<"WARNING : Two consecutive DAQ events found in data file (no event building?)" << endl; } break; */ case PHYSICS_EVENT: ++_physEventNumber; break; default: break; } uint32_t nPart(0); if (theEvent.IsSuperEvent()) { SetGdcId(theEvent.GdcId()); if (_superHeaderProc) { try { _status = _superHeaderProc->Process(&theEvent); } catch(...) {throw MDexception("ERROR processing Superevent header.");} } uint32_t nPart_this(0); if (theEvent.NsubEvent() != _nLdcs) { stringstream ss; ss << "ERROR in in MDprocessManager::ProcessEvent :"<< endl; ss << "Sub Event Mismatch (nLdcs: " << _nLdcs << "!=" << theEvent.NsubEvent() << ")."; throw MDexception( ss.str() ); } for (unsigned int iEvt=0; iEvt<_nLdcs; iEvt++){ if (_status != OK) return _status; int xPart = ProcessSubEvent((unsigned char*)theEvent.GetSubEventPtr(iEvt)); if (nPart==0) nPart = xPart; else { nPart_this = xPart; if (nPart != nPart_this) { stringstream ss; ss << "ERROR in in MDprocessManager::ProcessEvent :"<< endl; ss << "Trigger Mismatch (nEvts " << nPart << "!=" << nPart_this << ")."; throw MDexception( ss.str() ); } } // cout << "nPart: " << nPart << " " << nPart_this << endl; } } else { return ProcessSubEvent(theEvent.GetDataPtr()); } return nPart; } int MDprocessManager::ProcessSubEvent(unsigned char* aDataPtr){ MDevent theEvent(aDataPtr); MDeventFragment theEquipmentHeader; MDfragment* myFragPtr; uint32_t nPart(0), nPart_this(0); SetLdcId(theEvent.LdcId()); if (_eventHeaderProc) { try { _status = _eventHeaderProc->Process(&theEvent); } catch(MDexception & lExc) { string message = lExc.GetDescription(); throw MDexception(message + "\nExeption while processing event header."); } if (_status != OK) throw MDexception("ERROR in MDprocessManager::ProcessSubEvent from _eventHeaderProc->Process"); } // loop over equipments if ( theEvent.PayLoadSize() ) { // There is some data loop over eventFragments for (unsigned int ifr=0; ifrProcess(&theEquipmentHeader); } catch(...) {throw MDexception("Exeption while processing equipment header.");} if(_status != OK) throw MDexception("ERROR in MDprocessManager::ProcessSubEvent from _equipmentHeaderProc->Process "); } // Check if the user wants this equipment to be decoded if (IsEnabled(GetEquipmentType())) { // Get a pointer to the dynamically assigned pointer from the map myFragPtr = MDequipMap::GetFragmentPtr(GetEquipmentType()); // Get the data pointer unsigned char* myFragDataPtr = theEquipmentHeader.EquipmentDataPtr(); // Get the data size uint32_t myFragDataSize = theEquipmentHeader.EquipmentDataSize(); if (myFragDataSize==0) if (MDequipMap::GetName(GetEquipmentType())!="VRB") { stringstream ss; ss << "ERROR in in MDprocessManager::ProcessSubEvent :"<< endl; ss << "In fragment " << MDequipMap::GetName(GetEquipmentType()) << " (board Id: " << GetBoardId() << ") Event size is 0."; throw MDexception( ss.str() ); } // cout << ifr << " Equipment " << MDequipMap::GetName(GetEquipmentType()) // << " found, size: " << myFragDataSize << endl; if (myFragPtr && myFragDataSize) { // the equipment is defined in the map and filled with data try { myFragPtr->SetDataPtr(myFragDataPtr, myFragDataSize); myFragPtr->SetBoardID(_boardId); if ( myFragPtr->IsMadeOfParticles() ) { int xPart = myFragPtr->InitPartEventVector(); if (nPart==0) nPart = xPart; else { nPart_this = xPart; if (nPart != nPart_this) { stringstream ss; ss << "ERROR in in MDprocessManager::ProcessSubEvent :"<< endl; ss << "Trigger Mismatch (nEvts " << nPart << "!=" << nPart_this << ")."; throw MDexception( ss.str() ); } } // cout << "nPart: " << nPart << " " << nPart_this << endl; } } catch (MDexception lExc) { stringstream ss; ss << lExc.GetDescription() << endl; ss << "*** Unpacking exception in MDprocessManager::ProcessSubEvent :"<< endl; ss << "while initializing the fragment"; throw MDexception( ss.str() ); } if (_fragmentProc[GetEquipmentType()]) { try { // cout << " Equipment " << MDequipMap::GetName(GetEquipmentType()) // << " going to call the fragment processor." << endl; _status = _fragmentProc[GetEquipmentType()]->Process(myFragPtr); } catch(MDexception lExc){ stringstream ss; ss << lExc.GetDescription() << endl; ss << "*** Unpacking exception in MDprocessManager::ProcessSubEvent : "<< endl; ss << "while processing fragment in board " << MDequipMap::GetName( this->GetEquipmentType() ); ss << " Geo " << this->GetBoardId(); throw MDexception( ss.str() ); } } if (_status != OK) { stringstream ss; ss << "ERROR in MDprocessManager::ProcessSubEvent : "<< endl; ss << "while processing fragment in board " << MDequipMap::GetName( this->GetEquipmentType() ); ss << " Geo " << this->GetBoardId() << endl; ss << "The status is : " << _status; throw MDexception( ss.str() ); } // loop over particle events if there are for (uint32_t iPart=0 ; iPartProcess(myFragPtr->GetPartEventPtr(iPart)); } catch(MDexception lExc){ stringstream ss; ss << lExc.GetDescription() << endl; ss << "*** Unpacking exception in MDprocessManager::ProcessSubEvent : "<< endl; ss << "while processing particle event in board "; ss << MDequipMap::GetName( this->GetEquipmentType() ) << " Geo " << this->GetBoardId(); throw MDexception( ss.str() ); } } if (_status != OK) { stringstream ss; ss << "ERROR in MDprocessManager::ProcessSubEvent : "<< endl; ss << "while processing particle event in board "; ss << MDequipMap::GetName( this->GetEquipmentType() ) << " Geo " << this->GetBoardId() << endl; ss << "The status is : " << _status; throw MDexception( ss.str() ); } } } } } } return nPart; } void MDprocessManager::DumpProcessors() { procMap_t::iterator it; cout<<"+++++++ Dump Processors +++++++"<