#!/usr/bin/env python # This file is part of MAUS: http://micewww.pp.rl.ac.uk:8080/projects/maus # # MAUS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # MAUS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with MAUS. If not, see . """ Geometry Validation tool is used for building a 2D map of the materials that particles see as they traverse the beamline and then plotting it. Assumes a straight geometry along z. The algorithm is to: * Force keep_steps = True so that MAUS reports position and material at every step * User specified initial z position and a line of points in x, y * Force physics_processes = None so no energy loss, scattering etc can occur * Fire a very high energy gamma down the beamline for each initial (x, y, z) in the z direction * Plot as a function of x, y, z the resultant map of materials in the beamline ** Colours are chosen automatically (this can sometimes be not great) * Plot as a function of z a 1D graph of materials on the beamline axis Uses the "geometry_validation" dictionary of datacards, with dictionary keys: - "file_name", (string) name of the file that will be used to store the tracking data - "will_plot", (bool) set to boolean true to make plots of the particles - "will_track" (bool) set to boolean true to do tracking, else attempts to reuse old tracking - "z_start" (double, mm) start z-position for tracking and plotting - "z_end" (double, mm) end z-position for plotting (tracking will keep going until it reaches the edge of the geometry) - "x_start" (double, mm) x-position of the first particle to be tracked - "x_step" (double, mm) increment in x-position for each subsequent particle - "y_start" (double, mm) y-position of the first particle to be tracked - "y_step" (double, mm) increment in y-position for each subsequent particle - "n_steps" (int) number of particles to track - "plot_formats" (string) list of plot formats, e.g. ["png", "eps"] would plot in png and encapsulated postscript format - "geometry_validation_materials_1d" (string) name of the 1D plot to be printed by MAUS. The appropriate suffix will be appended for each format. - "geometry_validation_materials_2d" (string) name of the 2D plot to be printed by MAUS. The appropriate suffix will be appended for each format. - "geometry_validation_volumes_1d" (string) name of the 1D plot to be printed by MAUS giving z positions of volumes. The appropriate suffix will be appended for each format. - "geometry_validation_volumes_2d" (string) name of the 2D plot to be printed by MAUS showing volume bounding rectangles and name labels. The appropriate suffix will be appended for each format. - "2d_volume_plot_label_size" (float) between 0.0 and 1.0 that tells how big the labels should be in the 2d volume plot. Labels are stacked vertically, so if the label size is small more labels can be put on the plot - "volume_bounding_box_dump" (string) file name for dumping bounding boxes to. Format is json, going something something like: { : { "z_min": , "z_max": , "r_min": , "r_max": , "material": }, ... } e.g. { "Vol14": { "z_max": 320.0, "r_min": 0.0, "material": "G4_Al", "r_max": 2.23606806280132, "z_min": 280.0 }, ... } """ # pylint: disable=E1101 import os import sys import json import ROOT import xboa.common as common import Configuration import maus_cpp.simulation import maus_cpp.globals class Plotting(object): # pylint: disable=R0902 """Plotting class handles reading and plotting of the tracking data""" def __init__(self, configuration): """ Initialise the plotting class - configuration should be a valid datacard set in string representation """ py_config = json.loads(configuration)["geometry_validation"] print json.dumps(py_config, indent=2) self.file_name = py_config["file_name"] self.z_start = py_config["z_start"] self.z_end = py_config["z_end"] self.will_plot = py_config["will_plot"] self.n_steps = py_config["n_steps"] self.formats = py_config["plot_formats"] self.mat_1d = os.path.expandvars(py_config["1d_material_plot"]) self.mat_2d = os.path.expandvars(py_config["2d_material_plot"]) self.vol_1d = os.path.expandvars(py_config["1d_volume_plot"]) self.vol_2d = os.path.expandvars(py_config["2d_volume_plot"]) self.vol_2d_label_size = py_config["2d_volume_plot_label_size"] self.volume_bb_dump = py_config["volume_bounding_box_dump"] self.material_data = {} self.volume_data = {} self.volume_label_index = 0 def do_plotting(self): """Load the data and plot""" if not self.will_plot: return print "Doing plots" # step_data should be member step_data = self._load_data() for key in step_data: print "Found", len(step_data[key]), \ "steps for material '"+str(key)+"'" self._bb_dump() material_dict = self.get_material_dict(step_data) data_range = self.get_range(step_data) x_range = data_range[0] z_range = data_range[1] z_range[0] = max(z_range[0], self.z_start) z_range[1] = min(z_range[1], self.z_end) print "data range r:", x_range, "z:", z_range self._draw_materials_1d(step_data, z_range) self._draw_materials_2d(step_data, material_dict, x_range, z_range) self._draw_volumes_1d(z_range) self._draw_volumes_2d(x_range, z_range) def _readline_generator(self): """ Generator that reads a file line-by-line, with a progress bar Python builtin readlines() reads the file in one go, making big memory usage for potentially large files """ bar_length = 72 sys.stdout.write("["+" "*(bar_length+1)+"]") sys.stdout.flush() sys.stdout.write("\b"*(bar_length+1)) old_done = 0 fin = open(self.file_name) line = None i = 0 while True: line = fin.readline() if line == "": break yield line done = float(i)/(self.n_steps-1)*bar_length while done-old_done > 1.: old_done += 1 sys.stdout.write("=") sys.stdout.flush() i += 1 fin.close() print def _load_data(self): """Load the data""" step_data = {} print "Loading data" for line in self._readline_generator(): json_data = json.loads(line) for event in json_data: for track in event["tracks"]: for step in track["steps"]: z_pos = step["position"]["z"] if z_pos < self.z_start or z_pos > self.z_end: continue r_pos = self._get_r(step["position"]) mat = step["material"] if not mat in step_data.keys(): step_data[mat] = [] step_data[mat].append({"r":r_pos, "z":z_pos}) vol = step["volume"] if not vol in self.volume_data.keys(): self.volume_data[vol] = { "r_min":r_pos, "r_max":r_pos, "z_min":z_pos, "z_max":z_pos, "material":mat, } else: if r_pos < self.volume_data[vol]["r_min"]: self.volume_data[vol]["r_min"] = r_pos elif r_pos > self.volume_data[vol]["r_max"]: self.volume_data[vol]["r_max"] = r_pos if z_pos < self.volume_data[vol]["z_min"]: self.volume_data[vol]["z_min"] = z_pos elif z_pos > self.volume_data[vol]["z_max"]: self.volume_data[vol]["z_max"] = z_pos return step_data def _bb_dump(self): """Dump bounding box data to disk""" fout = open(self.volume_bb_dump, "w") print >> fout, json.dumps(self.volume_data, indent=2) def _draw_materials_1d(self, step_data, z_range): """Make a 1D plot of position vs material along the z axis""" # we plot G4_AIR first, then G4_GALACTIC? draw_list = step_data.keys() draw_list = self.move(draw_list, "G4_AIR", 0) draw_list = self.move(draw_list, "G4_Galactic", 1) black_x_list, black_y_list = [], [] grey_x_list, grey_y_list = [], [] canvas = common.make_root_canvas("Material vs z") hist = ROOT.TH2D("name", "Material vs z", 30000, z_range[0], z_range[1], len(draw_list)+1, -0.5, len(draw_list)+0.5) common._common._hist_persistent.append(hist) #pylint: disable=W0212 for material in draw_list: hist.Fill(z_range[0], material, 1.) hist.SetBit(ROOT.TH1.kCanRebin) hist.SetStats(0) hist.LabelsDeflate("Y") hist.LabelsOption("v") hist.Draw() for i, material in enumerate(draw_list): grey_x_list += [i+0.1 for step in step_data[material]] grey_y_list += [step["z"] for step in step_data[material]] black_x_list += [i for step in step_data[material] \ if step["r"] < 1e-9] black_y_list += [step["z"] for step in step_data[material] \ if step["r"] < 1e-9] if len(grey_x_list) == 0: return hist, graph = common.make_root_graph("", grey_y_list, "z [mm]", grey_x_list, "material index") graph.SetMarkerColor(ROOT.TColor.GetColor(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)) graph.SetMarkerStyle(7) graph.Draw('p') if len(black_x_list) != 0: hist, graph = common.make_root_graph("", black_y_list, "z [mm]", black_x_list, "material index") graph.SetMarkerStyle(7) graph.Draw('p') canvas.Update() for _format in self.formats: canvas.Print(self.mat_1d+"."+_format) def _draw_volumes_1d(self, z_range): """Make a 1D plot of position vs volume along the z axis""" draw_list = sorted(self.volume_data.keys(), self._sort_cmp) x_list = [] canvas = common.make_root_canvas("Volume Name vs z") # set up axis labels print "VOLUME PLOT", z_range hist = ROOT.TH2D("name", "Volume Name vs z", 30000, z_range[0], z_range[1], len(draw_list)+1, -0.5, len(draw_list)+0.5) common._common._hist_persistent.append(hist) #pylint: disable=W0212 for material in draw_list: hist.Fill(z_range[0], material, 1.) hist.SetBit(ROOT.TH1.kCanRebin) hist.SetStats(0) hist.LabelsDeflate("Y") hist.LabelsOption("v") hist.Draw() # now draw graphs for i, volume in enumerate(draw_list): x_list = [self.volume_data[volume]["z_min"], self.volume_data[volume]["z_max"]] y_list = [i+0.1, i+0.1] hist, graph = common.make_root_graph("", x_list, "z [mm]", y_list, "volume index") graph.SetLineColor(ROOT.TColor.GetColor(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)) graph.Draw('l') if self.volume_data[volume]["r_min"] < 1e-9: y_list = [i, i] hist, graph = common.make_root_graph("", x_list, "z [mm]", y_list, "material index") graph.Draw('l') canvas.Update() for _format in self.formats: canvas.Print(self.vol_1d+"."+_format) def _sort_cmp(self, vol_key_1, vol_key_2): """Compare for sorting volume keys by z_min""" return cmp(self.volume_data[vol_key_1]["z_min"], self.volume_data[vol_key_2]["z_min"]) def _draw_volume_label(self, x_position, volume, x_range, color): """Draw a volume label at x_position""" self.labels.append(ROOT.TLatex()) delta = abs(x_range[1]-x_range[0])/5. n_vert = int(1./self.vol_2d_label_size) scale = min(self.vol_2d_label_size*4, 1.0) text = "#scale["+str(scale)+"]{#color["+str(color)+"]{"+volume+"}}" vertical = float(self.volume_label_index%n_vert)/n_vert vert = x_range[1]+delta*(1.0*vertical-0.4) self.labels[-1].DrawLatex(x_position, vert, text) self.volume_label_index += 1 return self.labels[-1] def _draw_volumes_2d(self, x_range, z_range): """Make a 2D plot of position vs volume""" canvas = common.make_root_canvas("Volume Name vs position") hist, graph = common.make_root_graph("Volume Name vs position", [1e9], "z [mm]", [1e9], "x [mm]", xmin=z_range[0], xmax=z_range[1], ymin=x_range[0], ymax=x_range[1]) hist.Draw() draw_list = sorted(self.volume_data.keys(), self._sort_cmp) n_colors = 5 for i, vol in enumerate(draw_list): data = self.volume_data[vol] r_list = [data["r_min"], data["r_max"], data["r_max"], data["r_min"], data["r_min"]] z_list = [data["z_min"], data["z_min"], data["z_max"], data["z_max"], data["z_min"]] hist, graph = common.make_root_graph(vol, z_list, "z [mm]", r_list, "r [mm]", sort = False) color = self.color(i % n_colors, n_colors) graph.SetLineColor(color) graph.Draw('l') self._draw_volume_label(data["z_min"], vol, x_range, color) canvas.Update() for _format in self.formats: canvas.Print(self.vol_2d+"."+_format) def _draw_materials_2d(self, step_data, material_dict, x_range, z_range): """Make a 2D plot of position vs material in r, z""" # we plot G4_AIR first, then G4_GALACTIC? canvas = common.make_root_canvas("Material vs position") hist, graph = common.make_root_graph("Material vs position", [1e9], "z [mm]", [1e9], "r [mm]", xmin=z_range[0], xmax=z_range[1], ymin=x_range[0], ymax=x_range[1]) hist.Draw() draw_list = step_data.keys() draw_list = self.move(draw_list, "G4_AIR", 0) draw_list = self.move(draw_list, "G4_Galactic", 1) graph_list = [] for material in draw_list: x_list = [step["r"] for step in step_data[material]] z_list = [step["z"] for step in step_data[material]] hist, graph = common.make_root_graph(material, z_list, "z [mm]", x_list, "r [mm]") graph.SetMarkerColor(material_dict[material]) graph.SetMarkerStyle(7) graph.SetLineColor(10) graph.Draw('p') graph_list.append(graph) common.make_root_legend(canvas, graph_list) canvas.Update() for _format in self.formats: canvas.Print(self.mat_2d+"."+_format) @classmethod def _get_r(cls, step): """Get r for step""" return (step["x"]**2+step["y"]**2)**0.5 @classmethod def color(cls, ith_colour, n_colours): """Get the colour for the ith material of n total materials""" if n_colours == 0: return 0 ith_colour = float(ith_colour) n_colours = float(n_colours) n_lim = n_colours/3. red, green, blue = 0., 0., 0. if ith_colour < n_lim: red = (n_lim-ith_colour)/n_lim green = ith_colour/n_lim if ith_colour >= n_lim and ith_colour < 2.*n_lim: ith_colour -= n_lim green = (n_lim-ith_colour)/n_lim blue = ith_colour/n_lim if ith_colour >= 2.*n_lim: ith_colour -= 2.*n_lim blue = (n_lim-ith_colour)/n_lim red = ith_colour/n_lim color = ROOT.TColor.GetColor(red, green, blue) return color @classmethod def get_material_dict(cls, step_data): """ Get a dictionary that maps material to colour. Air and Galactic are always grey. """ n_items = len(step_data) material_dict = {} for i, key in enumerate(step_data.keys()): material_dict[key] = cls.color(i, n_items) material_dict["G4_AIR"] = ROOT.TColor.GetColor(0.1, 0.1, 0.1) material_dict["G4_Galactic"] = ROOT.TColor.GetColor(0.3, 0.3, 0.3) return material_dict @classmethod def get_range(cls, step_data): """ Get axis range in r, z """ r_data, z_data = [], [] for steps in step_data.values(): r_data += [pos["r"] for pos in steps] z_data += [pos["z"] for pos in steps] r_data = sorted(r_data) z_data = sorted(z_data) data_range = [] for data in r_data, z_data: delta = data[-1]-data[0] if delta < 1e-9: data_range.append([-1., 1.]) else: data_range.append([data[0]-delta/10., data[-1]+delta/10.]) return data_range @classmethod def move(cls, a_list, value, index): """ Move item "value" in list "a_list" to position "index". If "value" is not in "a_list", well never mind """ if value in a_list: a_list.remove(value) a_list.insert(index, value) return a_list labels = [] class Tracking(object): # pylint: disable=R0902 """Plotting class handles generation of particles and tracking""" def __init__(self, configuration): """ Initialise the tracking class - configuration should be a valid datacard set in string representation """ self.config = json.loads(configuration) py_config = self.config["geometry_validation"] self.file_name = py_config["file_name"] self.n_steps = py_config["n_steps"] self.x_start = py_config["x_start"] self.x_step = py_config["x_step"] self.y_start = py_config["y_start"] self.y_step = py_config["y_step"] self.z_start = py_config["z_start"] self.will_track = py_config["will_track"] def do_tracking(self): """Do the tracking""" if not self.will_track: return print "Force stepping to verbose" output_file = open(self.file_name, "w") self._fiddle_configuration() print "Tracking", self.n_steps, "events" bar_length = 72 sys.stdout.write("["+" "*(bar_length+1)+"]") sys.stdout.flush() sys.stdout.write("\b"*(bar_length+1)) old_done = 0 for i in range(self.n_steps): done = i/float(self.n_steps-1)*bar_length while done-old_done > 1.: old_done += 1 sys.stdout.write("=") sys.stdout.flush() x_pos = self.x_start+i*self.x_step y_pos = self.y_start+i*self.y_step event = self.track_particle(x_pos, y_pos) print >> output_file, json.dumps(event) print def _fiddle_configuration(self): """Switch off physics processes and force keep steps to True""" self.config["keep_steps"] = True self.config["physics_processes"] = "none" maus_cpp.globals.birth(json.dumps(self.config)) def _get_primary(self, x_pos, y_pos): """Build a primary with initial position (x, y, z_start) and large momentum in the z-direction""" return {'primary': { 'position':{'x':x_pos, 'y':y_pos, 'z':self.z_start}, 'momentum':{'x':0., 'y':0., 'z':1.}, 'particle_id':22, 'energy':1e9, 'time':0., 'random_seed':0 } } def track_particle(self, x_pos, y_pos): """Track a particle with initial position x,y""" primary = json.dumps([self._get_primary(x_pos, y_pos)]) event = json.loads(maus_cpp.simulation.track_particles(primary)) return event def main(): """Set up the datacards and call tracking and plotting routines""" configuration = Configuration.Configuration().\ getConfigJSON(command_line_args=True) tracking = Tracking(configuration) plotting = Plotting(configuration) tracking.do_tracking() plotting.do_plotting() print "Press to finish" raw_input() if __name__ == "__main__": main()