Dataset preparation:
Preselection: Preselection cuts now work on
arrays. Previously used TEventlists (only event wise
pass/fail) were replaced by TreeFormulas (sensitive to array
position). Thanks to Arnaud Robert (LPNHE) for his
Tree assignment to signal/background: Signal and
background trees can now be assigned individually to training
and test purposes. This is achieved by setting the third
parameter of the Factory::AddSignalTree/AddBackgroundTree()
methods to "Train" or "Test" (const string). The only
restriction is that either none or all signal (background)
trees need to be specified with that option. It is possible to
mix the two modes, for instance one can assign individual
training and test trees for signal, but not for background.
Direct tree building: For increased flexibility,
users can also directly input signal and background,
training and test events to TMVA, instead of letting TMVA
interpret user-given trees. Note that either one of the
two approaches must be chosen (no mix). The syntax of the
new calls is described in the macros/TMVAnalysis.C test
macro. --> The User runs the event loop, copies for each
event the input variables into a std:vector, and "adds"
them to TMVA, using the dedicated calls:
factory->AddSignalTrainingEvent( vars, signalWeight );
(and replacing "Signal" by "Background", and "Training" by
"Test"). After the event loop, everything continues as in
the standard method.
Simulated Annealing in Cuts,FDA: Entirely new
Simulated Annealing (SA) algorithm for global minimisation
in presence of local minima (optionally used in cut
optimisation (MethodCuts) and the Function Discriminant
(MethodFDA)). The SA algorithm features two approaches,
one starting at minimal temperature (ie, from within a
local minimum), slowly increasing, and another one
starting at high temperature, slowly decreasing into a
minimum. Code developed and written by Kamil Bartlomiej
Kraszewski, Maciej Kruk and Krzysztof Danielowski from IFJ
and AGH/UJ, Krakow, Poland.
Cuts: Added printouts, quoting the explicit cut
application for given signal efficiency. In case of
transformations of the input variables, the full expressions
are given. Added warning to Fisher in case of variable
Cuts: Added physical limits to min/max cuts if
smart option is used.
BDT: removed hard-coded weight file name; now,
paths and names of weight files are written as TObjStrings
into ROOT target file, and retrieved for plotting;
available weight files (corresponding to target used) can
be chosen from pop-up GUI.
BDT: Changes in handling negative weights in BDT
algorithm. Events with negative weights now get their
weight reduced (*= 1/boostweight) rather than increased
(*= boostweight) as the other events do. Otherwise these
events tend to receive increasingly stronger boosts,
because their effects on the separation gain are as if
background events were selected as signal and vice versa
(hence the events tend to be "wanted" in signal nodes, but
are boosted as if they were misclassified). In addition,
the separation indices are protected against negative S or
S+B returning 0.5 (no separation at all) in case that
BDT: In addition there is a new BDT option to
ignore events with negative event weights for the
training. This option could be used as a cross check of a
"worst case" solution for Monte Carlo samples with
negative weights. Note that the results of the testing
phase still include these events and are hence objective.
BDT: Added randomised trees: similar to the
"Random Forests" technique of Leo Breiman and Adele
Cutler, it uses the "bagging" algorithm and bases the
determination of the best node-split during the training
on a random subset of variables only, which is
individually chosen for each split.
BDT: Move to TRandom2 for the "bagging" algorithm
and throw random weights according to Poisson
statistics. (This way the random weights are closer to a
resampling with replacement algorithm.)
TMlpANN: Extended options to
TMultilayerPerceptron learning methods. Added example for
reader application:
Parallel Coordinates: New GUI button for Parallel
Coordinate plotting.
Added Python example for reader application:
Bug fixes:
TMlpANN: fixed crash with ROOT>=5.17 when using
large number of test events; also corrected bias in cross
validation: before the test events were used, which led to
an overestimated performance evaluation in case of a small
number of degrees of freedom; separate now training tree
in two parts for training and validation with configurable
Cuts: Corrected inconsistency in MethodCuts:
the signal efficiency written out into the weight file does
not correspond to the center of the bin within which the
background rejection is maximised (as before) but to the
lower left edge of it. This is because the cut optimisation
algorithm determines the best background rejection for all
signal efficiencies belonging into a bin. Since the best
background rejection is in general obtained for the lowest
possible signal efficiency, the reference signal efficiency
is the lowest value in the bin.
Cuts: Fixed Cuts (optimisaton) method -> event
with smallest value was not included in search for optimal
cut (thanks to Dimitris Varouchas, LAL-Orsay, for helping
us detecting the problem).
Genetic Algorithm: Corrected configurable random
seed in GeneticAlgorithm (thanks to David Gonzalez Maline,
CERN, for pointing this out)
GUI: Fixes in input-variable and MVA plotting:
under/over-flow numbers given on plots were not properly
normalised; the maximum histogram ranges have been
increased to avoid cut-offs. Thanks to Andreas Wenger,
Zuerich, for pointing these out.