TMVA version 4.0.1 is included in this root release:

Main changes and new features introduced with TMVA 4


On XML format:
The old text format is obsolete though still readable in the application. Backward compatibility is NOT guaranteed. Please contact the authors if you require the reading of old text weight files in TMVA 4.

Standard macros:
The structure of the standard macros has changed: macros are still in the "$ROOTSYS/tmva/test" directory, but distinguished for classification and regression examples:

TMVAClassification.C, TMVAClassificationApplication.C TMVARegression.C, TMVARegressionApplication.C
Classification and regression analysis (training) is analysed as usual via standard macros that can be called from dedicated GUIs.


Improvements of / new features for MVA methods

  • Linear Discriminant: Re-implementation of "Fisher" method as general linear discriminant ("LD"), which is also regression capable (so far: single-target only)
  • PDEFoam: PDE-Foam is a variation of the PDE-RS method using a self-adapting binning method to divide the multi-dimensional variable space into a finite number of hyper-rectangles (cells). The binning algorithm adjusts the size and position of a predefined number of cells such that the variance of the signal and background densities inside the cells reaches a minimum.
  • BDT: Introduced gradient boosting and stochastic gradient boosting for classification with BDT (as desribed by Friedman 1999). See "BDTG" example in TMVAClassification.C/cxx. A new option allows to restrict the maximum tree depth. This may be used to avoid overtraining and often gives better performance than pruning. (The pruning mechanism needs to be revisited)
  • MLP: Introduced recognition of convergence via general ConvergenceTest-class for interrupting computations when convergence is reached. This feature has is used now in MethodMLP. Improved treatment of event-weights in BFGS training. Implemented random and importance sampling of events in DataSet. Implemented the usage of this feature for MLP.
  • TMlpANN (interface to TMultiLayerPerceptron) now also uses event weights and writes standalone C++ class.
  • k-NN: A new global knn search function has been added to NodekNN that searches for k-nearest neighbor using event weights instead of raw event counts. ModulekNN has been modified to allow searches using "weight" or "count" option, where "count" is default. Added UseWeight option to MethodKNN to allow using of "weight" or "count". (Work by Rustem Ospanov, CERN).
  • Likelihood (and general PDF treatment): Adaptive smoothing the PDF class, allowing it to smooth between MinSmoothNum (for regions with more signal) and MaxSmoothNum (for regions with less signal). Configuration of the PDF parameters from the option string moved to PDF class, allowing the user to define all the PDF functionalities in every classifier the PDF is used (i.e., also for the MVA PDFs). The reading of these variables was removed from MethodBase and MethodLikelihood. This also allows improved (full) PDF configuration of MVA output via the "CreateMvaPdf" option. (Work by Or Cohen, CERN & Weizmann)
  • New generalisation methods:
  • Other improvements

    Updates in TMVA 4.0.1

    Bug fixes: