TMVA version 4.0.4 is included in this root release.



On Input Data:
New TMVA event vector building. The code for splitting the input data into training and test samples for all classes and the mixing of those samples to one training and one test sample has been rewritten completely. The new code is more performant and has a clearer structure. This fixes several bugs which have been reported by the TMVA users.

On Minimization:
Variables, targets and spectators are now checked if they are constant. (The execution of TMVA is stopped for variables and targets, a warning is given for spectators.)

On Regression:
The analysis type is no longer defined by calling a dedicated TestAllMethods-member-function of the Factory, but with the option "AnalysisType" in the Factory. The default value is "Auto" where TMVA tries to determine the most suitable analysis type from the targets and classes the user has defined. Other values are "regression", "classification" and "multiclass" for the forthcoming multiclass classification.

Missing regression evaluation plots for training sample were added.

On Cut method:
Removed obsolete option "FVerySmart" from Cuts method.

On MLP method:
Display of convergence information in the progress bar for MLP during training.
Creation of animated gifs for MLP convergence monitoring (please contact authors if you want to do this).

On Datasets:
Checks are performed if events are unvoluntarily cut by using a non-filled array entry (e.g. "arr[4]" is used, when the array has not always at least 5 entries). A warning is given in that case.

Bug fixes