/* This file is part of MAUS: http://micewww.pp.rl.ac.uk:8080/projects/maus * * MAUS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * MAUS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with MAUS. If not, see . * */ #include "Utils/TOFCalibrationMap.hh" #include "Utils/TOFChannelMap.hh" namespace MAUS { TOFCalibrationMap::TOFCalibrationMap() { pymod_ok = true; if (!this->InitializePyMod()) pymod_ok = false; runNumber = 0; } TOFCalibrationMap::~TOFCalibrationMap() { _Pkey.clear(); _Tkey.clear(); _twPar.resize(0); _t0.resize(0); _reff.resize(0); } bool TOFCalibrationMap::InitializeFromCards(Json::Value configJSON, int rnum) { // Fill the vector containing all TOF channel keys. this->MakeTOFChannelKeys(); // Get the calibration text files from the Json document. // This is no longer done. Calibration is got from CDB now // - DR, 12/11/12 Json::Value t0_file; Json::Value tw_file; Json::Value trigger_file; std::string _calib_source = JsonWrapper::GetProperty(configJSON, "TOF_calib_source", JsonWrapper::stringValue).asString(); // Find out how we want to get the calibrations // They are set by the TOF_calib_by flag in the data cards // They can be by // 1. run - to get calibrations by run number // 2. date - to get calibrations by valid date range // Default is by run try { _tof_calib_by = JsonWrapper::GetProperty(configJSON, "TOF_calib_by", JsonWrapper::stringValue).asString(); } catch (MAUS::Exception e) { Squeak::mout(Squeak::error) << "Error getting data card TOF_calib_by" << std::endl << e.GetMessage() << std::endl; return false; } bool fromDB = true; if (_calib_source == "file") { fromDB = false; // Check what needs to be done. t0_file = JsonWrapper::GetProperty(configJSON, "TOF_T0_calibration_file", JsonWrapper::stringValue); tw_file = JsonWrapper::GetProperty(configJSON, "TOF_TW_calibration_file", JsonWrapper::stringValue); trigger_file = JsonWrapper::GetProperty(configJSON, "TOF_Trigger_calibration_file", JsonWrapper::stringValue); } // Check what needs to be done. _do_timeWalk_correction = JsonWrapper::GetProperty(configJSON, "Enable_timeWalk_correction", JsonWrapper::booleanValue).asBool(); _do_triggerDelay_correction = JsonWrapper::GetProperty(configJSON, "Enable_triggerDelay_correction", JsonWrapper::booleanValue).asBool(); _do_t0_correction = JsonWrapper::GetProperty(configJSON, "Enable_t0_correction", JsonWrapper::booleanValue).asBool(); _tof_station = JsonWrapper::GetProperty(configJSON, "TOF_trigger_station", JsonWrapper::stringValue).asString(); // convert trigger station name to upper case // the DB holds detector names in upper case std::transform(_tof_station.begin(), _tof_station.end(), _tof_station.begin(), std::ptr_fun(std::toupper)); _tof_calibdate = JsonWrapper::GetProperty(configJSON, "TOF_calib_date_from", JsonWrapper::stringValue).asString(); // std::cout << "calib date: " << _tof_calibdate << std::endl; char* pMAUS_ROOT_DIR = getenv("MAUS_ROOT_DIR"); if (!pMAUS_ROOT_DIR) { Squeak::mout(Squeak::error) << "Could not find the $MAUS_ROOT_DIR environmental variable." << std::endl; Squeak::mout(Squeak::error) << "Did you try running: source env.sh ?" << std::endl; return false; } runNumber = rnum; bool loaded; if (!fromDB) { // std::cout << ">>>>>>> initializing from FILE<<<<<" << std::endl; std::string xMapT0File = std::string(pMAUS_ROOT_DIR) + t0_file.asString(); std::string xMapTWFile = std::string(pMAUS_ROOT_DIR) + tw_file.asString(); std::string xMapTriggerFile = std::string(pMAUS_ROOT_DIR) + trigger_file.asString(); // Load the calibration constants. loaded = this->Initialize(xMapT0File, xMapTWFile, xMapTriggerFile); } else { // std::cout << ">>>>>>> initializing from CDB<<<<<" << std::endl; // get calib from DB instead of file, the above line is replaced by the one below if (!pymod_ok) return false; loaded = this->InitializeFromCDB(); } if (!loaded) return false; return true; } bool TOFCalibrationMap::Initialize(std::string t0File, std::string twFile, std::string triggerFile) { bool status = LoadT0File(t0File) && LoadTWFile(twFile) && LoadTriggerFile(triggerFile); return status; } bool TOFCalibrationMap::InitializeFromCDB() { // bool status = LoadT0Calib() && // LoadTWCalib() && // LoadTriggerCalib(); // The above lines have been replaces by the line below // The new functions get the calibs from the DB bool status = LoadT0Calib() && LoadTWCalib() && LoadTriggerCalib(); return status; } int TOFCalibrationMap::MakeTOFChannelKeys() { /** Makes one TOFChannelKey for each channel of the TOF detector. * The size of _t0, _reff and _twPar is set here. * ATTENTION : The detector configuration is HARDCODED !!!! * TO BE IMPROVED !!!! */ int nStation = 3; int nPlanes = 2; int nSlabs[] = {10, 7, 10}; for (int st = 0; st < nStation; st++) { stringstream detector; detector << "tof" << st; for (int pl = 0; pl < nPlanes; pl++) for (int sl = 0; sl < nSlabs[st]; sl++) for (int pmt = 0; pmt < 2; pmt++) _Pkey.push_back(TOFChannelKey(st, pl, sl, pmt, detector.str())); } int nChannels = _Pkey.size(); _t0.resize(nChannels); _reff.resize(nChannels); _twPar.resize(nChannels); return nChannels; } bool TOFCalibrationMap::LoadT0File(std::string t0File) { std::ifstream stream(t0File.c_str()); if (!stream) { Squeak::mout(Squeak::error) << "Error in TOFCalibrationMap::LoadT0File : Can't open TOF calibration file." << t0File << std::endl; return false; } int reff; double p0; TOFChannelKey key; try { while (!stream.eof()) { stream >> key >> p0 >> reff; int n = FindTOFChannelKey(key); _t0[n] = p0; _reff[n] = reff; // std::cout << key << " pos:" << n << " t0:" << p0 << " reff:" << reff << std::endl; } } catch (MAUS::Exception e) { Squeak::mout(Squeak::error) << "Error in TOFCalibrationMap::LoadT0File : Error during loading. " << std::endl << e.GetMessage() << std::endl; return false; } return true; } bool TOFCalibrationMap::LoadTWFile(std::string twFile) { std::ifstream stream(twFile.c_str()); if (!stream) { Squeak::mout(Squeak::error) << "Error in TOFCalibrationMap::LoadTWFile : Can't open TOF calibration file. " << twFile << std::endl; return false; } double p0, p1, p2, p3; TOFChannelKey key; try { while (!stream.eof()) { stream >> key >> p0 >> p1 >> p2 >> p3; int n = FindTOFChannelKey(key); _twPar[n].resize(4); _twPar[n][0] = p0; _twPar[n][1] = p1; _twPar[n][2] = p2; _twPar[n][3] = p3; // std::cout<< key << " pos:" << n << " p0:" << p0 << " p1:" << p1 << std::endl; } } catch (MAUS::Exception e) { Squeak::mout(Squeak::error) << "Error in TOFCalibrationMap::LoadTWFile : Error during loading. " << std::endl << e.GetMessage() << std::endl; return false; } return true; } bool TOFCalibrationMap::LoadTriggerFile(std::string triggerFile) { std::ifstream stream(triggerFile.c_str()); if (!stream) { Squeak::mout(Squeak::error) << "Error in TOFCalibrationMap::LoadTriggerFile. Can't open TOF calibration file. " << triggerFile << std::endl; return false; } TOFPixelKey Pkey; double dt; try { while (!stream.eof()) { stream >> Pkey >> dt; _Tkey.push_back(Pkey); _Trt0.push_back(dt); // std::cout<< Pkey << " dt:" << dt << std::endl; } } catch (MAUS::Exception e) { Squeak::mout(Squeak::error) << "Error in TOFCalibrationMap::LoadTriggerFile. Error during loading. " << std::endl << e.GetMessage() << std::endl; return false; } // Use the last readed pixel key to set the number of the trigger station. _triggerStation = Pkey.station(); return true; } int TOFCalibrationMap::FindTOFChannelKey(TOFChannelKey key) const { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < _Pkey.size(); ++i ) if (_Pkey.at(i) == key) return i; return NOCALIB; } int TOFCalibrationMap::FindTOFPixelKey(TOFPixelKey key) const { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < _Tkey.size(); ++i ) if (_Tkey.at(i) == key) return i; return NOCALIB; } double TOFCalibrationMap::T0(TOFChannelKey key, int &r) const { if (!_do_t0_correction) return 0.; int n = FindTOFChannelKey(key); if (n != NOCALIB) { r = _reff[n]; if ( _t0[n] ) return _t0[n]; } // std::cout << "TOFCalibrationMap -> No T0 calibration for " << key << std::endl; return NOCALIB; } double TOFCalibrationMap::TriggerT0(TOFPixelKey key) const { if (!_do_triggerDelay_correction) return 0.; int n = FindTOFPixelKey(key); if (n != NOCALIB) return _Trt0[n]; // std::cout << "TOFCalibrationMap -> No Trigger calibration for " << key << std::endl; return n; } double TOFCalibrationMap::TW(TOFChannelKey key, int adc) const { if (!_do_timeWalk_correction) return 0.; int n = FindTOFChannelKey(key); // See equation 46 in MICE Note 251 "TOF Detectors Time Calibration". if (n != NOCALIB) { double x = adc + _twPar[n][0]; double x2 = x*x; double p1 = _twPar[n][1]; double p2 = _twPar[n][2]/x; double p3 =_twPar[n][3]/x2; double dt_tw = p1 + p2 + p3; if (_twPar[n][0] && _twPar[n][1] && _twPar[n][2] && _twPar[n][3]) return dt_tw; } // std::cout << "TOFCalibrationMap -> No TW calibration for " << key << std::endl; return NOCALIB; } double TOFCalibrationMap::dT(TOFChannelKey Pkey, TOFPixelKey TrKey, int adc) const { // See equations 37-40 and 45 in MICE Note 251 "TOF Detectors Time Calibration". int reffSlab; double tw = TW(Pkey, adc); double t0 = T0(Pkey, reffSlab); double trt0 = TriggerT0(TrKey); // std::cout << "TOFCalibrationMap -> "<< Pkey << " " << TrKey << " tw = " << tw; // std::cout << " t0 = " << t0 << " trt0 = " << trt0 << std::endl; if (tw == NOCALIB || t0 == NOCALIB || trt0 == NOCALIB) { return NOCALIB; } double dt = t0 - tw - trt0; // If this measurement is in the trigger station we need one additional correction. if (Pkey.station() == _triggerStation) { if (Pkey.plane() == 0) { TOFPixelKey refTr(_triggerStation, Pkey.slab(), reffSlab, Pkey.detector()); if (TriggerT0(refTr) == NOCALIB) return NOCALIB; dt += TriggerT0(refTr); // std::cout << refTr << " dt = " << TriggerT0(refTr) << std::endl; } else { TOFPixelKey refTr(_triggerStation, reffSlab, Pkey.slab(), Pkey.detector()); if (TriggerT0(refTr) == NOCALIB) return NOCALIB; dt += TriggerT0(refTr); // std::cout << refTr << " dt = " << TriggerT0(refTr) << std::endl; } } // std::cout << "TOFCalibrationMap -> dT = " << dt << std::endl; return dt*1e-3; } void TOFCalibrationMap::Print() { std::cout << "====================== TofCalibrationMap =========================" << std::endl; std::cout << " Name : " << _name << std::endl; std::cout << " Trigger in TOF" << _triggerStation << std::endl; std::cout << " Number of channels : " << _Pkey.size() << std::endl; std::cout << " Number of calibrated pixels in the trigger station : "; std::cout << _Tkey.size() << std::endl; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < _Pkey.size(); i++) { std::cout << _Pkey[i] << " T0 :" << _t0[i] << ", " << _reff[i]; std::cout << " TW: "<< _twPar[i][0] << ", " << _twPar[i][1]; std::cout << ", " << _twPar[i][2] << ", " << _twPar[i][3] << std::endl; } for (unsigned int i = 0; i < _Tkey.size(); i++) std::cout << _Tkey[i] << " " << _Trt0[i] << std::endl; std::cout<< "===================================================================" << std::endl; } TOFPixelKey::TOFPixelKey(string keyStr) throw(MAUS::Exception) { std::stringstream xConv; try { xConv << keyStr; xConv >> (*this); }catch(MAUS::Exception e) { throw(MAUS::Exception(MAUS::Exception::recoverable, std::string("corrupted TOF Pixel Key"), "TOFPixelKey::TOFPixelKey(std::string)")); } } bool TOFPixelKey::operator==( const TOFPixelKey& key ) const { if ( _station == key._station && _slabX == key._slabX && _slabY == key._slabY && _detector == key._detector) { return true; } else { return false; } } bool TOFPixelKey::operator!=( const TOFPixelKey& key ) const { if ( _station == key._station && _slabX == key._slabX && _slabY == key._slabY && _detector == key._detector) { return false; } else { return true; } } ostream& operator<<( ostream& stream, TOFPixelKey key ) { stream << "TOFPixelKey " << key._station; stream << " " << key._slabX; stream << " " << key._slabY; stream << " " << key._detector; return stream; } istream& operator>>( istream& stream, TOFPixelKey &key ) throw(MAUS::Exception) { string xLabel; stream >> xLabel >> key._station >> key._slabX >> key._slabY >> key._detector; if (xLabel != "TOFPixelKey") { throw(MAUS::Exception(MAUS::Exception::recoverable, std::string("corrupted TOF Pixel Key Extr"), "istream& operator>>(istream& stream, TOFPixelKey)")); } return stream; } string TOFPixelKey::str() { stringstream xConv; xConv << (*this); return xConv.str(); } bool TOFCalibrationMap::InitializePyMod() { // import the get_tof_calib module // this python module access and gets calibrations from the DB _calib_mod = PyImport_ImportModule("calibration.get_tof_calib"); if (_calib_mod == NULL) { std::cerr << "Failed to import get_tof_calib module" << std::endl; return false; } PyObject* calib_mod_dict = PyModule_GetDict(_calib_mod); if (calib_mod_dict != NULL) { PyObject* calib_init = PyDict_GetItemString (calib_mod_dict, "GetCalib"); if (PyCallable_Check(calib_init)) { _tcalib = PyObject_Call(calib_init, NULL, NULL); } } if (_tcalib == NULL) { std::cerr << "Failed to instantiate get_tof_calib" << std::endl; return false; } return true; } void TOFCalibrationMap::GetCalib(std::string devname, std::string caltype) { PyObject *py_arg = NULL, *py_value = NULL; // setup the arguments to get_calib_func // the arguments are 3 strings // arg1 = device name (TOF0/TOF1/TOF2) uppercase // arg2 = calibration type (tw/t0/trigger) lowercase _get_calib_func = NULL; if (_tof_calib_by == "date") { py_arg = Py_BuildValue("(sss)", devname.c_str(), caltype.c_str(), _tof_calibdate.c_str()); _get_calib_func = PyObject_GetAttrString(_tcalib, "get_calib"); } else if (_tof_calib_by == "run_number") { py_arg = Py_BuildValue("(sis)", devname.c_str(), runNumber, caltype.c_str()); _get_calib_func = PyObject_GetAttrString(_tcalib, "get_calib_for_run"); } else { throw(MAUS::Exception(MAUS::Exception::recoverable, "Invalid tof_calib_by type "+_tof_calib_by, "TOFCalibrationMap::GetCalib")); } if (_get_calib_func == NULL) throw(MAUS::Exception(MAUS::Exception::recoverable, "Failed to find get_calib function", "TOFCalibrationMap::GetCalib")); if (py_arg == NULL) { PyErr_Clear(); throw(MAUS::Exception(MAUS::Exception::recoverable, "Failed to resolve arguments to get_calib", "MAUSEvaluator::evaluate")); } if (_get_calib_func != NULL && PyCallable_Check(_get_calib_func)) { py_value = PyObject_CallObject(_get_calib_func, py_arg); // setup the streams to hold the different calibs if (py_value != NULL && strcmp(caltype.c_str(), "t0") == 0) t0str << PyString_AsString(py_value); if (strcmp(caltype.c_str(), "tw") == 0) twstr << PyString_AsString(py_value); if (strcmp(caltype.c_str(), "trigger") == 0) trigstr << PyString_AsString(py_value); } if (py_value == NULL) { PyErr_Clear(); Py_XDECREF(py_arg); throw(MAUS::Exception(MAUS::Exception::recoverable, "Failed to parse argument "+devname, "GetCalib::get_calib")); } // clean up Py_XDECREF(py_value); Py_XDECREF(py_arg); } bool TOFCalibrationMap::LoadT0Calib() { this->GetCalib(_tof_station, "t0"); int reff; double p0; TOFChannelKey key; try { while (!t0str.eof()) { t0str >> key >> p0 >> reff; // std::cerr << key << " t0:" << p0 << " reff:" << reff << std::endl; int n = FindTOFChannelKey(key); _t0[n] = p0; _reff[n] = reff; // std::cerr << " pos:" << n << std::endl; } } catch (MAUS::Exception e) { Squeak::mout(Squeak::error) << "Error in TOFCalibrationMap::LoadT0Calib : Error during loading. " << std::endl << e.GetMessage() << std::endl; return false; } return true; } bool TOFCalibrationMap::LoadTWCalib() { this->GetCalib(_tof_station, "tw"); double p0, p1, p2, p3; TOFChannelKey key; try { while (!twstr.eof()) { twstr >> key >> p0 >> p1 >> p2 >> p3; // std::cerr << "tw: " << key.str() << " " << key << std::endl; int n = FindTOFChannelKey(key); _twPar[n].resize(4); _twPar[n][0] = p0; _twPar[n][1] = p1; _twPar[n][2] = p2; _twPar[n][3] = p3; // std::cout<< key << " pos:" << n << " p0:" << p0 << " p1:" << p1 << std::endl; } } catch (MAUS::Exception e) { Squeak::mout(Squeak::error) << "Error in TOFCalibrationMap::LoadTWCalib : Error during loading. " << std::endl << e.GetMessage() << std::endl; return false; } return true; } bool TOFCalibrationMap::LoadTriggerCalib() { this->GetCalib(_tof_station, "trigger"); TOFPixelKey Pkey; double dt; try { while (!trigstr.eof()) { trigstr >> Pkey >> dt; _Tkey.push_back(Pkey); _Trt0.push_back(dt); // std::cerr << Pkey << " dt:" << dt << std::endl; } } catch (MAUS::Exception e) { Squeak::mout(Squeak::error) << "Error in TOFCalibrationMap::LoadTriggerCalib. Error during loading. " << std::endl << e.GetMessage() << std::endl; return false; } // Use the last readed pixel key to set the number of the trigger station. _triggerStation = Pkey.station(); return true; } }