/* This file is part of MAUS: http://micewww.pp.rl.ac.uk:8080/projects/maus * * MAUS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * MAUS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with MAUS. If not, see . * */ #ifndef _MAUS_TOFCALIBRATIONMAP_HH_ #define _MAUS_TOFCALIBRATIONMAP_HH_ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "json/json.h" #include "Utils/TOFChannelMap.hh" #include "Utils/Exception.hh" #include "Interface/Squeak.hh" #include "src/common_cpp/Utils/JsonWrapper.hh" namespace MAUS { /** Identifier for a single TOF pixel. * This class is used to hold and manage all the information needed * to identifiy one pixel in the TOF detectors. */ class TOFPixelKey { public: TOFPixelKey() :_station(-999), _slabX(-999), _slabY(-999), _detector("unknown") {} TOFPixelKey(int st, int slX, int slY, string d) :_station(st), _slabX(slX), _slabY(slY), _detector(d) {} explicit TOFPixelKey(string keyStr) throw(Exception); virtual ~TOFPixelKey() {} bool operator==( const TOFPixelKey& key ) const; bool operator!=( const TOFPixelKey& key ) const; friend ostream& operator<<( ostream& stream, TOFPixelKey key ); friend istream& operator>>( istream& stream, TOFPixelKey &key ) throw(Exception); string detector() {return _detector;} /** This function converts the DAQChannelKey into string. * \return String identifier. */ string str(); int station() {return _station;} int slabX() {return _slabX;} int slabY() {return _slabY;} void SetStation(int xStation) {_station = xStation;} void SetSlabX(int xSlab) {_slabX = xSlab;} void SetSlabY(int xSlab) {_slabY = xSlab;} void SetDetector(string xDetector) {_detector = xDetector;} /* This function creates unique integer identifier. * \return Integer identifier. * int make_TOFPixelKey_id() {return _station*1e6 + _slabY*1e3 + _slabX;} */ private: /// TOF station number. int _station; /** Number of the horizontal Slab. ATTENTION : according to the convention used in * the cabling file the horizontal slabs are always in plane 0. */ int _slabX; /** Number of the vertical Slab. ATTENTION : according to the convention used in * the cabling file the vertical slabs are always in plane 1. */ int _slabY; /// Name of the detector. string _detector; }; /** Complete map of all calibration constants needed in order to reconstruct the time * measured by the TOF detectors. This class is used to hold and manage calibration * constants and to calculate the calibration corrections. The algorithm, used to calibrate * the time measurements, is described in MICE Note 251 "TOF Detectors Time Calibration". * http://mice.iit.edu/micenotes/public/pdf/MICE0251/MICE0251.pdf */ class TOFCalibrationMap { public: TOFCalibrationMap(); virtual ~TOFCalibrationMap(); /** Initialize the calibration map by using the text files provided in * ConfigurationDefaults.py * \param[in] json_configuration Json document containing the configuration. * \returns true if all text files are loaded successfully. */ bool InitializeFromCards(Json::Value configJSON, int); /// Get calibrations from CDB bool InitializeFromCDB(); /** Initialize the map by using the provided text files. * \param[in] t0File name of the text file containing the t0 calibration constants. * \param[in] twFile name of the text file containing the TimeWalk calibration constants. * \param[in] triggerFile name of the text file containing the trigger delay calibration * constants. * \returns true if all text files are loaded successfully. */ bool Initialize(std::string t0File, std::string twFile, std::string triggerFile); /** Return the T0 correction for the channel coded by the key. * \param[in] key the channel of the measurement. * \param[out] r the number of the refference pixel in the slab. * The refference pixel is the pixel where the T0 calibration constant for this channel * has been calculated. * \returns the value of the T0 correction for this channel and sets the number of the * refference pixel. If no calibration for this channel the function returns NOCALIB (-99999). */ double T0(TOFChannelKey key, int &r) const; /** Return the Trigger delay correction for the pixel coded by the key. * \param[in] key the pixel of the hit that gives the trigger. * \returns the value of the trigger delay correction. If no calibration for this pixel the * function returns NOCALIB (-99999). */ double TriggerT0(TOFPixelKey key) const; /** Calculate the TimeWalk correction for the channel coded by the key and for given adc value. * \param[in] key the channel of the measurement. * \param[in] adc the measured value of the amplitude of the signal. * \returns the value of the time-walk correction. If no calibration for this channel the function * returns NOCALIB (-99999). */ double TW(TOFChannelKey key, int adc ) const; /** Calculate the combined correction for the channel coded by Pkey, trigger * pixel coded by the Tkey and for given adc value. * \param[in] Pkey the channel of the measurement. * \param[in] Tkey the pixel of the hit that gives the trigger. * \param[in] adc the measured value of the amplitude of the signal. */ double dT(TOFChannelKey Pkey, TOFPixelKey Tkey, int adc) const; /** Return the data member Name. */ std::string Name() const {return _name;} /** Return the data member _triggerStation. */ int TriggerStationNumber() const {return _triggerStation;} /** Print the calibration map; * To be used only for debugging. */ void Print(); bool InitializePyMod(); void GetCalib(std::string devname, std::string caltype); void SetTriggerStation(int station) {_triggerStation = station;} enum { /** This value is returned when the correction can not be calculated. */ NOCALIB = -99999 }; private: /** Make one TOFChannelKey for each channel of the detector. * All TOFChannelKeys are held in the data member _Pkey. * ATTENTION : The detector configuration is HARDCODED !!!! * TO BE IMPROVED !!!! */ int MakeTOFChannelKeys(); /** Load T0 constants from text file. */ bool LoadT0File(std::string t0File); /** Load Trigger delay constants from text file. */ bool LoadTWFile(std::string twFile); /** Load TimeWalk constants from text file. */ bool LoadTriggerFile(std::string triggerFile); /** Find the position of the PMT key in the data member _Pkey. */ int FindTOFChannelKey(TOFChannelKey key) const; /** Find the position of the trigger key in the data member _Tkey. */ int FindTOFPixelKey(TOFPixelKey key) const; /** This vector holds one TOFChannelKey for each channel of the detector. */ std::vector _Pkey; /** This vector holds the TimeWalk constants. IMPORTANT - the order of the entries * here is the same as the order of the entries in _Pkey. * This is used when the constants are read. */ std::vector< std::vector > _twPar; /** This vector holds the T0 constants. IMPORTANT - the order of the entries here is * the same as the order of the entries in _Pkey. * This is used when the constants are read. */ std::vector _t0; /** This vector holds the number of the refference bar. IMPORTANT - the order of * the entries here is the same as the order of the entries in _Pkey. * This is used when the constants are read. */ std::vector_reff; /** This vector holds one TOFPixelKey for each calibrated pixel of the trigger station. * IMPORTANT - uncalibrated pixels are not presented here. */ std::vector _Tkey; /** This vector holds the Trigger delay constants. IMPORTANT - the order of * the entries here is the same as the order of the entries in _Tkey. * This is used when the constants are read. */ std::vector _Trt0; /** Number of the trigger station. It is automatically set during the initialization. */ int _triggerStation; /** Name of the calibration as in the CDB. */ std::string _name; std::stringstream t0str, twstr, trigstr; std::string _tof_station, _tof_calibdate, _tof_calib_by; /** Flags for switching On and Off of the different types of calibration corrections. */ bool _do_timeWalk_correction; bool _do_triggerDelay_correction; bool _do_t0_correction; PyObject* _calib_mod; PyObject* _tcalib; PyObject* _get_calib_func; bool LoadT0Calib(); bool LoadTWCalib(); bool LoadTriggerCalib(); bool pymod_ok; int runNumber; }; } #endif