# -*- mode: makefile -*- # $Id$ # MacOSX platform dependent definitions # Architecture: PPC or x86 ARCH_PPCI386 := $(shell arch) # fink directories FINK_ROOT := $(shell which fink | sed -e 's?/bin/fink??') # The compilers CXX = $(shell root-config --cxx) CC = $(shell root-config --cc) F77 = $(shell root-config --f77) # Global optimisation OPT = -O -g NOOPT = -g # Shared library suffix SL = dylib # AWK AWK = awk # The options # # CXXOPTS = $(OPT) -fPIC -wd1476 COPT = $(OPT) -fPIC -restrict FOPT = $(NOOPT) # CERNLIB defines CLIBDEFS_TMP = -DCERNLIB_LINUX -DCERNLIB_BLDLIB -DCERNLIB_CZ ifeq (i386,$(findstring i386,$(ARCH_PPCI386))) CLIBDEFS = $(CLIBDEFS_TMP) else CLIBDEFS = $(CLIBDEFS_TMP) -DCERNLIB_PPC endif CLIBCXXOPTS = $(CLIBDEFS) CLIBCOPT = $(CLIBDEFS) CLIBFOPT = $(CLIBDEFS) LD = $(shell root-config --ld) LDFLAGS = $(OPT) SHLD = $(LD) SOFLAGS = $(OPT) -dynamiclib -undefined dynamic_lookup -single_module SHLIB = LIBS = $(ROOTLIBS)