{ TCanvas *c = new TCanvas; TLatex *l = new TLatex(0.5, 0.5, "#font[122]{a = b + c - d #pm e}"); l->Draw(); c->SaveAs("c.eps"); }The font 122 is the greek one. With a such TLatex "a" becomes "alpha", "b" becomes " beta" etc ... It is not the recommended way to do greek characters with TLatex, but it should work anyway.
{ TCanvas *canvas = new TCanvas("c5","c5",900,900); TH1F *histo = new TH1F("Histo","123456x_{i}abcdefy^{2}",100,0,20); canvas->Print("drawing.gif"); }
root : looking for image "filename" in path [/home/username/icons]printed by libAfterImage when using TImage::Open("filename")
// Draw a simple graph structure. // The graph layout is made using graphviz. This macro creates some // nodes and edges and change a few graphical attributes on some of them. // Author: Olivier Couet { TGraphStruct *gs = new TGraphStruct(); // create some nodes and put them in the graph in one go ... TGraphNode *n0 = gs->AddNode("n0","Node 0"); TGraphNode *n1 = gs->AddNode("n1","First node"); TGraphNode *n2 = gs->AddNode("n2","Second node"); TGraphNode *n3 = gs->AddNode("n3","Third node"); TGraphNode *n4 = gs->AddNode("n4","Fourth node"); TGraphNode *n5 = gs->AddNode("n5","5th node"); TGraphNode *n6 = gs->AddNode("n6","Node number six"); TGraphNode *n7 = gs->AddNode("n7","Node 7"); TGraphNode *n8 = gs->AddNode("n8","Node 8"); TGraphNode *n9 = gs->AddNode("n9","Node 9"); n4->SetTextSize(0.03); n6->SetTextSize(0.03); n2->SetTextSize(0.04); n3->SetTextFont(132); n0->SetTextColor(kRed); n9->SetFillColor(kRed-10); n0->SetFillColor(kYellow-9); n7->SetFillColor(kViolet-9); // some edges ... gs->AddEdge(n0,n1)->SetLineColor(kRed); TGraphEdge *e06 = gs->AddEdge(n0,n6); e06->SetLineColor(kRed-3); e06->SetLineWidth(4); gs->AddEdge(n1,n7); gs->AddEdge(n4,n6); gs->AddEdge(n3,n9); gs->AddEdge(n6,n8); gs->AddEdge(n7,n2); gs->AddEdge(n8,n3); gs->AddEdge(n2,n3); gs->AddEdge(n9,n0); gs->AddEdge(n1,n4); gs->AddEdge(n1,n6); gs->AddEdge(n2,n5); gs->AddEdge(n3,n6); gs->AddEdge(n4,n5); TCanvas *c = new TCanvas("c","c",800,600); c->SetFillColor(38); gs->Draw(); return c; }This new funtionnality relies on the graphivz package. This package can be downloaded from http://www.graphviz.org/.
At installation time, to find graphviz, the ROOT's configure file looks in standard locations. It is possible to define a specific location using the configure flags:
--with-gviz-incdir="the directory where gvc.h is" --with-gviz-libdir="the directory where the libgvc library is"
To install graphviz (if needed) it is recommended to use the following configure flags:
--enable-static=yes --enable-shared=no --with-pic --prefix="graphviz installed here"
On 64 bits machines, the ROOT sources are compiled with the option -m64. In that case graphviz should be also compiled in 64 bits mode. It might be the default option, but on some machine it is not. In that case the environment variable CC should be defined as:
CC="gcc -m64"
before doing configure.
On Windows machines it recommended to not install graphviz but to download the pre-installed version from http://www.graphviz.org/. The ROOT configure command remains the same.
{ TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas("c1","c1",500,500); TLatex l; l.SetTextSize(0.1); l.DrawLatex(0.1,0.6,"#nu#int^{1-x}_{2#pi}"); l.DrawLatex(0.1,0.2,"a#int^{1-x}_{2#pi}"); l.DrawLatex(0.5,0.6,"#nu#sum^{1-x}_{2#pi}"); l.DrawLatex(0.5,0.2,"a#sum^{1-x}_{2#pi}"); }This problem is there since the 1st version of TLatex. It is fixed by:
{ TF1* f = new TF1("f", "exp(x)", 0.467, 2.1345); TGaxis* a = new TGaxis(0.1,0.4,0.9,0.4, "f", 50510, "-"); a->Draw(); TGaxis* b = new TGaxis(0.1,0.7,0.9,0.7, 0.4356, 1.56789, 50510, "-"); b->Draw(); }