// @(#)root/test:$Id$ // Author: Valeriy Onuchin & Fons Rademakers 04/10/98 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ROOT implementation of the simple Tetris game // Layout and some hints were taken from Qt /examples/tetris // // To run this game do the following: // $ root // root [0] gSystem.Load("libGpad") // root [1] gSystem.Load("Tetris") // root [2] Tetris t // <play game> // root [2] .q // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include <TVirtualX.h> #include <TGClient.h> #include <KeySymbols.h> #include <TRootCanvas.h> #include <TApplication.h> #include <TList.h> #include "Tetris.h" static Tetris *gTetris; // game manager static const UInt_t gBoxPixelSize = 20; // size of TetrisBox in pixels ClassImp(Tetris) /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TetrisBox - the main brick of the game /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TetrisBox::TetrisBox(Int_t x, Int_t y, UInt_t type, TPad* pad) : TWbox(0,0,1,1,33,2,1) { // Create brick fType = type; fPad = pad; //------- append box to pad SetBit(kMustCleanup); SetBit(kCanDelete); pad->GetListOfPrimitives()->Add(this); SetXY(x,y); } void TetrisBox::SetX(Int_t x) { // Set X measured in boxes units // width in pixels of pad Float_t width = (Float_t)fPad->XtoPixel(fPad->GetX2()); Coord_t x1 = ((Float_t)x)*gBoxPixelSize/width; Coord_t x2 = ((Float_t)x+1)*gBoxPixelSize/width; SetX1(x1); SetX2(x2); fX = x; } void TetrisBox::SetY(Int_t y) { // Set Y measured in boxes units // height in pixels of pad Float_t height = (Float_t)fPad->YtoPixel(fPad->GetY1()); Coord_t y1 = ((Float_t)y)*gBoxPixelSize/height; Coord_t y2 = ((Float_t)y+1)*gBoxPixelSize/height; SetY1(y1); SetY2(y2); fY = y; } void TetrisBox::Paint(Option_t *option) { // Paint box if it's not hidden. if (!IsHidden() && fPad) TWbox::Paint(option); } void TetrisBox::Erase() { // erase box Double_t fX1sav = fX1; Double_t fY1sav = fY1; Double_t fX2sav = fX2; Double_t fY2sav = fY2; // erase 2 pix extra fX1 = fX1-fPad->PixeltoX(2); fY1 = fY1+fPad->PixeltoY(2); fX2 = fX2+fPad->PixeltoX(2); fY2 = fY2-fPad->PixeltoY(2); SetFillColor(fPad->GetFillColor()); SetBorderMode(0); Paint(); fX1 = fX1sav; fY1 = fY1sav; fX2 = fX2sav; fY2 = fY2sav; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TetrisPiece - tetris piece is set of up to 4 TetrisBoxes /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static Int_t gPieceTypes[10][4][2] = { {{-1,1}, // * {-1,0}, // * * { 0,0}, // * { 0,-1}}, {{ 1, 1}, // * { 1, 0}, // * * { 0, 0}, // * { 0,-1}}, {{ 0, 1}, // * { 0, 0}, // * { 0,-1}, // * { 0,-2}}, // * {{ 0, 1}, // * { 1, 0}, // * * * { 0, 0}, { -1,0}}, {{ 1, 1}, // * * { 0, 1}, // * * { 1, 0}, // { 0, 0}}, // {{ 0, 1}, // * { 0, 0}, // * { 0,-1}, // * * { -1,-1}}, {{ 0, 1}, // * { 0, 0}, // * { 0,-1}, // * * { 1,-1}}, {{ 0, 1}, // * { 0, 1}, // hidden { 0, 1}, // hidden { 0, 1}}, // hidden {{ 0, 1}, // * { 0, 0}, // * { 0, 1}, // hidden { 0, 0}}, // hidden {{ 0, 1}, // * { 0, 0}, // * { 0,-1}, // * { 0, 0}}}; // hidden static Color_t gPieceColors[10] = { 2,3,4,5,6,7,13,9,28,41 }; TetrisPiece::~TetrisPiece() { // Clean up piece. for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) delete fBoxes[i]; } void TetrisPiece::Initialize(UInt_t type, TPad* pad) { for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) fBoxes[i] = new TetrisBox(0,0,0,pad); fX = 0; fY = 0; SetType(type); } void TetrisPiece::SetType(UInt_t type) { // re-initialization if (type < 1 || type > 10) type = 9; for (int i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i++) { fBoxes[i]->SetType(type); fBoxes[i]->SetFillColor(gPieceColors[type-1]); fBoxes[i]->SetX(gPieceTypes[type-1][i][0]+fX); fBoxes[i]->SetY(gPieceTypes[type-1][i][1]+fY); } HideSomeBoxes(type); fType = type; } void TetrisPiece::HideSomeBoxes(UInt_t type) { // Make invisible some boxes for 1,2,3 length pieces switch(type) { case 8: fBoxes[1]->Hide(); case 9: fBoxes[2]->Hide(); case 10: fBoxes[3]->Hide(); default: return; } } Bool_t TetrisPiece::RotateRight() { // Rotate anticlockwise around (fX,fY) point // don't rotate square pieces if (GetType() == 5 || GetType() == 8) return kFALSE; Int_t tmp; for (int i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i++) { tmp = GetXx(i); SetXx(i,-GetYy(i)); SetYy(i,tmp); } return kTRUE; } Bool_t TetrisPiece::RotateLeft() { // Rotate clockwise around (fX,fY) point // don't rotate square pieces if (GetType() == 5 || GetType() == 8) return kFALSE; Int_t tmp; for (int i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i++) { tmp = GetXx(i); SetXx(i,GetYy(i)); SetYy(i,-tmp); } return kTRUE; } void TetrisPiece::Hide() { // Hide this piece for (int i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i++) { fBoxes[i]->Hide(); } } void TetrisPiece::Show() { // Show this piece for (int i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i++) { fBoxes[i]->SetType(fType); } HideSomeBoxes(fType); } void TetrisPiece::SetX(Int_t x) { // Change of X position of the whole piece for (int i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i++) SetX(i,x+GetXx(i)); fX = x; } void TetrisPiece::SetY(Int_t y) { // Change of Y position of the whole piece for (int i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i++) SetY(i,y+GetYy(i)); fY = y; } void TetrisPiece::SetXY(Int_t x,Int_t y) { // Change of X,Y position of the whole piece for (int i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i++) { SetX(i,x+GetXx(i)); SetY(i,y+GetYy(i)); } fX = x; fY = y; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CurrentPiece = TetrisPiece + TTimer = live TetrisPiece /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CurrentPiece::CurrentPiece(UInt_t type,TetrisBoard* board) : TetrisPiece(type,board), TTimer(1000,kTRUE) { // Initialize new piece fBoard = board; Int_t line = fBoard->GetHeight()-2; Int_t xPosition = fBoard->GetWidth()/2; SetXY(xPosition,line); if (!CanMoveTo(xPosition,line)) { gTetris->StopGame(); return; } fBoard->Modified(); fBoard->Update(); fBoard->SetDropped(kFALSE); SetSpeed(); // set speed of moving according to game level Start(); // add this timer to sytem timers list = start moving } void CurrentPiece::MoveTo(int x, int y) { // Move this to (x,y) and draw it there Erase(); SetXY(x,y); // set new coordinates fBoard->Modified(); // drawing fBoard->Update(); } Bool_t CurrentPiece::CanMoveTo(int x, int y) { // Can move this piece to (x,y)? Bool_t return_value; int savX = fX; int savY = fY; SetXY(x,y); // set new coordinates return_value = CanPosition(); // if inside board and no non-zero squares underneath SetXY(savX,savY); // go back return return_value; } Bool_t CurrentPiece::CanPosition() { // Check if piece position is allowed int x, y; for (int i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i++) { GetXY(i,x,y); // coordinates of piece boxes at test position if (x < 0 || x >= fBoard->GetWidth() || y < 0 || y >= fBoard->GetHeight() || !fBoard->IsEmpty(x,y)) return kFALSE; } return kTRUE; // Inside board and no non-zero squares underneath. } Bool_t CurrentPiece::RotateRight() { // Rotate clockwise. Returns kTRUE if succeeded. Bool_t return_value; Erase(); TetrisPiece::RotateRight(); return_value = CanPosition(); if (!return_value) TetrisPiece::RotateLeft(); // rotate back fBoard->Modified(); // drawing fBoard->Update(); return return_value; } Bool_t CurrentPiece::RotateLeft() { // Rotate anti clockwise. Returns kTRUE if succeeded. Bool_t return_value; Erase(); TetrisPiece::RotateLeft(); return_value = CanPosition(); if (!return_value) TetrisPiece::RotateRight(); // rotate back fBoard->Modified(); // drawing fBoard->Update(); return return_value; } Bool_t CurrentPiece::OneLineDown() { // Move one line down. Returns kTRUE if succeeded. int y = GetY(); int x = GetX(); y--; if (!CanMoveTo(x,y)) return kFALSE; MoveTo(x,y); return kTRUE; } Bool_t CurrentPiece::DropDown() { // Move the piece to lowest allowed line. Returns kTRUE if succeeded. int y = GetY(); int x = GetX(); int dropHeight = 0; while (CanMoveTo(x,--y)) dropHeight++; // find lower allowed line y++; MoveTo(x,y); // .. and move to Stop(); // stop moving fBoard->PieceDropped(this, dropHeight); return kTRUE; } Bool_t CurrentPiece::MoveLeft(int steps) { // Move piece to the left. Return kTRUE if succeeded. int y = GetY(); int x = GetX(); while(steps) { if (!CanMoveTo(--x ,y)) return kFALSE; // can't move MoveTo(x,y); steps--; } return kTRUE; } Bool_t CurrentPiece::MoveRight(int steps) { // Move piece to the right. Return kTRUE if succeeded. int y = GetY(); int x = GetX(); while(steps) { if (!CanMoveTo(++x,y)) return kFALSE; // can't move MoveTo(x,y); steps--; } return kTRUE; } Bool_t CurrentPiece::Notify() { // Actions after time out. if (OneLineDown()) { TTimer::Reset(); return kFALSE; } else { Stop(); // stop moving fBoard->PieceDropped(this,0); // piece can't move -> stop moving update state of TetrisBoard return kTRUE; } } void CurrentPiece::SetSpeed() { // Set speed according to level. const Int_t factor = 2; SetTime(1000/(1 + gTetris->GetLevel()*factor)); } void CurrentPiece::Paint(Option_t*) { // Paint it in fBoard. TPad* padsav = (TPad*)TVirtualPad::Pad(); fBoard->cd(); for (int i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i++) { fBoxes[i]->SetBorderMode(1); fBoxes[i]->SetFillColor(gPieceColors[fType-1]); fBoxes[i]->Paint(); } padsav->cd(); } void CurrentPiece::Erase() { // Erase = paint with the same FillColor as fBoard has TPad* padsav = (TPad*)TVirtualPad::Pad(); fBoard->cd(); for (int i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i++) { fBoxes[i]->Erase(); } padsav->cd(); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Game board /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TetrisBoard::TetrisBoard(Float_t xlow, Float_t ylow,Float_t xup,Float_t yup) : TPad("tetris_board","Tetris Board",xlow,ylow,xup,yup,17,4,-1) { // Game board constructor. fWidth = (int)(fMother->XtoAbsPixel(GetX2())*(xup-xlow))/gBoxPixelSize; fHeight = (int)(fMother->YtoAbsPixel(GetY1())*(yup-ylow))/gBoxPixelSize; Double_t box = fMother->PixeltoX(gBoxPixelSize); Double_t xx = xlow + box*fWidth; if (xx<xup) { xx += fMother->PixeltoX(1); SetPad(xlow, ylow, xx, yup); } fBoard = new TetrisBoxPtr[fWidth*fHeight]; fFilledLines = 0; Clear(); } void TetrisBoard::Clear(Option_t *) { // Delete/clear all objects. GetListOfPrimitives()->Delete(); // delete all object in this pad (including TetrisPiece) for (int i = 0; i < fWidth; i++) for (int j = 0; j < fHeight; j++) Board(i,j) = 0; // clear board map fIsDropped = kTRUE; } void TetrisBoard::Hide() { // Hide all objects. TetrisBox *box; TIter nextin(GetListOfPrimitives()); while ((box = (TetrisBox*)nextin())) box->Hide(); Modified(); Update(); } void TetrisBoard::Show() { // Show all objects TetrisBox *box; TIter nextin(GetListOfPrimitives()); while ((box = (TetrisBox*)nextin())) box->Show(); Modified(); Update(); } Bool_t TetrisBoard::IsFullLine(Int_t line) { // Check if line is full. Bool_t return_value = kTRUE; for (int i = 0; i < fWidth; i++) return_value = return_value && !IsEmpty(i,line); return return_value; } Bool_t TetrisBoard::IsEmptyLine(Int_t line) { // Check if line is empty Bool_t return_value = kTRUE; for (int i = 0; i < fWidth; i++) return_value = return_value && IsEmpty(i,line); return return_value; } void TetrisBoard::RemoveLine(Int_t line) { // Remove all TetrisBoxes of the line for (int i=0; i<fWidth; i++) { if (Board(i,line)) // when you delete TObject it's also removed from Pad delete Board(i,line); Board(i,line) = 0; } } void TetrisBoard::MoveOneLineDown(Int_t line) { // All boxes of this line move to (line-1) if (!line) return; // don't move line==0 for (int i = 0; i < fWidth; i++) { if (!IsEmpty(i,line)) { Board(i,line)->MoveOneLineDown(); // change position of Boxes Board(i,line-1) = Board(i,line); // remapping } Board(i,line)=0; // this line become empty } Modified(); Update(); } void TetrisBoard::RemoveFullLines() { // Remove full lines for (int i = 0; i < fFilledLines; i++) { while (IsFullLine(i)) { RemoveLine(i); gTetris->UpdateLinesRemoved(); AllAboveLinesDown(i); fFilledLines--; } } } void TetrisBoard::GluePiece(TetrisPiece* piece) { // Add pointers to piece boxes to fBoard::fBoard int x,y; TetrisBox *box; for (int i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i++) { piece->GetXY(i,x,y); box = piece->GetTetrisBox(i); if (box->IsHidden()) { delete box; continue;} // delete hidden boxes Board(x,y) = piece->GetTetrisBox(i); // add pointers to piece boxes to board map if (y>fFilledLines) fFilledLines = y+1; // update number of non empty lines } } void TetrisBoard::PieceDropped(TetrisPiece* piece, int height) { // Actions after piece was droped Int_t add2score = height*gTetris->GetLevel() + 10; // update score policy (could be modified) fIsDropped = kTRUE; GluePiece(piece); RemoveFullLines(); //Print(); // possible printig of board map on the terminal gTetris->UpdatePiecesDropped(); gTetris->UpdateScore(add2score); gTetris->CreateNewPiece(); // create new CurrentPiece fIsDropped = kFALSE; } void TetrisBoard::Print(const char *) const { // Used for testing printf("\n"); for (int j = fHeight-1; j > -1; j--) { for (int i = 0; i < fWidth; i++) ((TetrisBoard*)this)->IsEmpty(i,j) ? printf("| ") : printf("| * ") ; printf("|\n"); } } void TetrisBoard::PaintModified() { // Overload this method to acelerate graphics // (do not draw tens of heap boxes while current box is moving) if (!fIsDropped && gTetris->IsGameOn() && !gTetris->IsPaused()) gTetris->fCurrentPiece->Paint(); else TPad::PaintModified(); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // NextPiecePad // used to show next piece. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// NextPiecePad::NextPiecePad(Float_t xlow, Float_t ylow, Float_t xup, Float_t yup) : TPad("next_piece","Next Piece Pad",xlow,ylow,xup,yup,17,4,-1) { // Next piece pad ctor. fPiece = new TetrisPiece(this); fPiece->Hide(); // hide piece at start // (how to get pixel size?) Int_t x = (int)(fMother->XtoAbsPixel(GetX2())*(xup-xlow))/gBoxPixelSize/2; Int_t y = (int)(fMother->YtoAbsPixel(GetY1())*(yup-ylow))/gBoxPixelSize/2; fPiece->SetXY(x,y); // move to the center of pad Modified(kTRUE); Update(); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // PauseButton - push button // ExecuteEvent mehtod used to pause the game /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// PauseButton::PauseButton(Float_t xlow, Float_t ylow, Float_t xup, Float_t yup) : TButton("Pause"," ",xlow,ylow,xup,yup) { // Pause button constructor SetBorderSize(5); // decoration stuff.... SetTextSize(0.45); SetFillColor(42); } void PauseButton::ExecuteEvent(Int_t event, Int_t, Int_t) { // Action after mouse click if (event == kButton1Up) { IsPressed() ? gTetris->Continue() : gTetris->Pause(); Modified(kTRUE); } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // QuitButton - push button // ExecuteEvent mehtod used to quit the game /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// QuitButton::QuitButton(Float_t xlow, Float_t ylow, Float_t xup, Float_t yup) : TButton("Quit"," ",xlow,ylow,xup,yup) { // Quit button constructor SetBorderSize(5); // decoration stuff.... SetTextSize(0.45); SetFillColor(42); } void QuitButton::ExecuteEvent(Int_t event, Int_t, Int_t) { // Action after mouse click if (event == kButton1Up) gTetris->Quit(); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // NewGameButton - push button // ExecuteEvent mehtod used to start new game the game /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// NewGameButton::NewGameButton(Float_t xlow, Float_t ylow, Float_t xup, Float_t yup) : TButton("New Game"," ",xlow,ylow,xup,yup) { // New game button constructor SetBorderSize(5); SetTextSize(0.45); SetFillColor(42); } void NewGameButton::ExecuteEvent(Int_t event, Int_t, Int_t) { // Ation after mouse click if (event == kButton1Up) { gTetris->NewGame(); // always starts new game Modified(kTRUE); } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // InfoPad - /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// InfoPad::InfoPad(const char* title, Float_t xlow, Float_t ylow, Float_t xup, Float_t yup) : TPad("info_pad",title,xlow,ylow,xup,yup,17,4,-1), TAttText(22,0,2,71,0.65) { // InfoPad constructor SetBit(kCanDelete); TText *text = new TText(xlow,yup,title); // draw title of the information pad text->SetTextSize(0.45*(yup-ylow)); text->SetY(yup+0.2*text->GetTextSize()); fMother->GetListOfPrimitives()->Add(text); text = new TText(0.5,0.5,"0"); // this text used to display fValue GetListOfPrimitives()->Add(text); fValue = 0; Modified(kTRUE); Update(); } void InfoPad::PaintModified() { // Actions after pad was modified (resize event, user's Modified(kTRUE) ...) char str[40]; snprintf(str,40,"%d",fValue); TObject *obj = GetListOfPrimitives()->First(); if (obj && obj->InheritsFrom("TText")) { TText *text = (TText*)obj; text->SetTitle(str); // set title according to fValue text->SetTextSize(GetTextSize()); text->SetTextFont(GetTextFont()); text->SetTextAlign(GetTextAlign()); text->SetTextColor(GetTextColor()); text->SetTextAngle(GetTextAngle()); text->TAttText::Modify(); text->SetX(0.5); // draw centered text->SetY(0.5); } TPad::PaintModified(); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // KeyHandler - virtual frame used to catch and handle key events /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// KeyHandler::KeyHandler() : TGFrame(gClient->GetRoot(),0,0) { // Key handler constructor. // get main frame of Tetris canvas TRootCanvas *main_frame = (TRootCanvas*)(gTetris->GetCanvasImp()); // bind arrow keys and space-bar key main_frame->BindKey((const TGWindow*)this, gVirtualX->KeysymToKeycode(kKey_Up), 0); main_frame->BindKey((const TGWindow*)this, gVirtualX->KeysymToKeycode(kKey_Left), 0); main_frame->BindKey((const TGWindow*)this, gVirtualX->KeysymToKeycode(kKey_Right), 0); main_frame->BindKey((const TGWindow*)this, gVirtualX->KeysymToKeycode(kKey_Down), 0); main_frame->BindKey((const TGWindow*)this, gVirtualX->KeysymToKeycode(kKey_Space), 0); } KeyHandler::~KeyHandler() { // Cleanup key handler. // get main frame of Tetris canvas TRootCanvas *main_frame = (TRootCanvas*)(gTetris->GetCanvasImp()); // remove binding of arrow keys and space-bar key main_frame->RemoveBind(this, gVirtualX->KeysymToKeycode(kKey_Up), 0); main_frame->RemoveBind(this, gVirtualX->KeysymToKeycode(kKey_Left), 0); main_frame->RemoveBind(this, gVirtualX->KeysymToKeycode(kKey_Right), 0); main_frame->RemoveBind(this, gVirtualX->KeysymToKeycode(kKey_Down), 0); main_frame->RemoveBind(this, gVirtualX->KeysymToKeycode(kKey_Space), 0); // restore key auto repeat functionality, was turned off in TGMainFrame::HandleKey() gVirtualX->SetKeyAutoRepeat(kTRUE); } Bool_t KeyHandler::HandleKey(Event_t *event) { // Handle arrow and spacebar keys char tmp[2]; UInt_t keysym; gVirtualX->LookupString(event, tmp, sizeof(tmp), keysym); if (event->fType == kGKeyPress) { switch ((EKeySym)keysym) { case kKey_Left: gTetris->MoveLeft(); break; case kKey_Right: gTetris->MoveRight(); break; case kKey_Down: gTetris->RotateRight(); break; case kKey_Up: gTetris->RotateLeft(); break; case kKey_Space: gTetris->DropDown(); break; default: return kTRUE; } } return kTRUE; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // UpdateLevelTimer /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// UpdateLevelTimer::UpdateLevelTimer(ULong_t time) : TTimer(time,kTRUE) { // Update level timer constructor SetBit(kCanDelete); // delete this when gTetris is deleted gTetris->GetListOfPrimitives()->Add(this); } Bool_t UpdateLevelTimer::Notify() { // Actions after time out if (!gTetris->IsGameOn()) { Remove(); return kTRUE; } gTetris->UpdateLevel(); TTimer::Reset(); return kFALSE; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Tetris = Game manager /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Tetris::Tetris() : TCanvas("Tetris","Have a little fun with ROOT!",200,200,700,500) { // Tetris constructor gTetris = this; fCurrentPiece = 0; //----------- play board ------------ fBoard = new TetrisBoard(0.35,0.05,0.7,0.95); fBoard->Draw(); // ---------- info pads ------------- fNextPiece = new NextPiecePad(0.05,0.65,0.25,0.95); fNextPiece->Draw(); fLinesRemoved = new InfoPad("Lines Removed",0.75,0.8,0.95,0.9); fLinesRemoved->Draw(); fLevel = new InfoPad("Level",0.75,0.6,0.95,0.7); fLevel->Draw(); fScore = new InfoPad("Score",0.75,0.4,0.95,0.5); fScore->Draw(); //------------ buttons ---------------- fNewGame = new NewGameButton(0.05,0.05,0.25,0.15); fNewGame->Draw(); fQuit = new QuitButton(0.05,0.2,0.25,0.3); fQuit->Draw(); fPause = new PauseButton(0.05,0.35,0.25,0.45); fPause->Draw(); fPiecesDropped = 0; SetFillColor(21); fKeyHandler = new KeyHandler(); fUpdateLevelTimer = new UpdateLevelTimer(60000); // every minute SetFixedSize(); Update(); PrintHelpInfo(); fEditable = kFALSE; } void Tetris::PrintHelpInfo() { // Prints help info printf("\n\n\n"); printf(" Move Piece Left --------- left-arrow\n"); printf(" Move Piece Right --------- right-arrow\n"); printf(" Rotate Piece --------- up/down-arrow \n"); printf(" Drop Piece Down --------- space-bar\n"); printf("\n\n\n"); } void Tetris::CreateNewPiece() { // Create current and next pieces UInt_t type = fNextPiece->GetPiece()->GetType(); fNextPiece->NewPiece(); fCurrentPiece = new CurrentPiece(type,fBoard); } void Tetris::SetFixedSize() { // Set size of canvas ((TRootCanvas*)fCanvasImp)->SetWMSizeHints(fCw,fCh+20,fCw,fCh,0,0); } void Tetris::Quit() { // Stop game and delete canvas (i.e. tetris itself) delete fKeyHandler; fKeyHandler = 0; StopGame(); ((TRootCanvas*)fCanvasImp)->CloseWindow(); } void Tetris::NewGame() { // Start new game gVirtualX->SetInputFocus(((TRootCanvas*)fCanvasImp)->GetId()); if (IsGameOn()) StopGame(); // stop privious game fScore->Reset(); fLinesRemoved->Reset(); fPiecesDropped = 0; SetLevel(1); fUpdateLevelTimer->Start(); fBoard->Clear(); fNewGame->SetPressed(kTRUE); CreateNewPiece(); // start game } void Tetris::StopGame() { // Stop the game fUpdateLevelTimer->Stop(); if (fCurrentPiece) fCurrentPiece->Stop(); fNewGame->SetPressed(kFALSE); fPause->SetPressed(kFALSE); } void Tetris::Pause() { // Pause the game if (!IsGameOn()) return; if (fCurrentPiece) fCurrentPiece->Stop(); fPause->SetPressed(kTRUE); fBoard->Hide(); } void Tetris::Continue() { // Continue the game if (!IsGameOn()) return; fBoard->Show(); fPause->SetPressed(kFALSE); if (fCurrentPiece) fCurrentPiece->Start(); } void Tetris::MoveLeft() { // Move pice to the left if (!IsGameOn() || IsPaused() || IsWaiting()) return; fCurrentPiece->MoveLeft(); } void Tetris::MoveRight() { // Move piece to the right if (!IsGameOn() || IsPaused() || IsWaiting()) return; fCurrentPiece->MoveRight(); } void Tetris::DropDown() { // Drop piece down if (!IsGameOn() || IsPaused() || IsWaiting()) return; fCurrentPiece->DropDown(); } void Tetris::RotateRight() { // Rotate piece right if (!IsGameOn() || IsPaused() || IsWaiting()) return; fCurrentPiece->RotateRight(); } void Tetris::RotateLeft() { // Rotate piece left if (!IsGameOn() || IsPaused() || IsWaiting()) return; fCurrentPiece->RotateLeft(); } void Tetris::SetLevel(int level) { // Set difficulty level fLevel->SetValue(level); if (fCurrentPiece) fCurrentPiece->SetSpeed(); }