// @(#)root/tmva $Id$ // Author: Andreas Hoecker, Peter Speckmayer, Matt Jachowski, Jan Therhaag, Jiahang Zhong /********************************************************************************** * Project: TMVA - a Root-integrated toolkit for multivariate data analysis * * Package: TMVA * * Class : MethodANNBase * * Web : http://tmva.sourceforge.net * * * * Description: * * Artificial neural network base class for the discrimination of signal * * from background. * * * * Authors (alphabetical): * * Krzysztof Danielowski - IFJ & AGH, Poland * * Andreas Hoecker - CERN, Switzerland * * Matt Jachowski - Stanford University, USA * * Kamil Kraszewski - IFJ & UJ, Poland * * Maciej Kruk - IFJ & AGH, Poland * * Peter Speckmayer - CERN, Switzerland * * Joerg Stelzer - DESY, Germany * * Jan Therhaag - U of Bonn, Germany * * Jiahang Zhong - Academia Sinica, Taipei * * * * Copyright (c) 2005-2011: * * CERN, Switzerland * * U. of Bonn, Germany * * * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * * modification, are permitted according to the terms listed in LICENSE * * (http://tmva.sourceforge.net/LICENSE) * **********************************************************************************/ //_______________________________________________________________________ // // Base class for all TMVA methods using artificial neural networks // //_______________________________________________________________________ #include #include #include #include "TString.h" #include "TTree.h" #include "TDirectory.h" #include "Riostream.h" #include "TRandom3.h" #include "TH2F.h" #include "TH1.h" #include "TMath.h" #include "TMVA/MethodBase.h" #include "TMVA/MethodANNBase.h" #include "TMVA/TNeuron.h" #include "TMVA/TSynapse.h" #include "TMVA/TActivationChooser.h" #include "TMVA/Types.h" #include "TMVA/Tools.h" #include "TMVA/TNeuronInputChooser.h" #include "TMVA/Ranking.h" using std::vector; ClassImp(TMVA::MethodANNBase) //______________________________________________________________________________ TMVA::MethodANNBase::MethodANNBase( const TString& jobName, Types::EMVA methodType, const TString& methodTitle, DataSetInfo& theData, const TString& theOption, TDirectory* theTargetDir ) : TMVA::MethodBase( jobName, methodType, methodTitle, theData, theOption, theTargetDir ) , fEstimator(kMSE) , fUseRegulator(kFALSE) , fRandomSeed(0) { // standard constructor // Note: Right now it is an option to choose the neuron input function, // but only the input function "sum" leads to weight convergence -- // otherwise the weights go to nan and lead to an ABORT. InitANNBase(); DeclareOptions(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ TMVA::MethodANNBase::MethodANNBase( Types::EMVA methodType, DataSetInfo& theData, const TString& theWeightFile, TDirectory* theTargetDir ) : TMVA::MethodBase( methodType, theData, theWeightFile, theTargetDir ) , fEstimator(kMSE) , fUseRegulator(kFALSE) , fRandomSeed(0) { // construct the Method from the weight file InitANNBase(); DeclareOptions(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::MethodANNBase::DeclareOptions() { // define the options (their key words) that can be set in the option string // here the options valid for ALL MVA methods are declared. // know options: NCycles=xx :the number of training cycles // Normalize=kTRUE,kFALSe :if normalised in put variables should be used // HiddenLayser="N-1,N-2" :the specification of the hidden layers // NeuronType=sigmoid,tanh,radial,linar : the type of activation function // used at the neuronn // DeclareOptionRef( fNcycles = 500, "NCycles", "Number of training cycles" ); DeclareOptionRef( fLayerSpec = "N,N-1", "HiddenLayers", "Specification of hidden layer architecture" ); DeclareOptionRef( fNeuronType = "sigmoid", "NeuronType", "Neuron activation function type" ); DeclareOptionRef( fRandomSeed = 1, "RandomSeed", "Random seed for initial synapse weights (0 means unique seed for each run; default value '1')"); DeclareOptionRef(fEstimatorS="MSE", "EstimatorType", "MSE (Mean Square Estimator) for Gaussian Likelihood or CE(Cross-Entropy) for Bernoulli Likelihood" ); //zjh AddPreDefVal(TString("MSE")); //zjh AddPreDefVal(TString("CE")); //zjh TActivationChooser aChooser; std::vector* names = aChooser.GetAllActivationNames(); Int_t nTypes = names->size(); for (Int_t i = 0; i < nTypes; i++) AddPreDefVal(names->at(i)); delete names; DeclareOptionRef(fNeuronInputType="sum", "NeuronInputType","Neuron input function type"); TNeuronInputChooser iChooser; names = iChooser.GetAllNeuronInputNames(); nTypes = names->size(); for (Int_t i = 0; i < nTypes; i++) AddPreDefVal(names->at(i)); delete names; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::MethodANNBase::ProcessOptions() { // do nothing specific at this moment if ( DoRegression() || DoMulticlass()) fEstimatorS = "MSE"; //zjh if (fEstimatorS == "MSE" ) fEstimator = kMSE; else if (fEstimatorS == "CE") fEstimator = kCE; //zjh std::vector* layout = ParseLayoutString(fLayerSpec); BuildNetwork(layout); delete layout; } //______________________________________________________________________________ std::vector* TMVA::MethodANNBase::ParseLayoutString(TString layerSpec) { // parse layout specification string and return a vector, each entry // containing the number of neurons to go in each successive layer std::vector* layout = new std::vector(); layout->push_back((Int_t)GetNvar()); while(layerSpec.Length()>0) { TString sToAdd=""; if (layerSpec.First(',')<0) { sToAdd = layerSpec; layerSpec = ""; } else { sToAdd = layerSpec(0,layerSpec.First(',')); layerSpec = layerSpec(layerSpec.First(',')+1,layerSpec.Length()); } int nNodes = 0; if (sToAdd.BeginsWith("n") || sToAdd.BeginsWith("N")) { sToAdd.Remove(0,1); nNodes = GetNvar(); } nNodes += atoi(sToAdd); layout->push_back(nNodes); } if( DoRegression() ) layout->push_back( DataInfo().GetNTargets() ); // one output node for each target else if( DoMulticlass() ) layout->push_back( DataInfo().GetNClasses() ); // one output node for each class else layout->push_back(1); // one output node (for signal/background classification) int n = 0; for( std::vector::iterator it = layout->begin(); it != layout->end(); it++ ){ n++; } return layout; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::MethodANNBase::InitANNBase() { // initialize ANNBase object fNetwork = NULL; frgen = NULL; fActivation = NULL; fOutput = NULL; //zjh fIdentity = NULL; fInputCalculator = NULL; fSynapses = NULL; fEstimatorHistTrain = NULL; fEstimatorHistTest = NULL; // reset monitorign histogram vectors fEpochMonHistS.clear(); fEpochMonHistB.clear(); fEpochMonHistW.clear(); // these will be set in BuildNetwork() fInputLayer = NULL; fOutputNeurons.clear(); frgen = new TRandom3(fRandomSeed); fSynapses = new TObjArray(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ TMVA::MethodANNBase::~MethodANNBase() { // destructor DeleteNetwork(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::MethodANNBase::DeleteNetwork() { // delete/clear network if (fNetwork != NULL) { TObjArray *layer; Int_t numLayers = fNetwork->GetEntriesFast(); for (Int_t i = 0; i < numLayers; i++) { layer = (TObjArray*)fNetwork->At(i); DeleteNetworkLayer(layer); } delete fNetwork; } if (frgen != NULL) delete frgen; if (fActivation != NULL) delete fActivation; if (fOutput != NULL) delete fOutput; //zjh if (fIdentity != NULL) delete fIdentity; if (fInputCalculator != NULL) delete fInputCalculator; if (fSynapses != NULL) delete fSynapses; fNetwork = NULL; frgen = NULL; fActivation = NULL; fOutput = NULL; //zjh fIdentity = NULL; fInputCalculator = NULL; fSynapses = NULL; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::MethodANNBase::DeleteNetworkLayer( TObjArray*& layer ) { // delete a network layer TNeuron* neuron; Int_t numNeurons = layer->GetEntriesFast(); for (Int_t i = 0; i < numNeurons; i++) { neuron = (TNeuron*)layer->At(i); neuron->DeletePreLinks(); delete neuron; } delete layer; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::MethodANNBase::BuildNetwork( std::vector* layout, std::vector* weights, Bool_t fromFile ) { // build network given a layout (number of neurons in each layer) // and optional weights array if (fEstimatorS == "MSE") fEstimator = kMSE; //zjh else if (fEstimatorS == "CE") fEstimator = kCE; //zjh else Log()<At(0); TObjArray* outputLayer = (TObjArray*)fNetwork->At(fNetwork->GetEntriesFast()-1); fOutputNeurons.clear(); for (Int_t i = 0; i < outputLayer->GetEntries(); i++) { fOutputNeurons.push_back( (TNeuron*)outputLayer->At(i) ); } if (weights == NULL) InitWeights(); else ForceWeights(weights); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::MethodANNBase::BuildLayers( std::vector* layout, Bool_t fromFile ) { // build the network layers TObjArray* curLayer; TObjArray* prevLayer = NULL; Int_t numLayers = layout->size(); for (Int_t i = 0; i < numLayers; i++) { curLayer = new TObjArray(); BuildLayer(layout->at(i), curLayer, prevLayer, i, numLayers, fromFile); prevLayer = curLayer; fNetwork->Add(curLayer); } // cache pointers to synapses for fast access, the order matters for (Int_t i = 0; i < numLayers; i++) { TObjArray* layer = (TObjArray*)fNetwork->At(i); Int_t numNeurons = layer->GetEntriesFast(); if (i!=0 && i!=numLayers-1) fRegulators.push_back(0.); //zjh for (Int_t j = 0; j < numNeurons; j++) { if (i==0) fRegulators.push_back(0.); //zjh TNeuron* neuron = (TNeuron*)layer->At(j); Int_t numSynapses = neuron->NumPostLinks(); for (Int_t k = 0; k < numSynapses; k++) { TSynapse* synapse = neuron->PostLinkAt(k); fSynapses->Add(synapse); fRegulatorIdx.push_back(fRegulators.size()-1); //zjh } } } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::MethodANNBase::BuildLayer( Int_t numNeurons, TObjArray* curLayer, TObjArray* prevLayer, Int_t layerIndex, Int_t numLayers, Bool_t fromFile ) { // build a single layer with neurons and synapses connecting this // layer to the previous layer TNeuron* neuron; for (Int_t j = 0; j < numNeurons; j++) { if (fromFile && (layerIndex != numLayers-1) && (j==numNeurons-1)){ neuron = new TNeuron(); neuron->SetActivationEqn(fIdentity); neuron->SetBiasNeuron(); neuron->ForceValue(1.0); curLayer->Add(neuron); } else { neuron = new TNeuron(); neuron->SetInputCalculator(fInputCalculator); // input layer if (layerIndex == 0) { neuron->SetActivationEqn(fIdentity); neuron->SetInputNeuron(); } else { // output layer if (layerIndex == numLayers-1) { neuron->SetOutputNeuron(); neuron->SetActivationEqn(fOutput); //zjh } // hidden layers else neuron->SetActivationEqn(fActivation); AddPreLinks(neuron, prevLayer); } curLayer->Add(neuron); } } // add bias neutron (except to output layer) if(!fromFile){ if (layerIndex != numLayers-1) { neuron = new TNeuron(); neuron->SetActivationEqn(fIdentity); neuron->SetBiasNeuron(); neuron->ForceValue(1.0); curLayer->Add(neuron); } } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::MethodANNBase::AddPreLinks(TNeuron* neuron, TObjArray* prevLayer) { // add synapses connecting a neuron to its preceding layer TSynapse* synapse; int numNeurons = prevLayer->GetEntriesFast(); TNeuron* preNeuron; for (Int_t i = 0; i < numNeurons; i++) { preNeuron = (TNeuron*)prevLayer->At(i); synapse = new TSynapse(); synapse->SetPreNeuron(preNeuron); synapse->SetPostNeuron(neuron); preNeuron->AddPostLink(synapse); neuron->AddPreLink(synapse); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::MethodANNBase::InitWeights() { // initialize the synapse weights randomly PrintMessage("Initializing weights"); // init synapse weights Int_t numSynapses = fSynapses->GetEntriesFast(); TSynapse* synapse; for (Int_t i = 0; i < numSynapses; i++) { synapse = (TSynapse*)fSynapses->At(i); synapse->SetWeight(4.0*frgen->Rndm() - 2.0); } } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::MethodANNBase::ForceWeights(std::vector* weights) { // force the synapse weights PrintMessage("Forcing weights"); Int_t numSynapses = fSynapses->GetEntriesFast(); TSynapse* synapse; for (Int_t i = 0; i < numSynapses; i++) { synapse = (TSynapse*)fSynapses->At(i); synapse->SetWeight(weights->at(i)); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::MethodANNBase::ForceNetworkInputs( const Event* ev, Int_t ignoreIndex) { // force the input values of the input neurons // force the value for each input neuron Double_t x; TNeuron* neuron; // const Event* ev = GetEvent(); for (UInt_t j = 0; j < GetNvar(); j++) { x = (j != (UInt_t)ignoreIndex)?ev->GetValue(j):0; neuron = GetInputNeuron(j); neuron->ForceValue(x); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::MethodANNBase::ForceNetworkCalculations() { // calculate input values to each neuron TObjArray* curLayer; TNeuron* neuron; Int_t numLayers = fNetwork->GetEntriesFast(); Int_t numNeurons; for (Int_t i = 0; i < numLayers; i++) { curLayer = (TObjArray*)fNetwork->At(i); numNeurons = curLayer->GetEntriesFast(); for (Int_t j = 0; j < numNeurons; j++) { neuron = (TNeuron*) curLayer->At(j); neuron->CalculateValue(); neuron->CalculateActivationValue(); } } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::MethodANNBase::PrintMessage(TString message, Bool_t force) const { // print messages, turn off printing by setting verbose and debug flag appropriately if (Verbose() || Debug() || force) Log() << kINFO << message << Endl; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::MethodANNBase::WaitForKeyboard() { // wait for keyboard input, for debugging std::string dummy; Log() << kINFO << "***Type anything to continue (q to quit): "; std::getline(std::cin, dummy); if (dummy == "q" || dummy == "Q") { PrintMessage( "quit" ); delete this; exit(0); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::MethodANNBase::PrintNetwork() const { // print network representation, for debugging if (!Debug()) return; Log() << kINFO << Endl; PrintMessage( "Printing network " ); Log() << kINFO << "-------------------------------------------------------------------" << Endl; TObjArray* curLayer; Int_t numLayers = fNetwork->GetEntriesFast(); for (Int_t i = 0; i < numLayers; i++) { curLayer = (TObjArray*)fNetwork->At(i); Int_t numNeurons = curLayer->GetEntriesFast(); Log() << kINFO << "Layer #" << i << " (" << numNeurons << " neurons):" << Endl; PrintLayer( curLayer ); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::MethodANNBase::PrintLayer(TObjArray* layer) const { // print a single layer, for debugging Int_t numNeurons = layer->GetEntriesFast(); TNeuron* neuron; for (Int_t j = 0; j < numNeurons; j++) { neuron = (TNeuron*) layer->At(j); Log() << kINFO << "\tNeuron #" << j << " (LinksIn: " << neuron->NumPreLinks() << " , LinksOut: " << neuron->NumPostLinks() << ")" << Endl; PrintNeuron( neuron ); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::MethodANNBase::PrintNeuron(TNeuron* neuron) const { // print a neuron, for debugging Log() << kINFO << "\t\tValue:\t" << neuron->GetValue() << "\t\tActivation: " << neuron->GetActivationValue() << "\t\tDelta: " << neuron->GetDelta() << Endl; Log() << kINFO << "\t\tActivationEquation:\t"; neuron->PrintActivationEqn(); Log() << kINFO << "\t\tLinksIn:" << Endl; neuron->PrintPreLinks(); Log() << kINFO << "\t\tLinksOut:" << Endl; neuron->PrintPostLinks(); } //_______________________________________________________________________ Double_t TMVA::MethodANNBase::GetMvaValue( Double_t* err, Double_t* errUpper ) { // get the mva value generated by the NN TNeuron* neuron; TObjArray* inputLayer = (TObjArray*)fNetwork->At(0); const Event * ev = GetEvent(); for (UInt_t i = 0; i < GetNvar(); i++) { neuron = (TNeuron*)inputLayer->At(i); neuron->ForceValue( ev->GetValue(i) ); } ForceNetworkCalculations(); // check the output of the network TObjArray* outputLayer = (TObjArray*)fNetwork->At( fNetwork->GetEntriesFast()-1 ); neuron = (TNeuron*)outputLayer->At(0); // cannot determine error NoErrorCalc(err, errUpper); return neuron->GetActivationValue(); } //_______________________________________________________________________ const std::vector &TMVA::MethodANNBase::GetRegressionValues() { // get the regression value generated by the NN TNeuron* neuron; TObjArray* inputLayer = (TObjArray*)fNetwork->At(0); const Event * ev = GetEvent(); for (UInt_t i = 0; i < GetNvar(); i++) { neuron = (TNeuron*)inputLayer->At(i); neuron->ForceValue( ev->GetValue(i) ); } ForceNetworkCalculations(); // check the output of the network TObjArray* outputLayer = (TObjArray*)fNetwork->At( fNetwork->GetEntriesFast()-1 ); if (fRegressionReturnVal == NULL) fRegressionReturnVal = new std::vector(); fRegressionReturnVal->clear(); Event * evT = new Event(*ev); UInt_t ntgts = outputLayer->GetEntriesFast(); for (UInt_t itgt = 0; itgt < ntgts; itgt++) { evT->SetTarget(itgt,((TNeuron*)outputLayer->At(itgt))->GetActivationValue()); } const Event* evT2 = GetTransformationHandler().InverseTransform( evT ); for (UInt_t itgt = 0; itgt < ntgts; itgt++) { fRegressionReturnVal->push_back( evT2->GetTarget(itgt) ); } delete evT; return *fRegressionReturnVal; } //_______________________________________________________________________ const std::vector &TMVA::MethodANNBase::GetMulticlassValues() { // get the multiclass classification values generated by the NN TNeuron* neuron; TObjArray* inputLayer = (TObjArray*)fNetwork->At(0); const Event * ev = GetEvent(); for (UInt_t i = 0; i < GetNvar(); i++) { neuron = (TNeuron*)inputLayer->At(i); neuron->ForceValue( ev->GetValue(i) ); } ForceNetworkCalculations(); // check the output of the network if (fMulticlassReturnVal == NULL) fMulticlassReturnVal = new std::vector(); fMulticlassReturnVal->clear(); std::vector temp; UInt_t nClasses = DataInfo().GetNClasses(); for (UInt_t icls = 0; icls < nClasses; icls++) { temp.push_back(GetOutputNeuron( icls )->GetActivationValue() ); } for(UInt_t iClass=0; iClassGetEntriesFast(); void* wght = gTools().xmlengine().NewChild(parent, 0, "Weights"); void* xmlLayout = gTools().xmlengine().NewChild(wght, 0, "Layout"); gTools().xmlengine().NewAttr(xmlLayout, 0, "NLayers", gTools().StringFromInt(fNetwork->GetEntriesFast()) ); TString weights = ""; for (Int_t i = 0; i < numLayers; i++) { TObjArray* layer = (TObjArray*)fNetwork->At(i); Int_t numNeurons = layer->GetEntriesFast(); void* layerxml = gTools().xmlengine().NewChild(xmlLayout, 0, "Layer"); gTools().xmlengine().NewAttr(layerxml, 0, "Index", gTools().StringFromInt(i) ); gTools().xmlengine().NewAttr(layerxml, 0, "NNeurons", gTools().StringFromInt(numNeurons) ); for (Int_t j = 0; j < numNeurons; j++) { TNeuron* neuron = (TNeuron*)layer->At(j); Int_t numSynapses = neuron->NumPostLinks(); void* neuronxml = gTools().AddChild(layerxml, "Neuron"); gTools().AddAttr(neuronxml, "NSynapses", gTools().StringFromInt(numSynapses) ); if(numSynapses==0) continue; std::stringstream s(""); s.precision( 16 ); for (Int_t k = 0; k < numSynapses; k++) { TSynapse* synapse = neuron->PostLinkAt(k); s << std::scientific << synapse->GetWeight() << " "; } gTools().AddRawLine( neuronxml, s.str().c_str() ); } } // if inverse hessian exists, write inverse hessian to weight file if( fInvHessian.GetNcols()>0 ){ void* xmlInvHessian = gTools().xmlengine().NewChild(wght, 0, "InverseHessian"); // get the matrix dimensions Int_t nElements = fInvHessian.GetNoElements(); Int_t nRows = fInvHessian.GetNrows(); Int_t nCols = fInvHessian.GetNcols(); gTools().xmlengine().NewAttr(xmlInvHessian, 0, "NElements", gTools().StringFromInt(nElements) ); gTools().xmlengine().NewAttr(xmlInvHessian, 0, "NRows", gTools().StringFromInt(nRows) ); gTools().xmlengine().NewAttr(xmlInvHessian, 0, "NCols", gTools().StringFromInt(nCols) ); // read in the matrix elements Double_t* elements = new Double_t[nElements+10]; fInvHessian.GetMatrix2Array( elements ); // store the matrix elements row-wise Int_t index = 0; for( Int_t row = 0; row < nRows; ++row ){ void* xmlRow = gTools().xmlengine().NewChild(xmlInvHessian, 0, "Row"); gTools().xmlengine().NewAttr(xmlRow, 0, "Index", gTools().StringFromInt(row) ); // create the rows std::stringstream s(""); s.precision( 16 ); for( Int_t col = 0; col < nCols; ++col ){ s << std::scientific << (*(elements+index)) << " "; ++index; } gTools().xmlengine().AddRawLine( xmlRow, s.str().c_str() ); } delete[] elements; } } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::MethodANNBase::ReadWeightsFromXML( void* wghtnode ) { // read MLP from xml weight file // build the layout first Bool_t fromFile = kTRUE; std::vector* layout = new std::vector(); void* xmlLayout = NULL; xmlLayout = gTools().GetChild(wghtnode, "Layout"); if( !xmlLayout ) xmlLayout = wghtnode; UInt_t nLayers; gTools().ReadAttr( xmlLayout, "NLayers", nLayers ); layout->resize( nLayers ); void* ch = gTools().xmlengine().GetChild(xmlLayout); UInt_t index; UInt_t nNeurons; while (ch) { gTools().ReadAttr( ch, "Index", index ); gTools().ReadAttr( ch, "NNeurons", nNeurons ); layout->at(index) = nNeurons; ch = gTools().GetNextChild(ch); } BuildNetwork( layout, NULL, fromFile ); // fill the weights of the synapses UInt_t nSyn; Float_t weight; ch = gTools().xmlengine().GetChild(xmlLayout); UInt_t iLayer = 0; while (ch) { // layers TObjArray* layer = (TObjArray*)fNetwork->At(iLayer); gTools().ReadAttr( ch, "Index", index ); gTools().ReadAttr( ch, "NNeurons", nNeurons ); void* nodeN = gTools().GetChild(ch); UInt_t iNeuron = 0; while( nodeN ){ // neurons TNeuron *neuron = (TNeuron*)layer->At(iNeuron); gTools().ReadAttr( nodeN, "NSynapses", nSyn ); if( nSyn > 0 ){ const char* content = gTools().GetContent(nodeN); std::stringstream s(content); for (UInt_t iSyn = 0; iSynPostLinkAt(iSyn); s >> weight; //Log() << kWARNING << neuron << " " << weight << Endl; synapse->SetWeight(weight); } } nodeN = gTools().GetNextChild(nodeN); iNeuron++; } ch = gTools().GetNextChild(ch); iLayer++; } delete layout; void* xmlInvHessian = NULL; xmlInvHessian = gTools().GetChild(wghtnode, "InverseHessian"); if( !xmlInvHessian ) // no inverse hessian available return; fUseRegulator = kTRUE; Int_t nElements = 0; Int_t nRows = 0; Int_t nCols = 0; gTools().ReadAttr( xmlInvHessian, "NElements", nElements ); gTools().ReadAttr( xmlInvHessian, "NRows", nRows ); gTools().ReadAttr( xmlInvHessian, "NCols", nCols ); // adjust the matrix dimensions fInvHessian.ResizeTo( nRows, nCols ); // prepare an array to read in the values Double_t* elements; if (nElements > std::numeric_limits::max()-100){ Log() << kFATAL << "you tried to read a hessian matrix with " << nElements << " elements, --> too large, guess s.th. went wrong reading from the weight file" << Endl; return; } else { elements = new Double_t[nElements+10]; } void* xmlRow = gTools().xmlengine().GetChild(xmlInvHessian); Int_t row = 0; index = 0; while (xmlRow) { // rows gTools().ReadAttr( xmlRow, "Index", row ); const char* content = gTools().xmlengine().GetNodeContent(xmlRow); std::stringstream s(content); for (Int_t iCol = 0; iCol> (*(elements+index)); ++index; } xmlRow = gTools().xmlengine().GetNext(xmlRow); ++row; } fInvHessian.SetMatrixArray( elements ); delete[] elements; } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::MethodANNBase::ReadWeightsFromStream( std::istream & istr) { // destroy/clear the network then read it back in from the weights file // delete network so we can reconstruct network from scratch TString dummy; // synapse weights Double_t weight; std::vector* weights = new std::vector(); istr>> dummy; while (istr>> dummy >> weight) weights->push_back(weight); // use w/ slower write-out ForceWeights(weights); delete weights; } //_______________________________________________________________________ const TMVA::Ranking* TMVA::MethodANNBase::CreateRanking() { // compute ranking of input variables by summing function of weights // create the ranking object fRanking = new Ranking( GetName(), "Importance" ); TNeuron* neuron; TSynapse* synapse; Double_t importance, avgVal; TString varName; for (UInt_t ivar = 0; ivar < GetNvar(); ivar++) { neuron = GetInputNeuron(ivar); Int_t numSynapses = neuron->NumPostLinks(); importance = 0; varName = GetInputVar(ivar); // fix this line // figure out average value of variable i Double_t meanS, meanB, rmsS, rmsB, xmin, xmax; Statistics( TMVA::Types::kTraining, varName, meanS, meanB, rmsS, rmsB, xmin, xmax ); avgVal = (TMath::Abs(meanS) + TMath::Abs(meanB))/2.0; double meanrms = (TMath::Abs(rmsS) + TMath::Abs(rmsB))/2.; if (avgValPostLinkAt(j); importance += synapse->GetWeight() * synapse->GetWeight(); } importance *= avgVal * avgVal; fRanking->AddRank( Rank( varName, importance ) ); } return fRanking; } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::MethodANNBase::CreateWeightMonitoringHists( const TString& bulkname, std::vector* hv ) const { TH2F* hist; Int_t numLayers = fNetwork->GetEntriesFast(); for (Int_t i = 0; i < numLayers-1; i++) { TObjArray* layer1 = (TObjArray*)fNetwork->At(i); TObjArray* layer2 = (TObjArray*)fNetwork->At(i+1); Int_t numNeurons1 = layer1->GetEntriesFast(); Int_t numNeurons2 = layer2->GetEntriesFast(); TString name = Form("%s%i%i", bulkname.Data(), i, i+1); hist = new TH2F(name + "", name + "", numNeurons1, 0, numNeurons1, numNeurons2, 0, numNeurons2); for (Int_t j = 0; j < numNeurons1; j++) { TNeuron* neuron = (TNeuron*)layer1->At(j); Int_t numSynapses = neuron->NumPostLinks(); for (Int_t k = 0; k < numSynapses; k++) { TSynapse* synapse = neuron->PostLinkAt(k); hist->SetBinContent(j+1, k+1, synapse->GetWeight()); } } if (hv) hv->push_back( hist ); else { hist->Write(); delete hist; } } } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::MethodANNBase::WriteMonitoringHistosToFile() const { // write histograms to file PrintMessage(Form("Write special histos to file: %s", BaseDir()->GetPath()), kTRUE); if (fEstimatorHistTrain) fEstimatorHistTrain->Write(); if (fEstimatorHistTest ) fEstimatorHistTest ->Write(); // histograms containing weights for architecture plotting (used in macro "network.C") CreateWeightMonitoringHists( "weights_hist" ); // now save all the epoch-wise monitoring information static int epochMonitoringDirectoryNumber = 0; TDirectory* epochdir = NULL; if( epochMonitoringDirectoryNumber == 0 ) epochdir = BaseDir()->mkdir( "EpochMonitoring" ); else epochdir = BaseDir()->mkdir( Form("EpochMonitoring_%4d",epochMonitoringDirectoryNumber) ); ++epochMonitoringDirectoryNumber; epochdir->cd(); for (std::vector::const_iterator it = fEpochMonHistS.begin(); it != fEpochMonHistS.end(); it++) { (*it)->Write(); delete (*it); } for (std::vector::const_iterator it = fEpochMonHistB.begin(); it != fEpochMonHistB.end(); it++) { (*it)->Write(); delete (*it); } for (std::vector::const_iterator it = fEpochMonHistW.begin(); it != fEpochMonHistW.end(); it++) { (*it)->Write(); delete (*it); } BaseDir()->cd(); } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::MethodANNBase::MakeClassSpecific( std::ostream& fout, const TString& className ) const { // write specific classifier response Int_t numLayers = fNetwork->GetEntries(); fout << std::endl; fout << " double ActivationFnc(double x) const;" << std::endl; fout << " double OutputActivationFnc(double x) const;" << std::endl; //zjh fout << std::endl; fout << " int fLayers;" << std::endl; fout << " int fLayerSize["<At(lIdx))->GetEntries(); if (numNodesFrom<0) { numNodesFrom=numNodesTo; continue; } fout << " double fWeightMatrix" << lIdx-1 << "to" << lIdx << "[" << numNodesTo << "][" << numNodesFrom << "];"; fout << " // weight matrix from layer " << lIdx-1 << " to " << lIdx << std::endl; numNodesFrom = numNodesTo; } fout << std::endl; fout << " double * fWeights["<At(lIdx); int numNodes = layer->GetEntries(); fout << " fLayerSize[" << lIdx << "] = " << numNodes << "; fWeights["<At(i); Int_t numNeurons = layer->GetEntriesFast(); for (Int_t j = 0; j < numNeurons; j++) { TNeuron* neuron = (TNeuron*)layer->At(j); Int_t numSynapses = neuron->NumPostLinks(); for (Int_t k = 0; k < numSynapses; k++) { TSynapse* synapse = neuron->PostLinkAt(k); fout << " fWeightMatrix" << i << "to" << i+1 << "[" << k << "][" << j << "] = " << synapse->GetWeight() << ";" << std::endl; } } } fout << "}" << std::endl; fout << std::endl; // writing of the GetMvaValue__ method fout << "inline double " << className << "::GetMvaValue__( const std::vector& inputValues ) const" << std::endl; fout << "{" << std::endl; fout << " if (inputValues.size() != (unsigned int)fLayerSize[0]-1) {" << std::endl; fout << " std::cout << \"Input vector needs to be of size \" << fLayerSize[0]-1 << std::endl;" << std::endl; fout << " return 0;" << std::endl; fout << " }" << std::endl; fout << std::endl; fout << " for (int l=0; lMakeFunction(fout, fncName); fncName = className+"::OutputActivationFnc"; //zjh fOutput->MakeFunction(fout, fncName); //zjh fout << " " << std::endl; fout << "// Clean up" << std::endl; fout << "inline void " << className << "::Clear() " << std::endl; fout << "{" << std::endl; fout << " // clean up the arrays" << std::endl; fout << " for (int lIdx = 0; lIdx < "<