// @(#)root/tmva $Id$ // Author: Andreas Hoecker, Yair Mahalalel, Joerg Stelzer, Helge Voss, Kai Voss /*********************************************************************************** * Project: TMVA - a Root-integrated toolkit for multivariate data analysis * * Package: TMVA * * Class : MethodPDERS * * Web : http://tmva.sourceforge.net * * * * Description: * * Implementation * * * * Authors (alphabetical): * * Krzysztof Danielowski - IFJ PAN & AGH, Poland * * Andreas Hoecker - CERN, Switzerland * * Kamil Kraszewski - IFJ PAN & UJ, Poland * * Maciej Kruk - IFJ PAN & AGH, Poland * * Yair Mahalalel - CERN, Switzerland * * Helge Voss - MPI-K Heidelberg, Germany * * Kai Voss - U. of Victoria, Canada * * * * Copyright (c) 2005: * * CERN, Switzerland * * U. of Victoria, Canada * * MPI-K Heidelberg, Germany * * * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * * modification, are permitted according to the terms listed in LICENSE * * (http://tmva.sourceforge.net/LICENSE) * ***********************************************************************************/ //_______________________________________________________________________ // Begin_Html /* This is a generalization of the above Likelihood methods to Nvar dimensions, where Nvar is the number of input variables used in the MVA. If the multi-dimensional probability density functions (PDFs) for signal and background were known, this method contains the entire physical information, and is therefore optimal. Usually, kernel estimation methods are used to approximate the PDFs using the events from the training sample.

A very simple probability density estimator (PDE) has been suggested in hep-ex/0211019. The PDE for a given test event is obtained from counting the (normalized) number of signal and background (training) events that occur in the "vicinity" of the test event. The volume that describes "vicinity" is user-defined. A search method based on binary-trees is used to effectively reduce the selection time for the range search. Three different volume definitions are optional:

  • MinMax: the volume is defined in each dimension with respect to the full variable range found in the training sample.
  • RMS: the volume is defined in each dimensions with respect to the RMS estimated from the training sample.
  • Adaptive: a volume element is defined in each dimensions with respect to the RMS estimated from the training sample. The overall scale of the volume element is then determined for each event so that the total number of events confined in the volume be within a user-defined range.

The adaptive range search is used by default. // End_Html */ //_______________________________________________________________________ #include #include #include "TFile.h" #include "TObjString.h" #include "TMath.h" #include "TMVA/ClassifierFactory.h" #include "TMVA/MethodPDERS.h" #include "TMVA/Tools.h" #include "TMVA/RootFinder.h" #define TMVA_MethodPDERS__countByHand__Debug__ #undef TMVA_MethodPDERS__countByHand__Debug__ namespace TMVA { const Bool_t MethodPDERS_UseFindRoot = kFALSE; }; TMVA::MethodPDERS* TMVA::MethodPDERS::fgThisPDERS = NULL; REGISTER_METHOD(PDERS) ClassImp(TMVA::MethodPDERS) //_______________________________________________________________________ TMVA::MethodPDERS::MethodPDERS( const TString& jobName, const TString& methodTitle, DataSetInfo& theData, const TString& theOption, TDirectory* theTargetDir ) : MethodBase( jobName, Types::kPDERS, methodTitle, theData, theOption, theTargetDir ), fFcnCall(0), fVRangeMode(kAdaptive), fKernelEstimator(kBox), fDelta(0), fShift(0), fScaleS(0), fScaleB(0), fDeltaFrac(0), fGaussSigma(0), fGaussSigmaNorm(0), fNRegOut(0), fNEventsMin(0), fNEventsMax(0), fMaxVIterations(0), fInitialScale(0), fInitializedVolumeEle(0), fkNNMin(0), fkNNMax(0), fMax_distance(0), fPrinted(0), fNormTree(0) { // standard constructor for the PDERS method } //_______________________________________________________________________ TMVA::MethodPDERS::MethodPDERS( DataSetInfo& theData, const TString& theWeightFile, TDirectory* theTargetDir ) : MethodBase( Types::kPDERS, theData, theWeightFile, theTargetDir ), fFcnCall(0), fVRangeMode(kAdaptive), fKernelEstimator(kBox), fDelta(0), fShift(0), fScaleS(0), fScaleB(0), fDeltaFrac(0), fGaussSigma(0), fGaussSigmaNorm(0), fNRegOut(0), fNEventsMin(0), fNEventsMax(0), fMaxVIterations(0), fInitialScale(0), fInitializedVolumeEle(0), fkNNMin(0), fkNNMax(0), fMax_distance(0), fPrinted(0), fNormTree(0) { // construct MethodPDERS through from file } //_______________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TMVA::MethodPDERS::HasAnalysisType( Types::EAnalysisType type, UInt_t numberClasses, UInt_t /*numberTargets*/ ) { // PDERS can handle classification with 2 classes and regression with one or more regression-targets if (type == Types::kClassification && numberClasses == 2) return kTRUE; if (type == Types::kRegression) return kTRUE; return kFALSE; } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::MethodPDERS::Init( void ) { // default initialisation routine called by all constructors fBinaryTree = NULL; UpdateThis(); // default options fDeltaFrac = 3.0; fVRangeMode = kAdaptive; fKernelEstimator = kBox; // special options for Adaptive mode fNEventsMin = 100; fNEventsMax = 200; fMaxVIterations = 150; fInitialScale = 0.99; fGaussSigma = 0.1; fNormTree = kFALSE; fkNNMin = Int_t(fNEventsMin); fkNNMax = Int_t(fNEventsMax); fInitializedVolumeEle = kFALSE; fAverageRMS.clear(); // the minimum requirement to declare an event signal-like SetSignalReferenceCut( 0.0 ); } //_______________________________________________________________________ TMVA::MethodPDERS::~MethodPDERS( void ) { // destructor if (fDelta) delete fDelta; if (fShift) delete fShift; if (NULL != fBinaryTree) delete fBinaryTree; } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::MethodPDERS::DeclareOptions() { // define the options (their key words) that can be set in the option string // know options: // VolumeRangeMode Method to determine volume range // available values are: MinMax // Unscaled // RMS // kNN // Adaptive // // KernelEstimator Kernel estimation function // available values are: Box // Sphere // Teepee // Gauss // Sinc3 // Sinc5 // Sinc7 // Sinc9 // Sinc11 // Lanczos2 // Lanczos3 // Lanczos5 // Lanczos8 // Trim // // DeltaFrac Ratio of #EventsMin/#EventsMax for MinMax and RMS volume range // NEventsMin Minimum number of events for adaptive volume range // NEventsMax Maximum number of events for adaptive volume range // MaxVIterations Maximum number of iterations for adaptive volume range // InitialScale Initial scale for adaptive volume range // GaussSigma Width with respect to the volume size of Gaussian kernel estimator DeclareOptionRef(fVolumeRange="Adaptive", "VolumeRangeMode", "Method to determine volume size"); AddPreDefVal(TString("Unscaled")); AddPreDefVal(TString("MinMax")); AddPreDefVal(TString("RMS")); AddPreDefVal(TString("Adaptive")); AddPreDefVal(TString("kNN")); DeclareOptionRef(fKernelString="Box", "KernelEstimator", "Kernel estimation function"); AddPreDefVal(TString("Box")); AddPreDefVal(TString("Sphere")); AddPreDefVal(TString("Teepee")); AddPreDefVal(TString("Gauss")); AddPreDefVal(TString("Sinc3")); AddPreDefVal(TString("Sinc5")); AddPreDefVal(TString("Sinc7")); AddPreDefVal(TString("Sinc9")); AddPreDefVal(TString("Sinc11")); AddPreDefVal(TString("Lanczos2")); AddPreDefVal(TString("Lanczos3")); AddPreDefVal(TString("Lanczos5")); AddPreDefVal(TString("Lanczos8")); AddPreDefVal(TString("Trim")); DeclareOptionRef(fDeltaFrac , "DeltaFrac", "nEventsMin/Max for minmax and rms volume range"); DeclareOptionRef(fNEventsMin , "NEventsMin", "nEventsMin for adaptive volume range"); DeclareOptionRef(fNEventsMax , "NEventsMax", "nEventsMax for adaptive volume range"); DeclareOptionRef(fMaxVIterations, "MaxVIterations", "MaxVIterations for adaptive volume range"); DeclareOptionRef(fInitialScale , "InitialScale", "InitialScale for adaptive volume range"); DeclareOptionRef(fGaussSigma , "GaussSigma", "Width (wrt volume size) of Gaussian kernel estimator"); DeclareOptionRef(fNormTree , "NormTree", "Normalize binary search tree"); } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::MethodPDERS::ProcessOptions() { // process the options specified by the user if (IgnoreEventsWithNegWeightsInTraining()) { Log() << kFATAL << "Mechanism to ignore events with negative weights in training not yet available for method: " << GetMethodTypeName() << " --> please remove \"IgnoreNegWeightsInTraining\" option from booking string." << Endl; } fGaussSigmaNorm = fGaussSigma; // * TMath::Sqrt( Double_t(GetNvar()) ); fVRangeMode = MethodPDERS::kUnsupported; if (fVolumeRange == "MinMax" ) fVRangeMode = kMinMax; else if (fVolumeRange == "RMS" ) fVRangeMode = kRMS; else if (fVolumeRange == "Adaptive" ) fVRangeMode = kAdaptive; else if (fVolumeRange == "Unscaled" ) fVRangeMode = kUnscaled; else if (fVolumeRange == "kNN" ) fVRangeMode = kkNN; else { Log() << kFATAL << "VolumeRangeMode parameter '" << fVolumeRange << "' unknown" << Endl; } if (fKernelString == "Box" ) fKernelEstimator = kBox; else if (fKernelString == "Sphere" ) fKernelEstimator = kSphere; else if (fKernelString == "Teepee" ) fKernelEstimator = kTeepee; else if (fKernelString == "Gauss" ) fKernelEstimator = kGauss; else if (fKernelString == "Sinc3" ) fKernelEstimator = kSinc3; else if (fKernelString == "Sinc5" ) fKernelEstimator = kSinc5; else if (fKernelString == "Sinc7" ) fKernelEstimator = kSinc7; else if (fKernelString == "Sinc9" ) fKernelEstimator = kSinc9; else if (fKernelString == "Sinc11" ) fKernelEstimator = kSinc11; else if (fKernelString == "Lanczos2" ) fKernelEstimator = kLanczos2; else if (fKernelString == "Lanczos3" ) fKernelEstimator = kLanczos3; else if (fKernelString == "Lanczos5" ) fKernelEstimator = kLanczos5; else if (fKernelString == "Lanczos8" ) fKernelEstimator = kLanczos8; else if (fKernelString == "Trim" ) fKernelEstimator = kTrim; else { Log() << kFATAL << "KernelEstimator parameter '" << fKernelString << "' unknown" << Endl; } // TODO: Add parameter validation Log() << kVERBOSE << "interpreted option string: vRangeMethod: '" << (const char*)((fVRangeMode == kMinMax) ? "MinMax" : (fVRangeMode == kUnscaled) ? "Unscaled" : (fVRangeMode == kRMS ) ? "RMS" : "Adaptive") << "'" << Endl; if (fVRangeMode == kMinMax || fVRangeMode == kRMS) Log() << kVERBOSE << "deltaFrac: " << fDeltaFrac << Endl; else Log() << kVERBOSE << "nEventsMin/Max, maxVIterations, initialScale: " << fNEventsMin << " " << fNEventsMax << " " << fMaxVIterations << " " << fInitialScale << Endl; Log() << kVERBOSE << "KernelEstimator = " << fKernelString << Endl; } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::MethodPDERS::Train( void ) { // this is a dummy training: the preparation work to do is the construction // of the binary tree as a pointer chain. It is easier to directly save the // trainingTree in the weight file, and to rebuild the binary tree in the // test phase from scratch if (IsNormalised()) Log() << kFATAL << "\"Normalise\" option cannot be used with PDERS; " << "please remove the option from the configuration string, or " << "use \"!Normalise\"" << Endl; CreateBinarySearchTree( Types::kTraining ); CalcAverages(); SetVolumeElement(); fInitializedVolumeEle = kTRUE; } //_______________________________________________________________________ Double_t TMVA::MethodPDERS::GetMvaValue( Double_t* err, Double_t* errUpper ) { // init the size of a volume element using a defined fraction of the // volume containing the entire events if (fInitializedVolumeEle == kFALSE) { fInitializedVolumeEle = kTRUE; // binary trees must exist assert( fBinaryTree ); CalcAverages(); SetVolumeElement(); } // cannot determine error NoErrorCalc(err, errUpper); return this->CRScalc( *GetEvent() ); } //_______________________________________________________________________ const std::vector< Float_t >& TMVA::MethodPDERS::GetRegressionValues() { if (fRegressionReturnVal == 0) fRegressionReturnVal = new std::vector; fRegressionReturnVal->clear(); // init the size of a volume element using a defined fraction of the // volume containing the entire events if (fInitializedVolumeEle == kFALSE) { fInitializedVolumeEle = kTRUE; // binary trees must exist assert( fBinaryTree ); CalcAverages(); SetVolumeElement(); } const Event* ev = GetEvent(); this->RRScalc( *ev, fRegressionReturnVal ); Event * evT = new Event(*ev); UInt_t ivar = 0; for (std::vector::iterator it = fRegressionReturnVal->begin(); it != fRegressionReturnVal->end(); it++ ) { evT->SetTarget(ivar,(*it)); ivar++; } const Event* evT2 = GetTransformationHandler().InverseTransform( evT ); fRegressionReturnVal->clear(); for (ivar = 0; ivarGetNTargets(); ivar++) { fRegressionReturnVal->push_back(evT2->GetTarget(ivar)); } delete evT; return (*fRegressionReturnVal); } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::MethodPDERS::CalcAverages() { // compute also average RMS values required for adaptive Gaussian if (fVRangeMode == kAdaptive || fVRangeMode == kRMS || fVRangeMode == kkNN ) { fAverageRMS.clear(); fBinaryTree->CalcStatistics(); for (UInt_t ivar=0; ivarRMS(Types::kSignal, ivar); Float_t rmsB = fBinaryTree->RMS(Types::kBackground, ivar); fAverageRMS.push_back( (rmsS + rmsB)*0.5 ); } else { Float_t rms = fBinaryTree->RMS( ivar ); fAverageRMS.push_back( rms ); } } } } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::MethodPDERS::CreateBinarySearchTree( Types::ETreeType type ) { // create binary search trees for signal and background if (NULL != fBinaryTree) delete fBinaryTree; fBinaryTree = new BinarySearchTree(); if (fNormTree) { fBinaryTree->SetNormalize( kTRUE ); } fBinaryTree->Fill( GetEventCollection(type) ); if (fNormTree) { fBinaryTree->NormalizeTree(); } if (!DoRegression()) { // these are the signal and background scales for the weights fScaleS = 1.0/fBinaryTree->GetSumOfWeights( Types::kSignal ); fScaleB = 1.0/fBinaryTree->GetSumOfWeights( Types::kBackground ); Log() << kVERBOSE << "Signal and background scales: " << fScaleS << " " << fScaleB << Endl; } } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::MethodPDERS::SetVolumeElement( void ) { // defines volume dimensions if (GetNvar()==0) { Log() << kFATAL << "GetNvar() == 0" << Endl; return; } // init relative scales fkNNMin = Int_t(fNEventsMin); fkNNMax = Int_t(fNEventsMax); if (fDelta) delete fDelta; if (fShift) delete fShift; fDelta = new std::vector( GetNvar() ); fShift = new std::vector( GetNvar() ); for (UInt_t ivar=0; ivar RMS not computed: " << fAverageRMS.size() << Endl; (*fDelta)[ivar] = fAverageRMS[ivar]*fDeltaFrac; Log() << kVERBOSE << "delta of var[" << (*fInputVars)[ivar] << "\t]: " << fAverageRMS[ivar] << "\t | comp with |max - min|: " << (GetXmax( ivar ) - GetXmin( ivar )) << Endl; break; case kMinMax: (*fDelta)[ivar] = (GetXmax( ivar ) - GetXmin( ivar ))*fDeltaFrac; break; case kUnscaled: (*fDelta)[ivar] = fDeltaFrac; break; default: Log() << kFATAL << " unknown range-set mode: " << fVRangeMode << Endl; } (*fShift)[ivar] = 0.5; // volume is centered around test value } } //_______________________________________________________________________ Double_t TMVA::MethodPDERS::IGetVolumeContentForRoot( Double_t scale ) { // Interface to RootFinder return ThisPDERS()->GetVolumeContentForRoot( scale ); } //_______________________________________________________________________ Double_t TMVA::MethodPDERS::GetVolumeContentForRoot( Double_t scale ) { // count number of events in rescaled volume Volume v( *fHelpVolume ); v.ScaleInterval( scale ); Double_t count = GetBinaryTree()->SearchVolume( &v ); v.Delete(); return count; } void TMVA::MethodPDERS::GetSample( const Event& e, std::vector& events, Volume *volume ) { Float_t count = 0; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // ==== test of volume search ===== // // #define TMVA::MethodPDERS__countByHand__Debug__ #ifdef TMVA_MethodPDERS__countByHand__Debug__ // starting values count = fBinaryTree->SearchVolume( volume ); Int_t iS = 0, iB = 0; UInt_t nvar = GetNvar(); for (UInt_t ievt_=0; ievt_GetNTrainingEvents(); ievt_++) { const Event * ev = GetTrainingEvent(ievt_); Bool_t inV; for (Int_t ivar=0; ivarGetValue(ivar); inV = (x > (*volume->Lower)[ivar] && x <= (*volume->Upper)[ivar]); if (!inV) break; } if (inV) { in++; } } Log() << kVERBOSE << "debug: my test: " << in << Endl;// <- ***********tree Log() << kVERBOSE << "debug: binTree: " << count << Endl << Endl;// <- ***********tree #endif // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (fVRangeMode == kRMS || fVRangeMode == kMinMax || fVRangeMode == kUnscaled) { // Constant volume std::vector *lb = new std::vector( GetNvar() ); for (UInt_t ivar=0; ivar *ub = new std::vector( *lb ); for (UInt_t ivar=0; ivarSearchVolume( svolume, &events ); } else if (fVRangeMode == kAdaptive) { // adaptive volume // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // TODO: optimize, perhaps multi stage with broadening limits, // or a different root finding method entirely, if (MethodPDERS_UseFindRoot) { // that won't need to search through large volume, where the bottle neck probably is fHelpVolume = volume; UpdateThis(); // necessary update of static pointer RootFinder rootFinder( &IGetVolumeContentForRoot, 0.01, 50, 200, 10 ); Double_t scale = rootFinder.Root( (fNEventsMin + fNEventsMax)/2.0 ); volume->ScaleInterval( scale ); fBinaryTree->SearchVolume( volume, &events ); fHelpVolume = NULL; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- else { // starting values count = fBinaryTree->SearchVolume( volume ); Float_t nEventsO = count; Int_t i_=0; while (nEventsO < fNEventsMin) { // this isn't a sain start... try again volume->ScaleInterval( 1.15 ); count = fBinaryTree->SearchVolume( volume ); nEventsO = count; i_++; } if (i_ > 50) Log() << kWARNING << "warning in event: " << e << ": adaptive volume pre-adjustment reached " << ">50 iterations in while loop (" << i_ << ")" << Endl; Float_t nEventsN = nEventsO; Float_t nEventsE = 0.5*(fNEventsMin + fNEventsMax); Float_t scaleO = 1.0; Float_t scaleN = fInitialScale; Float_t scale = scaleN; Float_t scaleBest = scaleN; Float_t nEventsBest = nEventsN; for (Int_t ic=1; ic fNEventsMax) { // search for events in rescaled volume Volume* v = new Volume( *volume ); v->ScaleInterval( scale ); nEventsN = fBinaryTree->SearchVolume( v ); // determine next iteration (linear approximation) if (nEventsN > 1 && nEventsN - nEventsO != 0) if (scaleN - scaleO != 0) scale += (scaleN - scaleO)/(nEventsN - nEventsO)*(nEventsE - nEventsN); else scale += (-0.01); // should not actually occur... else scale += 0.5; // use much larger volume // save old scale scaleN = scale; // take if better (don't accept it if too small number of events) if (TMath::Abs(nEventsN - nEventsE) < TMath::Abs(nEventsBest - nEventsE) && (nEventsN >= fNEventsMin || nEventsBest < nEventsN)) { nEventsBest = nEventsN; scaleBest = scale; } v->Delete(); delete v; } else break; } // last sanity check nEventsN = nEventsBest; // include "1" to cover float precision if (nEventsN < fNEventsMin-1 || nEventsN > fNEventsMax+1) Log() << kWARNING << "warning in event " << e << ": adaptive volume adjustment reached " << "max. #iterations (" << fMaxVIterations << ")" << "[ nEvents: " << nEventsN << " " << fNEventsMin << " " << fNEventsMax << "]" << Endl; volume->ScaleInterval( scaleBest ); fBinaryTree->SearchVolume( volume, &events ); } // end of adaptive method } else if (fVRangeMode == kkNN) { Volume v(*volume); events.clear(); // check number of signals in begining volume Int_t kNNcount = fBinaryTree->SearchVolumeWithMaxLimit( &v, &events, fkNNMax+1 ); //if this number is too large return fkNNMax+1 Int_t t_times = 0; // number of iterations while ( !(kNNcount >= fkNNMin && kNNcount <= fkNNMax) ) { if (kNNcount < fkNNMin) { //if we have too less points Float_t scale = 2; //better scale needed volume->ScaleInterval( scale ); } else if (kNNcount > fkNNMax) { //if we have too many points Float_t scale = 0.1; //better scale needed volume->ScaleInterval( scale ); } events.clear(); v = *volume ; kNNcount = fBinaryTree->SearchVolumeWithMaxLimit( &v, &events, fkNNMax+1 ); //new search t_times++; if (t_times == fMaxVIterations) { Log() << kWARNING << "warining in event" << e << ": kNN volume adjustment reached " << "max. #iterations (" << fMaxVIterations << ")" << "[ kNN: " << fkNNMin << " " << fkNNMax << Endl; break; } } //vector to normalize distance in each dimension Double_t *dim_normalization = new Double_t[GetNvar()]; for (UInt_t ivar=0; ivar tempVector; // temporary vector for events if (kNNcount >= fkNNMin) { std::vector *distances = new std::vector( kNNcount ); //counting the distance for each event for (Int_t j=0;j< Int_t(events.size()) ;j++) (*distances)[j] = GetNormalizedDistance ( e, *events[j], dim_normalization ); //counting the fkNNMin-th element std::vector::iterator wsk = distances->begin(); for (Int_t j=0;jbegin(), wsk, distances->end() ); //getting all elements that are closer than fkNNMin-th element //signals for (Int_t j=0;j unknown RangeMode: " << fVRangeMode << Endl; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- } //_______________________________________________________________________ Double_t TMVA::MethodPDERS::CRScalc( const Event& e ) { std::vector events; // computes event weight by counting number of signal and background // events (of reference sample) that are found within given volume // defined by the event std::vector *lb = new std::vector( GetNvar() ); for (UInt_t ivar=0; ivar *ub = new std::vector( *lb ); for (UInt_t ivar=0; ivar* count ) { std::vector events; // computes event weight by counting number of signal and background // events (of reference sample) that are found within given volume // defined by the event std::vector *lb = new std::vector( GetNvar() ); for (UInt_t ivar=0; ivar *ub = new std::vector( *lb ); for (UInt_t ivar=0; ivar& events, Volume& v ) { // normalization factors so we can work with radius 1 hyperspheres Double_t *dim_normalization = new Double_t[GetNvar()]; for (UInt_t ivar=0; ivar::iterator iev = events.begin(); iev != events.end(); iev++) { // First switch to the one dimensional distance Double_t normalized_distance = GetNormalizedDistance (event, *(*iev), dim_normalization); // always working within the hyperelipsoid, except for when we don't // note that rejection ratio goes to 1 as nvar goes to infinity if (normalized_distance > 1 && fKernelEstimator != kBox) continue; if ( (*iev)->GetClass()==fSignalClass ) pdfSumS += ApplyKernelFunction (normalized_distance) * (*iev)->GetWeight(); else pdfSumB += ApplyKernelFunction (normalized_distance) * (*iev)->GetWeight(); } pdfSumS = KernelNormalization( pdfSumS < 0. ? 0. : pdfSumS ); pdfSumB = KernelNormalization( pdfSumB < 0. ? 0. : pdfSumB ); delete[] dim_normalization; if (pdfSumS < 1e-20 && pdfSumB < 1e-20) return 0.5; if (pdfSumB < 1e-20) return 1.0; if (pdfSumS < 1e-20) return 0.0; Float_t r = pdfSumB*fScaleB/(pdfSumS*fScaleS); return 1.0/(r + 1.0); // TODO: propagate errors from here } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::MethodPDERS::RKernelEstimate( const Event & event, std::vector& events, Volume& v, std::vector* pdfSum ) { // normalization factors so we can work with radius 1 hyperspheres Double_t *dim_normalization = new Double_t[GetNvar()]; for (UInt_t ivar=0; ivar pdfSum; pdfSum->clear(); Float_t pdfDiv = 0; fNRegOut = 1; // for now, regression is just for 1 dimension for (Int_t ivar = 0; ivar < fNRegOut ; ivar++) pdfSum->push_back( 0 ); // Iteration over sample points for (std::vector::iterator iev = events.begin(); iev != events.end(); iev++) { // First switch to the one dimensional distance Double_t normalized_distance = GetNormalizedDistance (event, *(*iev), dim_normalization); // always working within the hyperelipsoid, except for when we don't // note that rejection ratio goes to 1 as nvar goes to infinity if (normalized_distance > 1 && fKernelEstimator != kBox) continue; for (Int_t ivar = 0; ivar < fNRegOut ; ivar++) { pdfSum->at(ivar) += ApplyKernelFunction (normalized_distance) * (*iev)->GetWeight() * (*iev)->GetTargets()[ivar]; pdfDiv += ApplyKernelFunction (normalized_distance) * (*iev)->GetWeight(); } } delete[] dim_normalization; if (pdfDiv == 0) return; for (Int_t ivar = 0; ivar < fNRegOut ; ivar++) pdfSum->at(ivar) /= pdfDiv; return; } //_______________________________________________________________________ Double_t TMVA::MethodPDERS::ApplyKernelFunction (Double_t normalized_distance) { // from the normalized euclidean distance calculate the distance // for a certain kernel switch (fKernelEstimator) { case kBox: case kSphere: return 1; break; case kTeepee: return (1 - normalized_distance); break; case kGauss: return TMath::Gaus( normalized_distance, 0, fGaussSigmaNorm, kFALSE); break; case kSinc3: case kSinc5: case kSinc7: case kSinc9: case kSinc11: { Double_t side_crossings = 2 + ((int) fKernelEstimator) - ((int) kSinc3); return NormSinc (side_crossings * normalized_distance); } break; case kLanczos2: return LanczosFilter (2, normalized_distance); break; case kLanczos3: return LanczosFilter (3, normalized_distance); break; case kLanczos5: return LanczosFilter (5, normalized_distance); break; case kLanczos8: return LanczosFilter (8, normalized_distance); break; case kTrim: { Double_t x = normalized_distance / fMax_distance; x = 1 - x*x*x; return x*x*x; } break; default: Log() << kFATAL << "Kernel estimation function unsupported. Enumerator is " << fKernelEstimator << Endl; break; } return 0; } //_______________________________________________________________________ Double_t TMVA::MethodPDERS::KernelNormalization (Double_t pdf) { // Calculating the normalization factor only once (might need a reset at some point. // Can the method be restarted with different params?) // Caching jammed to disable function. // It's not really useful afterall, badly implemented and untested :-) static Double_t ret = 1.0; if (ret != 0.0) return ret*pdf; // We first normalize by the volume of the hypersphere. switch (fKernelEstimator) { case kBox: case kSphere: ret = 1.; break; case kTeepee: ret = (GetNvar() * (GetNvar() + 1) * TMath::Gamma (((Double_t) GetNvar()) / 2.)) / ( TMath::Power (2., (Double_t) GetNvar() + 1) * TMath::Power (TMath::Pi(), ((Double_t) GetNvar()) / 2.)); break; case kGauss: // We use full range integral here. Reasonable because of the fast function decay. ret = 1. / TMath::Power ( 2 * TMath::Pi() * fGaussSigmaNorm * fGaussSigmaNorm, ((Double_t) GetNvar()) / 2.); break; case kSinc3: case kSinc5: case kSinc7: case kSinc9: case kSinc11: case kLanczos2: case kLanczos3: case kLanczos5: case kLanczos8: // We use the full range integral here. Reasonable because the central lobe domintes it. ret = 1 / TMath::Power ( 2., (Double_t) GetNvar() ); break; default: Log() << kFATAL << "Kernel estimation function unsupported. Enumerator is " << fKernelEstimator << Endl; } // Normalizing by the full volume ret *= ( TMath::Power (2., static_cast(GetNvar())) * TMath::Gamma (1 + (((Double_t) GetNvar()) / 2.)) ) / TMath::Power (TMath::Pi(), ((Double_t) GetNvar()) / 2.); return ret*pdf; } //_______________________________________________________________________ Double_t TMVA::MethodPDERS::GetNormalizedDistance ( const Event &base_event, const BinarySearchTreeNode &sample_event, Double_t *dim_normalization) { // We use Euclidian metric here. Might not be best or most efficient. Double_t ret=0; for (UInt_t ivar=0; ivar -10e-10) { return 1; // Poor man's l'Hopital } Double_t pix = TMath::Pi() * x; Double_t sinc = TMath::Sin(pix) / pix; Double_t ret; if (GetNvar() % 2) ret = TMath::Power (sinc, static_cast(GetNvar())); else ret = TMath::Abs (sinc) * TMath::Power (sinc, static_cast(GetNvar() - 1)); return ret; } //_______________________________________________________________________ Double_t TMVA::MethodPDERS::LanczosFilter (Int_t level, Double_t x) { // Lanczos Filter if (x < 10e-10 && x > -10e-10) { return 1; // Poor man's l'Hopital } Double_t pix = TMath::Pi() * x; Double_t pixtimesn = pix * ((Double_t) level); Double_t lanczos = (TMath::Sin(pix) / pix) * (TMath::Sin(pixtimesn) / pixtimesn); Double_t ret; if (GetNvar() % 2) ret = TMath::Power (lanczos, static_cast(GetNvar())); else ret = TMath::Abs (lanczos) * TMath::Power (lanczos, static_cast(GetNvar() - 1)); return ret; } //_______________________________________________________________________ Float_t TMVA::MethodPDERS::GetError( Float_t countS, Float_t countB, Float_t sumW2S, Float_t sumW2B ) const { // statistical error estimate for RS estimator Float_t c = fScaleB/fScaleS; Float_t d = countS + c*countB; d *= d; if (d < 1e-10) return 1; // Error is zero because of B = S = 0 Float_t f = c*c/d/d; Float_t err = f*countB*countB*sumW2S + f*countS*countS*sumW2B; if (err < 1e-10) return 1; // Error is zero because of B or S = 0 return sqrt(err); } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::MethodPDERS::AddWeightsXMLTo( void* parent ) const { // write weights to xml file void* wght = gTools().AddChild(parent, "Weights"); if (fBinaryTree) fBinaryTree->AddXMLTo(wght); else Log() << kFATAL << "Signal and background binary search tree not available" << Endl; //Log() << kFATAL << "Please implement writing of weights as XML" << Endl; } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::MethodPDERS::ReadWeightsFromXML( void* wghtnode) { if (NULL != fBinaryTree) delete fBinaryTree; void* treenode = gTools().GetChild(wghtnode); fBinaryTree = TMVA::BinarySearchTree::CreateFromXML(treenode); if(!fBinaryTree) Log() << kFATAL << "Could not create BinarySearchTree from XML" << Endl; if(!fBinaryTree) Log() << kFATAL << "Could not create BinarySearchTree from XML" << Endl; fBinaryTree->SetPeriode( GetNvar() ); fBinaryTree->CalcStatistics(); fBinaryTree->CountNodes(); if (fBinaryTree->GetSumOfWeights( Types::kSignal ) > 0) fScaleS = 1.0/fBinaryTree->GetSumOfWeights( Types::kSignal ); else fScaleS = 1; if (fBinaryTree->GetSumOfWeights( Types::kBackground ) > 0) fScaleB = 1.0/fBinaryTree->GetSumOfWeights( Types::kBackground ); else fScaleB = 1; Log() << kINFO << "signal and background scales: " << fScaleS << " " << fScaleB << Endl; CalcAverages(); SetVolumeElement(); fInitializedVolumeEle = kTRUE; } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::MethodPDERS::ReadWeightsFromStream( std::istream& istr) { // read weight info from file if (NULL != fBinaryTree) delete fBinaryTree; fBinaryTree = new BinarySearchTree(); istr >> *fBinaryTree; fBinaryTree->SetPeriode( GetNvar() ); fBinaryTree->CalcStatistics(); fBinaryTree->CountNodes(); // these are the signal and background scales for the weights fScaleS = 1.0/fBinaryTree->GetSumOfWeights( Types::kSignal ); fScaleB = 1.0/fBinaryTree->GetSumOfWeights( Types::kBackground ); Log() << kINFO << "signal and background scales: " << fScaleS << " " << fScaleB << Endl; CalcAverages(); SetVolumeElement(); fInitializedVolumeEle = kTRUE; } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::MethodPDERS::WriteWeightsToStream( TFile& ) const { // write training sample (TTree) to file } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::MethodPDERS::ReadWeightsFromStream( TFile& /*rf*/ ) { // read training sample from file } //_______________________________________________________________________ TMVA::MethodPDERS* TMVA::MethodPDERS::ThisPDERS( void ) { // static pointer to this object return fgThisPDERS; } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::MethodPDERS::UpdateThis( void ) { // update static this pointer fgThisPDERS = this; } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::MethodPDERS::MakeClassSpecific( std::ostream& fout, const TString& className ) const { // write specific classifier response fout << " // not implemented for class: \"" << className << "\"" << std::endl; fout << "};" << std::endl; } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::MethodPDERS::GetHelpMessage() const { // get help message text // // typical length of text line: // "|--------------------------------------------------------------|" Log() << Endl; Log() << gTools().Color("bold") << "--- Short description:" << gTools().Color("reset") << Endl; Log() << Endl; Log() << "PDERS is a generalization of the projective likelihood classifier " << Endl; Log() << "to N dimensions, where N is the number of input variables used." << Endl; Log() << "In its adaptive form it is mostly equivalent to k-Nearest-Neighbor" << Endl; Log() << "(k-NN) methods. If the multidimensional PDF for signal and background" << Endl; Log() << "were known, this classifier would exploit the full information" << Endl; Log() << "contained in the input variables, and would hence be optimal. In " << Endl; Log() << "practice however, huge training samples are necessary to sufficiently " << Endl; Log() << "populate the multidimensional phase space. " << Endl; Log() << Endl; Log() << "The simplest implementation of PDERS counts the number of signal" << Endl; Log() << "and background events in the vicinity of a test event, and returns" << Endl; Log() << "a weight according to the majority species of the neighboring events." << Endl; Log() << "A more involved version of PDERS (selected by the option \"KernelEstimator\")" << Endl; Log() << "uses Kernel estimation methods to approximate the shape of the PDF." << Endl; Log() << Endl; Log() << gTools().Color("bold") << "--- Performance optimisation:" << gTools().Color("reset") << Endl; Log() << Endl; Log() << "PDERS can be very powerful in case of strongly non-linear problems, " << Endl; Log() << "e.g., distinct islands of signal and background regions. Because of " << Endl; Log() << "the exponential growth of the phase space, it is important to restrict" << Endl; Log() << "the number of input variables (dimension) to the strictly necessary." << Endl; Log() << Endl; Log() << "Note that PDERS is a slowly responding classifier. Moreover, the necessity" << Endl; Log() << "to store the entire binary tree in memory, to avoid accessing virtual " << Endl; Log() << "memory, limits the number of training events that can effectively be " << Endl; Log() << "used to model the multidimensional PDF." << Endl; Log() << Endl; Log() << gTools().Color("bold") << "--- Performance tuning via configuration options:" << gTools().Color("reset") << Endl; Log() << Endl; Log() << "If the PDERS response is found too slow when using the adaptive volume " << Endl; Log() << "size (option \"VolumeRangeMode=Adaptive\"), it might be found beneficial" << Endl; Log() << "to reduce the number of events required in the volume, and/or to enlarge" << Endl; Log() << "the allowed range (\"NeventsMin/Max\"). PDERS is relatively insensitive" << Endl; Log() << "to the width (\"GaussSigma\") of the Gaussian kernel (if used)." << Endl; }