// @(#)root/tmva $Id$ // Author: Andreas Hoecker, Peter Speckmayer, Joerg Stelzer, Helge Voss, Jan Therhaag /********************************************************************************** * Project: TMVA - a Root-integrated toolkit for multivariate data analysis * * Package: TMVA * * Class : Tools * * Web : http://tmva.sourceforge.net * * * * Description: * * Implementation (see header for description) * * * * Authors (alphabetical): * * Andreas Hoecker - CERN, Switzerland * * Peter Speckmayer - CERN, Switzerland * * Jan Therhaag - U of Bonn, Germany * * Helge Voss - MPI-K Heidelberg, Germany * * Kai Voss - U. of Victoria, Canada * * * * Copyright (c) 2005-2011: * * CERN, Switzerland * * U. of Victoria, Canada * * MPI-K Heidelberg, Germany * * U. of Bonn, Germany * * * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * * modification, are permitted according to the terms listed in LICENSE * * (http://ttmva.sourceforge.net/LICENSE) * **********************************************************************************/ #include #include #include "TObjString.h" #include "TMath.h" #include "TString.h" #include "TTree.h" #include "TLeaf.h" #include "TH1.h" #include "TH2.h" #include "TList.h" #include "TSpline.h" #include "TVector.h" #include "TMatrixD.h" #include "TMatrixDSymEigen.h" #include "TVectorD.h" #include "TTreeFormula.h" #include "TXMLEngine.h" #include "TROOT.h" #include "TMatrixDSymEigen.h" #ifndef ROOT_TMVA_Tools #include "TMVA/Tools.h" #endif #ifndef ROOT_TMVA_Config #include "TMVA/Config.h" #endif #ifndef ROOT_TMVA_Event #include "TMVA/Event.h" #endif #ifndef ROOT_TMVA_Version #include "TMVA/Version.h" #endif #ifndef ROOT_TMVA_PDF #include "TMVA/PDF.h" #endif #ifndef ROOT_TMVA_MsgLogger #include "TMVA/MsgLogger.h" #endif using namespace std; TMVA::Tools* TMVA::Tools::fgTools = 0; TMVA::Tools& TMVA::gTools() { return TMVA::Tools::Instance(); } TMVA::Tools& TMVA::Tools::Instance() { return fgTools?*(fgTools): *(fgTools = new Tools()); } void TMVA::Tools::DestroyInstance() { if (fgTools != 0) { delete fgTools; fgTools=0; } } //_______________________________________________________________________ TMVA::Tools::Tools() : fRegexp("$&|!%^&()'<>?= "), fLogger(new MsgLogger("Tools")), fXMLEngine(new TXMLEngine()) { // constructor } //_______________________________________________________________________ TMVA::Tools::~Tools() { // destructor delete fLogger; delete fXMLEngine; } //_______________________________________________________________________ Double_t TMVA::Tools::NormVariable( Double_t x, Double_t xmin, Double_t xmax ) { // normalise to output range: [-1, 1] return 2*(x - xmin)/(xmax - xmin) - 1.0; } //_______________________________________________________________________ Double_t TMVA::Tools::GetSeparation( TH1* S, TH1* B ) const { // compute "separation" defined as // = (1/2) Int_-oo..+oo { (S(x) - B(x))^2/(S(x) + B(x)) dx } Double_t separation = 0; // sanity checks // signal and background histograms must have same number of bins and // same limits if ((S->GetNbinsX() != B->GetNbinsX()) || (S->GetNbinsX() <= 0)) { Log() << kFATAL << " signal and background" << " histograms have different number of bins: " << S->GetNbinsX() << " : " << B->GetNbinsX() << Endl; } if (S->GetXaxis()->GetXmin() != B->GetXaxis()->GetXmin() || S->GetXaxis()->GetXmax() != B->GetXaxis()->GetXmax() || S->GetXaxis()->GetXmax() <= S->GetXaxis()->GetXmin()) { Log() << kINFO << S->GetXaxis()->GetXmin() << " " << B->GetXaxis()->GetXmin() << " " << S->GetXaxis()->GetXmax() << " " << B->GetXaxis()->GetXmax() << " " << S->GetXaxis()->GetXmax() << " " << S->GetXaxis()->GetXmin() << Endl; Log() << kFATAL << " signal and background" << " histograms have different or invalid dimensions:" << Endl; } Int_t nstep = S->GetNbinsX(); Double_t intBin = (S->GetXaxis()->GetXmax() - S->GetXaxis()->GetXmin())/nstep; Double_t nS = S->GetSumOfWeights()*intBin; Double_t nB = B->GetSumOfWeights()*intBin; if (nS > 0 && nB > 0) { for (Int_t bin=0; binGetBinContent( bin+1 )/Double_t(nS); Double_t b = B->GetBinContent( bin+1 )/Double_t(nB); // separation if (s + b > 0) separation += 0.5*(s - b)*(s - b)/(s + b); } separation *= intBin; } else { Log() << kWARNING << " histograms with zero entries: " << nS << " : " << nB << " cannot compute separation" << Endl; separation = 0; } return separation; } //_______________________________________________________________________ Double_t TMVA::Tools::GetSeparation( const PDF& pdfS, const PDF& pdfB ) const { // compute "separation" defined as // = (1/2) Int_-oo..+oo { (S(x) - B(x))2/(S(x) + B(x)) dx } Double_t xmin = pdfS.GetXmin(); Double_t xmax = pdfS.GetXmax(); // sanity check if (xmin != pdfB.GetXmin() || xmax != pdfB.GetXmax()) { Log() << kFATAL << " Mismatch in PDF limits: " << xmin << " " << pdfB.GetXmin() << xmax << " " << pdfB.GetXmax() << Endl; } Double_t separation = 0; Int_t nstep = 100; Double_t intBin = (xmax - xmin)/Double_t(nstep); for (Int_t bin=0; bin 0) separation += (s - b)*(s - b)/(s + b); } separation *= (0.5*intBin); return separation; } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::Tools::ComputeStat( const std::vector& events, std::vector* valVec, Double_t& meanS, Double_t& meanB, Double_t& rmsS, Double_t& rmsB, Double_t& xmin, Double_t& xmax, Int_t signalClass, Bool_t norm ) { // sanity check if (0 == valVec) Log() << kFATAL << " value vector is zero pointer" << Endl; if ( events.size() != valVec->size() ) Log() << kWARNING << " event and value vector have different lengths " << events.size() << "!=" << valVec->size() << Endl; Long64_t entries = valVec->size(); // first fill signal and background in arrays before analysis Double_t* varVecS = new Double_t[entries]; Double_t* varVecB = new Double_t[entries]; Double_t* wgtVecS = new Double_t[entries]; Double_t* wgtVecB = new Double_t[entries]; xmin = +DBL_MAX; xmax = -DBL_MAX; Long64_t nEventsS = 0; Long64_t nEventsB = 0; Double_t xmin_ = 0, xmax_ = 0; if (norm) { xmin_ = *std::min( valVec->begin(), valVec->end() ); xmax_ = *std::max( valVec->begin(), valVec->end() ); } for (Int_t ievt=0; ievtGetClass()) == signalClass ){ wgtVecS[nEventsS] = events[ievt]->GetWeight(); // this is signal varVecS[nEventsS++] = theVar; // this is signal } else { wgtVecB[nEventsB] = events[ievt]->GetWeight(); // this is signal varVecB[nEventsB++] = theVar; // this is background } if (theVar > xmax) xmax = theVar; if (theVar < xmin) xmin = theVar; } // ++nEventsS; // ++nEventsB; // basic statistics // !!! TMath::Mean allows for weights, but NOT for negative weights // and TMath::RMS doesn't allow for weights all together... meanS = TMVA::Tools::Mean( nEventsS, varVecS, wgtVecS ); meanB = TMVA::Tools::Mean( nEventsB, varVecB, wgtVecB ); rmsS = TMVA::Tools::RMS ( nEventsS, varVecS, wgtVecS ); rmsB = TMVA::Tools::RMS ( nEventsB, varVecB, wgtVecB ); delete [] varVecS; delete [] varVecB; delete [] wgtVecS; delete [] wgtVecB; } //_______________________________________________________________________ TMatrixD* TMVA::Tools::GetSQRootMatrix( TMatrixDSym* symMat ) { // square-root of symmetric matrix // of course the resulting sqrtMat is also symmetric, but it's easier to // treat it as a general matrix Int_t n = symMat->GetNrows(); // compute eigenvectors TMatrixDSymEigen* eigen = new TMatrixDSymEigen( *symMat ); // D = ST C S TMatrixD* si = new TMatrixD( eigen->GetEigenVectors() ); TMatrixD* s = new TMatrixD( *si ); // copy si->Transpose( *si ); // invert (= transpose) // diagonal matrices TMatrixD* d = new TMatrixD( n, n); d->Mult( (*si), (*symMat) ); (*d) *= (*s); // sanity check: matrix must be diagonal and positive definit Int_t i, j; Double_t epsilon = 1.0e-8; for (i=0; i epsilon) || (i == j && (*d)(i,i) < 0)) { //d->Print(); Log() << kWARNING << " error in matrix diagonalization; printed S and B" << Endl; } } } // make exactly diagonal for (i=0; iMult( (*s), (*d) ); (*sqrtMat) *= (*si); // invert square-root matrices sqrtMat->Invert(); delete eigen; delete s; delete si; delete d; return sqrtMat; } //_______________________________________________________________________ const TMatrixD* TMVA::Tools::GetCorrelationMatrix( const TMatrixD* covMat ) { // turns covariance into correlation matrix if (covMat == 0) return 0; // sanity check Int_t nvar = covMat->GetNrows(); if (nvar != covMat->GetNcols()) Log() << kFATAL << " input matrix not quadratic" << Endl; TMatrixD* corrMat = new TMatrixD( nvar, nvar ); for (Int_t ivar=0; ivar 1E-20) (*corrMat)(ivar, jvar) = (*covMat)(ivar, jvar)/TMath::Sqrt(d); else { Log() << kWARNING << " zero variances for variables " << "(" << ivar << ", " << jvar << ")" << Endl; (*corrMat)(ivar, jvar) = 0; } if (TMath::Abs( (*corrMat)(ivar,jvar)) > 1){ Log() << kWARNING << " Element corr("<SetOwner(); while (formatString.First(sep)==0) formatString.Remove(0,1); // remove initial separators while (formatString.Length()>0) { if (formatString.First(sep) == -1) { // no more separator labelList->Add(new TObjString(formatString.Data())); formatString=""; break; } Ssiz_t posSep = formatString.First(sep); labelList->Add(new TObjString(TString(formatString(0,posSep)).Data())); formatString.Remove(0,posSep+1); while (formatString.First(sep)==0) formatString.Remove(0,1); // remove additional separators } return labelList; } //_______________________________________________________________________ vector* TMVA::Tools::ParseANNOptionString( TString theOptions, Int_t nvar, vector* nodes ) { // parse option string for ANN methods // default settings (should be defined in theOption string) TList* list = TMVA::Tools::ParseFormatLine( theOptions, ":" ); // format and syntax of option string: "3000:N:N+2:N-3:6" // // where: // 3000 - number of training cycles (epochs) // N - number of nodes in first hidden layer, where N is the number // of discriminating variables used (note that the first ANN // layer necessarily has N nodes, and hence is not given). // N+2 - number of nodes in 2nd hidden layer (2 nodes more than // number of variables) // N-3 - number of nodes in 3rd hidden layer (3 nodes less than // number of variables) // 6 - 6 nodes in last (4th) hidden layer (note that the last ANN // layer in MVA has 2 nodes, each one for signal and background // classes) // sanity check if (list->GetSize() < 1) { Log() << kFATAL << " unrecognized option string: " << theOptions << Endl; } // add number of cycles nodes->push_back( atoi( ((TObjString*)list->At(0))->GetString() ) ); Int_t a; if (list->GetSize() > 1) { for (Int_t i=1; iGetSize(); i++) { TString s = ((TObjString*)list->At(i))->GetString(); s.ToUpper(); if (s(0) == 'N') { if (s.Length() > 1) nodes->push_back( nvar + atoi(&s[1]) ); else nodes->push_back( nvar ); } else if ((a = atoi( s )) > 0) nodes->push_back( atoi(s ) ); else { Log() << kFATAL << " unrecognized option string: " << theOptions << Endl; } } } return nodes; } Bool_t TMVA::Tools::CheckSplines( const TH1* theHist, const TSpline* theSpline ) { // check quality of splining by comparing splines and histograms in each bin const Double_t sanityCrit = 0.01; // relative deviation Bool_t retval = kTRUE; for (Int_t ibin=1; ibin<=theHist->GetNbinsX(); ibin++) { Double_t x = theHist->GetBinCenter( ibin ); Double_t yh = theHist->GetBinContent( ibin ); // the histogram output Double_t ys = theSpline->Eval( x ); // the spline output if (ys + yh > 0) { Double_t dev = 0.5*(ys - yh)/(ys + yh); if (TMath::Abs(dev) > sanityCrit) { Log() << kFATAL << " Spline failed sanity criterion; " << " relative deviation from histogram: " << dev << " in (bin, value): (" << ibin << ", " << x << ")" << Endl; retval = kFALSE; } } } return retval; } //_______________________________________________________________________ std::vector TMVA::Tools::MVADiff( std::vector& a, std::vector& b ) { // computes difference between two vectors if (a.size() != b.size()) { throw; } vector result(a.size()); for (UInt_t i=0; i& v, Double_t f ) { // scales double vector for (UInt_t i=0; i& v, Float_t f ) { // scales float vector for (UInt_t i=0; i >& v, std::vector* vs ){ // sort 2D vector (AND in parallel a TString vector) in such a way // that the "first vector is sorted" and the other vectors are reshuffled // in the same way as necessary to have the first vector sorted. // I.e. the correlation between the elements is kept. UInt_t nArrays=v.size(); Double_t temp; if (nArrays > 0) { UInt_t sizeofarray=v[0].size(); for (UInt_t i=0; ii; j--) { if (v[0][j-1] > v[0][j]) { for (UInt_t k=0; k< nArrays; k++) { temp = v[k][j-1]; v[k][j-1] = v[k][j]; v[k][j] = temp; } if (NULL != vs) { TString temps = (*vs)[j-1]; (*vs)[j-1] = (*vs)[j]; (*vs)[j] = temps; } } } } } } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::Tools::UsefulSortDescending( std::vector >& v, std::vector* vs ) { // sort 2D vector (AND in parallel a TString vector) in such a way // that the "first vector is sorted" and the other vectors are reshuffled // in the same way as necessary to have the first vector sorted. // I.e. the correlation between the elements is kept. UInt_t nArrays=v.size(); Double_t temp; if (nArrays > 0) { UInt_t sizeofarray=v[0].size(); for (UInt_t i=0; ii; j--) { if (v[0][j-1] < v[0][j]) { for (UInt_t k=0; k< nArrays; k++) { temp = v[k][j-1]; v[k][j-1] = v[k][j]; v[k][j] = temp; } if (NULL != vs) { TString temps = (*vs)[j-1]; (*vs)[j-1] = (*vs)[j]; (*vs)[j] = temps; } } } } } } //_______________________________________________________________________ Double_t TMVA::Tools::GetMutualInformation( const TH2F& h_ ) { // Mutual Information method for non-linear correlations estimates in 2D histogram // Author: Moritz Backes, Geneva (2009) Double_t hi = h_.Integral(); if (hi == 0) return -1; // copy histogram and rebin to speed up procedure TH2F h( h_ ); h.RebinX(2); h.RebinY(2); Double_t mutualInfo = 0.; Int_t maxBinX = h.GetNbinsX(); Int_t maxBinY = h.GetNbinsY(); for (Int_t x = 1; x <= maxBinX; x++) { for (Int_t y = 1; y <= maxBinY; y++) { Double_t p_xy = h.GetBinContent(x,y)/hi; Double_t p_x = h.Integral(x,x,1,maxBinY)/hi; Double_t p_y = h.Integral(1,maxBinX,y,y)/hi; if (p_x > 0. && p_y > 0. && p_xy > 0.){ mutualInfo += p_xy*TMath::Log(p_xy / (p_x * p_y)); } } } return mutualInfo; } //_______________________________________________________________________ Double_t TMVA::Tools::GetCorrelationRatio( const TH2F& h_ ) { // Compute Correlation Ratio of 2D histogram to estimate functional dependency between two variables // Author: Moritz Backes, Geneva (2009) Double_t hi = h_.Integral(); if (hi == 0.) return -1; // copy histogram and rebin to speed up procedure TH2F h( h_ ); h.RebinX(2); h.RebinY(2); Double_t corrRatio = 0.; Double_t y_mean = h.ProjectionY()->GetMean(); for (Int_t ix=1; ix<=h.GetNbinsX(); ix++) { corrRatio += (h.Integral(ix,ix,1,h.GetNbinsY())/hi)*pow((GetYMean_binX(h,ix)-y_mean),2); } corrRatio /= pow(h.ProjectionY()->GetRMS(),2); return corrRatio; } //_______________________________________________________________________ Double_t TMVA::Tools::GetYMean_binX( const TH2& h, Int_t bin_x ) { // Compute the mean in Y for a given bin X of a 2D histogram if (h.Integral(bin_x,bin_x,1,h.GetNbinsY()) == 0.) {return 0;} Double_t y_bin_mean = 0.; TH1* py = h.ProjectionY(); for (Int_t y = 1; y <= h.GetNbinsY(); y++){ y_bin_mean += h.GetBinContent(bin_x,y)*py->GetBinCenter(y); } y_bin_mean /= h.Integral(bin_x,bin_x,1,h.GetNbinsY()); return y_bin_mean; } //_______________________________________________________________________ TH2F* TMVA::Tools::TransposeHist( const TH2F& h ) { // Transpose quadratic histogram // sanity check if (h.GetNbinsX() != h.GetNbinsY()) { Log() << kFATAL << " cannot transpose non-quadratic histogram" << Endl; } TH2F *transposedHisto = new TH2F( h ); for (Int_t ix=1; ix <= h.GetNbinsX(); ix++){ for (Int_t iy=1; iy <= h.GetNbinsY(); iy++){ transposedHisto->SetBinContent(iy,ix,h.GetBinContent(ix,iy)); } } // copy stats (thanks to Swagato Banerjee for pointing out the missing stats information) Double_t stats_old[7]; Double_t stats_new[7]; h.GetStats(stats_old); stats_new[0] = stats_old[0]; stats_new[1] = stats_old[1]; stats_new[2] = stats_old[4]; stats_new[3] = stats_old[5]; stats_new[4] = stats_old[2]; stats_new[5] = stats_old[3]; stats_new[6] = stats_old[6]; transposedHisto->PutStats(stats_new); return transposedHisto; // ownership returned } //_______________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TMVA::Tools::CheckForSilentOption( const TString& cs ) const { // check for "silence" option in configuration option string Bool_t isSilent = kFALSE; TString s( cs ); s.ToLower(); s.ReplaceAll(" ",""); if (s.Contains("silent") && !s.Contains("silent=f")) { if (!s.Contains("!silent") || s.Contains("silent=t")) isSilent = kTRUE; } return isSilent; } //_______________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TMVA::Tools::CheckForVerboseOption( const TString& cs ) const { // check if verbosity "V" set in option Bool_t isVerbose = kFALSE; TString s( cs ); s.ToLower(); s.ReplaceAll(" ",""); std::vector v = SplitString( s, ':' ); for (std::vector::iterator it = v.begin(); it != v.end(); it++) { if ((*it == "v" || *it == "verbose") && !it->Contains("!")) isVerbose = kTRUE; } return isVerbose; } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::Tools::UsefulSortDescending( std::vector& v ) { // sort vector vector< vector > vtemp; vtemp.push_back(v); UsefulSortDescending(vtemp); v = vtemp[0]; } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::Tools::UsefulSortAscending( std::vector& v ) { // sort vector vector > vtemp; vtemp.push_back(v); UsefulSortAscending(vtemp); v = vtemp[0]; } //_______________________________________________________________________ Int_t TMVA::Tools::GetIndexMaxElement( std::vector& v ) { // find index of maximum entry in vector if (v.empty()) return -1; Int_t pos=0; Double_t mx=v[0]; for (UInt_t i=0; i mx){ mx=v[i]; pos=i; } } return pos; } //_______________________________________________________________________ Int_t TMVA::Tools::GetIndexMinElement( std::vector& v ) { // find index of minimum entry in vector if (v.empty()) return -1; Int_t pos=0; Double_t mn=v[0]; for (UInt_t i=0; i?= " in a string Bool_t regular = kFALSE; for (Int_t i = 0; i < Tools::fRegexp.Length(); i++) if (s.Contains( Tools::fRegexp[i] )) { regular = kTRUE; break; } return regular; } //_______________________________________________________________________ TString TMVA::Tools::ReplaceRegularExpressions( const TString& s, const TString& r ) { // replace regular expressions // helper function to remove all occurences "$!%^&()'<>?= " from a string // and replace all ::,$,*,/,+,- with _M_,_S_,_T_,_D_,_P_,_M_ respectively TString snew = s; for (Int_t i = 0; i < Tools::fRegexp.Length(); i++) snew.ReplaceAll( Tools::fRegexp[i], r ); snew.ReplaceAll( "::", r ); snew.ReplaceAll( "$", "_S_" ); snew.ReplaceAll( "&", "_A_" ); snew.ReplaceAll( "%", "_MOD_" ); snew.ReplaceAll( "|", "_O_" ); snew.ReplaceAll( "*", "_T_" ); snew.ReplaceAll( "/", "_D_" ); snew.ReplaceAll( "+", "_P_" ); snew.ReplaceAll( "-", "_M_" ); snew.ReplaceAll( " ", "_" ); snew.ReplaceAll( "[", "_" ); snew.ReplaceAll( "]", "_" ); snew.ReplaceAll( "=", "_E_" ); snew.ReplaceAll( ">", "_GT_" ); snew.ReplaceAll( "<", "_LT_" ); snew.ReplaceAll( "(", "_" ); snew.ReplaceAll( ")", "_" ); return snew; } //_______________________________________________________________________ const TString& TMVA::Tools::Color( const TString& c ) { // human readable color strings static TString gClr_none = "" ; static TString gClr_white = "\033[1;37m"; // white static TString gClr_black = "\033[30m"; // black static TString gClr_blue = "\033[34m"; // blue static TString gClr_red = "\033[1;31m" ; // red static TString gClr_yellow = "\033[1;33m"; // yellow static TString gClr_darkred = "\033[31m"; // dark red static TString gClr_darkgreen = "\033[32m"; // dark green static TString gClr_darkyellow = "\033[33m"; // dark yellow static TString gClr_bold = "\033[1m" ; // bold static TString gClr_black_b = "\033[30m" ; // bold black static TString gClr_lblue_b = "\033[1;34m" ; // bold light blue static TString gClr_cyan_b = "\033[0;36m" ; // bold cyan static TString gClr_lgreen_b = "\033[1;32m"; // bold light green static TString gClr_blue_bg = "\033[44m"; // blue background static TString gClr_red_bg = "\033[1;41m"; // white on red background static TString gClr_whiteonblue = "\033[1;44m"; // white on blue background static TString gClr_whiteongreen = "\033[1;42m"; // white on green background static TString gClr_grey_bg = "\033[47m"; // grey background static TString gClr_reset = "\033[0m"; // reset if (!gConfig().UseColor()) return gClr_none; if (c == "white" ) return gClr_white; if (c == "blue" ) return gClr_blue; if (c == "black" ) return gClr_black; if (c == "lightblue") return gClr_cyan_b; if (c == "yellow") return gClr_yellow; if (c == "red" ) return gClr_red; if (c == "dred" ) return gClr_darkred; if (c == "dgreen") return gClr_darkgreen; if (c == "lgreenb") return gClr_lgreen_b; if (c == "dyellow") return gClr_darkyellow; if (c == "bold") return gClr_bold; if (c == "bblack") return gClr_black_b; if (c == "blue_bgd") return gClr_blue_bg; if (c == "red_bgd" ) return gClr_red_bg; if (c == "white_on_blue" ) return gClr_whiteonblue; if (c == "white_on_green") return gClr_whiteongreen; if (c == "reset") return gClr_reset; std::cout << "Unknown color " << c << std::endl; exit(1); return gClr_none; } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::Tools::FormattedOutput( const std::vector& values, const std::vector& V, const TString titleVars, const TString titleValues, MsgLogger& logger, TString format ) { // formatted output of simple table // sanity check UInt_t nvar = V.size(); if ((UInt_t)values.size() != nvar) { logger << kFATAL << " fatal error with dimensions: " << values.size() << " OR " << " != " << nvar << Endl; } // find maximum length in V (and column title) UInt_t maxL = 7; std::vector vLengths; for (UInt_t ivar=0; ivar& V, MsgLogger& logger ) { // formatted output of matrix (with labels) // sanity check: matrix must be quadratic UInt_t nvar = V.size(); if ((UInt_t)M.GetNcols() != nvar || (UInt_t)M.GetNrows() != nvar) { logger << kFATAL << " fatal error with dimensions: " << M.GetNcols() << " OR " << M.GetNrows() << " != " << nvar << " ==> abort" << Endl; } // get length of each variable, and maximum length UInt_t minL = 7; UInt_t maxL = minL; std::vector vLengths; for (UInt_t ivar=0; ivar& vert, const std::vector& horiz, MsgLogger& logger ) { // formatted output of matrix (with labels) // sanity check: matrix must be quadratic UInt_t nvvar = vert.size(); UInt_t nhvar = horiz.size(); // get length of each variable, and maximum length UInt_t minL = 7; UInt_t maxL = minL; std::vector vLengths; for (UInt_t ivar=0; ivar hLengths; for (UInt_t ivar=0; ivarGetBinWidth(1), unit.Data() ); return retval; } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::Tools::WriteFloatArbitraryPrecision( Float_t val, ostream& os ) { // writes a float value with the available precision to a stream os << val << " :: "; void * c = &val; for (int i=0; i<4; i++) { Int_t ic = *((char*)c+i)-'\0'; if (ic<0) ic+=256; os << ic << " "; } os << ":: "; } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::Tools::ReadFloatArbitraryPrecision( Float_t& val, istream& is ) { // reads a float value with the available precision from a stream Float_t a = 0; is >> a; TString dn; is >> dn; Int_t c[4]; void * ap = &a; for (int i=0; i<4; i++) { is >> c[i]; *((char*)ap+i) = '\0'+c[i]; } is >> dn; val = a; } // XML file reading/writing helper functions //_______________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TMVA::Tools::HasAttr( void* node, const char* attrname ) { // add attribute from xml return xmlengine().HasAttr(node, attrname); } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::Tools::ReadAttr( void* node, const char* attrname, TString& value ) { // add attribute from xml if (!HasAttr(node, attrname)) { const char * nodename = xmlengine().GetNodeName(node); Log() << kFATAL << "Trying to read non-existing attribute '" << attrname << "' from xml node '" << nodename << "'" << Endl; } const char* val = xmlengine().GetAttr(node, attrname); value = TString(val); } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::Tools::AddAttr( void* node, const char* attrname, const char* value ) { // add attribute to node if( node == 0 ) return; gTools().xmlengine().NewAttr(node, 0, attrname, value ); } //_______________________________________________________________________ void* TMVA::Tools::AddChild( void* parent, const char* childname, const char* content, bool isRootNode ) { // add child node if( !isRootNode && parent == 0 ) return 0; return gTools().xmlengine().NewChild(parent, 0, childname, content); } //_______________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TMVA::Tools::AddComment( void* node, const char* comment ) { if( node == 0 ) return kFALSE; return gTools().xmlengine().AddComment(node, comment); } //_______________________________________________________________________ void* TMVA::Tools::GetParent( void* child) { // get parent node void* par = xmlengine().GetParent(child); return par; } //_______________________________________________________________________ void* TMVA::Tools::GetChild( void* parent, const char* childname ) { // get child node void* ch = xmlengine().GetChild(parent); if (childname != 0) { while (ch!=0 && strcmp(xmlengine().GetNodeName(ch),childname) != 0) ch = xmlengine().GetNext(ch); } return ch; } //_______________________________________________________________________ void* TMVA::Tools::GetNextChild( void* prevchild, const char* childname ) { // XML helpers void* ch = xmlengine().GetNext(prevchild); if (childname != 0) { while (ch!=0 && strcmp(xmlengine().GetNodeName(ch),childname)!=0) ch = xmlengine().GetNext(ch); } return ch; } //_______________________________________________________________________ const char* TMVA::Tools::GetContent( void* node ) { // XML helpers return xmlengine().GetNodeContent(node); } //_______________________________________________________________________ const char* TMVA::Tools::GetName( void* node ) { // XML helpers return xmlengine().GetNodeName(node); } //_______________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TMVA::Tools::AddRawLine( void* node, const char * raw ) { // XML helpers return xmlengine().AddRawLine( node, raw ); } //_______________________________________________________________________ std::vector TMVA::Tools::SplitString(const TString& theOpt, const char separator ) const { // splits the option string at 'separator' and fills the list // 'splitV' with the primitive strings std::vector splitV; TString splitOpt(theOpt); splitOpt.ReplaceAll("\n"," "); splitOpt = splitOpt.Strip(TString::kBoth,separator); while (splitOpt.Length()>0) { if ( !splitOpt.Contains(separator) ) { splitV.push_back(splitOpt); break; } else { TString toSave = splitOpt(0,splitOpt.First(separator)); splitV.push_back(toSave); splitOpt = splitOpt(splitOpt.First(separator),splitOpt.Length()); } splitOpt = splitOpt.Strip(TString::kLeading,separator); } return splitV; } //_______________________________________________________________________ TString TMVA::Tools::StringFromInt( Long_t i ) { // string tools std::stringstream s; s << i; return TString(s.str().c_str()); } //_______________________________________________________________________ TString TMVA::Tools::StringFromDouble( Double_t d ) { // string tools std::stringstream s; s << Form( "%5.8e", d ); return TString(s.str().c_str()); } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::Tools::WriteTMatrixDToXML( void* node, const char* name, TMatrixD* mat ) { // XML helpers void* matnode = xmlengine().NewChild(node, 0, name); xmlengine().NewAttr(matnode,0,"Rows", StringFromInt(mat->GetNrows()) ); xmlengine().NewAttr(matnode,0,"Columns", StringFromInt(mat->GetNcols()) ); std::stringstream s; for (Int_t row = 0; rowGetNrows(); row++) { for (Int_t col = 0; colGetNcols(); col++) { s << Form( "%5.15e ", (*mat)[row][col] ); } } xmlengine().AddRawLine( matnode, s.str().c_str() ); } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::Tools::WriteTVectorDToXML( void* node, const char* name, TVectorD* vec ) { TMatrixD mat(1,vec->GetNoElements(),&((*vec)[0])); WriteTMatrixDToXML( node, name, &mat ); } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::Tools::ReadTVectorDFromXML( void* node, const char* name, TVectorD* vec ) { TMatrixD mat(1,vec->GetNoElements(),&((*vec)[0])); ReadTMatrixDFromXML( node, name, &mat ); for (int i=0;iGetNoElements();++i) (*vec)[i] = mat[0][i]; } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::Tools::ReadTMatrixDFromXML( void* node, const char* name, TMatrixD* mat ) { if (strcmp(xmlengine().GetNodeName(node),name)!=0){ Log() << kWARNING << "Possible Error: Name of matrix in weight file" << " does not match name of matrix passed as argument!" << Endl; } Int_t nrows, ncols; ReadAttr( node, "Rows", nrows ); ReadAttr( node, "Columns", ncols ); if (mat->GetNrows() != nrows || mat->GetNcols() != ncols){ Log() << kWARNING << "Possible Error: Dimension of matrix in weight file" << " does not match dimension of matrix passed as argument!" << Endl; mat->ResizeTo(nrows,ncols); } const char* content = xmlengine().GetNodeContent(node); std::stringstream s(content); for (Int_t row = 0; row> (*mat)[row][col]; } } } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::Tools::TMVAWelcomeMessage() { // direct output, eg, when starting ROOT session -> no use of Logger here std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << Color("bold") << "TMVA -- Toolkit for Multivariate Data Analysis" << Color("reset") << std::endl; std::cout << " " << "Version " << TMVA_RELEASE << ", " << TMVA_RELEASE_DATE << std::endl; std::cout << " " << "Copyright (C) 2005-2010 CERN, MPI-K Heidelberg, Us of Bonn and Victoria" << std::endl; std::cout << " " << "Home page: http://tmva.sf.net" << std::endl; std::cout << " " << "Citation info: http://tmva.sf.net/citeTMVA.html" << std::endl; std::cout << " " << "License: http://tmva.sf.net/LICENSE" << std::endl << std::endl; } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::Tools::TMVAVersionMessage( MsgLogger& logger ) { // prints the TMVA release number and date logger << "___________TMVA Version " << TMVA_RELEASE << ", " << TMVA_RELEASE_DATE << "" << Endl; } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::Tools::ROOTVersionMessage( MsgLogger& logger ) { // prints the ROOT release number and date static const char *months[] = { "Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May", "Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct", "Nov","Dec" }; Int_t idatqq = gROOT->GetVersionDate(); Int_t iday = idatqq%100; Int_t imonth = (idatqq/100)%100; Int_t iyear = (idatqq/10000); TString versionDate = Form("%s %d, %4d",months[imonth-1],iday,iyear); logger << "You are running ROOT Version: " << gROOT->GetVersion() << ", " << versionDate << Endl; } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::Tools::TMVAWelcomeMessage( MsgLogger& logger, EWelcomeMessage msgType ) { // various kinds of welcome messages // ASCII text generated by this site: http://www.network-science.de/ascii/ switch (msgType) { case kStandardWelcomeMsg: logger << Color("white") << "TMVA -- Toolkit for Multivariate Analysis" << Color("reset") << Endl; logger << "Copyright (C) 2005-2006 CERN, LAPP & MPI-K Heidelberg and Victoria U." << Endl; logger << "Home page http://tmva.sourceforge.net" << Endl; logger << "All rights reserved, please read http://tmva.sf.net/license.txt" << Endl << Endl; break; case kIsometricWelcomeMsg: logger << " ___ ___ ___ ___ " << Endl; logger << " /\\ \\ /\\__\\ /\\__\\ /\\ \\ " << Endl; logger << " \\:\\ \\ /::| | /:/ / /::\\ \\ " << Endl; logger << " \\:\\ \\ /:|:| | /:/ / /:/\\:\\ \\ " << Endl; logger << " /::\\ \\ /:/|:|__|__ /:/__/ ___ /::\\~\\:\\ \\ " << Endl; logger << " /:/\\:\\__\\ /:/ |::::\\__\\ |:| | /\\__\\ /:/\\:\\ \\:\\__\\ " << Endl; logger << " /:/ \\/__/ \\/__/~~/:/ / |:| |/:/ / \\/__\\:\\/:/ / " << Endl; logger << "/:/ / /:/ / |:|__/:/ / \\::/ / " << Endl; logger << "\\/__/ /:/ / \\::::/__/ /:/ / " << Endl; logger << " /:/ / ~~~~ /:/ / " << Endl; logger << " \\/__/ \\/__/ " << Endl << Endl; break; case kBlockWelcomeMsg: logger << Endl; logger << "_|_|_|_|_| _| _| _| _| _|_| " << Endl; logger << " _| _|_| _|_| _| _| _| _| " << Endl; logger << " _| _| _| _| _| _| _|_|_|_| " << Endl; logger << " _| _| _| _| _| _| _| " << Endl; logger << " _| _| _| _| _| _| " << Endl << Endl; break; case kLeanWelcomeMsg: logger << Endl; logger << "_/_/_/_/_/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/_/ " << Endl; logger << " _/ _/_/ _/_/ _/ _/ _/ _/ " << Endl; logger << " _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/_/_/_/ " << Endl; logger << " _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ " << Endl; logger << "_/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ " << Endl << Endl; break; case kLogoWelcomeMsg: logger << Endl; logger << "_/_/_/_/_/ _| _| _| _| _|_| " << Endl; logger << " _/ _|_| _|_| _| _| _| _| " << Endl; logger << " _/ _| _| _| _| _| _|_|_|_| " << Endl; logger << " _/ _| _| _| _| _| _| " << Endl; logger << "_/ _| _| _| _| _| " << Endl << Endl; break; case kSmall1WelcomeMsg: logger << " _____ __ ____ ___ " << Endl; logger << "|_ _| \\/ \\ \\ / /_\\ " << Endl; logger << " | | | |\\/| |\\ V / _ \\ " << Endl; logger << " |_| |_| |_| \\_/_/ \\_\\" << Endl << Endl; break; case kSmall2WelcomeMsg: logger << " _____ __ ____ ___ " << Endl; logger << "|_ _| \\/ \\ \\ / / \\ " << Endl; logger << " | | | |\\/| |\\ \\ / / _ \\ " << Endl; logger << " | | | | | | \\ V / ___ \\ " << Endl; logger << " |_| |_| |_| \\_/_/ \\_\\ " << Endl << Endl; break; case kOriginalWelcomeMsgColor: logger << kINFO << "" << Color("red") << "_______________________________________" << Color("reset") << Endl; logger << kINFO << "" << Color("blue") << Color("red_bgd") << Color("bwhite") << " // " << Color("reset") << Color("white") << Color("blue_bgd") << "|\\ /|| \\ // /\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\ \\ \\ " << Color("reset") << Endl; logger << kINFO << ""<< Color("blue") << Color("red_bgd") << Color("white") << "// " << Color("reset") << Color("white") << Color("blue_bgd") << "| \\/ || \\// /--\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\ \\ \\" << Color("reset") << Endl; break; case kOriginalWelcomeMsgBW: logger << kINFO << "" << "_______________________________________" << Endl; logger << kINFO << " // " << "|\\ /|| \\ // /\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\ \\ \\ " << Endl; logger << kINFO << "// " << "| \\/ || \\// /--\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\ \\ \\" << Endl; break; default: logger << kFATAL << "unknown message type: " << msgType << Endl; } } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::Tools::TMVACitation( MsgLogger& logger, ECitation citType ) { // kinds of TMVA citation switch (citType) { case kPlainText: logger << "A. Hoecker, P. Speckmayer, J. Stelzer, J. Therhaag, E. von Toerne, H. Voss" << Endl; logger << "\"TMVA - Toolkit for Multivariate Data Analysis\" PoS ACAT:040,2007. e-Print: physics/0703039" << Endl; break; case kBibTeX: logger << "@Article{TMVA2007," << Endl; logger << " author = \"Hoecker, Andreas and Speckmayer, Peter and Stelzer, Joerg " << Endl; logger << " and Therhaag, Jan and von Toerne, Eckhard and Voss, Helge\"," << Endl; logger << " title = \"{TMVA: Toolkit for multivariate data analysis}\"," << Endl; logger << " journal = \"PoS\"," << Endl; logger << " volume = \"ACAT\"," << Endl; logger << " year = \"2007\"," << Endl; logger << " pages = \"040\"," << Endl; logger << " eprint = \"physics/0703039\"," << Endl; logger << " archivePrefix = \"arXiv\"," << Endl; logger << " SLACcitation = \"%%CITATION = PHYSICS/0703039;%%\"" << Endl; logger << "}" << Endl; break; case kLaTeX: logger << "%\\cite{TMVA2007}" << Endl; logger << "\\bibitem{TMVA2007}" << Endl; logger << " A.~Hoecker, P.~Speckmayer, J.~Stelzer, J.~Therhaag, E.~von Toerne, H.~Voss" << Endl; logger << " %``TMVA: Toolkit for multivariate data analysis,''" << Endl; logger << " PoS A {\\bf CAT} (2007) 040" << Endl; logger << " [arXiv:physics/0703039]." << Endl; logger << " %%CITATION = POSCI,ACAT,040;%%" << Endl; break; case kHtmlLink: logger << kINFO << " " << Endl; logger << kINFO << gTools().Color("bold") << "Thank you for using TMVA!" << gTools().Color("reset") << Endl; logger << kINFO << gTools().Color("bold") << "For citation information, please visit: http://tmva.sf.net/citeTMVA.html" << gTools().Color("reset") << Endl; } } //_______________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TMVA::Tools::HistoHasEquidistantBins(const TH1& h) { return !(h.GetXaxis()->GetXbins()->fN); } //_______________________________________________________________________ std::vector* TMVA::Tools::CalcCovarianceMatrices( const std::vector& events, Int_t maxCls, VariableTransformBase* transformBase ) { std::vector eventVector; for (std::vector::const_iterator it = events.begin(), itEnd = events.end(); it != itEnd; ++it) { eventVector.push_back (new Event(*(*it))); } std::vector* returnValue = CalcCovarianceMatrices (eventVector, maxCls, transformBase); for (std::vector::const_iterator it = eventVector.begin(), itEnd = eventVector.end(); it != itEnd; ++it) { delete (*it); } return returnValue; } //_______________________________________________________________________ std::vector* TMVA::Tools::CalcCovarianceMatrices( const std::vector& events, Int_t maxCls, VariableTransformBase* transformBase ) { // compute covariance matrices if (events.empty()) { Log() << kWARNING << " Asked to calculate a covariance matrix for an empty event vectors.. sorry cannot do that -> return NULL"<CountVariableTypes( nvars, ntgts, nspcts ); else { nvars =events.at(0)->GetNVariables (); ntgts =events.at(0)->GetNTargets (); nspcts=events.at(0)->GetNSpectators(); } // init matrices Int_t matNum = maxCls; if (maxCls > 1 ) matNum++; // if more than one classes, then produce one matrix for all events as well (beside the matrices for each class) std::vector* vec = new std::vector(matNum); std::vector* mat2 = new std::vector(matNum); std::vector count(matNum); count.assign(matNum,0); Int_t cls = 0; TVectorD* v; TMatrixD* m; UInt_t ivar=0, jvar=0; for (cls = 0; cls < matNum ; cls++) { vec->at(cls) = new TVectorD(nvars); mat2->at(cls) = new TMatrixD(nvars,nvars); v = vec->at(cls); m = mat2->at(cls); for (ivar=0; ivarGetClass(); Double_t weight = ev->GetWeight(); std::vector input; std::vector mask; // entries with kTRUE must not be transformed // Bool_t hasMaskedEntries = kFALSE; if (transformBase) { /* hasMaskedEntries = */ transformBase->GetInput (ev, input, mask); } else { for (ivar=0; ivarGetValue(ivar)); } } if (maxCls > 1) { v = vec->at(matNum-1); m = mat2->at(matNum-1); count.at(matNum-1)+=weight; // count used events for (ivar=0; ivarat(cls); m = mat2->at(cls); for (ivar=0; ivar* mat = new std::vector(matNum); for (cls = 0; cls < matNum; cls++) { v = vec->at(cls); m = mat2->at(cls); mat->at(cls) = new TMatrixDSym(nvars); Double_t n = count.at(cls); for (ivar=0; ivarat(cls)))(ivar, jvar) = (*m)(ivar, jvar)/n - (*v)(ivar)*(*v)(jvar)/(n*n); } } delete v; delete m; } delete mat2; delete vec; return mat; } template Double_t TMVA::Tools::Mean ( Iterator first, Iterator last, WeightIterator w) { // Return the weighted mean of an array defined by the first and // last iterators. The w iterator should point to the first element // of a vector of weights of the same size as the main array. Double_t sum = 0; Double_t sumw = 0; int i = 0; if (w==NULL) { while ( first != last ) { // if ( *w < 0) { // ::Error("TMVA::Tools::Mean","w[%d] = %.4e < 0 ?!",i,*w); // return 0; // } // SURE, why wouldn't you allow for negative event weights here ?? :) sum += (*first); sumw += 1.0 ; ++first; ++i; } if (sumw <= 0) { ::Error("TMVA::Tools::Mean","sum of weights <= 0 ?! that's a bit too much of negative event weights :) "); return 0; } } else { while ( first != last ) { // if ( *w < 0) { // ::Error("TMVA::Tools::Mean","w[%d] = %.4e < 0 ?!",i,*w); // return 0; // } // SURE, why wouldn't you allow for negative event weights here ?? :) sum += (*w) * (*first); sumw += (*w) ; ++w; ++first; ++i; } if (sumw <= 0) { ::Error("TMVA::Tools::Mean","sum of weights <= 0 ?! that's a bit too much of negative event weights :) "); return 0; } } return sum/sumw; } template Double_t TMVA::Tools::Mean(Long64_t n, const T *a, const Double_t *w) { // Return the weighted mean of an array a with length n. if (w) { return TMVA::Tools::Mean(a, a+n, w); } else { return TMath::Mean(a, a+n); } } template Double_t TMVA::Tools::RMS(Iterator first, Iterator last, WeightIterator w) { // Return the Standard Deviation of an array defined by the iterators. // Note that this function returns the sigma(standard deviation) and // not the root mean square of the array. Double_t sum = 0; Double_t sum2 = 0; Double_t sumw = 0; Double_t adouble; if (w==NULL) { while ( first != last ) { adouble=Double_t(*first); sum += adouble; sum2 += adouble*adouble; sumw += 1.0; ++first; } } else { while ( first != last ) { adouble=Double_t(*first); sum += adouble * (*w); sum2 += adouble*adouble * (*w); sumw += (*w); ++first; ++w; } } Double_t norm = 1./sumw; Double_t mean = sum*norm; Double_t rms = TMath::Sqrt(TMath::Abs(sum2*norm -mean*mean)); return rms; } template Double_t TMVA::Tools::RMS(Long64_t n, const T *a, const Double_t *w) { // Return the Standard Deviation of an array a with length n. // Note that this function returns the sigma(standard deviation) and // not the root mean square of the array. if (w) { return TMVA::Tools::RMS(a, a+n, w); } else { return TMath::RMS(a, a+n); } } TH1* TMVA::Tools::GetCumulativeDist( TH1* h) { // get the cumulative distribution of a histogram TH1* cumulativeDist= (TH1*) h->Clone(Form("%sCumul",h->GetTitle())); //cumulativeDist->Smooth(5); // with this, I get less beautiful ROC curves, hence out! Float_t partialSum = 0; Float_t inverseSum = 0.; Float_t val; for (Int_t ibinEnd=1, ibin=cumulativeDist->GetNbinsX(); ibin >=ibinEnd ; ibin--){ val = cumulativeDist->GetBinContent(ibin); if (val>0) inverseSum += val; } inverseSum = 1/inverseSum; // as I learned multiplications are much faster than division, and later I need one per bin. Well, not that it would really matter here I guess :) for (Int_t ibinEnd=1, ibin=cumulativeDist->GetNbinsX(); ibin >=ibinEnd ; ibin--){ val = cumulativeDist->GetBinContent(ibin); if (val>0) partialSum += val; cumulativeDist->SetBinContent(ibin,partialSum*inverseSum); } return cumulativeDist; }