TEntryListArray: a list of entries and subentries in a TTree or TChain
TEntryListArray is an extension of TEntryList, used to hold selected entries and subentries (sublists) for when the user has a TTree with containers (vectors, arrays, ...).
Usage with TTree::Draw to select entries and subentries
Its main purpose is to improve the performance of a code that needs to apply complex cuts on TTree::Draw multiple times. After the first call above to TTree::Draw, a TEntryListArray is created and filled with the entries and the indices of the arrays that satisfied the selection cut (x > 0). In the subsequent calls to TTree::Draw, only these entries / subentries are used to fill histograms.
About the class
The class derives from TEntryList and can be used basically in the same way. This same class is used to keep entries and subentries, so there are two types of TEntryListArray's:
The ones that only hold subentries
fEntry is set to the entry# for which the subentries correspond
fSubLists must be 0
The ones that hold entries and eventually lists with subentries in fSubLists.
fEntry = -1 for those
If there are no sublists for a given entry, all the subentries will be used in the selection
Additions with respect to TEntryList
Data members:
fSubLists: a container to hold the sublists
fEntry: the entry number if the list is used to hold subentries
fLastSubListQueried and fSubListIter: a pointer to the last sublist queried and an iterator to resume the loop from the last sublist queried (to speed up selection and insertion in TTree::Draw)
Public methods:
Contains, Enter and Remove with subentry as argument
GetSubListForEntry: to return the sublist corresponding to the given entry
Protected methods:
AddEntriesAndSubLists: called by Add when adding two TEntryList arrays with sublists
ConvertToTEntryListArray: convert TEntryList to TEntryListArray
RemoveSubList: to remove the given sublist
RemoveSubListForEntry: to remove the sublist corresponding to the given entry
SetEntry: to get / set a sublist for the given entry
Others changes
Reduced the memory used by a TTree in half by refactoring the code reading and writing the TBasket data;
A single transient buffer holding the compressed data is now managed by TTree (and could be made thread local)
rather than having one per TBranch.
Updated TBranchElement::Unroll to no longer split a base class
that can not be split (i.e. respect the information returned
by TStreamerElement::CannotSplit (and thus TClass::CanSplit).
This disabling is currently _not_ done automatically for backward compatibility reasons and because
Without TClass::SetCanSplit there was no way to
force the splitting (short of setting the split level lower)
Some classes still requires a custom streamer solely to
read older data files (for example for file written before
the advent of StreamerInfo) and are such not necessary to
be used when writting (and schema evolution rules can not
yet be used in this case).
Allowed removing branches when cloning a TNtuple.
Added an option value ("cachedbranches") to the Print() function of TTreeCache to be able to print the list of cached branches.
Made the ownership of the TBranch by fBranch clearer (and thus allow the 'reuse' of TTree object without memory leak)
Introduced GetLeaf(branchname,leafname) used in TTreeFormula to avoid ambiguity in the syntax introduced by too many slashes
Improved performance of TTree::GetEntry. With this changes the 'overhead'
compare to protobuf goes from 48% to 24%. (This does not include the
cost of the file opening which can be comparatively large for small
files. For the example used in the comparison the cost TFile::Open is 8% of the cost
of 100000 calls to TTree::GetEntry)
Prevented the use of non-existent memory when reading in an object that is part of an STL collection and which used
to contains an embedded object (and this data member has been removed).
Now properly recognize a TClonesArray data member even if the requested type was a typedef (to TClonesArray) that is in a namespace (for example edm::Event::ContaierType).