#!/usr/bin/env python
# This file is part of MAUS: http://micewww.pp.rl.ac.uk:8080/projects/maus
# MAUS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# MAUS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with MAUS. If not, see .
Appease pylint but does nothing
This is the script used for offline submission to batch farm.
execute_against_data is the script that is submitted to the batch farm for
running batch jobs once the data is pulled to the offline data store.
execute_against_data runs a simulation monte carlo job using simulate_mice.py
and a reconstruction job using analyze_data_offline.py. The only input is a
run number which is found dynamically based on the file name.
The user needs to source env.sh in the usual way before running.
Creates a tarball called ######_offline.tar where ##### is the run number right
aligned and padded by 0s.
Return codes are:
0 - Everything ran okay.
1 - There was a transient error. Try again later. Transient errors are
errors like the configuration database could not be contacted, or there
was no suitable run geometry uploaded yet.
2 - there was some internal problem with the reconstruction. It needs to be
checked by the software expert.
3 - there was some problem with this script. It needs to be checked by the
software expert.
# dynamically set __doc__ string so I can access it for argparse
#pylint: disable = W0622
__doc__ = DESCRIPTION+"""
Three classes are defined
- RunManager: handles overall run execution;
- FileManager: handles logging and output tarball;
- RunSettings: handles run setup #pylint: disable = W0622
# TODO (rogers): pylint: disable = W0511
# - tests
# - docstrings + pylint
import argparse
import tarfile
import sys
import glob
import os
import subprocess
import shutil
import cdb
import time
def arg_parser():
Parse command line arguments.
Use -h switch at the command line for information on command line args used.
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=DESCRIPTION, \
parser.add_argument('--input-file', dest='input_file', \
help='Read in raw data tarball file with this name', \
parser.add_argument('--test', dest='test_mode', \
help='Run the batch job using test cdb output',
action='store_true', default=False)
parser.add_argument('--no-test', dest='test_mode', \
help="Don't run the batch job using test cdb output",
action='store_false', default=False)
parser.add_argument('--batch-iteration', dest='batch_iteration', type=int,
help='Batch iteration number for configuration DB',
return parser
class DownloadError(Exception):
DownloadError indicates a failure to download some necessary data for the
run - these are considered transient errors (i.e. the calibration wasn't
uploaded, the database wasn't available, etc). Try again later.
def __init__(self, error_message):
"""Initialise the exception with some error message"""
super(DownloadError, self).__init__(error_message)
self.error_message = error_message
def __str__(self):
"""Return a string containing the the error message"""
return repr(self.error_message)
class MausError(Exception):
MausError indicates the batch job failed due to some internal MAUS
error. This would need human intervention to understand what happened. It
may be the result of corrupt data, in which case we want to know about it.
def __init__(self, error_message):
"""Initialise the exception with some error message"""
super(MausError, self).__init__(error_message)
self.error_message = error_message
def __str__(self):
"""Return a string containing the the error message"""
return repr(self.error_message)
class RunManager:
Run manager manages the overall run - calls reconstruction and monte carlo
Main function is run()
def __init__(self, args_in_):
Setup log files and run setup
@param args_in_ arg_parser object (called from arg_parser function)
self.logs = FileManager()
self.logs.open_log('download.log', 'sim.log', 'reco.log', 'batch.log')
self.run_setup = RunSettings(args_in_)
self.logs.tar_file_name = self.run_setup.tar_file_name
def run(self):
Does the main execution loop against a run file
- Checks that the run number can be executed
- Performs any setup on the working directory
- downloads geometry files from cdb
- executes the simulation code
- executes the reconstruction code
if not self.check_valid():
print 'Error - run not valid'
return 1
# self.execute_simulation()
def check_valid(self): # pylint: disable = R0201
Checks that the run number can be executed
Not implemented yet, but some day would like to check that the run has
valid calibrations, cabling and geometry
@returns True if run is valid
print 'Checking run validity'
return True
def setup(self):
Set up the current working directory
Cleans the current working directory; Makes a directory for downloads;
extracts the raw data tarball
print 'Setup files'
print ' ', self.run_setup.download_target
print ' ', self.run_setup.input_file_name
print ' ', os.getcwd()
tar_in = tarfile.open(self.run_setup.input_file_name)
def cleanup(self):
Cleans up the current working directory
Removes the download target directory, and removes all files belonging
to this run (denoted by *) unless a tarball or root file
print 'Cleaning working directory'
download_dir = self.run_setup.download_target
if os.path.isdir(download_dir):
clean_target = glob.glob(self.run_setup.run_number_as_string+'*')
for item in clean_target:
if (item[-3:] != 'tar') and (item[-4:] != 'root'):
def download_cards(self):
Downloads the datacards from the configuration database
If running in test mode, uses legacy Stage4 geometry instead.
@raises DownloadError on failure
print 'Getting cards'
bi_number = self.run_setup.batch_iteration
for i in range(5):
print " Contacting CDB"
if self.run_setup.test_mode:
bi_service = cdb.BatchIteration(
bi_service = cdb.BatchIteration()
print " Found, accessing cards"
mc_cards = bi_service.get_mc_datacards(bi_number)['mc']
if mc_cards == 'null':
raise DownloadError(
"No MC cards for batch iteration number "+str(bi_number))
mc_out = open(self.run_setup.sim_cards, 'w')
reco_cards = bi_service.get_reco_datacards(bi_number)['reco']
if reco_cards == 'null':
raise DownloadError(
"No MC cards for batch iteration number "+str(bi_number))
reco_out = open(self.run_setup.reco_cards, 'w')
except cdb.CdbTemporaryError:
print "CDB lookup failed on attempt", i+1
except cdb.CdbPermanentError:
raise DownloadError("Failed to download cards - CDB not found")
raise DownloadError("Failed to download cards after 5 attempts")
def download_geometry(self):
Downloads the geometry from the configuration database
Calls the download_geometry.py utility script to download geometries by
run number
If running in test mode, uses legacy Stage4 geometry instead.
@raises DownloadError on failure
print 'Getting geometry'
download = [os.path.join(self.run_setup.maus_root_dir, 'bin',
'utilities', 'download_geometry.py')]
download += self.run_setup.get_download_parameters()
proc = subprocess.Popen(download, stdout=self.logs.download_log, \
if self.run_setup.test_mode:
test_path_in = os.path.join(self.run_setup.maus_root_dir, 'src',
'legacy', 'FILES', 'Models', 'Configurations', 'Test.dat')
test_path_out = os.path.join(self.run_setup.download_target, \
shutil.copy(test_path_in, test_path_out)
elif proc.returncode != 0:
raise DownloadError("Failed to download geometry successfully")
def execute_simulation(self):
Executes the Monte Carlo simulation
Executes the simulation; puts the output file into the tar queue
print 'Running simulation'
simulation = [os.path.join(self.run_setup.maus_root_dir, 'bin',
simulation += self.run_setup.get_simulation_parameters()
print simulation
proc = subprocess.Popen(simulation, stdout=self.logs.sim_log, \
if proc.returncode != 0:
raise MausError("MAUS simulation returned "+str(proc.returncode))
def execute_reconstruction(self):
Execute the reconstruction
Executes the reconstruction; puts the output file into the tar queue
print 'Running reconstruction'
reconstruction = [os.path.join(self.run_setup.maus_root_dir, 'bin',
reconstruction += self.run_setup.get_reconstruction_parameters()
print reconstruction
proc = subprocess.Popen(reconstruction, stdout=self.logs.rec_log, \
if proc.returncode != 0:
raise MausError("MAUS reconstruction returned "+str(proc.returncode))
def __del__(self):
If not in test mode, calls cleanup to clean current working directory
and closes log files.
if not self.run_setup == None:
if not self.run_setup.test_mode:
class RunSettings: #pylint: disable = R0902
RunSettings holds settings for the run - run numbers, file names, etc
Can write this stuff out as a list of command line parameters for each of
the main execution blocks
def __init__(self, args_in):
Initialise the run parameters
@param argv list of command line arguments (strings)
Run number is taken from the name of the tarball passed as an argument.
All other file names etc are then built off that
self.input_file_name = args_in.input_file
self.test_mode = args_in.test_mode
self.batch_iteration = args_in.batch_iteration
self.run_number = self.get_run_number_from_file_name \
self.run_number_as_string = str(self.run_number).rjust(5, '0')
self.tar_file_name = self.run_number_as_string+"_offline.tar"
self.recon_file_name = self.run_number_as_string+"_recon.root"
self.mc_file_name = self.run_number_as_string+"_sim.root"
self.maus_root_dir = os.environ["MAUS_ROOT_DIR"]
self.download_target = 'downloads'
self.reco_cards = 'reco.cards'
self.sim_cards = 'sim.cards'
def get_run_number_from_file_name(self, file_name): #pylint: disable = R0201
Get the run number based on the file name
@param file_name Input file name
Assumes a file of format 000####.* where #### is some integer run
@returns run number as an int
file_name = os.path.basename(file_name)
file_name = file_name.split('.')[0]
run_number = int(file_name)
return run_number
def get_simulation_parameters(self):
Get the parameters for the simulation executable
Sets output filename, geometry filename, verbose_level
@return list of command line arguments for simulation
return [
'-simulation_geometry_filename', \
os.path.join(self.download_target, 'ParentGeometryFile.dat'),
'-output_root_file_name', self.mc_file_name,
'-verbose_level', '0',
'-will_do_stack_trace', 'False',
'-configuration_file', self.sim_cards,
def get_reconstruction_parameters(self):
Get the parameters for the reconstruction exe
Sets output filename, geometry filename, verbose_level, daq file and
path, verbose_level
@return list of command line arguments for reconstruction
return [
'-output_root_file_name', str(self.recon_file_name),
'-daq_data_file', str(self.run_number),
'-daq_data_path', './',
'-verbose_level', '0',
'-will_do_stack_trace', 'False',
'-configuration_file', self.reco_cards,
def get_download_parameters(self):
Get the parameters for the reconstruction exe
Sets the run number, download directory, verbose level
@return list of command line arguments for download
return [
'-geometry_download_by', 'run_number',
'-geometry_download_run_number', str(self.run_number),
'-geometry_download_directory', str(self.download_target),
'-verbose_level', '0',
class FileManager: # pylint: disable = R0902
File manager handles log files and the tar archive
File manager has two components; logs of this batch script and each of the
downloaded components and a queue (actually a list) of items that should be
added to the tarball before exiting.
def __init__(self):
Initialises to None
self._is_open = False
self.tar_ball = None
self.download_log = None
self.batch_log = None
self.sim_log = None
self.rec_log = None
self.tar_file_name = None
self.tar_queue = []
def is_open(self):
@return true if files are open; else false
return self._is_open
def open_log(self, download_name, sim_name, rec_name, batch_name):
Open the log files
Open the log files if they are not open; add them to the queue to be
tarred on exit. Redirect stdout and stderr to log files.
if self._is_open:
raise IOError('Logs are already open')
self.download_log = open(download_name, 'w')
self.batch_log = open(batch_name, 'w')
sys.stderr = self.batch_log
sys.stdout = self.batch_log
self.sim_log = open(sim_name, 'w')
self.rec_log = open(rec_name, 'w')
self.tar_queue += [download_name, sim_name, rec_name, batch_name]
self._is_open = True
def close_log(self):
Close the logs; add items in the tar_queue to the tarball
If the logs aren't open, does nothing
if not self._is_open:
if self.tar_file_name != None:
if os.path.isfile(self.tar_file_name):
tar_file = tarfile.open(self.tar_file_name, 'w:gz')
for item in self.tar_queue:
if os.path.isfile(self.tar_file_name):
for item in self.tar_queue:
if os.path.isfile(item):
pass # cleanup does something weird...
self._is_open = False
def __del__(self):
Close the logs
def main(argv):
Calls run manager to run the execution
return values are:
0 - everything ran okay
1 - transient error, try again later
2 - there was some internal problem with the reconstruction - needs to be
checked by software expert
3 - there was some problem with this script - needs to be checked by
checked by software expert
my_return_value = 3
my_run = None
args = arg_parser()
args_in_ = args.parse_args(argv) # call the arg_parser before logging
# starts so we get -h output okay
my_run = RunManager(args_in_)
my_return_value = my_run.run()
# download errors are considered transient - i.e. try again later
except DownloadError:
my_return_value = 1
# some failure in the reconstruction algorithms - needs investigation
except MausError:
my_return_value = 2
# some other exception - probably a failure in this script - needs
# investigation
my_return_value = 3
del my_run
return my_return_value
if __name__ == "__main__":
RETURN_VALUE = main(sys.argv[1:])