/* This file is part of MAUS: http://micewww.pp.rl.ac.uk:8080/projects/maus
* MAUS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* MAUS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with MAUS. If not, see .
// C++ headers
// MAUS headers
#include "src/common_cpp/Plotting/SciFi/TrackerDataPlotterInfoBox.hh"
namespace MAUS {
: TrackerDataPlotterBase(),
_line2_pos(0.945) {
_p_label = new TPaveText(.0, .0, 0.55, 1.0);
_p_t1 = new TPaveText(.68, .0, 0.75, 1.0);
_p_t2 = new TPaveText(.88, .0, 0.95, 1.0);
_line1 = new TLine(_line1_pos, 0.0, _line1_pos, 1.0);
_line2 = new TLine(0.0, _line2_pos, 1.0, _line2_pos);
TrackerDataPlotterInfoBox::TrackerDataPlotterInfoBox(int canvas_width, int canvas_height,
double line1_pos, double line2_pos)
: TrackerDataPlotterBase(),
_tot_neg_tracks_t2(0) {
_canvas_width = canvas_width;
_canvas_height = canvas_height;
_line1_pos = line1_pos;
_line2_pos = line2_pos;
_p_label = new TPaveText(.0, .0, 0.55, 1.0);
_p_t1 = new TPaveText(.68, .0, 0.75, 1.0);
_p_t2 = new TPaveText(.88, .0, 0.95, 1.0);
_line1 = new TLine(_line1_pos, 0.0, _line1_pos, 1.0);
_line2 = new TLine(0.0, _line2_pos, 1.0, _line2_pos);
TrackerDataPlotterInfoBox::~TrackerDataPlotterInfoBox() {
delete _p_label;
delete _p_t1;
delete _p_t2;
delete _line1;
delete _line2;
void TrackerDataPlotterInfoBox::setup_paves(TCanvas* aCanvas) {
_p_label->AddText("Spill num");
_p_label->AddText("Positive Tracks");
_p_label->AddText("Negative Tracks");
_p_label->AddText("Str Tracks");
_p_label->AddText("4pt Helical Tracks");
_p_label->AddText("5pt Helical Tracks");
_p_label->AddText("Total Digits");
_p_label->AddText("Total Clusters");
_p_label->AddText("Total Spacepoints");
_p_label->AddText("Total Positive Tracks");
_p_label->AddText("Total Negative Tracks");
_p_label->AddText("Total Str Tracks");
_p_label->AddText("Total 4pt Helical Tracks");
_p_label->AddText("Total 5pt Helical Tracks");
_setup_true = true;
TCanvas* TrackerDataPlotterInfoBox::operator() ( TrackerData &t1, TrackerData &t2,
TCanvas* aCanvas) {
// If canvas if passed in use it, otherwise initialise the member canvas
TCanvas* lCanvas(NULL);
if ( aCanvas ) {
// std::cout << "Using input canvas at " << aCanvas << std::endl;
lCanvas = aCanvas;
} else {
if (_Canvas) {
// std::cout << "Using current local canvas at " << _Canvas << std::endl;
} else {
_Canvas = new TCanvas("c_info", "Info Box", 1500, 000, _canvas_width, _canvas_height);
// std::cout << "Creating new canvas at " << _Canvas << std::endl;
lCanvas = _Canvas;
// Check the TPaves have been initialised, and if not do so
// Update the TPave with the passed in info
int num_stracks_t1 = t1._num_stracks_5pt + t1._num_stracks_4pt + t1._num_stracks_3pt;
// int num_htracks_t1 = t1._num_htracks_5pt + t1._num_htracks_4pt + t1._num_htracks_3pt;
int num_stracks_t2 = t2._num_stracks_5pt + t2._num_stracks_4pt + t2._num_stracks_3pt;
// int num_htracks_t2 = t2._num_htracks_5pt + t2._num_htracks_4pt + t2._num_htracks_3pt;
_tot_digits_t1 += t1._num_digits;
_tot_clusters_t1 += t1._num_clusters;
_tot_spoints_t1 += t1._num_spoints;
_tot_pos_tracks_t1 += t1._num_pos_tracks;
_tot_neg_tracks_t1 += t1._num_neg_tracks;
_tot_5stracks_t1 += t1._num_stracks_5pt;
_tot_4stracks_t1 += t1._num_stracks_4pt;
_tot_3stracks_t1 += t1._num_stracks_3pt;
_tot_5htracks_t1 += t1._num_htracks_5pt;
_tot_4htracks_t1 += t1._num_htracks_4pt;
_tot_3htracks_t1 += t1._num_htracks_3pt;
_tot_digits_t2 += t2._num_digits;
_tot_clusters_t2 += t2._num_clusters;
_tot_spoints_t2 += t2._num_spoints;
_tot_pos_tracks_t2 += t2._num_pos_tracks;
_tot_neg_tracks_t2 += t2._num_neg_tracks;
_tot_5stracks_t2 += t2._num_stracks_5pt;
_tot_4stracks_t2 += t2._num_stracks_4pt;
_tot_3stracks_t2 += t2._num_stracks_3pt;
_tot_5htracks_t2 += t2._num_htracks_5pt;
_tot_4htracks_t2 += t2._num_htracks_4pt;
_tot_3htracks_t2 += t2._num_htracks_3pt;
_p_t1->AddText(chr(_tot_5stracks_t1 + _tot_4stracks_t1 + _tot_3stracks_t1));
_p_t2->AddText(chr(_tot_5stracks_t2 + _tot_4stracks_t2 + _tot_3stracks_t2));
return lCanvas;
const char* TrackerDataPlotterInfoBox::chr(int i) {
std::stringstream ss1;
ss1 << i;
return ss1.str().c_str();
} // ~namespace MAUS