#!/usr/bin/env python # This file is part of MAUS: http://micewww.pp.rl.ac.uk/projects/maus # # MAUS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # MAUS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with MAUS. If not, see . # # pylint: disable = W0311, E1101, W0613, C0111, R0911, W0621, C0103, R0902 import ROOT import gc class maus_reader() : """ A nice interface for loading MAUS ROOT data. Can be initialised with one filename, or a list of many filenames. Each file is loaded into memory in turn, with simple functions to extract the useful class and types from the file. This class does not offer full coverage of the datastructure, purely a simplified interface to the higher level objects. """ def __init__( self, filename ) : """ Initialise the class variables and load the first file handle """ if isinstance( filename, list ) : self.__num_files = len( filename ) self.__current_filename = filename[0] self.__filenames = filename else : self.__num_files = 1 self.__current_filename = filename self.__filenames = [ filename ] self.__current_filenumber = -1 self.__tree = None self.__data = None self.__spill = None self.__root_file = None self.__current_spill_num = -1 self.__current_num_spills = 0 self.__current_event_num = -1 self.__current_num_events = 0 self.__total_num_spills = 0 self.__total_num_events = 0 # self.next_event() def reset( self ) : self.__current_filename = self.__filenames[0] self.__current_filenumber = -1 self.__tree = None self.__data = None self.__spill = None self.__root_file = None self.__current_spill_num = -1 self.__current_num_spills = 0 self.__current_event_num = -1 self.__current_num_events = 0 self.__total_num_spills = 0 self.__total_num_events = 0 gc.collect() def __load_file( self ) : """ Loads the next file in the file list. """ if self.__root_file is not None : self.__root_file.Close() gc.collect() self.__root_file = ROOT.TFile( self.__current_filename, "READ" ) if self.__root_file.IsZombie() : self.__root_file.Close() raise IOError( 'Could not open ROOT File: '\ +str( self.__current_filename ) ) self.__data = ROOT.MAUS.Data() self.__tree = self.__root_file.Get("Spill") if not self.__tree : raise IOError( 'No tree extracted from ROOT File: '+\ str( self.__current_filename ) ) self.__tree.SetBranchAddress("data", self.__data) self.__current_num_spills = self.__tree.GetEntries() self.__current_spill_num = 0 self.__current_event_num = 0 self.__current_num_events = 0 def __increment_filename( self ) : """ Increment the current position in the list of files. If one is found return True, else return False. """ self.__current_filenumber += 1 if self.__current_filenumber < self.__num_files : self.__current_filename = self.__filenames[ self.__current_filenumber ] return True else : gc.collect() return False def next_event( self ) : """ Load the next event into memory. """ self.__current_event_num += 1 if self.__current_event_num >= self.__current_num_events : if self.next_spill() is False : return False self.__total_num_events += 1 return True def next_spill( self ) : """ Loads the next spill, in the current event into memory. If one is available return True, else return False """ self.__current_spill_num += 1 if self.__current_spill_num >= self.__current_num_spills : if self.__increment_filename() : try : self.__load_file() except IOError as ex: print ex return self.next_spill() else : return False self.__tree.GetEntry( self.__current_spill_num ) self.__spill = self.__data.GetSpill() self.__current_num_events = self.__spill.GetReconEvents().size() self.__current_event_num = 0 if self.__spill.GetDaqEventType() != "physics_event" : return self.next_spill() self.__total_num_spills += 1 return True def get_current_filename( self ) : """ Return the name of the current data file. """ return self.__current_filename def get_current_filenumber( self ) : """ Return the current position in the list of filenames """ return self.__current_filenumber + 1 def get_number_files( self ) : """ Return the number of files stored to open. """ return self.__num_files def get_current_number_spills( self ) : """ Return the number of spills in the current file. """ return self.__current_num_spills def get_current_spill_number( self ) : """ Return the current spill number, in the current file. """ return self.__current_spill_num + 1 def get_current_number_events( self ) : """ Return the number of events in the current spill. """ return self.__current_num_events def get_current_event_number( self ) : """ Return the current event number, in the current spill. """ return self.__current_event_num + 1 def get_spill( self ) : """ Return a reference to the current spill being read. """ return self.__spill def get_total_num_spills( self ) : """ Return the total number of spills read so far. """ return self.__total_num_spills def get_total_num_events( self ) : """ Return the total number of events read so far. """ return self.__total_num_events def is_good( self ) : """ Returns True if the class still has events left to load. """ if self.__current_event_num < self.__current_num_events and \ self.__current_spill_num < self.__current_num_spills and \ self.__current_filenumber < self.__num_files : return True else : return False def get_event( self, event_type ) : """ Return a specific event type from the current spill. """ if event_type == 'scifi' : return self.__spill.GetReconEvents()[\ self.__current_event_num ].GetSciFiEvent() elif event_type == 'tof' : return self.__spill.GetReconEvents()[\ self.__current_event_num ].GetTOFEvent() elif event_type == 'ckov' : return self.__spill.GetReconEvents()[\ self.__current_event_num ].GetCkovEvent() elif event_type == 'kl' : return self.__spill.GetReconEvents()[\ self.__current_event_num ].GetKLEvent() elif event_type == 'emr' : return self.__spill.GetReconEvents()[\ self.__current_event_num ].GetEMREvent() elif event_type == 'trigger' : return self.__spill.GetReconEvents()[\ self.__current_event_num ].GetTriggerEvent() elif event_type == 'global' : return self.__spill.GetReconEvents()[\ self.__current_event_num ].GetGlobalEvent() elif event_type == 'mc' : return self.__spill.GetMCEvents()[ self.__current_event_num ] else : return None