/* This file is part of MAUS: http://micewww.pp.rl.ac.uk:8080/projects/maus * * MAUS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * MAUS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with MAUS. If not, see . * */ #include "src/common_cpp/Recon/Kalman/MAUSSciFiPropagators.hh" namespace MAUS { //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // USEFUL FUCNTIONS //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // STRAIGHT //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// StraightPropagator::StraightPropagator(SciFiGeometryHelper* geo) : Kalman::Propagator_base(4), _geometry_helper(geo), _include_mcs(true) { } TMatrixD StraightPropagator::CalculatePropagator(const Kalman::State& start, const Kalman::State& end) { static TMatrixD prop(4, 4); // Find dz between sites. double deltaZ = end.GetPosition() - start.GetPosition(); prop(0, 0) = 1.0; prop(1, 1) = 1.0; prop(2, 2) = 1.0; prop(3, 3) = 1.0; prop(0, 1) = deltaZ; prop(2, 3) = deltaZ; return prop; } TMatrixD StraightPropagator::CalculateProcessNoise(const Kalman::State& start, const Kalman::State& end) { static TMatrixD new_noise(GetDimension(), GetDimension()); new_noise.Zero(); if (_include_mcs) { // TODO : Should probably finish this one... Kalman::State temp_start(start); Kalman::State temp_end(start); SciFiMaterialsList materials; _geometry_helper->FillMaterialsList(start.GetId(), end.GetId(), materials); int n_steps = materials.size(); for (int i = 0; i < n_steps; i++) { double width = materials.at(i).second; temp_end.SetPosition(temp_end.GetPosition() + width); TMatrixD F = CalculatePropagator(temp_start, temp_end); temp_end.SetVector(F * temp_start.GetVector()); double L = materials.at(i).first->L(width); TMatrixD Q = BuildQ(temp_end, L, width); TMatrixD F_transposed(GetDimension(), GetDimension()); F_transposed.Transpose(F); new_noise = F*new_noise*F_transposed + Q; temp_start = temp_end; } } else { // Pass } return new_noise; } TMatrixD StraightPropagator::BuildQ(const Kalman::State& state, double radLen, double width) { double deltaZ = width; double deltaZ_squared = deltaZ*deltaZ; TMatrixD state_vector(4, 1); state_vector = state.GetVector(); double mx = state_vector(1, 0); double my = state_vector(3, 0); double p = 200.0; // TODO: Extract a more accurate value, somehow... double p2 = p*p; double muon_mass = Recon::Constants::MuonMass; double muon_mass2 = muon_mass*muon_mass; double E = TMath::Sqrt(muon_mass2+p2); double beta = p/E; double C = _geometry_helper->HighlandFormula(radLen, beta, p); double C2 = C*C; double c_mx_mx = C2 * (1. + mx*mx) * (1.+ mx*mx + my*my); double c_my_my = C2 * (1. + my*my) * (1.+ mx*mx + my*my); double c_mx_my = C2 * mx*my * (1.+ mx*mx + my*my); TMatrixD Q(4, 4); Q(0, 0) = deltaZ_squared*c_mx_mx; Q(0, 1) = -deltaZ*c_mx_mx; Q(0, 2) = deltaZ_squared*c_mx_my; Q(0, 3) = -deltaZ*c_mx_my; Q(1, 0) = -deltaZ*c_mx_mx; Q(1, 1) = c_mx_mx; Q(1, 2) = -deltaZ*c_mx_my; Q(1, 3) = c_mx_my; Q(2, 0) = deltaZ_squared*c_mx_my; Q(2, 1) = -deltaZ*c_mx_my; Q(2, 2) = deltaZ_squared*c_my_my; Q(2, 3) = -deltaZ*c_my_my; Q(3, 0) = -deltaZ*c_mx_my; Q(3, 1) = c_mx_my; Q(3, 2) = -deltaZ*c_my_my; Q(3, 3) = c_my_my; return Q; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // HELICAL //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// HelicalPropagator::HelicalPropagator(SciFiGeometryHelper* helper) : Kalman::Propagator_base(5), _Bz(0.0), _geometry_helper(helper), _subtract_eloss(true), _include_mcs(true), _correct_Pz(true) { } void HelicalPropagator::Propagate(const Kalman::State& start, Kalman::State& end) { TMatrixD old_vec(5, 1); old_vec = start.GetVector(); double old_x = old_vec(0, 0); double old_px = old_vec(1, 0); double old_y = old_vec(2, 0); double old_py = old_vec(3, 0); double old_kappa = old_vec(4, 0); double old_pz = fabs(1.0 / old_kappa); double charge = old_kappa*old_pz; double old_momentum = sqrt(old_px*old_px + old_py*old_py + old_pz*old_pz); _Bz = _geometry_helper->GetFieldValue((start.GetId() > 0 ? 1 : 0)); double c = CLHEP::c_light; double u = - charge*c*_Bz; double delta_z = end.GetPosition() - start.GetPosition(); double delta_theta = - c*_Bz*delta_z*old_kappa; double sine = sin(delta_theta); double cosine = cos(delta_theta); if (start.GetId() < 0) u = - u; // Calculate the new track parameters. double new_x = old_x + old_px*sine/u - old_py*(1.-cosine)/u; double new_px = old_px*cosine - old_py*sine; double new_y = old_y + (old_py*sine)/u + old_px*(1.-cosine)/u; double new_py = old_py*cosine + old_px*sine; double new_kappa = old_kappa; if (_subtract_eloss) { SciFiMaterialsList materials; _geometry_helper->FillMaterialsList(start.GetId(), end.GetId(), materials); // Reduce/increase momentum vector accordingly. double e_loss_sign = 1.0; if (end.GetId() > 0) { e_loss_sign = -1.0; } double delta_p = 0.0; double momentum = old_momentum; int n_steps = materials.size(); for (int i = 0; i < n_steps; i++) { // In mm => times by 0.1; // delta_p = _geometry_helper->BetheBlochStoppingPower(momentum, // materials.at(i).first)*materials.at(i).second*0.1; double SP = _geometry_helper->BetheBlochStoppingPower(momentum, materials.at(i).first); delta_p = SP*materials.at(i).second*0.1; momentum += e_loss_sign*delta_p; } double reduction_factor = momentum/old_momentum; new_px *= reduction_factor; new_py *= reduction_factor; new_kappa /= reduction_factor; } TMatrixD end_vec(5, 1); end_vec(0, 0) = new_x; end_vec(1, 0) = new_px; end_vec(2, 0) = new_y; end_vec(3, 0) = new_py; end_vec(4, 0) = new_kappa; PropagatorMatrix() = CalculatePropagator(start, end); NoiseMatrix() = CalculateProcessNoise(start, end); TMatrixD propT(TMatrixD::kTransposed, PropagatorMatrix()); TMatrixD end_cov = PropagatorMatrix() * start.GetCovariance() * propT + NoiseMatrix(); end.SetVector(end_vec); end.SetCovariance(end_cov); } TMatrixD HelicalPropagator::CalculatePropagator(const Kalman::State& start, const Kalman::State& end) { TMatrixD old_vec(5, 1); old_vec = start.GetVector(); // double old_x = old_vec(0, 0); double old_px = old_vec(1, 0); // double old_y = old_vec(2, 0); double old_py = old_vec(3, 0); double old_kappa = old_vec(4, 0); double old_pz = fabs(1.0 / old_kappa); double charge = old_kappa/fabs(old_kappa); double old_momentum = sqrt(old_px*old_px + old_py*old_py + old_pz*old_pz); _Bz = _geometry_helper->GetFieldValue((start.GetId() > 0 ? 1 : 0)); double c = CLHEP::c_light; double u = - charge*c*_Bz; double delta_z = end.GetPosition() - start.GetPosition(); double delta_theta = - _Bz*c*delta_z*old_kappa; double sine = sin(delta_theta); double cosine = cos(delta_theta); if (start.GetId() < 0) u = - u; double reduction_factor = 1.0; if (_subtract_eloss) { SciFiMaterialsList materials; _geometry_helper->FillMaterialsList(start.GetId(), end.GetId(), materials); // Reduce/increase momentum vector accordingly. double e_loss_sign = 1.0; if (end.GetId() > 0) { e_loss_sign = -1.0; } double delta_p = 0.0; double momentum = old_momentum; int n_steps = materials.size(); for (int i = 0; i < n_steps; i++) { // In mm => times by 0.1; // delta_p = _geometry_helper->BetheBlochStoppingPower(momentum, // materials.at(i).first)*materials.at(i).second*0.1; double SP = _geometry_helper->BetheBlochStoppingPower(momentum, materials.at(i).first); delta_p = SP*materials.at(i).second*0.1; momentum += e_loss_sign*delta_p; } reduction_factor = momentum/old_momentum; } TMatrixD new_prop(5, 5); new_prop(0, 0) = 1.; new_prop(0, 1) = (sine/u); new_prop(0, 2) = 0.; new_prop(0, 3) = ((cosine-1.)/u); new_prop(1, 0) = 0.; new_prop(1, 1) = cosine*reduction_factor; new_prop(1, 2) = 0.; new_prop(1, 3) = -sine*reduction_factor; new_prop(2, 0) = 0.; new_prop(2, 1) = ((1.-cosine)/u); new_prop(2, 2) = 1.; new_prop(2, 3) = (sine/u); new_prop(3, 0) = 0.; new_prop(3, 1) = sine*reduction_factor; new_prop(3, 2) = 0.; new_prop(3, 3) = cosine*reduction_factor; new_prop(4, 0) = 0.; new_prop(4, 1) = 0.; new_prop(4, 2) = 0.; new_prop(4, 3) = 0.; new_prop(4, 4) = 1./reduction_factor; if (_correct_Pz) { if (start.GetId() < 0) { new_prop(0, 4) = delta_z*(old_px*cosine - old_py*sine); new_prop(1, 4) = -u*delta_z*(old_px*sine + old_py*cosine)*reduction_factor; new_prop(2, 4) = delta_z*(old_px*sine + old_py*cosine); new_prop(3, 4) = u*delta_z*(old_px*cosine - old_py*sine)*reduction_factor; } else { new_prop(0, 4) = delta_z*(old_px*cosine - old_py*sine); new_prop(1, 4) = -u*delta_z*(old_px*sine + old_py*cosine)*reduction_factor; new_prop(2, 4) = delta_z*(old_px*sine + old_py*cosine); new_prop(3, 4) = u*delta_z*(old_px*cosine - old_py*sine)*reduction_factor; } } else { new_prop(0, 4) = 0.0; new_prop(1, 4) = 0.0; new_prop(2, 4) = 0.0; new_prop(3, 4) = 0.0; } // new_prop.Print(); return new_prop; } TMatrixD HelicalPropagator::CalculateProcessNoise(const Kalman::State& start, const Kalman::State& end) { static TMatrixD new_noise(5, 5); new_noise.Zero(); if (_include_mcs) { // TODO : Correct this for new system Kalman::State temp_start(start); Kalman::State temp_end(start); SciFiMaterialsList materials; _geometry_helper->FillMaterialsList(start.GetId(), end.GetId(), materials); int n_steps = materials.size(); for (int i = 0; i < n_steps; i++) { double width = materials.at(i).second; temp_end.SetPosition(temp_end.GetPosition() + width); TMatrixD F = CalculatePropagator(temp_start, temp_end); temp_end.SetVector(F * temp_start.GetVector()); double L = materials.at(i).first->L(width); TMatrixD Q = BuildQ(temp_end, L, width); TMatrixD F_transposed(GetDimension(), GetDimension()); F_transposed.Transpose(F); new_noise = F*new_noise*F_transposed + Q; temp_start = temp_end; } } else { // Pass... } return new_noise; } TMatrixD HelicalPropagator::BuildQ(const Kalman::State& state, double L, double material_w) { TMatrixD vec = state.GetVector(); double px = vec(1, 0); double py = vec(3, 0); double kappa = vec(4, 0); double pz = fabs(1./kappa); double p = sqrt(px*px+py*py+pz*pz); double p2 = p*p; double muon_mass = Recon::Constants::MuonMass; double muon_mass2 = muon_mass*muon_mass; double E = TMath::Sqrt(muon_mass2+p2); double beta = p/E; double theta_mcs = _geometry_helper->HighlandFormula(L, beta, p); double theta_mcs2 = theta_mcs*theta_mcs; double charge = kappa/fabs(kappa); double c = CLHEP::c_light; double u = charge*c*_Bz; double delta_theta = u*material_w*fabs(kappa); double sine = sin(delta_theta); double cosine = cos(delta_theta); double dtheta_dpz = -delta_theta/pz; // ------------------------------------------------------------ TMatrixD dalpha_dp(GetDimension(), 3); // dx, dpx dalpha_dp(0, 0) = sine/u; // dx, dpy dalpha_dp(0, 1) = (cosine-1.)/u; // dx, dpz dalpha_dp(0, 2) = px*dtheta_dpz*cosine/u - py*dtheta_dpz*sine/u; // dpx, dpx dalpha_dp(1, 0) = cosine; // dpx, dpy dalpha_dp(1, 1) = -sine; // dpx, dpz dalpha_dp(1, 2) = -px*dtheta_dpz*sine - py*dtheta_dpz*cosine; // dy, dpx dalpha_dp(2, 0) = (1.-cosine)/u; // dy, dpy dalpha_dp(2, 1) = sine/u; // dy, dpz dalpha_dp(2, 2) = py*dtheta_dpz*cosine/u + px*dtheta_dpz*sine/u; // dpy, dpx dalpha_dp(3, 0) = sine; // dpy, dpy dalpha_dp(3, 1) = cosine; // dpy, dpz dalpha_dp(3, 2) = -py*dtheta_dpz*sine + px*dtheta_dpz*cosine; // dkappa, dpx dalpha_dp(4, 0) = 0.; // dkappa, dpy dalpha_dp(4, 1) = 0.; // dkappa, dpz dalpha_dp(4, 2) = -charge/(pz*pz); TMatrixD dalpha_dp_transposed(3, GetDimension()); dalpha_dp_transposed.Transpose(dalpha_dp); // ------------------------------------------------------------ TMatrixD dalpha_dx(GetDimension(), 3); dalpha_dx.Zero(); dalpha_dx(0, 0) = 1.; dalpha_dx(2, 1) = 1.; TMatrixD dalpha_dx_transposed(3, GetDimension()); dalpha_dx_transposed.Transpose(dalpha_dx); // ------------------------------------------------------------ TMatrixD P(3, 3); // Diagonal terms. P(0, 0) = 1.-px*px/p2; P(1, 1) = 1.-py*py/p2; P(2, 2) = 1.-pz*pz/p2; // Off diagonal, symmetric. P(0, 1) = px*py/p2; P(1, 0) = px*py/p2; P(0, 2) = px*pz/p2; P(2, 0) = px*pz/p2; P(1, 2) = py*pz/p2; P(2, 1) = py*pz/p2; TMatrixD term_1(GetDimension(), GetDimension()); term_1 = dalpha_dp*P*dalpha_dp_transposed; term_1 = p2*term_1; TMatrixD term_2(GetDimension(), GetDimension()); term_2 = dalpha_dp*P*dalpha_dx_transposed; term_2 = p*material_w*0.5*term_2; TMatrixD term_3(GetDimension(), GetDimension()); term_3 = dalpha_dx*P*dalpha_dp_transposed; term_3 = p*material_w*0.5*term_3; TMatrixD term_4(GetDimension(), GetDimension()); term_4 = dalpha_dx*P*dalpha_dx_transposed; term_4 = (1./3.)*material_w*material_w*term_4; TMatrixD Q(GetDimension(), GetDimension()); Q = theta_mcs2*(term_1 + term_2 + term_3 + term_4); return Q; } } // namespace MAUS