/* This file is part of MAUS: http://micewww.pp.rl.ac.uk:8080/projects/maus
* MAUS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* MAUS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with MAUS. If not, see .
#include "src/map/MapCppTOFMCDigitizer/MapCppTOFMCDigitizer.hh"
#include "src/common_cpp/Utils/TOFChannelMap.hh"
#include "Config/MiceModule.hh"
#include "DataStructure/MCEvent.hh"
#include "DataStructure/Spill.hh"
#include "Utils/Exception.hh"
#include "API/PyWrapMapBase.hh"
#include "src/common_cpp/DataStructure/RunHeaderData.hh"
#include "src/common_cpp/DataStructure/RunHeader.hh"
namespace MAUS {
PyMODINIT_FUNC init_MapCppTOFMCDigitizer(void) {
("MapCppTOFMCDigitizer", "", "", "", "");
: MapBase("MapCppTOFMCDigitizer") {
void MapCppTOFMCDigitizer::_birth(const std::string& argJsonConfigDocument) {
// print level
fDebug = false;
Json::Reader reader;
// Check if the JSON document can be parsed, else return error only
bool parsingSuccessful = reader.parse(argJsonConfigDocument, _configJSON);
if (!parsingSuccessful) {
throw MAUS::Exception(Exception::recoverable,
"Failed to parse Json Configuration",
// get the geometry
if (!_configJSON.isMember("reconstruction_geometry_filename"))
"Could not find geometry file",
std::string filename;
filename = _configJSON["reconstruction_geometry_filename"].asString();
// get the tof geometry modules
geo_module = new MiceModule(filename);
tof_modules = geo_module->findModulesByPropertyString("SensitiveDetector", "TOF");
// load the TOF calibration map
bool loaded = _map.InitializeFromCards(_configJSON, 0);
if (!loaded)
"Could not find TOF calibration map",
void MapCppTOFMCDigitizer::_death() {
void MapCppTOFMCDigitizer::_process(MAUS::Data* data) const {
// Get spill, break if there's no DAQ data
Spill *spill = data->GetSpill();
if (spill->GetMCEvents() == NULL)
MCEventPArray *mcEvts = spill->GetMCEvents();
int nPartEvents = spill->GetMCEventSize();
if (nPartEvents == 0)
ReconEventPArray *recEvts = spill->GetReconEvents();
// Resize the recon event to hold mc events
if (spill->GetReconEventSize() == 0) { // No recEvts yet
for (int iPe = 0; iPe < nPartEvents; iPe++) {
recEvts->push_back(new ReconEvent);
// all_tof_digits store all the tof hits
// then we'll weed out multiple hits, add up yields, and store the event
// loop over events
if (fDebug) std::cout << "mc numevts = " << mcEvts->size() << std::endl;
// Construct digits from hits for each MC event
for (int iPe = 0; iPe < nPartEvents; iPe++) {
// Get tof hits for this event
TOFHitArray *hits = spill->GetAnMCEvent(iPe).GetTOFHits();
// process only if there are tof hits
if (hits) {
// Get the time of the primary
// for digitizing, hit time will be taken as relative to the primary
Primary *primary = spill->GetAnMCEvent(iPe).GetPrimary();
double gentime = primary->GetTime(); // ns
// pick out tof hits, digitize and store
TofTmpDigits tmpDigits = make_tof_digits(hits, gentime);
// go through tof hits and find the hit in the trig station (TOF1)
std::string strig = findTriggerPixel(tmpDigits);
// now go through the stations and fill tof events
// real data tof digits look like so:
// "digits":{"tof1":[ [evt0..{pmt0},{pmt1}..],[evt1..]],"tof0":[[evt0]..],tof2..}
TOFEvent *evt = new TOFEvent();
fDigsArrayPtr digitArrayPtr(0);
TOF0DigitArray *tof0_digits = evt->GetTOFEventDigitPtr()->GetTOF0DigitArrayPtr();
TOF1DigitArray *tof1_digits = evt->GetTOFEventDigitPtr()->GetTOF1DigitArrayPtr();
TOF2DigitArray *tof2_digits = evt->GetTOFEventDigitPtr()->GetTOF2DigitArrayPtr();
fill_tof_evt(iPe, 0, tmpDigits, digitArrayPtr, strig);
} // end loop over events
TofTmpDigits MapCppTOFMCDigitizer::make_tof_digits(TOFHitArray* hits,
double gentime) const {
TofTmpDigits tmpDigits(0);
if (hits->size() == 0) return tmpDigits;
for ( unsigned int j = 0; j < hits->size(); j++ ) { // j-th hit
TOFHit hit = hits->at(j);
if (fDebug) std::cout << "=================== hit# " << j << std::endl;
// make sure we can get the station/slab info
if (!hit.GetChannelId())
"No channel_id in hit",
ThreeVector mom = hit.GetMomentum();
double hTime = hit.GetTime();
TOFChannelId* channel_id = hit.GetChannelId();
double edep = hit.GetEnergyDeposited();
if (fDebug) {
std::cout << "tofhit: stn: " << channel_id->GetStation() << " slab: "
<< channel_id->GetSlab() << " plane: " << channel_id->GetPlane()
<< " xyz: " << hit.GetPosition().x() << " "
<< hit.GetPosition().y() << " " << hit.GetPosition().z()
<< " px,py,pz: " << hit.GetMomentum().x() << " "
<< hit.GetMomentum().y() << " " << hit.GetMomentum().z()
<< " time: " << hit.GetTime() << std::endl;
int stn = channel_id->GetStation();
int pln = channel_id->GetPlane();
int slb = channel_id->GetSlab();
// set daq_event_type. TofSlabHits expects this.
// NOTE: In principle, should be done globally
if (!root.isMember("daq_event_type")) {
root["daq_event_type"] = "physics_event";
// find the geo module corresponding to this hit
const MiceModule* hit_module = NULL;
for ( unsigned int jj = 0; !hit_module && jj < tof_modules.size(); ++jj ) {
if ( tof_modules[jj]->propertyExists("Station", "int") &&
tof_modules[jj]->propertyInt("Station") == stn &&
tof_modules[jj]->propertyExists("Slab", "int") &&
tof_modules[jj]->propertyInt("Slab") == slb &&
tof_modules[jj]->propertyExists("Plane", "int") &&
tof_modules[jj]->propertyInt("Plane") == pln ) {
// got it
hit_module = tof_modules[jj];
if (fDebug) {
std::cout << "mod: " << jj << " " << tof_modules[jj]->propertyInt("Station")
<< " " << tof_modules[jj]->propertyInt("Plane") << " "
<< tof_modules[jj]->propertyInt("Slab") << std::endl;
} // end check on module
} // end loop over tof_modules
// make sure we actually found a tof module corresponding to this hit
if (hit_module == NULL)
"No TOF module for hit",
// now get the position of the hit
ThreeVector tpos = hit.GetPosition();
Hep3Vector hpos(tpos.x(), tpos.y(), tpos.z());
// get the slab and pmt positions from the geometry
// slab pos
Hep3Vector slabPos = hit_module->globalPosition();
// pmt positions
std::string pmtName;
// pmt 1
pmtName = "Pmt1Pos";
Hep3Vector pmt1Pos = hit_module->propertyHep3Vector(pmtName);
// pmt 2
pmtName = "Pmt2Pos";
Hep3Vector pmt2Pos = hit_module->propertyHep3Vector(pmtName);
if (fDebug) {
std::cout << "hitpos: " << hpos << std::endl;
std::cout << "pmt1pos: " << pmt1Pos << " slabPos: " << slabPos << std::endl;
std::cout << "pmt2pos: " << pmt2Pos << " slabPos: " << slabPos << std::endl;
// find distances from hit to pmt geom
double dist1 = ( hpos - (slabPos + pmt1Pos) ).mag();
double dist2 = ( hpos - (slabPos + pmt2Pos) ).mag();
// convert edep to photoelectrons for this slab/pmt
// can't convert to adc yet since we need to add up ph.el's
// from other hits if any
if (fDebug) std::cout << "edep= " << edep << std::endl;
double npe1 = get_npe(dist1, edep);
double npe2 = get_npe(dist2, edep);
if (fDebug) printf("npe# %3.15f %3.4f %3.4f\n", edep, npe1, npe2);
// get the hit time
double csp = _configJSON["TOFscintLightSpeed"].asDouble();
double tres = _configJSON["TOFpmtTimeResolution"].asDouble();
double htime = hit.GetTime() - gentime;
// propagate time to pmt & smear by the resolution
double time1 = CLHEP::RandGauss::shoot((htime + dist1/csp) , tres);
double time2 = CLHEP::RandGauss::shoot((htime + dist2/csp) , tres);
double tdc2time = _configJSON["TOFtdcConversionFactor"].asDouble();
// convert to tdc
int tdc1 = static_cast(time1 / tdc2time);
int tdc2 = static_cast(time2 / tdc2time);
if (fDebug) {
std::cout << "time: " << hit.GetTime() << " now: " <<
time1 << " " << time2 << " " << (time1+time2)/2 << std::endl;
std::cout << "dist: " << dist1 << " " << dist2 << std::endl;
std::cout << "tdc: " << tdc1 << " " << tdc2 << std::endl;
tmpThisDigit thisDigit;
// set the hits for PMTs at both ends
for (int p = 0; p < 2; ++p) {
thisDigit.fChannelId = channel_id;
thisDigit.fMom = mom;
thisDigit.fTime = hTime;
thisDigit.fPos = hpos;
thisDigit.fIsUsed = 0;
// set the key for this channel
std::stringstream ss;
ss << "TOFChannelKey " << stn << " " << pln << " " << slb << " " << p << " tof" << stn;
thisDigit.fTofKey = ss.str();
thisDigit.fStation = stn;
thisDigit.fPlane = pln;
thisDigit.fSlab = slb;
thisDigit.fPmt = p;
if (p == 0) {
thisDigit.fNpe = npe1;
thisDigit.fLeadingTime = tdc1;
thisDigit.fRawTime = time1;
} else if (p == 1) {
thisDigit.fNpe = npe2;
thisDigit.fLeadingTime = tdc2;
thisDigit.fRawTime = time2;
// this stuff needs tweaking
// need to make sure the trigger leading time is reasonable
// as is this requires a mod --
// --- ConfigDefaults triggerpixelcut has to be modified to
// allow for the trigger pixel to be found
// ideally if all was well the triggerpixel after calib
// will give a time ~= 0.
// but without the correct trigger leading time, this will no
// longer be the case. hence the pixelcut mod.
// need a more elegant way to handle this -- DR 3/15
thisDigit.fTrailingTime = 0;
thisDigit.fTriggerRequestLeadingTime = 0;
thisDigit.fTriggerTimeTag = 0;
thisDigit.fTimeStamp = 0;
if (fDebug)
std::cout << "digit " << j << " key: " << ss.str() << std::endl;
} // end loop over pmts
} // ends 'for' loop over hits
return tmpDigits;
double MapCppTOFMCDigitizer::get_npe(double dist, double edep) const {
double nphot = 0;
double nptmp = 0.;
if (fDebug) std::cout << "get_npe::edep= " << edep << std::endl;
if (!_configJSON.isMember("TOFattenuationLength"))
"Could not find TOFattenauationLength in config",
if (!_configJSON.isMember("reconstruction_geometry_filename"))
"Could not find TOFpmtQuantumEfficiency in config",
if (!_configJSON.isMember("TOFconversionFactor"))
"Could not find TOFconversionFactor in config",
if (fDebug)
printf("nphot0: %3.12f %3.12f\n", edep, _configJSON["TOFconversionFactor"].asDouble());
// convert energy deposited to number of photoelectrons
nphot = edep / (_configJSON["TOFconversionFactor"].asDouble());
TRandom* rnd = new TRandom();
rnd = new TRandom();
nptmp = rnd->Poisson(nphot);
nphot = nptmp;
// attenuate the yield
nphot *= exp(-dist / (_configJSON["TOFattenuationLength"].asDouble()));
rnd = new TRandom();
nptmp = rnd->Poisson(nphot);
nphot = nptmp;
// correct for phototube quantum efficiency
nphot *= (_configJSON["TOFpmtQuantumEfficiency"].asDouble());
rnd = new TRandom();
nptmp = rnd->Poisson(nphot);
nphot = nptmp;
return nphot;
std::string MapCppTOFMCDigitizer::findTriggerPixel(TofTmpDigits& tmpDigits) const {
int tstn = 1;
int tsx = 99, tsy = 99;
for (unsigned int digit_i = 0; digit_i < tmpDigits.size(); digit_i++) {
if (tmpDigits[digit_i].fStation == tstn) {
if (tsx == 99 || tsy == 99) {
if (tmpDigits[digit_i].fPlane == 0)
tsx = tmpDigits[digit_i].fSlab;
tsy = tmpDigits[digit_i].fSlab;
std::stringstream strig_str("");
// set trigger to be "unknown" if we could not find the hit in TOF1
if (tsx == 99 || tsy == 99)
strig_str << "unknown";
strig_str << "TOFPixelKey " << tstn << " " << tsx << " " << tsy << " tof" << tstn;
if (fDebug)
std::cout << "pixelKey: " << strig_str.str() << std::endl;
return strig_str.str();
void MapCppTOFMCDigitizer::fill_tof_evt(int evnum, int snum,
TofTmpDigits& tmpDigits,
fDigsArrayPtr& tofDigits,
std::string pixStr) const {
// return null if this evt had no tof hits
if (tmpDigits.size() == 0) return;
double npe;
int ndigs = 0;
// throw out multihits and add up the light yields from multihits in slabs
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < tmpDigits.size(); ++i) {
int thisStation = tmpDigits[i].fStation;
// check if the digit has been used
if (!tmpDigits[i].fIsUsed) {
npe = tmpDigits[i].fNpe;
// loop over all the other digits to find multihit slabs
for ( unsigned int j = i+1; j < tmpDigits.size(); j++ ) {
if ( check_param(tmpDigits[i], tmpDigits[j]) ) {
// add up light yields if same bar was hit
npe += tmpDigits[j].fNpe;
// mark this hit as used so we don't multicount
tmpDigits[j].fIsUsed = true;
} // end check for used
} // end loop over secondary digits
// convert light yield to adc & set the charge
int adc = static_cast(npe / (_configJSON["TOFadcConversionFactor"].asDouble()));
double adcs = npe / (_configJSON["TOFadcConversionFactor"].asDouble());
double adcw = 0.5;
TRandom* rnd = new TRandom();
double adcsm = rnd->Landau(adcs,adcw);
int adc = static_cast(adcsm);
if (fDebug) std::cout << "npe-adc: " << npe << " " << adc << std::endl;
// now set the digit
TOFDigit theDigit;
// NOTE: needs tweaking/verifying -- DR 3/15
// add the calibration corrections to the time
std::string keyStr = tmpDigits[i].fTofKey;
TOFChannelKey xChannelKey(keyStr);
double dT = 0.;
if (pixStr != "unknown") {
if (fDebug) std::cout << "MapCppTOFMCDigitizer::Correcting pixel: " << keyStr << std::endl;
TOFPixelKey xTriggerPixelKey(pixStr);
dT = _map.dT(xChannelKey, xTriggerPixelKey, adc);
if (fDebug) std::cout << "dT= " << dT << std::endl;
if (fDebug)
std::cout << "calibCorr: " << dT << std::endl;
double raw = tmpDigits[i].fRawTime;
double rt = raw + dT;
// convert to tdc
int tdc = static_cast(rt/(_configJSON["TOFtdcConversionFactor"].asDouble()));
if (fDebug) {
std::cout << "times: raw= " << raw << " dT= " << dT
<< " corr= " << rt << " tdc= " << tdc << std::endl;
// store the digitized times
// NOTE: trigger_req... has to be tweaked -- see earlier note -- DR/march15
// ROGERS addition to maintain data integrity 03-May-2012
// - trigger_leading_time
// - trigger_trailing_time
// - trigger_request_trailing_timr
// store event number
// store this digit in the digits array for this station
if (fDebug)
std::cout << "digit #" << ndigs << " " << theDigit.GetTofKey() << std::endl;
// done - mark digit as used
tmpDigits[i].fIsUsed = true;
} // ends check of used hit
} // ends loop over all digits
bool MapCppTOFMCDigitizer::check_param(tmpThisDigit& hit1, tmpThisDigit& hit2) const {
int station1 = hit1.fStation;
int station2 = hit2.fStation;
int plane1 = hit1.fPlane;
int plane2 = hit2.fPlane;
int slab1 = hit1.fSlab;
int slab2 = hit2.fSlab;
int pmt1 = hit1.fPmt;
int pmt2 = hit2.fPmt;
bool hit_is_used = hit2.fIsUsed;
if ( station1 == station2 && plane1 == plane2 &&
slab1 == slab2 && pmt1 == pmt2 && !hit_is_used ) {
return true;
} else {
return false;