#!/usr/bin/env bash stagedir=${MAUS_THIRD_PARTY}/third_party/source destdir=${MAUS_THIRD_PARTY}/third_party/install/share/test_data/ echo echo 'INFO: Installing test data' echo '--------------------------' echo # First get the old tracker cosmic gdc data file echo "INFO: Getting test scifi cosmic data" gdc_file="gdc1901.001" url0=http://heplnv152.pp.rl.ac.uk/maus/test_data/${gdc_file} if [ -e "${destdir}/${gdc_file}" ] then echo "INFO: Found tracker cosmic data file in test data directory" else echo "INFO: Tracker cosmic data file doesn't exist. Downloading..." wget --directory-prefix=${destdir} ${url0} fi cd $destdir md5sum -c ${gdc_file}.md5 || { echo "FATAL: Failed to download:" >&2; echo "FATAL: ${gdc_file}." >&2; echo "FATAL: MD5 checksum failed.">&2; echo "FATAL: Try rerunning this command to redownload, or check" >&2; echo "FATAL: internet connection" >&2; rm -f ${filename}; exit 1; } # Now get the run data if [ "$#" -gt 0 ]; then # if there are command line arguments it should be a list of run numbers # eventually this becomes a load test (but online recon is failing right now) run_list=$@ cat_list=$@ else # if there are no command line arguments we generate default data set run_list="04234 04258 04235" cat_list="04234 04235" fi echo "INFO: Building test data set" echo "INFO: Getting runs numbered "${run_list} echo if [ ! -n "${MAUS_THIRD_PARTY+x}" ]; then echo echo "FATAL: MAUS_THIRD_PARTY is not set" >&2 exit 1 fi for run in ${run_list} do filename=${run}.tar century="${run:0:3}00" # lazy approach to choosing between Step1 and Step4, we could use # the approach run >= 5889 is Step4 url1=http://www.hep.ph.ic.ac.uk/micedata/MICE/Step1/${century}/${filename} url2=http://www.hep.ph.ic.ac.uk/micedata/MICE/Step4/${century}/${filename} stagefile=${stagedir}/${filename} destfile=${destdir}/${filename} # the point of staging to third_party/source/ is that then this will get # included in the release tarball (which pulls from third_party/source/) if [ -e "${stagefile}" ] then echo "INFO: Found source archive" else echo "INFO: Source archive doesn't exist. Downloading..." wget ${url1} -O "${stagefile}" if [ $? -ne 0 ] then # download returned e.g. 404 and put this in ${stagefile}, let's # clean up rm ${stagefile} echo "INFO: Failed to download from Step1 area; try Step4 area" wget ${url2} -O "${stagefile}" if [ $? -ne 0 ] then echo "FATAL: Failed to download from Step4 area" rm ${stagefile} exit 1 fi fi fi cp ${stagefile} ${destfile} if [ -e "${destfile}" ] then echo "INFO: Unpacking" cd "${destdir}" tar -xf ${filename} sleep 1 echo "INFO: Checking md5sum" md5sum -c ${run}.md5 || { echo "FATAL: Failed checksum"; rm "${destdir}"; exit 1; } sleep 1 echo echo "INFO: Data for $run now available for testing against" else echo "FATAL: Failed to get the data file - giving up">&2 exit 1; fi done echo "INFO: Concatenating run data for runs " cd ${destdir} cat_file=${destdir}/test_data.cat for item in ${cat_list} do echo "INFO: ${item}" file_list="${file_list} "`ls ${destdir}/${item}.0*` done echo "INFO: Following files were found "${file_list} echo "INFO: concatenating" cat ${file_list} > ${cat_file} echo "INFO: Successfully built test data set"