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// * conditions of the Geant4 Software License,  included in the file *
// * LICENSE and available at  http://cern.ch/geant4/license .  These *
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// * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing *
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// * This  code  implementation is the result of  the  scientific and *
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// ********************************************************************
// $Id: G4LossTableBuilder.hh,v 1.8 2008-07-22 15:55:15 vnivanch Exp $
// GEANT4 tag $Name: not supported by cvs2svn $
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// GEANT4 Class header file
// File name:     G4LossTableBuilder
// Author:        Vladimir Ivanchenko on base of Laszlo Urban code
// Creation date: 03.01.2002
// Modifications: 
// 08-11-04 Migration to new interface of Store/Retrieve tables (V.Ivanchenko)
// 17-07-08 Added splineFlag (V.Ivanchenko)
// Class Description: 
// Provide building of dE/dx, range, and inverse range tables.

// -------------------------------------------------------------------

#ifndef G4LossTableBuilder_h
#define G4LossTableBuilder_h 1

#include <vector>
#include "globals.hh"
#include "G4PhysicsTable.hh"

class G4LossTableBuilder



  virtual ~G4LossTableBuilder();

  void BuildDEDXTable(G4PhysicsTable* dedxTable, const std::vector<G4PhysicsTable*>&);

  void BuildRangeTable(const G4PhysicsTable* dedxTable, G4PhysicsTable* rangeTable,
		       G4bool isIonisation = false);

  void BuildInverseRangeTable(const G4PhysicsTable* rangeTable,
			      G4PhysicsTable* invRangeTable,
			      G4bool isIonisation = false);

  void InitialiseBaseMaterials(G4PhysicsTable* table);

  inline const std::vector<G4int>* GetCoupleIndexes();

  inline const std::vector<G4double>* GetDensityFactors();

  inline G4bool GetFlag(size_t idx) const;

  inline void SetSplineFlag(G4bool flag);

  inline void SetInitialisationFlag(G4bool flag);

  void InitialiseCouples();

  G4LossTableBuilder & operator=(const  G4LossTableBuilder &right);
  G4LossTableBuilder(const  G4LossTableBuilder&);

  G4bool splineFlag;
  G4bool isInitialized;

  std::vector<G4double>* theDensityFactor;
  std::vector<G4int>*    theDensityIdx;
  std::vector<G4bool>*   theFlag;


inline const std::vector<G4int>* 
  if(theDensityIdx->size() == 0) { InitialiseCouples(); }
  return theDensityIdx;

inline const std::vector<G4double>* 
  if(theDensityIdx->size() == 0) { InitialiseCouples(); }
  return theDensityFactor;

inline G4bool G4LossTableBuilder::GetFlag(size_t idx) const
  return (*theFlag)[idx];

inline void G4LossTableBuilder::SetSplineFlag(G4bool flag)
  splineFlag = flag;

inline void G4LossTableBuilder::SetInitialisationFlag(G4bool flag)
  isInitialized = flag;

