// @(#)root/eve:$Id$ // Author: Matevz Tadel 2007 /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2007, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ #ifndef ROOT_TGLAutoRotator #define ROOT_TGLAutoRotator #include "TObject.h" #include "TString.h" class TGLCamera; class TGLViewer; class TTimer; class TStopwatch; class TGLAutoRotator : public TObject { private: TGLAutoRotator(const TGLAutoRotator&); // Not implemented TGLAutoRotator& operator=(const TGLAutoRotator&); // Not implemented protected: TGLViewer *fViewer; TGLCamera *fCamera; TTimer *fTimer; TStopwatch *fWatch; Bool_t fRotateScene; Double_t fDeltaPhi; Double_t fDt; Double_t fWPhi; Double_t fWTheta, fATheta; Double_t fWDolly, fADolly; Double_t fThetaA0, fDollyA0; Bool_t fTimerRunning; TString fImageName; Int_t fImageCount; Bool_t fImageAutoSave; TString fImageGUIBaseName; Int_t fImageGUIOutMode; public: TGLAutoRotator(TGLViewer* v); virtual ~TGLAutoRotator(); TGLViewer* GetViewer() const { return fViewer; } TGLCamera* GetCamera() const { return fCamera; } // -------------------------------- void Start(); void Stop(); void Timeout(); void RotateScene(); // -------------------------------- Bool_t IsRunning() const { return fTimerRunning; } void SetRotateScene(Bool_t rotateScene) {Stop(); fRotateScene = rotateScene; } Double_t GetDeltaPhi() const {return fDeltaPhi; } void SetDeltaPhi(Double_t dPhi) {fDeltaPhi = dPhi; } Double_t GetDt() const { return fDt; } void SetDt(Double_t dt); Double_t GetWPhi() const { return fWPhi; } void SetWPhi(Double_t w) { fWPhi = w; } Double_t GetWTheta() const { return fWTheta; } void SetWTheta(Double_t w) { fWTheta = w; } Double_t GetATheta() const { return fATheta; } void SetATheta(Double_t a); Double_t GetWDolly() const { return fWDolly; } void SetWDolly(Double_t w) { fWDolly = w; } Double_t GetADolly() const { return fADolly; } void SetADolly(Double_t a); TString GetImageName() const { return fImageName; } void SetImageName(const TString& name) { fImageName = name; } Int_t GetImageCount() const { return fImageCount; } void SetImageCount(Int_t ic) { fImageCount = ic; } Bool_t GetImageAutoSave() const { return fImageAutoSave; } void SetImageAutoSave(Bool_t s) { fImageAutoSave = s; } void StartImageAutoSaveAnimatedGif(const TString& filename); void StartImageAutoSave(const TString& filename); void StopImageAutoSave(); TString GetImageGUIBaseName() const { return fImageGUIBaseName; } void SetImageGUIBaseName(const TString& gname) { fImageGUIBaseName = gname; } Int_t GetImageGUIOutMode() const { return fImageGUIOutMode; } void SetImageGUIOutMode(Int_t m); void StartImageAutoSaveWithGUISettings(); ClassDef(TGLAutoRotator, 0); // Automatic, timer-based, rotation of GL-viewer's camera. }; #endif