// @(#)root/test:$Id$ // Author: Lorenzo Moneta 06/2005 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // MathMore Benchmark test suite // ============================== // // This program performs tests : // - numerical integration, derivation and root finders // - it compares for various values of the gamma and beta distribution) // - the numerical calculated integral of pdf with cdf function, // - the calculated derivative of cdf with pdf // - the inverse (using root finder) of cdf with quantile // // to run the program outside ROOT do: // > make stressMathMore // > ./stressMathMore // // to run the program in ROOT // root> gSystem->Load("libMathMore") // root> .x stressMathMore.cxx+ // #include "Math/DistFunc.h" #include "Math/IParamFunction.h" #include "Math/Integrator.h" #include "Math/Derivator.h" #include "Math/Functor.h" #include "Math/RootFinderAlgorithms.h" #include "Math/RootFinder.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "TBenchmark.h" #include "TROOT.h" #include "TRandom3.h" #include "TSystem.h" #include "TF1.h" using namespace ROOT::Math; #ifdef __CINT__ #define INF 1.7E308 #else #define INF std::numeric_limits::infinity() #endif //#define DEBUG bool debug = true; // print out reason of test failures bool removeFiles = false; // remove Output root files void PrintTest(std::string name) { std::cout << std::left << std::setw(40) << name; } void PrintStatus(int iret) { if (iret == 0) std::cout <<"\t\t................ OK" << std::endl; else std::cout <<"\t\t............ FAILED " << std::endl; } int compare( std::string name, double v1, double v2, double scale = 2.0) { // ntest = ntest + 1; //std::cout << std::setw(50) << std::left << name << ":\t"; // numerical double limit for epsilon double eps = scale* std::numeric_limits::epsilon(); int iret = 0; double delta = v2 - v1; double d = 0; if (delta < 0 ) delta = - delta; if (v1 == 0 || v2 == 0) { if (delta > eps ) { iret = 1; } } // skip case v1 or v2 is infinity else { d = v1; if ( v1 < 0) d = -d; // add also case when delta is small by default if ( delta/d > eps && delta > eps ) iret = 1; } if (iret) { if (debug) { int pr = std::cout.precision (18); std::cout << "\nDiscrepancy in " << name.c_str() << "() :\n " << v1 << " != " << v2 << " discr = " << int(delta/d/eps) << " (Allowed discrepancy is " << eps << ")\n\n"; std::cout.precision (pr); //nfail = nfail + 1; } } //else // std::cout <<"."; return iret; } // typedef for a free function like gamma(double x, double a, double b) // (dont have blank spaces between for not confusing CINT parser) typedef double (*FreeFunc3)(double, double, double ); typedef double (*FreeFunc4)(double, double, double, double ); //implement simple functor struct Func { virtual ~Func() {} virtual double operator() (double , double, double) const = 0; }; struct Func3 : public Func { Func3(FreeFunc3 f) : fFunc(f) {}; double operator() (double x, double a, double b) const { return fFunc(x,a,b); } FreeFunc3 fFunc; }; struct Func4 : public Func { Func4(FreeFunc4 f) : fFunc(f) {}; double operator() (double x, double a, double b) const { return fFunc(x,a,b,0.); } FreeFunc4 fFunc; }; // statistical function class const int NPAR = 2; class StatFunction : public ROOT::Math::IParamFunction { public: StatFunction(Func & pdf, Func & cdf, Func & quant, double x1 = -INF, double x2 = INF ) : fPdf(&pdf), fCdf(&cdf), fQuant(&quant), xlow(x1), xup(x2), fHasLowRange(false), fHasUpRange(false) { fScaleIg = 10; //scale for integral test fScaleDer = 1; //scale for der test fScaleInv = 100; //scale for inverse test for(int i = 0; i< NPAR; ++i) fParams[i]=0; NFuncTest = 100; if (xlow > -INF) fHasLowRange = true; if (xup < INF) fHasUpRange = true; } unsigned int NPar() const { return NPAR; } const double * Parameters() const { return fParams; } ROOT::Math::IGenFunction * Clone() const { return new StatFunction(*fPdf,*fCdf,*fQuant); } void SetParameters(const double * p) { std::copy(p,p+NPAR,fParams); } void SetParameters(double p0, double p1) { *fParams = p0; *(fParams+1) = p1; } void SetTestRange(double x1, double x2) { xmin = x1; xmax = x2; } void SetNTest(int n) { NFuncTest = n; } void SetStartRoot(double x) { fStartRoot =x; } double Pdf(double x) const { return (*this)(x); } double Cdf(double x) const { return (*fCdf) ( x, fParams[0], fParams[1] ); } double Quantile(double x) const { return (*fQuant)( x, fParams[0], fParams[1] ); } // test integral with cdf function int TestIntegral(IntegrationOneDim::Type algotype); // test derivative from cdf to pdf function int TestDerivative(); // test root finding algorithm for finding inverse of cdf int TestInverse1(RootFinder::EType algotype); // test root finding algorithm for finding inverse of cdf using drivatives int TestInverse2(RootFinder::EType algotype); void SetScaleIg(double s) { fScaleIg = s; } void SetScaleDer(double s) { fScaleDer = s; } void SetScaleInv(double s) { fScaleInv = s; } private: double DoEvalPar(double x, const double * ) const { // use esplicity cached param values return (*fPdf)(x, *fParams, *(fParams+1)); } // std::auto_ptr fPdf; // std::auto_ptr fCdf; // std::auto_ptr fQuant; Func * fPdf; Func * fCdf; Func * fQuant; double fParams[NPAR]; double fScaleIg; double fScaleDer; double fScaleInv; int NFuncTest; double xmin; double xmax; double xlow; double xup; bool fHasLowRange; bool fHasUpRange; double fStartRoot; }; // test integral of function int StatFunction::TestIntegral(IntegrationOneDim::Type algoType = IntegrationOneDim::kADAPTIVESINGULAR) { int iret = 0; // scan all values from xmin to xmax double dx = (xmax-xmin)/NFuncTest; // create Integrator Integrator ig(algoType, 1.E-12,1.E-12,100000); ig.SetFunction(*this); for (int i = 0; i < NFuncTest; ++i) { double v1 = xmin + dx*i; // value used for testing double q1 = Cdf(v1); //std::cout << "v1 " << v1 << " pdf " << (*this)(v1) << " cdf " << q1 << " quantile " << Quantile(q1) << std::endl; // calculate integral of pdf double q2 = 0; // lower integral (cdf) if (!fHasLowRange) q2 = ig.IntegralLow(v1); else q2 = ig.Integral(xlow,v1); int r = ig.Status(); // use a larger scale (integral error is 10-9) double err = ig.Error(); //std::cout << "integral result is = " << q2 << " error is " << err << std::endl; // Gauss integral sometimes returns an error of 0 err = std::max(err, std::numeric_limits::epsilon() ); double scale = std::max( fScaleIg * err / std::numeric_limits::epsilon(), 1.); r |= compare("test integral", q1, q2, scale ); if (r && debug) { std::cout << "Failed test for x = " << v1 << " q1= " << q1 << " q2= " << q2 << " p = "; for (int j = 0; j < NPAR; ++j) std::cout << fParams[j] << "\t"; std::cout << "ig error is " << err << " status " << ig.Status() << std::endl; } iret |= r; } return iret; } int StatFunction::TestDerivative() { int iret = 0; // scan all values from xmin to xmax double dx = (xmax-xmin)/NFuncTest; // create CDF function Functor1D func(this, &StatFunction::Cdf); Derivator d(func); for (int i = 0; i < NFuncTest; ++i) { double v1 = xmin + dx*i; // value used for testing double q1 = Pdf(v1); //std::cout << "v1 " << v1 << " pdf " << (*this)(v1) << " cdf " << q1 << " quantile " << Quantile(q1) << std::endl; // calculate derivative of cdf double q2 = 0; if (fHasLowRange && v1 == xlow) q2 = d.EvalForward(v1); else if (fHasUpRange && v1 == xup) q2 = d.EvalBackward(v1); else q2 = d.Eval(v1); int r = d.Status(); double err = d.Error(); double scale = std::max(1.,fScaleDer * err / std::numeric_limits::epsilon() ); r |= compare("test Derivative", q1, q2, scale ); if (r && debug) { std::cout << "Failed test for x = " << v1 << " p = "; for (int j = 0; j < NPAR; ++j) std::cout << fParams[j] << "\t"; std::cout << "der error is " << err << std::endl; std::cout << d.Eval(v1) << "\t" << d.EvalForward(v1) << std::endl; } iret |= r; } return iret; } // function to be used in ROOT finding algorithm struct InvFunc { InvFunc(const StatFunction * f, double y) : fFunc(f), fY(y) {} double operator() (double x) { return fFunc->Cdf(x) - fY; } const StatFunction * fFunc; double fY; }; int StatFunction::TestInverse1(RootFinder::EType algoType) { int iret = 0; int maxitr = 2000; double abstol = 1.E-15; double reltol = 1.E-15; //NFuncTest = 4; // scan all values from 0.05 to 0.95 to avoid problem at the border of definitions double x1 = 0.05; double x2 = 0.95; double dx = (x2-x1)/NFuncTest; double vmin = Quantile(dx/2); double vmax = Quantile(1.-dx/2); // test ROOT finder algorithm function without derivative RootFinder rf1(algoType); for (int i = 1; i < NFuncTest; ++i) { double v1 = x1 + dx*i; // value used for testing InvFunc finv(this,v1); Functor1D func(finv); rf1.SetFunction(func, vmin, vmax); //std::cout << "\nfun values for :" << v1 << " f: " << func(0.0) << " " << func(1.0) << std::endl; int ret = ! rf1.Solve(maxitr,abstol,reltol); if (ret && debug) { std::cout << "\nError in solving for inverse, niter = " << rf1.Iterations() << std::endl; } double q1 = rf1.Root(); // test that quantile value correspond: double q2 = Quantile(v1); ret |= compare("test Inverse1", q1, q2, fScaleInv ); if (ret && debug) { std::cout << "\nFailed test for x = " << v1 << " p = "; for (int j = 0; j < NPAR; ++j) std::cout << fParams[j] << "\t"; std::cout << std::endl; } iret |= ret; } return iret; } int StatFunction::TestInverse2(RootFinder::EType algoType) { int iret = 0; int maxitr = 2000; // put lower tolerance double abstol = 1.E-12; double reltol = 1.E-12; //NFuncTest = 10; // scan all values from 0.05 to 0.95 to avoid problem at the border of definitions double x1 = 0.05; double x2 = 0.95; double dx = (x2-x1)/NFuncTest; // starting root is always on the left to avoid to go negative // it is very sensible at the starting point double vstart = fStartRoot; //depends on function shape // test ROOT finder algorithm function with derivative RootFinder rf1(algoType); //RootFinder rf1; for (int i = 1; i < NFuncTest; ++i) { double v1 = x1 + dx*i; // value used for testing InvFunc finv(this,v1); //make a gradient function using inv function and derivative (which is pdf) GradFunctor1D func(finv,*this); // use as estimate the quantile at 0.5 //std::cout << "\nvstart : " << vstart << " fun/der values" << func(vstart) << " " << func.Derivative(vstart) << std::endl; rf1.SetFunction(func,vstart ); int ret = !rf1.Solve(maxitr,abstol,reltol); if (ret && debug) { std::cout << "\nError in solving for inverse using derivatives, niter = " << rf1.Iterations() << std::endl; } double q1 = rf1.Root(); // test that quantile value correspond: double q2 = Quantile(v1); ret |= compare("test InverseDeriv", q1, q2, fScaleInv ); if (ret && debug) { std::cout << "Failed test for x = " << v1 << " p = "; for (int j = 0; j < NPAR; ++j) std::cout << fParams[j] << "\t"; std::cout << std::endl; } iret |= ret; } return iret; } // test intergal. derivative and inverse(Rootfinder) int testGammaFunction(int n = 100) { int iret = 0; Func4 pdf(gamma_pdf); Func4 cdf(gamma_cdf); Func3 quantile(gamma_quantile); StatFunction dist(pdf, cdf, quantile, 0.); dist.SetNTest(n); dist.SetTestRange(0.,10.); dist.SetScaleDer(10); // few tests fail here // vary shape of gamma parameter for (int i =1; i <= 5; ++i) { double k = std::pow(2.,double(i-1)); double theta = 2./double(i); dist.SetParameters(k,theta); if (k <=1 ) dist.SetStartRoot(0.1); else dist.SetStartRoot(k*theta-1.); std::string name = "Gamma("+Util::ToString(int(k))+","+Util::ToString(theta)+") "; std::cout << "\nTest " << name << " distribution\n"; int ret = 0; PrintTest("\t test integral GSL adaptive"); ret = dist.TestIntegral(IntegrationOneDim::kADAPTIVESINGULAR); PrintStatus(ret); iret |= ret; PrintTest("\t test integral Gauss"); dist.SetScaleIg(100); // relax for Gauss integral ret = dist.TestIntegral(IntegrationOneDim::kGAUSS); PrintStatus(ret); iret |= ret; PrintTest("\t test derivative"); ret = dist.TestDerivative(); PrintStatus(ret); iret |= ret; PrintTest("\t test inverse with GSL Brent method"); ret = dist.TestInverse1(RootFinder::kGSL_BRENT); PrintStatus(ret); iret |= ret; PrintTest("\t test inverse with Steffenson algo"); ret = dist.TestInverse2(RootFinder::kGSL_STEFFENSON); PrintStatus(ret); iret |= ret; PrintTest("\t test inverse with Brent method"); dist.SetNTest(10); ret = dist.TestInverse1(RootFinder::kBRENT); PrintStatus(ret); iret |= ret; } return iret; } // test intergal. derivative and inverse(Rootfinder) int testBetaFunction(int n = 100) { int iret = 0; Func3 pdf(beta_pdf); Func3 cdf(beta_cdf); Func3 quantile(beta_quantile); StatFunction dist(pdf, cdf, quantile, 0.,1.); dist.SetNTest(n); dist.SetTestRange(0.,1.); // vary shape of beta function parameters for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) { // avoid case alpha or beta = 1 double alpha = i+2; double beta = 6-i; dist.SetParameters(alpha,beta); dist.SetStartRoot(alpha/(alpha+beta)); // use mean value std::string name = "Beta("+Util::ToString(int(alpha))+","+Util::ToString(beta)+") "; std::cout << "\nTest " << name << " distribution\n"; int ret = 0; PrintTest("\t test integral GSL adaptive"); ret = dist.TestIntegral(IntegrationOneDim::kADAPTIVESINGULAR); PrintStatus(ret); iret |= ret; PrintTest("\t test integral Gauss"); dist.SetScaleIg(100); // relax for Gauss integral ret = dist.TestIntegral(IntegrationOneDim::kGAUSS); PrintStatus(ret); iret |= ret; PrintTest("\t test derivative"); ret = dist.TestDerivative(); PrintStatus(ret); iret |= ret; PrintTest("\t test inverse with Brent method"); ret = dist.TestInverse1(RootFinder::kBRENT); PrintStatus(ret); iret |= ret; PrintTest("\t test inverse with GSL Brent method"); ret = dist.TestInverse1(RootFinder::kGSL_BRENT); PrintStatus(ret); iret |= ret; if (i < 5) { // test failed for k=5 PrintTest("\t test inverse with Steffenson algo"); ret = dist.TestInverse2(RootFinder::kGSL_STEFFENSON); PrintStatus(ret); iret |= ret; } } return iret; } int stressMathMore(double nscale = 1) { int iret = 0; #ifdef __CINT__ std::cout << "Test must be run in compile mode - please use ACLIC !!" << std::endl; return 0; #endif TBenchmark bm; bm.Start("stressMathMore"); const int ntest = 10000; int n = int(nscale*ntest); //std::cout << "StressMathMore: test number n = " << n << std::endl; iret |= testGammaFunction(n); iret |= testBetaFunction(n); bm.Stop("stressMathMore"); std::cout <<"******************************************************************************\n"; bm.Print("stressMathMore"); const double reftime = 7.24; //to be updated // ref time on pcbrun4 double rootmarks = 860 * reftime / bm.GetCpuTime("stressMathMore"); std::cout << " ROOTMARKS = " << rootmarks << " ROOT version: " << gROOT->GetVersion() << "\t" << gROOT->GetSvnBranch() << "@" << gROOT->GetSvnRevision() << std::endl; std::cout <<"*******************************************************************************\n"; if (iret !=0) std::cerr << "stressMathMore Test Failed !!" << std::endl; return iret; } int main(int argc,const char *argv[]) { double nscale = 1; if (argc > 1) { nscale = atof(argv[1]); //nscale = std::pow(10.0,double(scale)); } return stressMathMore(nscale); }