/*************************************************************************** * * * Originally created by J.S. Graulich December 2007 * * * ***************************************************************************/ #include "MDpartEventV1724.h" MDpartEventV1724::MDpartEventV1724(void *d):MDdataContainer(d){ UnValidate(); for (unsigned int ch=0; ch < V1724_NCHANNELS ; ch++) { _sequence[ch]=NULL; } Init(); } void MDpartEventV1724::Init(){ UnValidate(); unsigned int * header = Get32bWordPtr(0); int index; unsigned int length; if (header) { if ( (header[DWV1724_Header_Sync_Word] & DWV1724_Header_Sync_Mask) == DWV1724_Header_Sync ) { Validate(); SetSize( GetWordCount() * V1724_WORD_SIZE ); //cout << "Size : " << dec << 4*GetWordCount() << " ( " // << hex << showbase << 4*GetWordCount() << " ) " << dec << endl; // find the number of non null bit in the channel mask: _nChannels = 0; for (unsigned int ch=0; ch < V1724_NCHANNELS ; ch++) { _nChannels += (GetChannelMask()>>ch) & 0x00000001; } switch( GetZS() ) { case 0: { // No zero length encoding. Life is easy. length = (GetWordCount() - V1724_HEADER_WORDS)/_nChannels; for (unsigned int ch=0; ch < V1724_NCHANNELS ; ch++) { _length[ch] = ((GetChannelMask()>>ch) & 0x00000001)*length; if ( _length[ch] ){ _sequence[ch] = Get32bWordPtr(V1724_HEADER_WORDS + ch*length); if( _testCallBack ) _testCallBack( _sequence[ch][10] ); } else _sequence[ch] = NULL; // cout << " Init ch " << ch << " : " << _length[ch] << " ; " << _sequence[ch] << endl; } break; } case 1: { // Zero length encoding. That's a pain index = V1724_HEADER_WORDS; for (unsigned int ch=0; ch < V1724_NCHANNELS ; ch++) { // Not tested ! // what if some channels are disabled ? _sequence[ch] = Get32bWordPtr(index); _length[ch] += _sequence[ch][0]; index +=_length[ch]; } break; } case 7 : { index = V1724_HEADER_WORDS; for (unsigned int ch=0; ch < V1724_NCHANNELS ; ch++) { unsigned int * ch_ptr = Get32bWordPtr(index); unsigned int ch_code = (*ch_ptr & DWV1724_Header_ZS_Channel_Mask) >> DWV1724_Header_ZS_Channel_Shift; int l = *ch_ptr & DWV1724_Header_ZS_Length_Mask; if(ch!=ch_code) throw MDexception("ERROR in MDpartEventV1724::Init: Channel number mismatch in ZS mode."); if(l)_sequence[ch] = Get32bWordPtr(index+1); _length[ch] = l; index += l+1; } break; } default: { // Invalid data structure throw MDexception("ERROR in MDpartEventV1724::Init: Unexpected ZS code."); } } } else { //cout << "Data Word : " << hex << showbase << Get32bWordPtr(0) << dec << noshowbase << endl; throw MDexception("ERROR in MDpartEventV1724::Init: INVALID particle Event"); } } } void MDpartEventV1724::SetDataPtr( void *d ) { MDdataContainer::SetDataPtr(d); Init(); } unsigned int MDpartEventV1724::GetWordCount(){ if (IsValid()) { unsigned int * header = Get32bWordPtr(0); return ( header[DWV1724_Header_WordCount_Word] & DWV1724_Header_WordCount_Mask ) >> DWV1724_Header_WordCount_Shift; } else { return 0; } } unsigned int MDpartEventV1724::GetGeo(){ if (IsValid()) { unsigned int * header = Get32bWordPtr(0); return ( header[DWV1724_Header_Geo_Word] & DWV1724_Header_Geo_Mask ) >> DWV1724_Header_Geo_Shift; } else { return 0; } } int MDpartEventV1724::GetZS(){ if (IsValid()) { unsigned int * header = Get32bWordPtr(0); return ( header[DWV1724_Header_ZS_Word] & DWV1724_Header_ZS_Mask ) >> DWV1724_Header_ZS_Shift; } else { return -1; } } unsigned int MDpartEventV1724::GetPattern(){ if (IsValid()) { unsigned int * header = Get32bWordPtr(0); return ( header[DWV1724_Header_Pattern_Word] & DWV1724_Header_Pattern_Mask ) >> DWV1724_Header_Pattern_Shift; } else { return 0; } } unsigned int MDpartEventV1724::GetChannelMask(){ if (IsValid()) { unsigned int * header = Get32bWordPtr(0); return ( header[DWV1724_Header_ChannelMask_Word] & DWV1724_Header_ChannelMask_Mask ) >> DWV1724_Header_ChannelMask_Shift; } else { return 0; } } unsigned int MDpartEventV1724::GetEventCounter(){ if (IsValid()) { unsigned int * header = Get32bWordPtr(0); return ( header[DWV1724_Header_EventCounter_Word] & DWV1724_Header_EventCounter_Mask ) >> DWV1724_Header_EventCounter_Shift; } else { return 0; } } unsigned int MDpartEventV1724::GetTriggerTimeTag(){ if (IsValid()) { unsigned int * header = Get32bWordPtr(0); return ( header[DWV1724_Header_TriggerTimeTag_Word] & DWV1724_Header_TriggerTimeTag_Mask ) >> DWV1724_Header_TriggerTimeTag_Shift; } else { return 0; } } int16_t MDpartEventV1724::GetSampleData( unsigned short aChannel , unsigned long aSample ) { if ( aChannel >= V1724_NCHANNELS ) return 0; if ( aSample >= GetLength(aChannel)*2 ) return 0; if ( _length[aChannel] == 0 ) return 0; MDdataWordV1724 dw1724; if ( _sequence[aChannel] ) { dw1724.SetDataPtr( &_sequence[aChannel][aSample/2] ); if ( dw1724.IsValid() ) return dw1724.GetSample(aSample%2); } return 0; } void MDpartEventV1724::Dump(int atTheTime){ cout << *this; return; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ostream &operator<<(ostream &s,MDpartEventV1724 &dw){ MDdataWordV1724 dw1724; s << showbase << hex; s << " ------------ CAEN V1724 Header ------------ " << endl ; s << " Word Count : " << dec << dw.GetWordCount() << endl; s << " Geo : " << dw.GetGeo() ; int zs = dw.GetZS(); if ( zs ) s << " ; ZS enabled (" << zs << ")"; else s << " ; ZS disabled" ; s << " ; Channel Mask : " << showbase << hex << dw.GetChannelMask() << endl; s << " Event Counter : " << dec << dw.GetEventCounter() << endl; s << " Trigger Time Tag : " << dw.GetTriggerTimeTag() << endl; s << " ------------ End of CAEN V1724 Header ----------- " << endl ; // unsigned int nSamplePerChannel = 512; // unsigned int nWordPerChannel = nSamplePerChannel/2 ; // two samples per word if ( dw.GetZS() == 0 ) { unsigned int expectWordCount( dw.GetNChannels()* dw.GetLength(0) + V1724_HEADER_WORDS ); if ( expectWordCount != dw.GetWordCount() ) { s << " *** ERROR in CAEN V1724 data format: Word count is not consistent *** " << endl ; } for (unsigned int ch=0; ch < V1724_NCHANNELS ; ch++) { s << " ---------- Channel " << dec << ch << " ( Length = " << dw.GetLength(ch) << " ) ---------- " << endl ; for ( unsigned int iw=0; iw <dw.GetLength(ch) ; iw++ ) { unsigned int iww = ch * dw.GetLength(ch) + iw; unsigned int* ptr = dw.Get32bWordPtr(V1724_HEADER_WORDS + iww ); dw1724.SetDataPtr(ptr); dw1724.Dump() ; } } /* // Example for using MDpartEventV1724::GetSampleData(); cout << " ****** Alternative dump ****** " << endl; for (unsigned int ch=0; ch < V1724_NCHANNELS ; ch++) { cout << " AD ------- Channel " << dec << ch << " ( Length = " << dw.GetLength(ch) << " ) -------- " << endl ; for (unsigned int s=0; s < dw.GetLength(ch)*2 ; s++) { cout << dw.GetSampleData(ch,s) << " ; " ; if ((s+1)%8 == 0) cout << endl; } } */ } else if (dw.GetZS() == 7) { unsigned int iw_count = V1724_HEADER_WORDS; for (unsigned int ch=0; ch < V1724_NCHANNELS ; ch++) { s << " ---------- Channel " << dec << ch << " ( Length = " << dw.GetLength(ch) << " ) ---------- " << endl ; iw_count++; if ( dw.GetLength(ch) ) { for ( unsigned int iw=0; iw <dw.GetLength(ch) ; iw++ ) { unsigned int* ptr = dw.Get32bWordPtr(iw_count + iw ); dw1724.SetDataPtr(ptr); dw1724.Dump() ; } iw_count += dw.GetLength(ch); } } } return s; }