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// $Id$
// class G4NavigationLevel
// Class description:
// Maintains one level of the geometrical hierarchy.
// A utility class for use by G4NavigationHistory.

// History:
// 30.09.97 J.Apostolakis Initial version. Services derived from
//                        requirements of touchables & G4NavigatorHistory.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------

#include "G4Types.hh"

#include "G4AffineTransform.hh"
#include "G4VPhysicalVolume.hh"

#include "G4NavigationLevelRep.hh"
#include "G4Allocator.hh"

class G4NavigationLevel

 public:  // with description

   G4NavigationLevel(G4VPhysicalVolume*       newPtrPhysVol,
                     const G4AffineTransform& newT,
                     EVolume                  newVolTp,
                     G4int                    newRepNo= -1);

   G4NavigationLevel(G4VPhysicalVolume*       newPtrPhysVol,
                     const G4AffineTransform& levelAbove,
                     const G4AffineTransform& relativeCurrent,
                     EVolume                  newVolTp,
                     G4int                    newRepNo= -1);
     // As the previous constructor, but instead of giving Transform, give 
     // the AffineTransform to the level above and the current level's 
     // Transform relative to that.

   G4NavigationLevel( const G4NavigationLevel& );


   G4NavigationLevel& operator=(const G4NavigationLevel &right);

   inline G4VPhysicalVolume*       GetPhysicalVolume() const;
   inline const G4AffineTransform* GetTransformPtr() const ;  // New
   inline const G4AffineTransform& GetTransform() const ;     // Old

   inline EVolume                  GetVolumeType() const ;
   inline G4int                    GetReplicaNo() const ;

 public:  // without description

   inline const G4AffineTransform* GetPtrTransform() const;
     // To try to resolve the possible problem with returning a reference.

   inline void *operator new(size_t);
   inline void operator delete(void *aLevel);
     // Override "new" and "delete" to use "G4Allocator".

   inline void *operator new(size_t, void *);
   inline void operator delete(void *ptr, void*);  // Not accepted Sun/HP
     // Pre-allocated 'new' and 'delete' for use with STL 
     // Do not (directly) use Allocator


   G4NavigationLevelRep*  fLevelRep;

#include "G4NavigationLevel.icc"
