#!/usr/bin/env python # This file is part of MAUS: http://micewww.pp.rl.ac.uk/projects/maus # # MAUS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # MAUS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with MAUS. If not, see . # """ This analysis script will perform the first offline verification of the tracker data. Simple plots and analysis are made/performed to examine the performance during the run. It is critical to have a fast and simple way to check the data "looks" good before we start running more detailed analyses. """ # pylint: disable = W0311, E1101, W0613, C0111, W0621, C0103, W0702, W0611 # pylint: disable = R0912, R0914, R0915 import MAUS # Generic Python imports import sys import os import argparse import types # Third Party library import statements import event_loader import ROOT # Useful Constants and configuration REFERENCE_PLANE = 0 REFERENCE_STATION = 1 TOF_CUT_LOW = 0.0 TOF_CUT_HIGH = 1000.0 P_VALUE_CUT = 0.05 MIN_NUM_TRACKPOINTS = 0 PLOT_OPTIONS = { 'npe' : [ 'logy' ], \ 'npe_cluster' : [ 'logy' ], \ 'adc' : [ 'logy' ], \ 'adc_channel' : [ 'logy', 'colz' ], \ 'npe_channel' : [ 'logz', 'colz' ], \ 'plane_pulls' : [ 'colz' ], \ 'plane_residuals' : [ 'colz' ], \ 'plane_s_residuals' : [ 'colz' ], \ 'xy' : [ 'colz' ], \ 'xmx' : [ 'colz' ], \ 'ymy' : [ 'colz' ], \ 'mxmy' : [ 'colz' ], \ 'xpx' : [ 'colz' ], \ 'ypy' : [ 'colz' ], \ 'pxpy' : [ 'colz' ], \ 'spacepoint_road' : [ 'colz' ] } def init_plots_data() : """ Initialise a dictionary of plots to fill with data """ plot_dict = {} track_plots = {} track_plots['plane_pulls'] = ROOT.TH2F("plane_pulls", "Pulls per Plane", \ 31, -15.5, 15.5, 5001, -200.04, 200.04 ) track_plots['plane_residuals'] = ROOT.TH2F("plane_residuals", "Filtered Residuals per Plane", 31, -15.5, 15.5, 5001, -200.04, 200.04 ) track_plots['plane_s_residuals'] = ROOT.TH2F("plane_s_residuals", "Smoothed Residuals per Plane", 31, -15.5, 15.5, 5001, -200.04, 200.04 ) track_plots['tracks_event'] = ROOT.TH1F( "tracks_event", \ "Number of Tracks per Event", 100, 0.0, 100.0 ) track_plots['trackpoints_track'] = ROOT.TH1F( "trackpoints_track", \ "Number of Trackpoints per Track", 100, 0.0, 100.0 ) track_plots['tracks_tracker'] = ROOT.TH1F( "tracks_tracker", \ "Number of Tracks per Tracker", 2, 0.0, 2.0 ) track_plots['chi_squared'] = ROOT.TH1F( 'tracks_chi_squared', \ "Chi Squared Distribution", 5000, 0.0, 1000.0 ) track_plots['chi_squared_up'] = ROOT.TH1F( 'tracks_chi_squared_up', \ "Upstream Chi Squared Distribution", 5000, 0.0, 1000.0 ) track_plots['chi_squared_down'] = ROOT.TH1F( 'tracks_chi_squared_down', \ "Downstream Chi Squared Distribution", 5000, 0.0, 1000.0 ) track_plots['chi_squared_ndf'] = ROOT.TH1F( 'tracks_chi_squared_ndf', \ "Chi Squared per Degree of Freedom Distribution", 5000, 0.0, 1000.0 ) track_plots['chi_squared_ndf_up'] = ROOT.TH1F( 'tracks_chi_squared_ndf_up', \ "Upstream Chi Squared per Degree of Freedom Distribution", 5000, 0.0, 1000.0 ) track_plots['chi_squared_ndf_down'] = ROOT.TH1F( \ 'tracks_chi_squared_ndf_down', \ "Downstream Chi Squared per Degree of Freedom Distribution", \ 5000, 0.0, 1000.0 ) track_plots['p_value'] = ROOT.TH1F( 'tracks_p_value', \ "P-Value Distribution", 1000, 0.0, 1.0 ) track_plots['p_value_up'] = ROOT.TH1F( 'tracks_p_value_up', \ "P-Value Distribution", 1000, 0.0, 1.0 ) track_plots['p_value_down'] = ROOT.TH1F( 'tracks_p_value_down', \ "P-Value Distribution", 1000, 0.0, 1.0 ) track_plots['ndf'] = ROOT.TH1F( 'tracks_ndf', \ "NDF Distribution", 21, -0.5, 20.5 ) track_plots['ndf_up'] = ROOT.TH1F( 'tracks_ndf_up', \ "NDF Distribution", 21, -0.5, 20.5 ) track_plots['ndf_down'] = ROOT.TH1F( 'tracks_ndf_down', \ "NDF Distribution", 21, -0.5, 20.5 ) reco_plots = {} reco_plots['tof_0_1'] = ROOT.TH1F( 'tof_0_1', 'Time TOF0 - TOF1', \ 1000, 0.0, 100.0 ) reco_plots['tof_1_2'] = ROOT.TH1F( 'tof_1_2', 'Time TOF1 - TOF2', \ 1000, 0.0, 100.0 ) reco_plots['tof_0_1_cut'] = ROOT.TH1F( 'tof_0_1_cut', 'Time TOF0 - TOF1', \ 1000, 0.0, 100.0 ) reco_plots['tof_1_2_cut'] = ROOT.TH1F( 'tof_1_2_cut', 'Time TOF1 - TOF2', \ 1000, 0.0, 100.0 ) reco_plots['npe'] = ROOT.TH1F( 'npe', "Number of Photo Electrons", \ 101, 0.5, 100.5 ) reco_plots['adc'] = ROOT.TH1F( 'adc', "ADC Count", 260, 0.0, 260.0 ) reco_plots['plane_hits'] = ROOT.TH1F("plane_hits", "Hits per Plane", 31, \ -15.0, 16.0 ) reco_plots['channels_cluster'] = ROOT.TH1F( 'channels_cluster', \ "Channels per Cluster", 50, 0.0, 50.0 ) reco_plots['npe_cluster'] = ROOT.TH1F( 'npe_cluster', \ "NPE per Cluster", 75, 0.0, 75.0 ) reco_plots['spacepoints_station'] = ROOT.TH1F( "spacepoints_station", \ "Spacepoints Found in Each Station", 11, -5.0, 6.0 ) reco_plots['clusters_plane'] = ROOT.TH1F( "clusters_plane", \ "Clusters Found in Each Plane", 31, -15.0, 16.0 ) reco_plots['spacepoints'] = ROOT.TH2F( 'spacepoints', \ "Spacepoint Positions", 200, -200.0, 200.0, 200, -200.0, 200.0 ) reco_plots['saturations_event'] = ROOT.TH1F( 'saturations_event', \ "Number of Saturated Digits per Event", 8192, 0.0, 8192.0 ) patrec_plots = {} patrec_plots['chi_squared_circle'] = ROOT.TH1F( 'chi_squared_circle', \ "Circle Fit Chi Squared", 1000, 0.0, 1000.0 ) patrec_plots['chi_squared_sz'] = ROOT.TH1F( 'chi_squared_sz', \ "S-Z Fit Chi Squared", 1000, 0.0, 1000.0 ) patrec_plots['chi_squared_x'] = ROOT.TH1F( 'chi_squared_x', \ "X Fit Chi Squared", 1000, 0.0, 1000.0 ) patrec_plots['chi_squared_y'] = ROOT.TH1F( 'chi_squared_y', \ "Y Fit Chi Squared", 1000, 0.0, 1000.0 ) patrec_plots['chi_squared_straight'] = ROOT.TH1F( 'chi_squared_straight', \ "Straight Fit Chi Squared", 1000, 0.0, 1000.0 ) patrec_plots['chi_squared_straight_ndf'] = ROOT.TH1F( \ 'chi_squared_straight_ndf', "Straight Fit Chi Squared / NDF", \ 1000, 0.0, 1000.0 ) patrec_plots['chi_squared_helical'] = ROOT.TH1F( 'chi_squared_helical', \ "Helical Fit Chi Squared", 1000, 0.0, 1000.0 ) patrec_plots['chi_squared_helical_ndf'] = ROOT.TH1F( \ 'chi_squared_helical_ndf', "Helical Fit Chi Squared / NDF", \ 1000, 0.0, 1000.0 ) patrec_plots['up_patrec_xy'] = ROOT.TH2F( "up_patrec_xy", \ "XY Positions of Pat Rec Track", 100, -200.0, 200.0, 100, -200.0, 200.0 ) patrec_plots['up_patrec_mxmy'] = ROOT.TH2F( "up_patrec_mxmy", \ "XY Gradients of Pat Rec Track", 100, -0.5, 0.5, 100, -0.5, 0.5 ) patrec_plots['up_patrec_pxpy'] = ROOT.TH2F( "up_patrec_pxpy", \ "XY Momenta of Pat Rec Track", 100, -200.0, 200.0, 100, -200.0, 200.0 ) patrec_plots['down_patrec_xy'] = ROOT.TH2F( "down_patrec_xy", \ "XY Positions of Pat Rec Track", 100, -200.0, 200.0, 100, -200.0, 200.0 ) patrec_plots['down_patrec_mxmy'] = ROOT.TH2F( "down_patrec_mxmy", \ "XY Gradients of Pat Rec Track", 100, -0.5, 0.5, 100, -0.5, 0.5 ) patrec_plots['down_patrec_pxpy'] = ROOT.TH2F( "down_patrec_pxpy", \ "XY Momenta of Pat Rec Track", 100, -200.0, 200.0, 100, -200.0, 200.0 ) comp_plots = {} comp_plots['up_patrec_kalman_xy'] = ROOT.TH2F( \ "up_patrec_kalman_xy", "XY Position Residual", \ 100, -5.0, 5.0, 100, -5.0, 5.0 ) comp_plots['up_patrec_kalman_mxmy'] = ROOT.TH2F( "up_patrec_kalman_mxmy", "XY Gradient Residual", \ 100, -0.05, 0.05, 100, -0.05, 0.05 ) comp_plots['up_patrec_kalman_pxpy'] = ROOT.TH2F( \ "up_patrec_kalman_pxpy", "XY Momenta Residual", \ 100, -5.0, 5.0, 100, -5.0, 5.0 ) comp_plots['down_patrec_kalman_xy'] = ROOT.TH2F( \ "down_patrec_kalman_xy", "XY Position Residual", \ 100, -5.0, 5.0, 100, -5.0, 5.0 ) comp_plots['down_patrec_kalman_mxmy'] = ROOT.TH2F( \ "down_patrec_kalman_mxmy", "XY Gradient Residual", \ 100, -0.05, 0.05, 100, -0.05, 0.05 ) comp_plots['down_patrec_kalman_pxpy'] = ROOT.TH2F( \ "down_patrec_kalman_pxpy", "XY Momenta Residual", \ 100, -5.0, 5.0, 100, -5.0, 5.0 ) station_plots = {} for tracker in [ 0, 1 ] : for station in [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] : dir_name = str(tracker) + "." + str(station) station_plots[dir_name] = {} station_plots[dir_name]['spacepoints'] = ROOT.TH2F( dir_name+'_spacepoints', \ "Spacepoints: Tracker "+str(tracker)+", Station "+str(station), \ 200, -200.0, 200.0, 200, -200.0, 200.0 ) station_plots[dir_name]['spacepoint_road'] = ROOT.TH2F( dir_name+'_spacepoint_road', \ "Spacepoint distance from fit: "+str(dir_name), \ 200, -50.0, 50.0, 200, -50.0, 50.0 ) plane_plots = {} for tracker in [ 0, 1 ] : for station in [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] : for plane in [ 0, 1, 2 ] : dir_name = str(tracker) + "." + str(station) + "." + str(plane) plane_plots[dir_name] = {} for com in ['xy', 'pxpy', 'xpx', 'ypy' ] : plane_plots[dir_name][com] = ROOT.TH2F(dir_name+'_'+com, \ "Phase Space : "+com, 200, -200.0, 200.0, 200, -200.0, 200.0 ) plane_plots[dir_name]['xmx'] = ROOT.TH2F(dir_name+'_xmx', \ "Phase Space : "+'xmx', 200, -200.0, 200.0, 200, -1.0, 1.0 ) plane_plots[dir_name]['ymy'] = ROOT.TH2F(dir_name+'_ymy', \ "Phase Space : "+'ymy', 200, -200.0, 200.0, 200, -1.0, 1.0 ) plane_plots[dir_name]['mxmy'] = ROOT.TH2F(dir_name+'_mxmy', \ "Phase Space : "+'mxmy', 200, -1.0, 1.0, 200, -1.0, 1.0 ) plane_plots[dir_name]['channels_cluster'] = ROOT.TH1F( \ dir_name+'_channels_cluster', "Channels per Cluster", 50, 0.0, 50.0 ) plane_plots[dir_name]['npe_cluster'] = ROOT.TH1F( \ dir_name+'_npe_cluster', "NPE per Cluster", 75, 0.0, 75.0 ) plane_plots[dir_name]['cluster_occup'] = ROOT.TH1F( \ dir_name+'_cluster_occup', \ "Cluster Occupancy per Plane", 500, 0.0, 250.0 ) plane_plots[dir_name]['cluster_positions'] = ROOT.TH1F( \ dir_name+'_cluster_positions', \ "Cluster Positions per Plane", 400, -200.0, 200.0 ) plane_plots[dir_name]['single_cluster_positions'] = ROOT.TH1F( \ dir_name+'_single_cluster_positions', \ "Single Cluster Positions per Plane", 400, -200.0, 200.0 ) plane_plots[dir_name]['double_cluster_positions'] = ROOT.TH1F( \ dir_name+'_double_cluster_positions', \ "Double Cluster Positions per Plane", 400, -200.0, 200.0 ) plane_plots[dir_name]['channel_occup'] = ROOT.TH1F( \ dir_name+'_channel_occup', \ "Channel Occupancy per Plane", 250, 0.0, 250.0 ) plane_plots[dir_name]['npe_channel'] = ROOT.TH2F(\ dir_name+'_npe_channel', "NPE Per Channel: "+dir_name, \ 250, 0.0, 250.0, 75, 0.0, 75.0 ) plane_plots[dir_name]['adc_channel'] = ROOT.TH2F(\ dir_name+'_adc_channel', "ADC Per Channel: "+dir_name, \ 250, 0.0, 250.0, 256, 0.0, 256.0 ) plot_dict['track_plots'] = track_plots plot_dict['recon_plots'] = reco_plots plot_dict['patrec_plots'] = patrec_plots plot_dict['comparison_plots'] = comp_plots plot_dict['plane_plots'] = plane_plots plot_dict['station_plots'] = station_plots data_dict = {} data_dict['counters'] = {} data_dict['analysis'] = {} data_dict['counters']['N_zero_clusters'] = 0 data_dict['counters']['N_fat_clusters'] = 0 data_dict['counters']['N_events'] = 0 data_dict['counters']['N_tracks'] = 0 data_dict['counters']['N_tracks_up'] = 0 data_dict['counters']['N_tracks_down'] = 0 data_dict['counters']['N_track_pairs'] = 0 return plot_dict, data_dict def cut_tof_event( plot_dict, event ) : """ Examine a TOF event to see if it should be vetoed """ event_spacepoints = event.GetTOFEventSpacePoint() tof0_sp_size = event_spacepoints.GetTOF0SpacePointArraySize() tof1_sp_size = event_spacepoints.GetTOF1SpacePointArraySize() tof2_sp_size = event_spacepoints.GetTOF2SpacePointArraySize() if tof0_sp_size < 1 or tof1_sp_size < 1 or tof2_sp_size < 1 : return True tof0_sp = event_spacepoints.GetTOF0SpacePointArrayElement(0) tof1_sp = event_spacepoints.GetTOF1SpacePointArrayElement(0) tof2_sp = event_spacepoints.GetTOF2SpacePointArrayElement(0) if tof1_sp_size != 1 or tof2_sp_size != 1 : return True diff_0_1 = tof1_sp.GetTime() - tof0_sp.GetTime() diff_1_2 = tof2_sp.GetTime() - tof1_sp.GetTime() plot_dict['recon_plots']['tof_0_1'].Fill( diff_0_1 ) plot_dict['recon_plots']['tof_1_2'].Fill( diff_1_2 ) if diff_1_2 < TOF_CUT_LOW or diff_1_2 > TOF_CUT_HIGH : return True plot_dict['recon_plots']['tof_0_1_cut'].Fill(\ tof1_sp.GetTime() - tof0_sp.GetTime() ) plot_dict['recon_plots']['tof_1_2_cut'].Fill(\ tof2_sp.GetTime() - tof1_sp.GetTime() ) return False def cut_scifi_event( plot_dict, event ) : """ Examine a SciFi Event to see if it should be vetoed """ digits = event.digits() saturation_counter = 0 for digit in digits : if digit.get_adc() == 255 : saturation_counter += 1 plot_dict['recon_plots']['saturations_event'].Fill( saturation_counter ) if saturation_counter > 1000 : return True else : return False def fill_plots_data(plot_dict, data_dict, event) : """ Fill the plots in the plot dictionary with data """ scifi_digits = event.digits() if not scifi_digits : return scifi_clusters = event.clusters() scifi_spacepoints = event.spacepoints() fill_plots_recon(plot_dict, data_dict, scifi_digits, \ scifi_clusters, scifi_spacepoints ) scifi_helicals = event.helicalprtracks() scifi_straights = event.straightprtracks() fill_plots_patrec(plot_dict, data_dict, scifi_helicals, scifi_straights ) scifi_tracks = event.scifitracks() fill_plots_tracks(plot_dict, data_dict, scifi_tracks) def fill_plots_recon(plot_dict, data_dict, digits, clusters, spacepoints) : """ Fill the Recon specific plots """ plane_plots = plot_dict['plane_plots'] station_plots = plot_dict['station_plots'] reco_plots = plot_dict['recon_plots'] for digit in digits : tracker = digit.get_tracker() station = digit.get_station() plane = digit.get_plane() dir_name = str(tracker)+'.'+str(station)+'.'+str(plane) plane_plots[dir_name]['channel_occup'].Fill( digit.get_channel() ) reco_plots['adc'].Fill( digit.get_adc() ) plane_plots[dir_name]['adc_channel'].Fill( digit.get_channel(), \ digit.get_adc() ) if digit.get_adc() != 255 : reco_plots['npe'].Fill( digit.get_npe() ) plane_plots[dir_name]['npe_channel'].Fill( digit.get_channel(), \ digit.get_npe() ) for cluster in clusters : tracker = cluster.get_tracker() station = cluster.get_station() plane = cluster.get_plane() dir_name = str(tracker) + "." + str(station) + "." + str(plane) plane_plots[dir_name]['cluster_occup'].Fill( cluster.get_channel() + 0.1 ) plane_plots[dir_name]['cluster_positions'].Fill( cluster.get_alpha() ) plane_id = ( 1 + plane + ( station - 1) * 3 ) * \ ( -1.0 if tracker == 0 else 1.0 ) clus_digits = cluster.get_digits_pointers() reco_plots['clusters_plane'].Fill(plane_id) reco_plots['channels_cluster'].Fill( len(clus_digits) ) plane_plots[dir_name]['channels_cluster'].Fill( len(clus_digits) ) if len( clus_digits ) == 0 : data_dict['counters']['N_zero_clusters'] += 1 elif len( clus_digits ) == 1 : plane_plots[dir_name]['single_cluster_positions'].Fill(\ cluster.get_alpha() ) elif len( clus_digits ) == 2 : plane_plots[dir_name]['double_cluster_positions'].Fill(\ cluster.get_alpha() ) else : data_dict['counters']['N_fat_clusters'] += 1 for digit in clus_digits : if digit.get_adc() == 255 : break else : reco_plots['npe_cluster'].Fill( cluster.get_npe() ) plane_plots[dir_name]['npe_cluster'].Fill( cluster.get_npe() ) for spacepoint in spacepoints : tracker = spacepoint.get_tracker() station = spacepoint.get_station() station_id = station * ( -1.0 if tracker == 0 else 1.0 ) reco_plots['spacepoints_station'].Fill(station_id) reco_plots['spacepoints'].Fill( spacepoint.get_position().x(), \ spacepoint.get_position().y() ) dir_name = str(tracker)+'.'+str(station) station_plots[dir_name]['spacepoints'].Fill( \ spacepoint.get_position().x(), spacepoint.get_position().y() ) return True def fill_plots_patrec(plot_dict, data_dict, helicals, straights) : """ Fille the Pattern Recognition specific plots """ patrec_plots = plot_dict['patrec_plots'] for tracklist in [ helicals, straights ] : for track in tracklist : tracker = track.get_tracker() if track.get_type() == 0 : patrec_plots['chi_squared_x'].Fill( track.get_x_chisq() ) patrec_plots['chi_squared_y'].Fill( track.get_y_chisq() ) patrec_plots['chi_squared_straight'].Fill( track.get_chi_squared() ) patrec_plots['chi_squared_straight_ndf'].Fill( \ track.get_chi_squared() / track.get_ndf() ) straight_road_plot(plot_dict, track) elif track.get_type() == 1 : patrec_plots['chi_squared_sz'].Fill( track.get_line_sz_chisq() ) patrec_plots['chi_squared_circle'].Fill( track.get_circle_chisq() ) patrec_plots['chi_squared_helical'].Fill( track.get_chi_squared() ) patrec_plots['chi_squared_helical_ndf'].Fill( \ track.get_chi_squared() / track.get_ndf() ) prefix = "" if tracker == 0 : prefix = 'up_' elif tracker == 1 : prefix = 'down_' pr_pos = track.get_reference_position() pr_mom = track.get_reference_momentum() if tracker == 0 : pr_mom.setX( -pr_mom.x() ) pr_mom.setY( -pr_mom.y() ) patrec_plots[prefix+'patrec_xy'].Fill( pr_pos.x(), pr_pos.y() ) patrec_plots[prefix+'patrec_mxmy'].Fill( pr_mom.x() / pr_mom.z(), \ pr_mom.y() / pr_mom.z() ) patrec_plots[prefix+'patrec_pxpy'].Fill( pr_mom.x(), pr_mom.y() ) def straight_road_plot(plot_dict, track) : """ Do the calculation to examine the straight tracks road cut """ station_plots = plot_dict['station_plots'] spacepoints = track.get_spacepoints_pointers() pos = track.get_reference_position() mom = track.get_reference_momentum() mom.SetX( mom.x()/mom.z() ) mom.SetY( mom.y()/mom.z() ) tracker = track.get_tracker() for sp in spacepoints : station = sp.get_station() sp_pos = sp.get_position() diff_z = sp_pos.z() ex_x = pos.x() + diff_z * mom.x() ex_y = pos.y() + diff_z * mom.y() if tracker == 0 : ex_x = -ex_x diff_x = ex_x - sp_pos.x() diff_y = ex_y - sp_pos.y() stat_id = str(tracker)+'.'+str(station) station_plots[stat_id]['spacepoint_road'].Fill(diff_x, diff_y) def fill_plots_tracks(plot_dict, data_dict, tracks) : """ Fill the track specific plots """ track_plots = plot_dict['track_plots'] reco_plots = plot_dict['recon_plots'] comp_plots = plot_dict['comparison_plots'] track_plots['tracks_event'].Fill( len(tracks) ) upstream_good = 0 downstream_good = 0 for track in tracks : trackpoints = track.scifitrackpoints() if track.P_value() < P_VALUE_CUT : continue count_trackpoints = 0 for tp in trackpoints : if tp.has_data() : count_trackpoints += 1 if count_trackpoints < MIN_NUM_TRACKPOINTS : continue tracker = track.tracker() data_dict['counters']['N_tracks'] += 1 track_plots['tracks_tracker'].Fill( track.tracker() ) track_plots['chi_squared'].Fill( track.chi2() ) track_plots['chi_squared_ndf'].Fill( track.chi2() / track.ndf() ) track_plots['p_value'].Fill( track.P_value() ) track_plots['ndf'].Fill( track.ndf() ) if tracker == 0 : track_plots['chi_squared_up'].Fill( track.chi2() ) track_plots['chi_squared_ndf_up'].Fill( track.chi2() / track.ndf() ) track_plots['p_value_up'].Fill( track.P_value() ) track_plots['ndf_up'].Fill( track.ndf() ) data_dict['counters']['N_tracks_up'] += 1 upstream_good += 1 elif tracker == 1 : track_plots['chi_squared_down'].Fill( track.chi2() ) track_plots['chi_squared_ndf_down'].Fill( track.chi2() / track.ndf() ) track_plots['p_value_down'].Fill( track.P_value() ) track_plots['ndf_down'].Fill( track.ndf() ) data_dict['counters']['N_tracks_down'] += 1 downstream_good += 1 pr_track = None if track.GetAlgorithmUsed() == 0 : pr_track = track.pr_track_pointer_straight() elif track.GetAlgorithmUsed() == 1 : pr_track = track.pr_track_pointer_helical() for tp in trackpoints : station = tp.station() plane = tp.plane() dir_name = str(tracker) + "." + str(station) + "." + str(plane) plane_plots = plot_dict['plane_plots'] plane_id = ( 1 + plane + ( station - 1) * 3 ) * \ ( -1.0 if tracker == 0 else 1.0 ) reco_plots['plane_hits'].Fill( plane_id ) pull = tp.pull() residual = tp.residual() s_residual = tp.smoothed_residual() track_plots['plane_pulls'].Fill( plane_id, pull ) track_plots['plane_residuals'].Fill( plane_id, residual ) track_plots['plane_s_residuals'].Fill( plane_id, s_residual ) pos = tp.pos() mom = tp.mom() plane_plots[dir_name]['xy'].Fill( pos.x(), pos.y() ) plane_plots[dir_name]['pxpy'].Fill( mom.x(), mom.y() ) plane_plots[dir_name]['xpx'].Fill( pos.x(), mom.x() ) plane_plots[dir_name]['ypy'].Fill( pos.y(), mom.y() ) plane_plots[dir_name]['mxmy'].Fill( mom.x() / mom.z(), mom.y() / mom.z() ) plane_plots[dir_name]['xmx'].Fill( pos.x(), mom.x() / mom.z() ) plane_plots[dir_name]['ymy'].Fill( pos.y(), mom.y() / mom.z() ) if station == REFERENCE_STATION and plane == REFERENCE_PLANE : prefix = "" if tracker == 0 : prefix = 'up_' elif tracker == 1 : prefix = 'down_' pr_pos = pr_track.get_reference_position() pr_mom = pr_track.get_reference_momentum() diff_pos = [ pos.x() - pr_pos.x(), pos.y() - pr_pos.y() ] diff_mom = [ mom.x() - pr_mom.x(), mom.y() - pr_mom.y() ] comp_plots[prefix+'patrec_kalman_xy'].Fill( \ diff_pos[0], diff_pos[1] ) comp_plots[prefix+'patrec_kalman_mxmy'].Fill( \ diff_mom[0] / mom.z(), diff_mom[1] / mom.z() ) comp_plots[prefix+'patrec_kalman_pxpy'].Fill( \ diff_mom[0], diff_mom[1] ) if upstream_good == 1 and downstream_good == 1 : data_dict['counters']['N_track_pairs'] += 1 track_plots['trackpoints_track'].Fill( count_trackpoints ) def analyse_plots(plot_dict, data_dict) : """ Perform some analysis on the plots and data stored in the repective dictionaries """ track_plots = plot_dict['track_plots'] print "Analysing Data" print print "No. of Events = ", data_dict['counters']['N_events'] print print "No. of Tracks = ", data_dict['counters']['N_tracks'] print "No. of Upstream Tracks = ", \ data_dict['counters']['N_tracks_up'] print "No. of Downstream Tracks = ", \ data_dict['counters']['N_tracks_down'] print "No. of Track Pairs = ", \ data_dict['counters']['N_track_pairs'] print print "Mean No. Tracks per Event = ", \ track_plots['tracks_event'].GetMean() print "Mean No. Trackpoints per Track = ", \ track_plots['trackpoints_track'].GetMean() print print "No. Events with 0 Tracks = ", \ track_plots['tracks_event'].GetBinContent(1) print "No. Events with 1 Tracks = ", \ track_plots['tracks_event'].GetBinContent(2) print "No. Events with 2 Tracks = ", \ track_plots['tracks_event'].GetBinContent(3) print print print "Mean Smoothed Residual = ", \ track_plots['plane_s_residuals'].GetMean(2) print "RMS Smoothed Residual = ", \ track_plots['plane_s_residuals'].GetRMS(2) def save_plots(plot_dict, filename) : """ Save all the plots to file. Assumes a directory like strucutre of plots to recursively save them. """ outfile = ROOT.TFile(filename, "RECREATE") for key in sorted(plot_dict) : if type( plot_dict[key] ) is types.DictType : directory = outfile.mkdir( key ) directory.cd() save_plot( plot_dict[key], directory ) outfile.cd() else : plot_dict[key].Write() outfile.Close() def save_plot(plot_dict, outfile) : """ The recursive saving function for the plot dictionary """ for key in sorted(plot_dict) : if type( plot_dict[key] ) is types.DictType : directory = outfile.mkdir( key ) directory.cd() save_plot( plot_dict[key], directory ) outfile.cd() else : plot_dict[key].Write() def print_plots(plot_dict, location) : """ Print the plots to PDF files rather than a root file. Assumes a recursive structure of directories and plots to save then to file """ if not os.path.exists( location ) : os.makedirs( location ) for key in sorted(plot_dict) : if type( plot_dict[key] ) is types.DictType : new_location = os.path.join( location, key ) print_plots( plot_dict[key], new_location ) else : canvas = ROOT.TCanvas( key+'_canvas' ) plot_dict[key].Draw() if key in PLOT_OPTIONS : apply_options( canvas, plot_dict[key], PLOT_OPTIONS[key] ) canvas.SaveAs( os.path.join(location, key ) + ".pdf", "pdf" ) def apply_options( canvas, hist, options ) : """ Change some simple plot options using a dictionary of options. """ for opt in options : if opt == "logy" : canvas.SetLogy() elif opt == "logz" : canvas.SetLogz() elif opt == "colz" : canvas.SetDrawOption( 'colz' ) hist.Draw("colz") canvas.Update() else : print "ERROR : Unknown Canvas Option:", opt if __name__ == "__main__" : ROOT.gROOT.SetBatch( True ) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Performs a quick ' +\ 'verification routine for the tracks storing the data files.' ) parser.add_argument( 'maus_root_files', nargs='+', help='List of MAUS '+\ 'output root files containing reconstructed straight tracks') parser.add_argument( '-N', '--max_num_events', type=int, \ help='Maximum number of events to analyse.') parser.add_argument( '-O', '--output_filename', \ default='track_verification.root', help='Set the output filename') parser.add_argument( '-P', '--print_plots', action='store_true', \ default=False, help='Set flag to print plots to file' ) parser.add_argument( '-D', '--output_directory', \ default='./', help='Set the output directory for plots') parser.add_argument( '-T', '--cut_tof', action='store_true', \ help='Set flag to enable TOF Cuts' ) parser.add_argument( '-S', '--cut_scifi', action='store_true', \ help='Set flag to enable SciFi Event Cuts' ) parser.add_argument( '--tof_cut_low', type=float, default=0.0, \ help='Lower limit of TOF cut' ) parser.add_argument( '--tof_cut_high', type=float, default=100.0, \ help='Upper limit of TOF cut' ) parser.add_argument( '--p_value_cut', type=float, default=0.0, \ help='Cut on P-Values less than the specified value' ) parser.add_argument( '--number_trackpoints_cut', type=int, default=0, \ help='Cut on the Number of Trackpoints in the track' ) try : namespace = parser.parse_args() TOF_CUT_LOW = namespace.tof_cut_low TOF_CUT_HIGH = namespace.tof_cut_high P_VALUE_CUT = namespace.p_value_cut MIN_NUM_TRACKPOINTS = namespace.number_trackpoints_cut except : raise else : ##### 1. Intialise plots ###################################################### print "\nInitialising Plots" plot_dict, data_dict = init_plots_data() ##### 2. Load SciFi Events #################################################### print "\nLoading Spills...\n" file_reader = event_loader.maus_reader(namespace.maus_root_files) try : while file_reader.next_event() and \ file_reader.get_total_num_events() != namespace.max_num_events : sys.stdout.write( ' File ' + str(file_reader.get_current_filenumber()) + \ ' of ' + str(file_reader.get_number_files()) + ' \r') sys.stdout.flush() try : scifi_event = file_reader.get_event( 'scifi' ) tof_event = file_reader.get_event( 'tof' ) data_dict['counters']['N_events'] += 1 ##### 3. Fill plots ########################################################### if namespace.cut_tof and cut_tof_event( plot_dict, tof_event ) : continue if namespace.cut_scifi and \ cut_scifi_event( plot_dict, scifi_event ) : continue fill_plots_data(plot_dict, data_dict, scifi_event) except ValueError : print "An Error Occured. Skipping Spill: " + \ str(file_reader.get_current_spill_number()) + \ " In File: " + str(file_reader.get_current_filenumber()) + "\n" continue ##### 4. Analysis Plots ####################################################### except KeyboardInterrupt : print print "Keyboard Interrupt" print print "All Spills Loaded " print "\nStarting Analysis" analyse_plots(plot_dict, data_dict) ##### 5. Save plots and data ################################################## print "\nSaving Plots and Data" outdir = namespace.output_directory outfile = os.path.join( outdir, namespace.output_filename+".root" ) save_plots(plot_dict, outfile) if namespace.print_plots : print_plots(plot_dict, outdir) print print "Complete." print