#!/usr/bin/env python # This file is part of MAUS: http://micewww.pp.rl.ac.uk/projects/maus # # MAUS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # MAUS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with MAUS. If not, see . # # pylint: disable = W0311, E1101, W0613, C0111, R0911, W0621, C0103, R0902 # pylint: disable = W0102, W0142, W0612 import ROOT import os import array import types import itertools STRAIGHT_ALGORITHM_ID = 0 HELICAL_ALGORITHM_ID = 1 MUON_MASS = 105.6583715 def calculate_plane_id(tracker, station, plane) : """ Helper function to calculate the scifi plane ids """ return int((1 + plane + (station - 1) * 3) * \ ( -1.0 if tracker == 0 else 1.0 )) def fit_gaussian(hist, fit_min=0, fit_max=0) : """ Fits a Gaussian to the histogram and returns a tuple of (mean, stddev) for the fitted gaussian. """ fit_result = hist.Fit( "gaus", "Q0S", "", fit_min, fit_max ) func = hist.GetFunction( "gaus" ) if not func : return 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0 mean = func.GetParameter(1) mean_err = func.GetParError(1) stddev = func.GetParameter(2) stddev_err = func.GetParError(2) return mean, mean_err, stddev, stddev_err def gaussian_profile_x(hist, fit_min=0, fit_max=0) : """ Makes a profile plot if the supplied 2D histogram, assuming each bin is gaussian-distrubuted. Note ROOT does not do this! """ name = hist.GetName() x_pos = array.array( 'd' ) y_pos = array.array( 'd' ) x_error = array.array( 'd' ) y_error = array.array( 'd' ) for i in range( hist.GetXaxis().GetNbins()+2 ) : projection = hist.ProjectionY( \ name+'_pro_'+str(i), i, i ) if projection.GetEntries() == 0 : x_pos.append( 0.0 ) y_pos.append( 0.0 ) x_error.append( 0.0 ) y_error.append( 0.0 ) pro_mean, pro_mean_err, pro_std, pro_std_err = \ fit_gaussian( projection, fit_min, fit_max ) x_pos.append( hist.GetXaxis().GetBinCenter( i ) ) y_pos.append( pro_mean ) x_error.append( hist.GetXaxis().GetBinWidth( i ) ) y_error.append( pro_mean_err ) profile = ROOT.TGraphErrors( len( x_pos ), x_pos, y_pos, x_error, y_error ) profile.SetName( name+'_profile' ) return profile def gaussian_profile_y(hist, fit_min=0, fit_max=0) : """ Makes a profile plot if the supplied 2D histogram, assuming each bin is gaussian-distrubuted. Note ROOT does not do this! """ name = hist.GetName() x_pos = array.array( 'd' ) y_pos = array.array( 'd' ) x_error = array.array( 'd' ) y_error = array.array( 'd' ) for i in range( hist.GetYaxis().GetNbins()+2 ) : projection = hist.ProjectionX( \ name+'_pro_'+str(i), i, i ) if projection.GetEntries() == 0 : x_pos.append( 0.0 ) y_pos.append( 0.0 ) x_error.append( 0.0 ) y_error.append( 0.0 ) pro_mean, pro_mean_err, pro_std, pro_std_err = \ fit_gaussian( projection, fit_min, fit_max ) x_pos.append( pro_mean ) y_pos.append( hist.GetYaxis().GetBinCenter( i ) ) x_error.append( pro_mean_err ) y_error.append( hist.GetYaxis().GetBinWidth( i ) ) profile = ROOT.TGraphErrors( len( x_pos ), x_pos, y_pos, x_error, y_error ) profile.SetName( name+'_profile' ) return profile def sort_arrays(array_lists, key_list=0, descending=True) : lists = itertools.izip(*sorted(itertools.izip(*array_lists), \ reverse=descending, key=lambda x: x[key_list])) arrays = [ array.array('d', lis) for lis in lists ] return arrays ############################################################################## ## Plotting and Saving Functionality ############################################################################## def save_plots(plot_dict, filename) : """ Save all the plots to file. Assumes a directory like strucutre of plots to recursively save them. """ if not os.path.exists( os.path.dirname( filename ) ) : os.makedirs( os.path.dirname( filename ) ) outfile = ROOT.TFile(filename, "RECREATE") for key in sorted(plot_dict) : if type( plot_dict[key] ) is types.DictType : directory = outfile.mkdir( key ) directory.cd() save_plot( plot_dict[key], directory ) outfile.cd() else : plot_dict[key].Write(key) outfile.Close() def save_plot(plot_dict, outfile) : """ The recursive saving function for the plot dictionary """ for key in sorted(plot_dict) : if type( plot_dict[key] ) is types.DictType : directory = outfile.mkdir( key ) directory.cd() save_plot( plot_dict[key], directory ) outfile.cd() else : plot_dict[key].Write(key) def print_plots(plot_dict, location, plot_options={}) : """ Print the plots to PDF files rather than a root file. Assumes a recursive structure of directories and plots to save then to file """ if not os.path.exists( location ) : os.makedirs( location ) for key in sorted(plot_dict) : if type( plot_dict[key] ) is types.DictType : new_location = os.path.join( location, key ) print_plots( plot_dict[key], new_location ) else : canvas = ROOT.TCanvas( key+'_canvas' ) plot_dict[key].Draw() if key in plot_options : apply_options( canvas, plot_dict[key], plot_options[key] ) canvas.SaveAs( os.path.join(location, key ) + ".pdf", "pdf" ) def apply_options( canvas, hist, options ) : """ Change some simple plot options using a dictionary of options. """ for opt in options : if opt == "logy" : canvas.SetLogy() elif opt == "logz" : canvas.SetLogz() elif opt == "colz" : canvas.SetDrawOption( 'colz' ) hist.Draw("colz") canvas.Update() else : print "ERROR : Unknown Canvas/Histogram Option:", opt