/* This file is part of MAUS: http://micewww.pp.rl.ac.uk:8080/projects/maus * * MAUS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * MAUS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with MAUS. If not, see . * */ #include "src/map/MapCppEMRPlaneHits/MapCppEMRPlaneHits.hh" namespace MAUS { PyMODINIT_FUNC init_MapCppEMRPlaneHits(void) { PyWrapMapBase::PyWrapMapBaseModInit ("MapCppEMRPlaneHits", "", "", "", ""); } MapCppEMRPlaneHits::MapCppEMRPlaneHits() : MapBase("MapCppEMRPlaneHits") { } void MapCppEMRPlaneHits::_birth(const std::string& argJsonConfigDocument) { _classname = "MapCppEMRPlaneHits"; char* pMAUS_ROOT_DIR = getenv("MAUS_ROOT_DIR"); if (!pMAUS_ROOT_DIR) { throw MAUS::Exception(Exception::recoverable, "Could not resolve ${MAUS_ROOT_DIR} environment variable", "MapCppEMRPlaneHits::birth"); } // JsonCpp setup Json::Value configJSON; Json::Value map_file_name; Json::Value xEnable_V1731_Unpacking; Json::Value xEnable_DBB_Unpacking; configJSON = JsonWrapper::StringToJson(argJsonConfigDocument); // Fetch variables _number_of_planes = configJSON["EMRnumberOfPlanes"].asInt(); _number_of_bars = configJSON["EMRnumberOfBars"].asInt(); _primary_deltat_low = configJSON["EMRprimaryDeltatLow"].asInt(); _primary_deltat_up = configJSON["EMRprimaryDeltatUp"].asInt(); _secondary_n_low = configJSON["EMRsecondaryNLow"].asInt(); _secondary_tot_low = configJSON["EMRsecondaryTotLow"].asInt(); _secondary_bunching_width = configJSON["EMRsecondaryBunchingWidth"].asInt(); // Load EMR channel map std::string xMapFile = std::string(pMAUS_ROOT_DIR) + configJSON["EMR_cabling_file"].asString(); bool loaded = _emrMap.InitializeFromFile(xMapFile); if ( !loaded ) throw MAUS::Exception(Exception::recoverable, "Failed to load EMR Channel Map File", "MapCppEMRPlaneHits::birth"); // Enable fADC unpacking xEnable_V1731_Unpacking = JsonWrapper::GetProperty(configJSON, "Enable_V1731_Unpacking", JsonWrapper::booleanValue); if ( !xEnable_V1731_Unpacking.asBool() ) { Squeak::mout(Squeak::warning) << "WARNING in MapCppEMRPlaneHits::birth. The unpacking of the flashADC V1731 is disabled!!!" << " Are you sure you want this?" << std::endl; } // Enable DBB unpacking xEnable_DBB_Unpacking = JsonWrapper::GetProperty(configJSON, "Enable_DBB_Unpacking", JsonWrapper::booleanValue); if ( !xEnable_DBB_Unpacking.asBool() ) { Squeak::mout(Squeak::warning) << "WARNING in MapCppEMRPlaneHits::birth. The unpacking of the VRBs is disabled!!!" << " Are you sure you want this?" << std::endl; } } void MapCppEMRPlaneHits::_death() { } void MapCppEMRPlaneHits::_process(Data *data) const { // Routine data checks before processing it if ( !data ) throw Exception(Exception::recoverable, "Data was NULL", "MapCppEMRPlaneHits::_process"); Spill* spill = data->GetSpill(); if ( !spill ) throw Exception(Exception::recoverable, "Spill was NULL", "MapCppEMRPlaneHits::_process"); if ( spill->GetDaqEventType() != "physics_event" ) return; DAQData* daqData = spill->GetDAQData(); if ( !daqData ) throw Exception(Exception::recoverable, "DAQData was NULL", "MapCppEMRPlaneHits::_process"); EMRDaq emrDaq = daqData->GetEMRDaq(); size_t nPartEvents = emrDaq.GetV1731NumPartEvents(); if ( !nPartEvents ) return; // Check the Recon event array and EMR Spill Data are initialised. If not, make it so if ( !spill->GetReconEvents() ) spill->SetReconEvents(new ReconEventPArray()); if ( !spill->GetEMRSpillData() ) spill->SetEMRSpillData(new EMRSpillData()); // Create a temporary array of n plane hit arrays (1 per trigger) and a temporary array of bars EMREventPlaneHitVector emr_events_tmp = get_emr_events_tmp(nPartEvents); // EMREvents EMRBarHitArray emr_bar_hits_tmp; // EMRSpillData // Fill the temporary arrays with the DAQ information process_DBB(emrDaq, emr_events_tmp, emr_bar_hits_tmp, nPartEvents); process_fADC(emrDaq, emr_events_tmp, nPartEvents); // Create a temporary array to harbour n' plane hit arrays (1 per daughter candiate) EMREventPlaneHitVector emr_candidates_tmp; // Process the secondary hits and merge them timewise into daughter candidates process_candidates(emr_bar_hits_tmp, emr_candidates_tmp); emr_events_tmp.insert(emr_events_tmp.end(), emr_candidates_tmp.begin(), emr_candidates_tmp.end()); // Fill the Recon event array with spill information (1 per trigger + daughter candidates) fill(spill, emr_events_tmp, nPartEvents); } void MapCppEMRPlaneHits::process_DBB(MAUS::EMRDaq EMRdaq, EMREventPlaneHitVector& emr_events_tmp, EMRBarHitArray& emr_bar_hits_tmp, size_t nPartEvents) const { // std::cerr << "DBBArraySize: " << EMRdaq.GetDBBArraySize() << std::endl; for (size_t iDBB = 0; iDBB < EMRdaq.GetDBBArraySize(); iDBB++) { DBBSpillData dbb = EMRdaq.GetDBBArrayElement(iDBB); if ( static_cast(dbb.GetTriggerCount()) != nPartEvents ) { Squeak::mout(Squeak::error) << "ERROR in MapCppEMRPlaneHits::process_DBB: number of triggers mismatch (" << dbb.GetTriggerCount() << "!=" << nPartEvents << ")" << std::endl; return; } int xLDC = dbb.GetLdcId(); int xGeo = dbb.GetDBBId(); size_t nHits = dbb.GetDBBHitsArraySize(); for (size_t iHit = 0; iHit < nHits; iHit++) { DBBHit this_hit = dbb.GetDBBHitsArrayElement(iHit); int xCh = this_hit.GetChannel(); DAQChannelKey daqKey(xLDC, xGeo, xCh, 141, "emr"); // std::cerr << daqKey << std::endl; EMRChannelKey *emrKey = _emrMap.Find(&daqKey); if ( emrKey ) { int xPlane = emrKey->GetPlane(); int xBar = emrKey->GetBar(); int xLTime = this_hit.GetLTime(); int xTTime = this_hit.GetTTime(); if ( !xLTime || !xTTime ) continue; int xTot = xTTime - xLTime; // std::cerr << *emrKey << " --> xLTime: " << xLTime // << " xTTime: " << xTTime << std::endl; // Loop over the trigger and try to associate the hit to one of them bool matched = false; for (size_t iPe = 0; iPe < nPartEvents; iPe++) { DBBHit this_trigger = dbb.GetDBBTriggersArrayElement(iPe); int tr_lt = this_trigger.GetLTime(); // int tr_tt = this_trigger.GetTTime(); // int xCh = this_trigger.GetChannel(); if ( !iHit ) // Set the fADC time only when processing the first hit emr_events_tmp[iPe][xPlane]._time = tr_lt; int xDeltaT = xLTime - tr_lt; // Set bar hit EMRBarHit bHit; bHit.SetChannel(xPlane*_number_of_bars+xBar); bHit.SetTot(xTot); bHit.SetTime(xLTime); // Discriminate primary hits (close to the trigger) from the rest if ( xDeltaT > _primary_deltat_low && xDeltaT < _primary_deltat_up ) { bHit.SetDeltaT(xDeltaT - _primary_deltat_low); emr_events_tmp[iPe][xPlane]._barhits.push_back(bHit); matched = true; // std::cerr << "*---> " << *emrKey << " --> trigger_Id: " << iPe // << " xTot: " << xTot // << " xDeltaT: " << xDeltaT - _primary_deltat_low // << "(" << xDeltaT << ")" << std::endl; } else if ( iPe == nPartEvents-1 && !matched ) { bHit.SetDeltaT(0); if ( xTot > _secondary_tot_low ) emr_bar_hits_tmp.push_back(bHit); } } } } } } void MapCppEMRPlaneHits::process_fADC(MAUS::EMRDaq EMRdaq, EMREventPlaneHitVector& emr_events_tmp, size_t nPartEvents) const { // std::cerr << "GetV1731NumPartEvents: " << EMRdaq.GetV1731NumPartEvents() << std::endl; for (size_t iPe = 0; iPe < nPartEvents; iPe++) { V1731HitArray fADChits = EMRdaq.GetV1731PartEvent(iPe); size_t nHits = fADChits.size(); // std::cerr << "PartEvent " << iPe << " --> " << nHits << " hits\n" << std::endl; for (size_t iHit = 0; iHit < nHits; iHit++) { V1731 fADChit = fADChits[iHit]; int xLDC = fADChit.GetLdcId(); int xGeo = fADChit.GetGeo(); int xCh = fADChit.GetChannel(); int xEqType = fADChit.GetEquipType(); DAQChannelKey daqKey(xLDC, xGeo, xCh, xEqType, "emr"); // std::cerr << daqKey << std::endl; EMRChannelKey *emrKey = _emrMap.Find(&daqKey); if ( emrKey ) { int xPlane = emrKey->GetPlane(); int xOri = emrKey->GetOrientation(); int xArea = fADChit.GetPulseArea(); int xPos = fADChit.GetPositionMin(); std::vector xSamples = fADChit.GetSampleArray(); // std::cerr << iPe << " " << *emrKey << " --> pos: " // << xPos << " area: " << xArea << std::endl; emr_events_tmp[iPe][xPlane]._orientation = xOri; emr_events_tmp[iPe][xPlane]._charge = xArea; emr_events_tmp[iPe][xPlane]._deltat = xPos; emr_events_tmp[iPe][xPlane]._samples = xSamples; } } } } void MapCppEMRPlaneHits::process_candidates(EMRBarHitArray emr_bar_hits_tmp, EMREventPlaneHitVector& emr_candidates_tmp) const { // Sort the vector in ascending order of hit time (lambda sorting function) sort(emr_bar_hits_tmp.begin(), emr_bar_hits_tmp.end(), [] (const EMRBarHit& a, const EMRBarHit& b) { return a.GetTime() < b.GetTime(); }); // Find groups of hits defined by the secondary bunching width std::vector barHitGroupVector; EMRBarHitArray barHitGroup; int xHitTime = 0; for (size_t iHit = 1; iHit < emr_bar_hits_tmp.size()+1; iHit++) { int xDeltaT = _secondary_bunching_width + 1; if ( !xHitTime ) xHitTime = emr_bar_hits_tmp[iHit-1].GetTime(); if (iHit < emr_bar_hits_tmp.size()) xDeltaT = emr_bar_hits_tmp[iHit].GetTime() - xHitTime; if (xDeltaT > _secondary_bunching_width) { barHitGroup.push_back(emr_bar_hits_tmp[iHit-1]); if (barHitGroup.size() >= _secondary_n_low) { barHitGroupVector.push_back(barHitGroup); } barHitGroup.resize(0); xHitTime = 0; } else { barHitGroup.push_back(emr_bar_hits_tmp[iHit-1]); } } size_t nSeconPartEvents = barHitGroupVector.size(); // Resize the event array to accomodate one extra event per secondary track (n') emr_candidates_tmp = get_emr_events_tmp(nSeconPartEvents); // Associate each barHitGroup to a secondary trigger (daughter candidate) for (size_t iGroup = 0; iGroup < nSeconPartEvents; iGroup++) { EMRBarHitArray barHitArray = barHitGroupVector[iGroup]; for (size_t iHit = 0; iHit < barHitArray.size(); iHit++) { int xPlane = barHitArray[iHit].GetChannel()/_number_of_bars; emr_candidates_tmp[iGroup][xPlane]._barhits.push_back(barHitArray[iHit]); } } } void MapCppEMRPlaneHits::fill(MAUS::Spill *spill, EMREventPlaneHitVector emr_events_tmp, size_t nPartEvents) const { // Get the EMR recon events and the spill data ReconEventPArray *recEvts = spill->GetReconEvents(); EMRSpillData *emrSpill = spill->GetEMRSpillData(); for (size_t iPe = 0; iPe < emr_events_tmp.size(); iPe++) { EMREventTrack* evtTrack = new EMREventTrack; EMRPlaneHitArray plArray; for (size_t iPlane = 0; iPlane < _number_of_planes; iPlane++) { EMRPlaneHit *plHit = new EMRPlaneHit; EMRBarHitArray barHitArray = emr_events_tmp[iPe][iPlane]._barhits; plHit->SetPlane(iPlane); plHit->SetEMRBarHitArray(barHitArray); plHit->SetOrientation(emr_events_tmp[iPe][iPlane]._orientation); plHit->SetTime(emr_events_tmp[iPe][iPlane]._time); plHit->SetDeltaT(emr_events_tmp[iPe][iPlane]._deltat); plHit->SetCharge(emr_events_tmp[iPe][iPlane]._charge); plHit->SetSampleArray(emr_events_tmp[iPe][iPlane]._samples); if ( barHitArray.size() || plHit->GetCharge() > 0 ) { plArray.push_back(plHit); for ( size_t iHit = 0; iHit < barHitArray.size(); iHit++ ) emrSpill->AddEMRBarHit(barHitArray[iHit]); } else { delete plHit; } } evtTrack->SetEMRPlaneHitArray(plArray); if ( iPe < nPartEvents ) { evtTrack->SetType("mother"); evtTrack->SetTrackId(0); EMREvent* evt = new EMREvent; if ( plArray.size() ) { evt->AddEMREventTrack(evtTrack); } else { delete evtTrack; } size_t nRecEvents = spill->GetReconEventSize(); if ( nRecEvents > iPe ) { recEvts->at(iPe)->SetEMREvent(evt); } else { ReconEvent *recEvt = new ReconEvent; recEvt->SetPartEventNumber(iPe); recEvt->SetEMREvent(evt); recEvts->push_back(recEvt); } } else { evtTrack->SetType("candidate"); evtTrack->SetTrackId(iPe-nPartEvents); emrSpill->AddEMREventTrack(evtTrack); } } spill->SetReconEvents(recEvts); spill->SetEMRSpillData(emrSpill); } EMREventPlaneHitVector MapCppEMRPlaneHits::get_emr_events_tmp(size_t nPartEvts) const { EMREventPlaneHitVector emr_events_tmp; emr_events_tmp.resize(nPartEvts); for (size_t iPe = 0; iPe < nPartEvts; iPe++) { emr_events_tmp[iPe].resize(_number_of_planes); // number of planes for (size_t iPlane = 0; iPlane < _number_of_planes; iPlane++) { EMRPlaneHitTmp data; EMRBarHitVector barhits; std::vector xSamples; data._barhits = barhits; data._orientation = iPlane%2; data._time = -1; data._deltat = -1; data._charge = -1; data._samples = xSamples; emr_events_tmp[iPe][iPlane] = data; } } return emr_events_tmp; } } // namespace MAUS