/* This file is part of MAUS: http://micewww.pp.rl.ac.uk:8080/projects/maus * * MAUS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * MAUS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with MAUS. If not, see . * */ /** @class TrackMatching * @author Jan Greis, University of Warwick * Creates global tracks from a global event. * @date 2015/11/26 */ #ifndef _SRC_COMMON_CPP_RECON_TRACKMATCHING_HH_ #define _SRC_COMMON_CPP_RECON_TRACKMATCHING_HH_ // C++ headers #include #include #include #include // ROOT headers #include "TLorentzVector.h" // gtest include for friend-testing #include "gtest/gtest_prod.h" // MAUS headers #include "src/common_cpp/DataStructure/GlobalEvent.hh" #include "src/common_cpp/DataStructure/Global/Track.hh" #include "src/common_cpp/DataStructure/Global/TrackPoint.hh" #include "src/common_cpp/DataStructure/Global/ReconEnums.hh" class BTFieldConstructor; namespace MAUS { namespace recon { namespace global { class TrackMatching { public: /// Constructor TrackMatching(GlobalEvent* global_event, std::string mapper_name, std::string pid_hypothesis_string, std::map > matching_tolerances, double max_step_size, bool energy_loss = true); /// Destructor ~TrackMatching() {} /** * @brief Create an upstream track by matching the other upstream detectors * to the upstream tracker */ void USTrack(); /** * @brief Create a downstream track by matching the other downstream * detectors to the downstream tracker */ void DSTrack(); /** * @brief Matches previously created upstream and downstream tracks via the * TOF1/2 time difference (thus can only match tracks that contain TOF1/2 * hits respectively. Typically only used for no-field commissioning data. */ void throughTrack(); private: /// Disallow copy constructor as unnecessary TrackMatching(const TrackMatching&); /// Disallow operator= as unnecessary void operator=(const TrackMatching); /** * @brief Returns an array of Tracks in the global event corresponding to * the chosen detector (either tracker or the EMR, other detectors don't * produce tracks). If EMR is chosen, the primary track is returned * (selected by requiring the secondary range of the object to be ~0) * * @param detector Chosen detector (kTracker0, kTracker1, or kEMR) * * @see GetDetectorTrackPoints() */ MAUS::DataStructure::Global::TrackPArray* GetDetectorTrackArray( MAUS::DataStructure::Global::DetectorPoint detector); /** * @brief Returns a vector of TrackPoints in the global event corresponding * to the chosen detector (TOFs or KL). * * As the recon import for these detectors outputs SpacePoints only, these * are first converted into TrackPoints by this function * * @param detector Chosen detector (kTOF0, kTOF1, kTOF2, or kCalorimeter) * @param mapper_name The mapper name to assign to the new TrackPoints * * @see GetDetectorTrackArray() */ std::vector GetDetectorTrackPoints( DataStructure::Global::DetectorPoint detector, std::string mapper_name); /** * @brief Creates a vector of PIDs that designate the PID hypotheses over * which track matching should run. * * If the configuration setting track_matching_pid_hypothesis is set to a * specific PID, the vector will only contain that one, otherwise, depending * on the charge hypothesis supplied, the vector will contain either * kEPlus, kMuPlus, kPiPlus (chargy hypothesis 1), * kEMinus, kMuMinus, kPiMinus (charge hypothesis -1), * or all six (charge hypothesis 0) * * @param charge_hypothesis the charge hypothesis provided by the tracker, * can be 1, -1, 0 * @param pid_hypothesis_string the value of track_matching_pid_hypothesis * in the configuration (as long as the TrackMatching constructor sets it * as such) */ std::vector PIDHypotheses( int charge_hypothesis, std::string pid_hypothesis_string); /** * @brief Matches hits in TOFs or KL to a tracker track using a wrapper for * the GSL 4th order Runge-Kutta integration to propagate from a tracker * TrackPoint to the detector and checking the agreement with TrackPoints * in that detector. * * @param position The position of the tracker TrackPoint to which the * detector TrackPoint is matched * @param momentum Momentum of the tracker TrackPoint * @param trackpoints A vector of TrackPoints in the target detector to * which matching is attempted * @param pid The PID setting for the propagation * @param field magnetic fields for the geometry * @param detector_name name of the detector (TOF0, TOF1, TOF2, KL) to which * matching is attempted. Used to pull the matching tolerances from the * configuration * @param hypothesis_track The track that collects the matched points * * @see MatchEMRTrack() */ void MatchTrackPoint( const TLorentzVector &position, const TLorentzVector &momentum, const std::vector &trackpoints, DataStructure::Global::PID pid, BTFieldConstructor* field, std::string detector_name, DataStructure::Global::Track* hypothesis_track); void MatchTOF0( const TLorentzVector &position, const TLorentzVector &momentum, const std::vector &trackpoints, DataStructure::Global::PID pid, DataStructure::Global::Track* hypothesis_track); /** * @brief As MatchTrackPoint() but matching to the most upstream trackpoint * of an EMR track. * * @param position The position of the tracker TrackPoint to which the * EMR TrackPoint is matched * @param momentum Momentum of the tracker TrackPoint * @param emr_track_array Array of EMR Tracks to which matching is attempted * @param pid The PID setting for the propagation * @param field magnetic fields for the geometry * @param hypothesis_track The track that collects the matched points * * @see MatchTrackPoint() */ void MatchEMRTrack( const TLorentzVector &position, const TLorentzVector &momentum, DataStructure::Global::TrackPArray* emr_track_array, DataStructure::Global::PID pid, BTFieldConstructor* field, DataStructure::Global::Track* hypothesis_track); /** * @brief Adds all TrackPoints from a tracker Track to a different track and * sets their energy in accordance with the provided mass value. * * Before being added to the Track, the TrackPoints are sorted by ascending * z position using std::sort and GlobalTools::TrackPointSort() * * @param tracker_track The track to be added * @param mapper_name The mapper name to tag the TrackPoints with * @param mass The mass used to calculate the energy from the 3-momentum * @param hypothesis_track The track to which the tracker TrackPoints are * added */ void AddTrackerTrackPoints( DataStructure::Global::Track* tracker_track, std::string mapper_name, double mass, DataStructure::Global::Track* hypothesis_track); /** * @brief Returns all matched upstream and downstream tracks from the global * tracks given in the supplied TrackPArrays. * * The tracks are selected based on aggreement with the mapper names set in * USTrack() and DSTrack() as well as the supplied PIDs. * * @param global_tracks Tracks from the global event from which to pick out * the upstream and downstream tracks. * @param pid The PID for which the tracks are picked out * @param us_tracks The container for the upstream tracks to be returned * @param ds_tracks The container for the downstream tracks to be returned */ void USDSTracks( DataStructure::Global::TrackPArray* global_tracks, DataStructure::Global::PID pid, DataStructure::Global::TrackPArray* us_tracks, DataStructure::Global::TrackPArray* ds_tracks); /** * @brief Produces a through-going track from the supplied upstream and * downstream TrackPoints based on a cut in the TOF1/2 travel time * * @param us_trackpoints Upstream TrackPoints * @param ds_trackpoints Downstream TrackPoints * @param pid PID to set for the new track * @param emr_range_primary EMR primary Track range to pass to the new track */ void MatchUSDS( DataStructure::Global::Track* us_track, DataStructure::Global::Track* ds_track, DataStructure::Global::PID pid, double emr_range_primary); /** * @brief Returns the time from a TrackPoint in the chosen detector (TOF0, * TOF1, TOF2). * * If several TrackPoints for this detector exist in the supplied * TrackPoints, the first one is chosen. Hence it is necessary to first * make sure that if several exist, they are consistent with being produced * by a single particle * * @param trackpoints The TrackPoints from which to pick out the selected * one * @param detector ID of the detector to get the time from (kTOF0, kTOF1, * kTOF2) */ double TOFTimeFromTrackPoints( DataStructure::Global::TrackPointCPArray trackpoints, DataStructure::Global::DetectorPoint detector); /// Mapper name passed by the mapper calling this class std::string _mapper_name; /// Configuration setting for which PIDs to consider, can be kEPlus, /// kEMinus, kMuPlus, kMuMinus, kPiPlus, kPiMinus, or all std::string _pid_hypothesis_string; /// Matching tolerances for the various detectors that are matched std::map > _matching_tolerances; /// Maximum stepsize for the RK4 propagation double _max_step_size; /// Should the RK4 include energy loss bool _energy_loss; /// The global event to be processed GlobalEvent* _global_event; /// Declarations required for tests to access private member functions FRIEND_TEST(TrackMatchingTest, GetDetectorTrackArray); FRIEND_TEST(TrackMatchingTest, GetDetectorTrackPoints); FRIEND_TEST(TrackMatchingTest, PIDHypotheses); FRIEND_TEST(TrackMatchingTest, MatchTrackPoint); FRIEND_TEST(TrackMatchingTest, MatchTOF0); FRIEND_TEST(TrackMatchingTest, MatchEMRTrack); FRIEND_TEST(TrackMatchingTest, AddTrackerTrackPoints); FRIEND_TEST(TrackMatchingTest, USDSTracks); FRIEND_TEST(TrackMatchingTest, MatchUSDS); FRIEND_TEST(TrackMatchingTest, TOFTimeFromTrackPoints); }; // ~class TrackMatching } // ~namespace global } // ~namespace recon } // ~namespace MAUS #endif