/* This file is part of MAUS: http://micewww.pp.rl.ac.uk:8080/projects/maus
* MAUS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* MAUS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with MAUS. If not, see .
// C++ headers
// MAUS headers
#include "json/json.h"
#include "Utils/EMRChannelMap.hh"
#include "Utils/JsonWrapper.hh"
#include "Utils/Exception.hh"
#include "Interface/Squeak.hh"
#include "Config/MiceModule.hh"
#include "DataStructure/ThreeVector.hh"
namespace MAUS {
/** @class Complete map of all bar positions and dimensions in the EMR.
This class is used to hold and manage the EMR geometry.
class EMRGeometryMap {
virtual ~EMRGeometryMap();
/** @brief Initialize the geometry map by using the text files provided in ConfigurationDefaults.py
* \returns true if the text file is loaded successfully.
bool InitializeFromCards(Json::Value configJSON);
/** @brief Initialize the map by using the provided file.
* \param[in] geometryFile name of the text file containing the geometry.
* \returns true if the geometry file is loaded successfully.
bool Initialize(std::string geometryFile);
/** @brief Returns the local position of the bar coded by the key.
* \param[in] key channel of the bar.
* \returns the value of the local position for this bar. If no geometry
* for this channel the function returns NOGEO (-99999).
ThreeVector LocalPosition(EMRChannelKey key) const;
/** @brief Returns the global position of the bar coded by the key.
* \param[in] key channel of the bar.
* \returns the value of the global position for this bar. If no geometry
* for this channel the function returns NOGEO (-99999).
ThreeVector GlobalPosition(EMRChannelKey key) const;
/** @brief Returns the global equivalent of the set of local coordinates in the EMR
* \param[in] pos local coordinates of a points
* \returns the value of the global coordinates for this point. If no geometry
* for this channel the function returns the coordinates unchanged.
ThreeVector MakeGlobal(ThreeVector pos) const;
/** @brief Returns the local start of the fiducial volume in the three axes.
ThreeVector LocalStart() const { return _localStartEMR; }
/** @brief Returns the local end of the fiducial volume in the three axes.
ThreeVector LocalEnd() const { return _localEndEMR; }
/** @brief Returns the dimensions of the an EMR bar l*w*h.
ThreeVector Dimensions() const { return _D; }
/** @brief Returns the size of the gaps between the bars
double Gap() const { return _gap; }
/** @brief Make one EMRChannelKey for each channel of the detector.
* All EMRChannelKeys are held in the data member _Ckey.
int MakeEMRChannelKeys();
/** @brief Find the position of the channel key in the data member _Ckey.
int FindEMRChannelKey(EMRChannelKey key) const;
/** @brief Load geometry map from file
bool LoadGeometryFile(std::string geometryFile);
/** @brief Global position and rotation of the EMR sensitive detector
Hep3Vector _globalPosEMR;
HepRotation _globalRotEMR;
/** @brief Local limits and end of the scintillating volume in (x,y,z)
ThreeVector _localStartEMR;
ThreeVector _localEndEMR;
/** @brief This vector holds the dimensions vector l*w*h
ThreeVector _D;
/** @brief EMR characteristics
int _number_of_planes;
int _number_of_bars;
double _bar_width;
double _bar_height;
double _bar_length;
double _gap;
} // namespace MAUS