/* This file is part of MAUS: http://micewww.pp.rl.ac.uk/projects/maus * * MAUS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * MAUS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with MAUS. If not, see . * */ #include #include #include "gtest/gtest.h" #include "gtest/gtest_prod.h" #include "src/common_cpp/Utils/PyObjectWrapper.hh" #include "src/common_cpp/API/ReduceBase.hh" namespace MAUS { class MyReducer : public ReduceBase { public: MyReducer() : ReduceBase("TestClass") {} MyReducer(const MyReducer& mr) : ReduceBase(mr) {} virtual ~MyReducer() {} private: virtual void _birth(const std::string&) {} virtual void _death() {} virtual void _process(std::string* t) { this->_output = new std::string(*t); } private: FRIEND_TEST(ReduceBaseTest, TestConstructor); FRIEND_TEST(ReduceBaseTest, TestCopyConstructor); }; class MyReducer_maus_exception : public MyReducer { public: MyReducer_maus_exception() : MyReducer() {} private: virtual void _process(std::string* t) { throw MAUS::Exception(MAUS::Exception::recoverable, "Expected Test MAUS::Exception in _process", "std::string* _process(std::string* t) const"); } }; class MyReducer_exception : public MyReducer { public: MyReducer_exception() : MyReducer() {} private: virtual void _process(std::string* t) { throw std::exception(); } }; class MyReducer_otherexcept : public MyReducer { public: MyReducer_otherexcept() : MyReducer() {} private: virtual void _process(std::string* t) {throw 17;} }; TEST(ReduceBaseTest, TestConstructor) { MyReducer m; ASSERT_FALSE(strcmp("TestClass", m._classname.c_str())) << "Fail: Constructor failed, Classname not set properly" << std::endl; } TEST(ReduceBaseTest, TestCopyConstructor) { MyReducer tc1; MyReducer tc2(tc1); ASSERT_FALSE(strcmp("TestClass", tc2._classname.c_str())) << "Fail: Copy Constructor failed, Classname not set properly" << std::endl; } TEST(ReduceBaseTest, TestBirth) { MyReducer tc1; try { tc1.birth("TestConfig"); } catch (...) { ASSERT_TRUE(false) <<"Fail: Birth function failed. Check ModuleBaseTest" << std::endl; } } TEST(ReduceBaseTest, TestDeath) { MyReducer tc1; try { tc1.death(); } catch (...) { ASSERT_TRUE(false) <<"Fail: Death function failed. Check ModuleBaseTest" << std::endl; } } TEST(ReduceBaseTest, TestProcess) { MyReducer mm; std::string* str1 = new std::string("-27"); PyObject* py_str1 = PyObjectWrapper::wrap(str1); // python owns str1 PyObject* py_str2 = mm.process_pyobj(py_str1); std::string* str2 = PyObjectWrapper::unwrap(py_str2); EXPECT_EQ(*str2, std::string("-27")) <<"Fail: _process method not called properly" << *str2 << std::endl; delete str2; Py_DECREF(py_str2); Py_DECREF(py_str1); } TEST(ReduceBaseTest, TestProcessNULL) { MyReducer mm; PyObject* py_str1 = NULL; PyObject* py_out = mm.process_pyobj(py_str1); EXPECT_TRUE(py_out == NULL) << "Fail: Python return object not NULL" << std::endl; PyErr_Clear(); } TEST(ReduceBaseTest, TestProcessMAUSException) { std::string* str1 = new std::string("-27"); PyObject* py_str1 = PyObjectWrapper::wrap(str1); // python owns str1 MyReducer_maus_exception mm_e; try { mm_e.process_pyobj(py_str1); } catch (MAUS::Exception& e) {} catch (...) { EXPECT_TRUE(false) << "Fail: Expected exception of type MAUS::Exception to be thrown" << std::endl; } Py_DECREF(py_str1); PyErr_Clear(); } TEST(ReduceBaseTest, TestProcessStdException) { std::string* str1 = new std::string("-27"); PyObject* py_str1 = PyObjectWrapper::wrap(str1); // python owns str1 MyReducer_exception mm_e; try { mm_e.process_pyobj(py_str1); } catch (MAUS::Exception& e) {} catch (...) { EXPECT_TRUE(false) << "Fail: Expected exception of type MAUS::Exception to be thrown" << std::endl; } Py_DECREF(py_str1); PyErr_Clear(); } TEST(ReduceBaseTest, TestProcessOtherException) { std::string* str1 = new std::string("-27"); PyObject* py_str1 = PyObjectWrapper::wrap(str1); // python owns str1 MyReducer_otherexcept mm_oe; try { mm_oe.process_pyobj(py_str1); EXPECT_TRUE(false) << "Fail: No exception thrown" << std::endl; } catch (UnhandledException& e) {} catch (...) { EXPECT_TRUE(false) << "Fail: Expected exception of type UnhandledException to be thrown" << std::endl; } Py_DECREF(py_str1); PyErr_Clear(); } }// end of namespace