// // ******************************************************************** // * License and Disclaimer * // * * // * The Geant4 software is copyright of the Copyright Holders of * // * the Geant4 Collaboration. It is provided under the terms and * // * conditions of the Geant4 Software License, included in the file * // * LICENSE and available at http://cern.ch/geant4/license . These * // * include a list of copyright holders. * // * * // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing * // * institutes,nor the agencies providing financial support for this * // * work make any representation or warranty, express or implied, * // * regarding this software system or assume any liability for its * // * use. Please see the license in the file LICENSE and URL above * // * for the full disclaimer and the limitation of liability. * // * * // * This code implementation is the result of the scientific and * // * technical work of the GEANT4 collaboration. * // * By using, copying, modifying or distributing the software (or * // * any work based on the software) you agree to acknowledge its * // * use in resulting scientific publications, and indicate your * // * acceptance of all terms of the Geant4 Software license. * // ******************************************************************** // // // // ------------------------------------------------------------ // GEANT 4 class header file --- Copyright CERN 1998 // CERN Geneva Switzerland // // History: first implementation, based on object model of // 2nd December 1995, G.Cosmo // ------------ G4GHEKinematicsVector utility class ------ // by Larry Felawka (TRIUMF), March 1997 // E-mail: felawka@alph04.triumf.ca // ************************************************************ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Store, Retrieve and manipulate particle data. // Based on "G4GHEVector" class of H. Fesefeldt. #ifndef G4GHEKinematicsVector_h #define G4GHEKinematicsVector_h 1 #include "G4ios.hh" #include <CLHEP/Units/PhysicalConstants.h> class G4GHEKinematicsVector { public: inline G4GHEKinematicsVector() { momentum.setX( 0.0 ); momentum.setY( 0.0 ); momentum.setZ( 0.0 ); energy = 0.0; kineticEnergy = 0.0; mass = 0.0; charge = 0.0; timeOfFlight = 0.0; side = 0; flag = false; code = 0; particleDef = NULL; } ~G4GHEKinematicsVector() {} inline G4GHEKinematicsVector( const G4GHEKinematicsVector & p ) { momentum.setX( p.momentum.x() ); momentum.setY( p.momentum.y() ); momentum.setZ( p.momentum.z() ); energy = p.energy; kineticEnergy = p.kineticEnergy; mass = p.mass; charge = p.charge; timeOfFlight = p.timeOfFlight; side = p.side; flag = p.flag; code = p.code; particleDef = p.particleDef; } inline G4GHEKinematicsVector & operator = ( const G4GHEKinematicsVector & p ) { if (this != &p) { momentum.setX( p.momentum.x() ); momentum.setY( p.momentum.y() ); momentum.setZ( p.momentum.z() ); energy = p.energy; kineticEnergy = p.kineticEnergy; mass = p.mass; charge = p.charge; timeOfFlight = p.timeOfFlight; side = p.side; flag = p.flag; code = p.code; particleDef = p.particleDef; } return *this; } inline void SetMomentum( G4ParticleMomentum mom ) { momentum = mom; return; }; inline void SetMomentumAndUpdate( G4ParticleMomentum mom ) { momentum = mom; energy = std::sqrt(mass*mass + momentum.mag2()); kineticEnergy = std::max(0.,energy - mass); return; } inline const G4ParticleMomentum GetMomentum() const { return momentum; } inline void SetMomentum( G4double x, G4double y, G4double z) { momentum.setX( x ); momentum.setY( y ); momentum.setZ( z ); return; } inline void SetMomentumAndUpdate( G4double x, G4double y, G4double z ) { momentum.setX( x ); momentum.setY( y ); momentum.setZ( z ); energy = std::sqrt(mass*mass + momentum.mag2()); kineticEnergy = std::max(0.,energy-mass); return; } inline void SetMomentum( G4double x, G4double y ) { momentum.setX( x ); momentum.setY( y ); return; } inline void SetMomentumAndUpdate( G4double x, G4double y ) { momentum.setX( x ); momentum.setY( y ); energy = std::sqrt(mass*mass + momentum.mag2()); kineticEnergy = std::max(0.,energy-mass); return; } inline void SetMomentum( G4double z ) { momentum.setZ( z ); return; } inline void SetMomentumAndUpdate( G4double z ) { momentum.setZ( z ); energy = std::sqrt(mass*mass + momentum.mag2()); kineticEnergy = std::max(0.,energy-mass); return; } inline void SetEnergy( G4double e ) { energy = e; return; } inline void SetEnergyAndUpdate( G4double e ) { if (e <= mass) { energy = mass; kineticEnergy = 0.; momentum.setX( 0.); momentum.setY( 0.); momentum.setZ( 0.); } else { energy = e; kineticEnergy = energy - mass; G4double momold = momentum.mag(); G4double momnew = std::sqrt(energy*energy - mass*mass); if (momold == 0.) { G4double cost = 1.0- 2.0*G4UniformRand(); G4double sint = std::sqrt(1. - cost*cost); G4double phi = CLHEP::twopi* G4UniformRand(); momentum.setX( momnew * sint * std::cos(phi)); momentum.setY( momnew * sint * std::sin(phi)); momentum.setZ( momnew * cost); } else { momnew /= momold; momentum.setX(momentum.x()*momnew); momentum.setY(momentum.y()*momnew); momentum.setZ(momentum.z()*momnew); } } return; } inline void SetKineticEnergy( G4double ekin ) { kineticEnergy = ekin; return; } inline void SetKineticEnergyAndUpdate(G4double ekin) { if (ekin <= 0.) { energy = mass; kineticEnergy = 0.; momentum.setX( 0.); momentum.setY( 0.); momentum.setZ( 0.); } else { energy = ekin + mass; kineticEnergy = ekin; G4double momold = momentum.mag(); G4double momnew = std::sqrt(energy*energy - mass*mass); if (momold == 0.) { G4double cost = 1.0-2.0*G4UniformRand(); G4double sint = std::sqrt(1. - cost*cost); G4double phi = CLHEP::twopi* G4UniformRand(); momentum.setX( momnew * sint * std::cos(phi)); momentum.setY( momnew * sint * std::sin(phi)); momentum.setZ( momnew * cost); } else { momnew /= momold; momentum.setX(momentum.x()*momnew); momentum.setY(momentum.y()*momnew); momentum.setZ(momentum.z()*momnew); } } return; } inline G4double GetEnergy() {return energy;} inline G4double GetKineticEnergy() {return kineticEnergy;} inline void SetMass( G4double mas ) { mass = mas; return; } inline void SetMassAndUpdate( G4double mas ) { kineticEnergy = std::max(0., energy - mas); mass = mas; energy = kineticEnergy + mass; G4double momnew = std::sqrt(std::max(0., energy*energy - mass*mass)); if ( momnew == 0.0) { momentum.setX( 0.0 ); momentum.setY( 0.0 ); momentum.setZ( 0.0 ); } else { G4double momold = momentum.mag(); if (momold == 0.) { G4double cost = 1.-2.*G4UniformRand(); G4double sint = std::sqrt(1.-cost*cost); G4double phi = CLHEP::twopi*G4UniformRand(); momentum.setX( momnew*sint*std::cos(phi)); momentum.setY( momnew*sint*std::sin(phi)); momentum.setZ( momnew*cost); } else { momnew /= momold; momentum.setX( momentum.x()*momnew ); momentum.setY( momentum.y()*momnew ); momentum.setZ( momentum.z()*momnew ); } } return; } inline G4double GetMass() { return mass; } inline void SetCharge( G4double c ) { charge = c; return; } inline G4double GetCharge() {return charge; } inline void SetTOF( G4double t ) { timeOfFlight = t; return; } inline G4double GetTOF() { return timeOfFlight; } inline void SetSide( G4int sid ) { side = sid; return; } inline G4int GetSide() { return side; } inline void setFlag( G4bool f ) { flag = f; return; } inline G4bool getFlag() { return flag; } inline void SetCode( G4int c ) { code = c; return; } inline void SetParticleDef( G4ParticleDefinition * c ) { particleDef = c; return; } inline G4int GetCode() { return code; } inline G4ParticleDefinition * GetParticleDef() { return particleDef; } inline void SetZero() { momentum.setX( 0.0 ); momentum.setY( 0.0 ); momentum.setZ( 0.0 ); energy = 0.0; kineticEnergy = 0.0; mass = 0.0; charge = 0.0; timeOfFlight = 0.0; side = 0; flag = false; code = 0; particleDef = NULL; } inline void Add( const G4GHEKinematicsVector & p1, const G4GHEKinematicsVector & p2 ) { momentum = p1.momentum + p2.momentum; energy = p1.energy + p2.energy; G4double b = energy*energy - momentum.mag2(); if( b < 0 ) mass = -1. * std::sqrt( -b ); else mass = std::sqrt( b ); kineticEnergy = std::max(0.,energy - mass); charge = p1.charge + p2.charge; code = p1.code + p2.code; particleDef = p1.particleDef; } inline void Sub( const G4GHEKinematicsVector & p1, const G4GHEKinematicsVector & p2 ) { momentum = p1.momentum - p2.momentum; energy = p1.energy - p2.energy; G4double b = energy*energy - momentum.mag2(); if( b < 0 ) mass = -1. * std::sqrt( -b ); else mass = std::sqrt( b ); kineticEnergy = std::max(0.,energy - mass); charge = p1.charge - p2.charge; code = p1.code - p2.code; particleDef = p1.particleDef; } inline void Lor( const G4GHEKinematicsVector & p1, const G4GHEKinematicsVector & p2 ) { G4double a; a = ( p1.momentum.dot(p2.momentum)/(p2.energy+p2.mass) - p1.energy ) / p2.mass; momentum.setX( p1.momentum.x()+a*p2.momentum.x() ); momentum.setY( p1.momentum.y()+a*p2.momentum.y() ); momentum.setZ( p1.momentum.z()+a*p2.momentum.z() ); energy = std::sqrt( sqr(p1.mass) + momentum.mag2() ); mass = p1.mass; kineticEnergy = std::max(0.,energy - mass); timeOfFlight = p1.timeOfFlight; side = p1.side; flag = p1.flag; code = p1.code; particleDef = p1.particleDef; } inline G4double CosAng( const G4GHEKinematicsVector & p ) { G4double a = std::sqrt( momentum.mag2() * p.momentum.mag2() ); if( a != 0.0 ) { a = (momentum.x()*p.momentum.x() + momentum.y()*p.momentum.y() + momentum.z()*p.momentum.z()) / a; if( std::fabs(a) > 1.0 ) a<0.0 ? a=-1.0 : a=1.0; } return a; } inline G4double Ang(const G4GHEKinematicsVector & p ) { G4double a = std::sqrt( momentum.mag2() * p.momentum.mag2() ); if( a != 0.0 ) { a = (momentum.x()*p.momentum.x() + momentum.y()*p.momentum.y() + momentum.z()*p.momentum.z()) / a; if( std::fabs(a) > 1.0 ) a<0.0 ? a=-1.0 : a=1.0; } return std::acos(a); } inline G4double Dot4( const G4GHEKinematicsVector & p1, const G4GHEKinematicsVector & p2) { return ( p1.energy * p2.energy - p1.momentum.x() * p2.momentum.x() - p1.momentum.y() * p2.momentum.y() - p1.momentum.z() * p2.momentum.z() ); } inline G4double Impu( const G4GHEKinematicsVector & p1, const G4GHEKinematicsVector & p2) { return ( - sqr( p1.energy - p2.energy) + sqr(p1.momentum.x() - p2.momentum.x()) + sqr(p1.momentum.y() - p2.momentum.y()) + sqr(p1.momentum.z() - p2.momentum.z()) ); } inline void Add3( const G4GHEKinematicsVector & p1, const G4GHEKinematicsVector & p2) { momentum.setX( p1.momentum.x() + p2.momentum.x()); momentum.setY( p1.momentum.y() + p2.momentum.y()); momentum.setZ( p1.momentum.z() + p2.momentum.z()); return; } inline void Sub3( const G4GHEKinematicsVector & p1, const G4GHEKinematicsVector & p2) { momentum.setX( p1.momentum.x() - p2.momentum.x()); momentum.setY( p1.momentum.y() - p2.momentum.y()); momentum.setZ( p1.momentum.z() - p2.momentum.z()); return; } inline void Cross( const G4GHEKinematicsVector & p1, const G4GHEKinematicsVector & p2) { G4double px, py, pz; px = p1.momentum.y() * p2.momentum.z() - p1.momentum.z() * p2.momentum.y(); py = p1.momentum.z() * p2.momentum.x() - p1.momentum.x() * p2.momentum.z(); pz = p1.momentum.x() * p2.momentum.y() - p1.momentum.y() * p2.momentum.x(); momentum.setX( px ); momentum.setY( py ); momentum.setZ( pz ); return; } inline G4double Dot( const G4GHEKinematicsVector & p1, const G4GHEKinematicsVector & p2) { return ( p1.momentum.x() * p2.momentum.x() + p1.momentum.y() * p2.momentum.y() + p1.momentum.z() * p2.momentum.z() ); } inline void Smul( const G4GHEKinematicsVector & p, G4double h) { momentum.setX( h * p.momentum.x()); momentum.setY( h * p.momentum.y()); momentum.setZ( h * p.momentum.z()); return; } inline void SmulAndUpdate( const G4GHEKinematicsVector & p, G4double h) { momentum.setX( h * p.momentum.x()); momentum.setY( h * p.momentum.y()); momentum.setZ( h * p.momentum.z()); mass = p.mass; energy = std::sqrt(momentum.mag2() + mass*mass); kineticEnergy = energy - mass; charge = p.charge; timeOfFlight = p.timeOfFlight; side = p.side; flag = p.flag; code = p.code; particleDef = p.particleDef; return; } inline void Norz( const G4GHEKinematicsVector & p ) { G4double a = p.momentum.mag2(); if (a > 0.0) a = 1./std::sqrt(a); momentum.setX( a * p.momentum.x() ); momentum.setY( a * p.momentum.y() ); momentum.setZ( a * p.momentum.z() ); mass = p.mass; energy = std::sqrt(momentum.mag2() + mass*mass); kineticEnergy = energy - mass; charge = p.charge; timeOfFlight = p.timeOfFlight; side = p.side; flag = p.flag; code = p.code; particleDef = p.particleDef; return; } inline G4double Length() { return momentum.mag() ; } inline void Exch( G4GHEKinematicsVector & p1) { G4GHEKinematicsVector mx = *this; // mx.momentum.SetX( momentum.x()); // mx.momentum.SetY( momentum.y()); // mx.momentum.SetZ( momentum.z()); // mx.energy = energy; // mx.kineticEnergy = kineticEnergy; // mx.mass = mass; // mx.charge = charge; // mx.timeOfFlight = timeOfFlight; // mx.side = side; // mx.flag = flag; // mx.code = code; // momentum.setX( p1.momentum.x()); // momentum.setY( p1.momentum.y()); // momentum.setZ( p1.momentum.z()); // energy = p1.energy; // kineticEnergy = p1.kineticEnergy; // mass = p1.mass; // charge = p1.charge; // timeOfFlight = p1.timeOfFlight; // side = p1.side // flag = p1.flag; // code = p1.code; *this = p1; p1 = mx; return; } inline void Defs1( const G4GHEKinematicsVector & p1, const G4GHEKinematicsVector & p2) { G4double pt2 = sqr(p1.momentum.x()) + sqr(p1.momentum.y()); if (pt2 > 0.0) { G4double ph, px, py, pz; G4double cost = p2.momentum.z()/p2.momentum.mag(); G4double sint = 0.5 * ( std::sqrt(std::fabs((1.-cost)*(1.+cost))) + std::sqrt(pt2)/p2.momentum.mag()); (p2.momentum.y() < 0.) ? ph = 1.5*CLHEP::pi : ph = CLHEP::halfpi; if( p2.momentum.x() != 0.0) ph = std::atan2(p2.momentum.y(),p2.momentum.x()); px = cost*std::cos(ph)*p1.momentum.x() - std::sin(ph)*p1.momentum.y() + sint*std::cos(ph)*p1.momentum.z(); py = cost*std::sin(ph)*p1.momentum.x() + std::cos(ph)*p1.momentum.y() + sint*std::sin(ph)*p1.momentum.z(); pz = - sint *p1.momentum.x() + cost *p1.momentum.z(); momentum.setX( px ); momentum.setY( py ); momentum.setZ( pz ); } else { momentum = p1.momentum; } } inline void Defs( const G4GHEKinematicsVector & p1, const G4GHEKinematicsVector & p2, G4GHEKinematicsVector & my, G4GHEKinematicsVector & mz ) { my = p1; mz = p2; momentum.setX( my.momentum.y()*mz.momentum.z() - my.momentum.z()*mz.momentum.y()); momentum.setY( my.momentum.z()*mz.momentum.x() - my.momentum.x()*mz.momentum.z()); momentum.setZ( my.momentum.x()*mz.momentum.y() - my.momentum.y()*mz.momentum.x()); my.momentum.setX( mz.momentum.y()*momentum.z() - mz.momentum.z()*momentum.y()); my.momentum.setY( mz.momentum.z()*momentum.x() - mz.momentum.x()*momentum.z()); my.momentum.setZ( mz.momentum.x()*momentum.y() - mz.momentum.y()*momentum.x()); G4double pp; pp = momentum.mag(); if (pp > 0.) { pp = 1./pp; momentum.setX( momentum.x()*pp ); momentum.setY( momentum.y()*pp ); momentum.setZ( momentum.z()*pp ); } pp = my.momentum.mag(); if (pp > 0.) { pp = 1./pp; my.momentum.setX( my.momentum.x()*pp ); my.momentum.setY( my.momentum.y()*pp ); my.momentum.setZ( my.momentum.z()*pp ); } pp = mz.momentum.mag(); if (pp > 0.) { pp = 1./pp; mz.momentum.setX( mz.momentum.x()*pp ); mz.momentum.setY( mz.momentum.y()*pp ); mz.momentum.setZ( mz.momentum.z()*pp ); } return; } inline void Trac( const G4GHEKinematicsVector & p1, const G4GHEKinematicsVector & mx, const G4GHEKinematicsVector & my, const G4GHEKinematicsVector & mz) { double px, py, pz; px = mx.momentum.x()*p1.momentum.x() + mx.momentum.y()*p1.momentum.y() + mx.momentum.z()*p1.momentum.z(); py = my.momentum.x()*p1.momentum.x() + my.momentum.y()*p1.momentum.y() + my.momentum.z()*p1.momentum.z(); pz = mz.momentum.x()*p1.momentum.x() + mz.momentum.y()*p1.momentum.y() + mz.momentum.z()*p1.momentum.z(); momentum.setX( px ); momentum.setY( py ); momentum.setZ( pz ); return; } inline void Print( G4int L) { G4cout << "G4GHEKinematicsVector: " << L << " " << momentum.x() << " " << momentum.y() << " " << momentum.z() << " " << energy << " " << kineticEnergy << " " << mass << " " << charge << " " << timeOfFlight << " " << side << " " << flag << " " << code << particleDef << G4endl; return; } G4ParticleMomentum momentum; G4double energy; G4double kineticEnergy; G4double mass; G4double charge; G4double timeOfFlight; G4int side; G4bool flag; G4int code; G4ParticleDefinition * particleDef; }; #endif