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// $Id: G4UrbanMscModel93.hh 66602 2012-12-29 15:54:43Z vnivanch $
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// GEANT4 Class header file
// File name:     G4UrbanMscModel93
// Author:        Laszlo Urban
// Creation date: 06.03.2008
// Modifications:
// 23-04-2009 L.Urban updated parameterization in UpdateCache method
// 28-10-2009 V.Ivanchenko moved G4UrbanMscModel2 to G4UrbanMscModel93, 
//            now it is a frozen version of the Urban model corresponding 
//            to g4 9.3
// Class Description:
// Implementation of the model of multiple scattering based on
// H.W.Lewis Phys Rev 78 (1950) 526 and L.Urban model

// -------------------------------------------------------------------

#ifndef G4UrbanMscModel93_h
#define G4UrbanMscModel93_h 1


#include <CLHEP/Units/SystemOfUnits.h>

#include "G4VMscModel.hh"
#include "G4MscStepLimitType.hh"

class G4ParticleChangeForMSC;
class G4SafetyHelper;
class G4LossTableManager;


class G4UrbanMscModel93 : public G4VMscModel


  G4UrbanMscModel93(const G4String& nam = "UrbanMsc93");

  virtual ~G4UrbanMscModel93();

  void Initialise(const G4ParticleDefinition*, const G4DataVector&);

  void StartTracking(G4Track*);

  G4double ComputeCrossSectionPerAtom(const G4ParticleDefinition* particle,
				      G4double KineticEnergy,
				      G4double AtomicNumber,
				      G4double AtomicWeight=0., 
				      G4double cut =0.,
				      G4double emax=DBL_MAX);

  G4ThreeVector& SampleScattering(const G4ThreeVector&, G4double safety);

  G4double ComputeTruePathLengthLimit(const G4Track& track,
				      G4double& currentMinimalStep);

  G4double ComputeGeomPathLength(G4double truePathLength);

  G4double ComputeTrueStepLength(G4double geomStepLength);

  G4double ComputeTheta0(G4double truePathLength,
                         G4double KineticEnergy);


  G4double SimpleScattering(G4double xmeanth, G4double x2meanth);

  G4double SampleCosineTheta(G4double trueStepLength, G4double KineticEnergy);

  G4double SampleDisplacement();

  G4double LatCorrelation();

  inline void SetParticle(const G4ParticleDefinition*);

  inline void UpdateCache();

  //  hide assignment operator
  G4UrbanMscModel93 & operator=(const  G4UrbanMscModel93 &right);
  G4UrbanMscModel93(const  G4UrbanMscModel93&);

  const G4ParticleDefinition* particle;
  G4ParticleChangeForMSC*     fParticleChange;

  const G4MaterialCutsCouple* couple;
  G4LossTableManager*         theManager;

  G4double mass;
  G4double charge,ChargeSquare;
  G4double masslimite,lambdalimit,fr;

  G4double taubig;
  G4double tausmall;
  G4double taulim;
  G4double currentTau;
  G4double tlimit;
  G4double tlimitmin;
  G4double tlimitminfix;
  G4double tgeom;

  G4double geombig;
  G4double geommin;
  G4double geomlimit;
  G4double skindepth;
  G4double smallstep;

  G4double presafety;

  G4double lambda0;
  G4double lambdaeff;
  G4double tPathLength;
  G4double zPathLength;
  G4double par1,par2,par3;

  G4double stepmin;

  G4double currentKinEnergy;
  G4double currentRange; 
  G4double rangeinit;
  G4double currentRadLength;

  G4double numlim, xsi, ea, eaa;

  G4double theta0max,rellossmax;
  G4double third;

  G4int    currentMaterialIndex;

  G4double y;
  G4double Zold;
  G4double Zeff,Z2,Z23,lnZ;
  G4double coeffth1,coeffth2;
  G4double coeffc1,coeffc2;
  G4double scr1ini,scr2ini,scr1,scr2;

  G4bool   firstStep;
  G4bool   inside;
  G4bool   insideskin;


void G4UrbanMscModel93::SetParticle(const G4ParticleDefinition* p)
  if (p != particle) {
    particle = p;
    mass = p->GetPDGMass();
    charge = p->GetPDGCharge()/CLHEP::eplus;
    ChargeSquare = charge*charge;


void G4UrbanMscModel93::UpdateCache()                                   
    lnZ = std::log(Zeff);
    //new correction in theta0 formula
    coeffth1 = (1.-8.7780e-2/Zeff)*(0.87+0.03*lnZ);                   
    coeffth2 = (4.0780e-2+1.7315e-4*Zeff)*(0.87+0.03*lnZ);              
    // tail parameters
    G4double lnZ1 = std::log(Zeff+1.);
    coeffc1  = 2.943-0.197*lnZ1;                  
    coeffc2  = 0.0987-0.0143*lnZ1;                              
    // for single scattering
    Z2 = Zeff*Zeff;
    Z23 = std::exp(2.*lnZ/3.);
    scr1     = scr1ini*Z23;
    scr2     = scr2ini*Z2*ChargeSquare;
    Zold = Zeff;
