""" Datacard to process straight track data """ # pylint: disable=C0103, W0611 import os # Change these two paths to the location where you downloaded the # CDB geometry. Make sure to use a no-field geometry. simulation_geometry_filename = \ '%s/files/geometry/download/run7469/ParentGeometryFile.dat' \ % os.environ.get("MAUS_ROOT_DIR") reconstruction_geometry_filename = \ '%s/files/geometry/download/run7469/ParentGeometryFile.dat' \ % os.environ.get("MAUS_ROOT_DIR") # Change this to the filename of your unpacked data file input_root_file_name = '07469_recon.root' # 0 -> debug output (e.g. messages about detector matches) on, 1 -> off verbose_level = 0 # Don't change this, there is currently a bug affecting accessing local # volumes in a CDB geometry. track_matching_energy_loss = True # Matching will be attempted with all pid hypotheses (mu, pi, e +/-) # Can be changed to either one (never several) of # "kEPlus", "kEMinus", "kMuPlus", "kMuMinus", "kPiPlus", "kPiMinus" but # for real data reconstruction should be left at "all" track_matching_pid_hypothesis = "all" # Tolerances for track matching, in mm unless otherwise specified. # When editing, keep in mind the fundamental limit imposed by detector # resolution. track_matching_tolerances = { "TOF0x":30.0, "TOF0y":30.0, "TOF1x":40.0, "TOF1y":40.0, "TOF2x":40.0, "TOF2y":40.0, "KLy":32.0, # KL only reconstructs y position "EMRx":1.0, # Multiplier for the standard tolerance which is the "EMRy":1.0, # reconstructed error*sqrt(12) "TOF12maxSpeed":1.0, # fraction of c to calculate travel time between TOFs "TOF12minSpeed":0.5, # for through matching }