/* This file is part of MAUS: http:// micewww.pp.rl.ac.uk:8080/projects/maus * * MAUS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * MAUS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with MAUS. If not, see . */ #include "Recon/Global/PIDBase2D.hh" #include "Utils/Exception.hh" namespace MAUS { namespace recon { namespace global { PIDBase2D::PIDBase2D(std::string variable, std::string hypothesis, std::string unique_identifier, int XminBin, int XmaxBin, int XnumBins, int YminBin, int YmaxBin, int YnumBins) : PIDBase(variable, hypothesis, unique_identifier, XminBin, XmaxBin, XnumBins, YminBin, YmaxBin, YnumBins) { _varhyp = variable + "_" + hypothesis; _hist = new TH2F(_varhyp.c_str(), _varhyp.c_str(), _XnumBins, _XminBin, _XmaxBin, _YnumBins, _YminBin, _YmaxBin); }; PIDBase2D::PIDBase2D(TFile* file, std::string variable, std::string hypothesis, int Xmin, int Xmax, int Ymin, int Ymax, int XminBin, int XmaxBin, int YminBin, int YmaxBin) : PIDBase(file, variable, hypothesis, Xmin, Xmax, Ymin, Ymax, XminBin, XmaxBin, YminBin, YmaxBin) { std::string histname = variable + "_" + hypothesis; if (!file || file->IsZombie()) { throw(Exception(Exception::recoverable, "File containing MC PID histograms not found.", "Recon::Global::PIDBase2D::PIDBase2D()")); } _hist = static_cast(file->Get(histname.c_str())); if (!_hist) { throw(Exception(Exception::recoverable, "Histogram not found in file.", "Recon::Global::PIDBase2D::PIDBase2D()")); } }; PIDBase2D::~PIDBase2D() { if (_writeFile) { if (!_hist) { throw(Exception(Exception::recoverable, "Can't write histogram to file.", "Recon::Global::PIDBase2D::~PIDBase2D()")); } if (_nonZeroHistEntries) { int bins = _hist->GetSize(); _addToAllBins = 1/(static_cast(bins)); for (int i = 0; i < bins; i++) { int entries = _hist->GetBinContent(i); _hist->SetBinContent(i, (static_cast(entries) + _addToAllBins)); } } Double_t scale = 1/_hist->Integral(); _hist->Scale(scale); _writeFile->cd(); _hist->Write(); _writeFile->Close(); } }; TH2F* PIDBase2D::Get_hist() { return PIDBase2D::_hist; } double PIDBase2D::logL(MAUS::DataStructure::Global::Track* track) { double Xvar = (Calc_Var(track)).first; double Yvar = (Calc_Var(track)).second; if ((Xvar < _XminBin || Xvar > _XmaxBin) || (Yvar < _YminBin || Yvar > _YmaxBin)) { Squeak::mout(Squeak::debug) << "Value of PID variable out of PDF range, " << " Recon::Global::PIDBase2D::logL()" << std::endl; return 1; } else if ((Xvar < _Xmin || Xvar > _Xmax) || (Yvar < _Ymin || Yvar > _Ymax)) { Squeak::mout(Squeak::debug) << "Value of PID variable out of cut range " << " used for PID, " << "Recon::Global::PIDBase2D::logL()" << std::endl; return 2; // return value of 2 is chosen to be picked up when performing // efficiency and purity on PID, do not change. } int binx = _hist->GetXaxis()->FindBin(Xvar); int biny = _hist->GetYaxis()->FindBin(Yvar); int bin = _hist->GetBin(binx, biny, 0); double entries = _hist->GetBinContent(bin); if (entries <= 0) { Squeak::mout(Squeak::debug) << "Corresponding bin content in PDF is " << "not greater than zero, " << "Recon::Global::PIDBase2D::logL()" << std::endl; return 1; } double probLL = TMath::Log(entries); return probLL; } void PIDBase2D::Fill_Hist(MAUS::DataStructure::Global::Track* track) { double Xvar = (Calc_Var(track)).first; double Yvar = (Calc_Var(track)).second; if ((Xvar < _XminBin || Xvar > _XmaxBin) || (Yvar < _YminBin || Yvar > _YmaxBin)) { Squeak::mout(Squeak::debug) << "Calc_Var returned invalid value of " << "PID variable, not added to histogram, " << "Recon::Global::PIDBase2D::Fill_Hist()" << std::endl; } else { _hist->Fill(Xvar, Yvar); } } } } }