/* This file is part of MAUS: http://micewww.pp.rl.ac.uk:8080/projects/maus * * MAUS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * MAUS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with MAUS. If not, see . * */ #include "src/map/MapCppTrackerVirtualsDigitization/MapCppTrackerVirtualsDigitization.hh" #include #include "src/common_cpp/API/PyWrapMapBase.hh" #include "src/common_cpp/DataStructure/MCEvent.hh" #include "src/common_cpp/DataStructure/VirtualHit.hh" #include "src/common_cpp/DataStructure/ReconEvent.hh" #include "src/common_cpp/JsonCppProcessors/SpillProcessor.hh" namespace MAUS { PyMODINIT_FUNC init_MapCppTrackerVirtualsDigitization(void) { PyWrapMapBase::PyWrapMapBaseModInit ("MapCppTrackerVirtualsDigitization", "", "", "", ""); } MapCppTrackerVirtualsDigitization::MapCppTrackerVirtualsDigitization() : MapBase("MapCppTrackerVirtualsDigitization"), _geometry_helper(), _geometry_map() { } MapCppTrackerVirtualsDigitization::~MapCppTrackerVirtualsDigitization() { } void MapCppTrackerVirtualsDigitization::_birth(const std::string& argJsonConfigDocument) { if (!Globals::HasInstance()) { GlobalsManager::InitialiseGlobals(argJsonConfigDocument); } Json::Value* json = Globals::GetConfigurationCards(); _smear_value = (*json)["SciFiTestVirtualSmear"].asDouble(); std::string test_method = (*json)["SciFiTestVirtualMethod"].asString(); if ( test_method == "virtual" ) { _test_method = 2; } else if ( test_method == "straight" ) { _test_method = 0; } else if ( test_method == "helix" ) { _test_method = 1; } else { throw MAUS::Exception(Exception::nonRecoverable, "Unknown Test Method for virtual digitiser", "MapCppTrackerVirtualsDigitization::_birth(...)"); } Json::Value& straight_desc = (*json)["SciFiTestVirtualTracksStraight"]; _straight_rms_pos = straight_desc["rms_position"].asDouble(); _straight_rms_ang = straight_desc["rms_angle"].asDouble(); Json::Value& helix_desc = (*json)["SciFiTestVirtualTracksHelix"]; _helix_rms_pos = helix_desc["rms_position"].asDouble(); _helix_rms_pt = helix_desc["rms_pt"].asDouble(); _helix_pz = helix_desc["pz"].asDouble(); static MiceModule* mice_modules = Globals::GetMonteCarloMiceModules(); std::vector modules = mice_modules->findModulesByPropertyString("SensitiveDetector", "SciFi"); _geometry_helper = SciFiGeometryHelper(modules); _geometry_helper.Build(); _geometry_map = _geometry_helper.GeometryMap(); _default_npe = 10.0; _assignment_tolerance = 1.0e-6; _make_digits = (*json)["SciFiTestVirtualMakeDigits"].asBool(); _make_clusters = (*json)["SciFiTestVirtualMakeClusters"].asBool(); _make_spacepoints = (*json)["SciFiTestVirtualMakeSpacepoints"].asBool(); _spacepoint_plane_num = 0; } void MapCppTrackerVirtualsDigitization::_death() { } void MapCppTrackerVirtualsDigitization::_process(MAUS::Data* data) const { Spill& spill = *(data->GetSpill()); if (!spill.GetMCEvents()) { throw MAUS::Exception(Exception::recoverable, "MC event array not initialised.", "MapCppTrackerVirtualsDigitization::process"); } // ================= Reconstruction ========================= // Check the Recon event array is initialised, and if not make it so if (!spill.GetReconEvents()) { ReconEventPArray* revts = new ReconEventPArray(); spill.SetReconEvents(revts); } for (size_t event_i = 0; event_i < spill.GetMCEventSize(); event_i++) { MCEvent *mc_evt = spill.GetMCEvents()->at(event_i); SciFiEvent *sf_evt = new SciFiEvent(); switch (_test_method) { case 0 : _process_straight(sf_evt, spill.GetSpillNumber(), event_i); break; case 1 : _process_helix(sf_evt, spill.GetSpillNumber(), event_i); break; case 2 : // Construct digits from virtual plane hits for each MC event if (_make_digits) { SciFiDigitPArray digits; construct_virtual_digits(mc_evt->GetVirtualHits(), spill.GetSpillNumber(), event_i, digits); sf_evt->set_digits(digits); } if (_make_clusters) { SciFiClusterPArray clusters; construct_virtual_clusters(mc_evt->GetVirtualHits(), spill.GetSpillNumber(), event_i, clusters); sf_evt->set_clusters(clusters); } if (_make_spacepoints) { SciFiSpacePointPArray spacepoints; construct_virtual_spacepoints(mc_evt->GetVirtualHits(), spill.GetSpillNumber(), event_i, spacepoints); sf_evt->set_spacepoints(spacepoints); } break; default: break; } // If there is already a Recon event associated with this MC event, add the SciFiEvent to it, // otherwise make a new Recon event to hold the SciFiEvent if (spill.GetReconEvents()->size() > event_i) { spill.GetReconEvents()->at(event_i)->SetSciFiEvent(sf_evt); } else { ReconEvent *revt = new ReconEvent(); revt->SetPartEventNumber(event_i); revt->SetSciFiEvent(sf_evt); spill.GetReconEvents()->push_back(revt); } } } void MapCppTrackerVirtualsDigitization::_process_straight(MAUS::SciFiEvent* sf_event, int spill_num, int event_num) const { double x0 = CLHEP::RandGauss::shoot(0.0, _straight_rms_pos); double y0 = CLHEP::RandGauss::shoot(0.0, _straight_rms_pos); double mx = CLHEP::RandGauss::shoot(0.0, _straight_rms_ang); double my = CLHEP::RandGauss::shoot(0.0, _straight_rms_ang); double time = 0.0; SciFiDigitPArray digits; SciFiClusterPArray clusters; SciFiSpacePointPArray spacepoints; int id; double Z; int tracker; int station; int plane; double alpha; int channelNumber; for (SciFiTrackerMap::const_iterator gmIt = _geometry_map.begin(); gmIt != _geometry_map.end(); ++gmIt) { const SciFiPlaneMap& planes = gmIt->second.Planes; tracker = gmIt->first; HepRotation tracker_rotation = gmIt->second.Rotation; ThreeVector tracker_position = gmIt->second.Position; if (_make_clusters) { for (SciFiPlaneMap::const_iterator plIt = planes.begin(); plIt != planes.end(); ++plIt) { id = plIt->first; station = ((abs(id)-1) / 3) + 1; plane = (abs(id) - 1) % 3; SciFiPlaneGeometry geo = plIt->second; Z = geo.Position.z(); ThreeVector position(x0 + Z*mx, y0 + Z*my, Z); alpha = _compute_alpha(position, geo); channelNumber = floor(0.5 + ((7.0 * geo.CentralFibre) - (2.0 * alpha / geo.Pitch)) / 7.0); if (_make_digits) { SciFiDigit* a_digit = new SciFiDigit(spill_num, event_num, tracker, station, plane, channelNumber, _default_npe, time); digits.push_back(a_digit); } SciFiCluster* a_cluster = new SciFiCluster(); a_cluster->set_plane(plane); a_cluster->set_station(station); a_cluster->set_tracker(tracker); a_cluster->set_channel(channelNumber); a_cluster->set_spill(spill_num); a_cluster->set_event(event_num); a_cluster->set_npe(10); a_cluster->set_position(position); a_cluster->set_direction(geo.Direction); a_cluster->set_alpha(alpha); a_cluster->set_id(id); a_cluster->set_used(false); clusters.push_back(a_cluster); } } if (_make_spacepoints) { for (SciFiPlaneMap::const_iterator plIt = planes.begin(); plIt != planes.end(); ++plIt) { id = plIt->first; station = ((abs(id)-1) / 3) + 1; plane = (abs(id) - 1) % 3; if ( plane != 1 ) continue; SciFiPlaneGeometry geo = plIt->second; Z = geo.Position.z(); ThreeVector position(x0 + Z*mx, y0 + Z*my, Z); double smear_x = CLHEP::RandGauss::shoot(0.0, _smear_value); double smear_y = CLHEP::RandGauss::shoot(0.0, _smear_value); position.SetX(position.x() + smear_x); position.SetY(position.y() + smear_y); ThreeVector spoint_pos = position; spoint_pos *= tracker_rotation; spoint_pos.setZ(geo.Position.z()); SciFiSpacePoint* spoint = new SciFiSpacePoint(); spoint->set_tracker(tracker); spoint->set_station(station); spoint->set_npe(10); spoint->set_position(spoint_pos); spoint->set_global_position(position); if (_make_clusters) { for ( int plane = 0; plane < 3; ++plane ) { for ( SciFiClusterPArray::iterator clIt = clusters.begin(); clIt != clusters.end(); ++clIt ) { if ( (*clIt)->get_tracker() == tracker && (*clIt)->get_station() == station && (*clIt)->get_plane() == plane ) { spoint->add_channel((*clIt)); } } } } spacepoints.push_back(spoint); } } } sf_event->set_digits(digits); sf_event->set_clusters(clusters); sf_event->set_spacepoints(spacepoints); } void MapCppTrackerVirtualsDigitization::_process_helix(MAUS::SciFiEvent* event, int spill_num, int event_num) const { // Not Yet Implemented } void MapCppTrackerVirtualsDigitization::construct_virtual_digits(VirtualHitArray* hits, int spill_num, int event_num, SciFiDigitPArray& digits) const { for (unsigned int hit_i = 0; hit_i < hits->size(); hit_i++) { bool found = false; VirtualHit* a_hit = &hits->at(hit_i); double time = a_hit->GetTime(); ThreeVector position = a_hit->GetPosition(); // Pull tracker/station/plane information from geometry int tracker; int station; int plane; int channelNumber; double alpha; for (SciFiTrackerMap::const_iterator gmIt = _geometry_map.begin(); gmIt != _geometry_map.end(); ++gmIt) { const SciFiPlaneMap& planes = gmIt->second.Planes; tracker = gmIt->first; for (SciFiPlaneMap::const_iterator plIt = planes.begin(); plIt != planes.end(); ++plIt) { SciFiPlaneGeometry geo = plIt->second; if (fabs(geo.GlobalPosition.z() - position.z()) < _assignment_tolerance) { int id = plIt->first; station = ((abs(id)-1) / 3) + 1; plane = (abs(id) - 1) % 3; position.setZ(geo.Position.z()); alpha = _compute_alpha(position, geo); channelNumber = floor(0.5 + ((7.0 * geo.CentralFibre) + (2.0 * alpha / geo.Pitch)) / 7.0); SciFiDigit* a_digit = new SciFiDigit(spill_num, event_num, tracker, station, plane, channelNumber, _default_npe, time); digits.push_back(a_digit); found = true; break; } } if (found) break; } } } void MapCppTrackerVirtualsDigitization::construct_virtual_clusters(VirtualHitArray* hits, int spill_num, int event_num, SciFiClusterPArray& clusters) const { for (unsigned int hit_i = 0; hit_i < hits->size(); hit_i++) { bool found = false; VirtualHit* a_hit = &hits->at(hit_i); ThreeVector position = a_hit->GetPosition(); // Pull tracker/station/plane information from geometry int tracker; int station; int plane; double alpha; for (SciFiTrackerMap::const_iterator gmIt = _geometry_map.begin(); gmIt != _geometry_map.end(); ++gmIt) { const SciFiPlaneMap& planes = gmIt->second.Planes; tracker = gmIt->first; ThreeVector tracker_position = gmIt->second.Position; HepRotation tracker_rotation = gmIt->second.Rotation; for (SciFiPlaneMap::const_iterator plIt = planes.begin(); plIt != planes.end(); ++plIt) { SciFiPlaneGeometry geo = plIt->second; if (fabs(geo.GlobalPosition.z() - position.z()) < _assignment_tolerance) { int id = plIt->first; station = ((abs(id)-1) / 3) + 1; plane = (abs(id) - 1) % 3; position *= tracker_rotation; position.setZ(geo.Position.z()); alpha = _compute_alpha(position, geo); int channelNumber = floor(0.5 + ((7.0 * geo.CentralFibre) - (2.0 * alpha / geo.Pitch)) / 7.0); SciFiCluster* a_cluster = new SciFiCluster(); a_cluster->set_plane(plane); a_cluster->set_station(station); a_cluster->set_tracker(tracker); a_cluster->set_channel(channelNumber); a_cluster->set_spill(spill_num); a_cluster->set_event(event_num); a_cluster->set_npe(10); a_cluster->set_position(position); a_cluster->set_direction(geo.Direction); a_cluster->set_alpha(alpha); a_cluster->set_id(id); a_cluster->set_used(false); clusters.push_back(a_cluster); found = true; break; } } if (found) break; } } } void MapCppTrackerVirtualsDigitization::construct_virtual_spacepoints(VirtualHitArray* hits, int spill_num, int event_num, SciFiSpacePointPArray& spacepoints) const { for (unsigned int hit_i = 0; hit_i < hits->size(); hit_i++) { bool found = false; VirtualHit* a_hit = &hits->at(hit_i); ThreeVector position = a_hit->GetPosition(); // Pull tracker/station/plane information from geometry int tracker; int station; int plane; for (SciFiTrackerMap::const_iterator gmIt = _geometry_map.begin(); gmIt != _geometry_map.end(); ++gmIt) { const SciFiPlaneMap& planes = gmIt->second.Planes; tracker = gmIt->first; ThreeVector tracker_position = gmIt->second.Position; HepRotation tracker_rotation = gmIt->second.Rotation; for (SciFiPlaneMap::const_iterator plIt = planes.begin(); plIt != planes.end(); ++plIt) { SciFiPlaneGeometry geo = plIt->second; int id = plIt->first; station = ((abs(id)-1) / 3) + 1; plane = (abs(id) - 1) % 3; if ( plane != 1 ) continue; if (fabs(geo.GlobalPosition.z() - position.z()) < _assignment_tolerance) { ThreeVector spoint_pos = position; spoint_pos *= tracker_rotation; spoint_pos.setZ(geo.Position.z()); double smear_x = CLHEP::RandGauss::shoot(0.0, _smear_value); double smear_y = CLHEP::RandGauss::shoot(0.0, _smear_value); spoint_pos.SetX(spoint_pos.x() + smear_x); spoint_pos.SetY(spoint_pos.y() + smear_y); SciFiSpacePoint* spoint = new SciFiSpacePoint(); spoint->set_tracker(tracker); spoint->set_station(station); spoint->set_npe(10); spoint->set_position(spoint_pos); spoint->set_global_position(position); spacepoints.push_back(spoint); found = true; break; } } if (found) break; } } } double MapCppTrackerVirtualsDigitization::_compute_alpha(ThreeVector& position, SciFiPlaneGeometry& geometry) const { ThreeVector vec = geometry.Direction.Orthogonal().Unit(); double alpha = position.Dot(vec); int channelNumber = floor(0.5 + ((7.0 * geometry.CentralFibre) - (2.0 * alpha / geometry.Pitch)) / 7.0); double new_alpha; if (_smear_value < 0.0) { new_alpha = 3.5 * geometry.Pitch * static_cast(geometry.CentralFibre - channelNumber); } else { double smear_amount = CLHEP::RandGauss::shoot(0.0, _smear_value); new_alpha = alpha + smear_amount; } return new_alpha; // HepRotation rot = _geometry_helper.GetReferenceRotation(tracker); // ThreeVector globalPos = ahit->GetPosition(); // ThreeVector pos = position - geometry.GlobalPosition; // ThreeVector pos = globalPos - geometry.GlobalPosition; // ThreeVector pos = globalPos; // // pos *= rot; // ThreeVector vec = geometry.Direction.Orthogonal().Unit(); // // double alpha = pos.Dot(vec); // double alpha = position.Dot(vec); // return alpha; // The old method alpha = fibre num - central fibre // int fibreNumber = (2.0 * dist / geometry.Pitch) + (7.0*geometry.CentralFibre); // int alpha = floor(fibreNumber / 7.0); // int channelNumber = alpha;// + geometry.CentralFibre; } } // ~namespace MAUS