/* This file is part of MAUS: http://micewww.pp.rl.ac.uk:8080/projects/maus
* MAUS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* MAUS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with MAUS. If not, see .
#include "TPaveStats.h"
#include "TStyle.h"
#include "src/common_cpp/DataStructure/Data.hh"
#include "src/common_cpp/DataStructure/Spill.hh"
#include "src/common_cpp/DataStructure/ReconEvent.hh"
#include "src/common_cpp/DataStructure/ImageData/ImageData.hh"
#include "src/common_cpp/DataStructure/ImageData/Image.hh"
#include "src/common_cpp/DataStructure/ImageData/CanvasWrapper.hh"
#include "src/legacy/Interface/Squeak.hh"
#include "src/reduce/ReduceCppCkovPlot/ReduceCppCkovPlot.hh"
#include "src/common_cpp/Utils/ReduceCppTools.hh"
namespace MAUS {
PyMODINIT_FUNC init_ReduceCppCkovPlot(void) {
"ReduceCppCkovPlot", "", "", "", "");
: ReduceBase("ReduceCppCkovPlot"),
_refresh_rate(60), _process_count(0) {}
ReduceCppCkovPlot::~ReduceCppCkovPlot() {
// Everything will be deleted by the ImageData destructor.
void ReduceCppCkovPlot::_birth(const std::string& str_config) {
if (!_output) {
throw MAUS::Exception(Exception::nonRecoverable,
"The output is disconnected.",
if (!_output->GetImage())
_output->SetImage(new MAUS::Image());
_process_count = 0;
// Define histograms.
_htof_A = new TH2F("tof_A", "tof_A", 100, 0, 50, 200, 15, 35);
_htof_A->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("CkovA PE");
_htof_A->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("t(TOF0 to TOF1) (ns)");
_htof_B = new TH2F("tof_B", "tof_B", 100, 0, 50, 200, 15, 35);
_htof_B->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("CkovB PE");
_htof_B->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("t(TOF0 to TOF1) (ns)");
_htof = new TH1F("htof", "htof", 100, 10, 40);
int xPmt = 0;
int nbins = 500, x_lo = -50, x_hi = 500;
for (auto &h:_hcharge) {
std::stringstream ss;
ss << "PMT" << (++xPmt);
const char* name = ss.str().c_str();
h = new TH1F(name, name, nbins, x_lo, x_hi);
xPmt = 0;
nbins = 500;
x_lo = -50;
x_hi = 500;
for (auto &h:_htime) {
std::stringstream ss_n, ss_d;
ss_n << "harr_time" << (++xPmt);
ss_d << "Arrival Times PMT" << xPmt;
const char *name = ss_n.str().c_str();
const char *descr = ss_d.str().c_str();
h = new TH1F(name, descr, nbins, x_lo, x_hi);
h->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Uncalibrated Time (ns)");
// Define canvases
TCanvas *canvas_tof_A = new TCanvas("CkovReduce_ToF_A", "tof_A", 600, 600);
TCanvas *canvas_tof_B = new TCanvas("CkovReduce_ToF_B", "tof_B", 600, 600);
TCanvas *canvas_tof = new TCanvas("CkovReduce_ToF", "tof", 600, 600);
TCanvas *canvas_charge = new TCanvas("CkovReduce_charge", "charge", 1200, 800);
TCanvas *canvas_time = new TCanvas("CkovReduce_ArrivalTimes", "Arrival times", 1200, 800);
// Fill the arrays
_histos.insert(_histos.begin(), _hcharge.begin(), _hcharge.end());
_histos.insert(_histos.begin(), _htime.begin(), _htime.end());
// Turn off stat box
// Sensible color palette
CanvasWrapper *cwrap_tof_A = ReduceCppTools::get_canvas_wrapper(canvas_tof_A,
CanvasWrapper *cwrap_tof_B = ReduceCppTools::get_canvas_wrapper(canvas_tof_B,
CanvasWrapper *cwrap_tof = ReduceCppTools::get_canvas_wrapper(canvas_tof,
CanvasWrapper *cwrap_charge = ReduceCppTools::get_canvas_divide_wrapper(canvas_charge, 4, 2, true,
CanvasWrapper *cwrap_time = ReduceCppTools::get_canvas_divide_wrapper(canvas_time, 4, 2, true,
void ReduceCppCkovPlot::_death() {}
void ReduceCppCkovPlot::_process(MAUS::Data* data) {
if (data == NULL)
throw Exception(Exception::recoverable, "Data was NULL",
if (data->GetSpill() == NULL)
throw Exception(Exception::recoverable, "Spill was NULL",
std::string ev_type = data->GetSpill()->GetDaqEventType();
if (ev_type != "physics_event")
if (data->GetSpill()->GetReconEvents() == NULL)
throw Exception(Exception::recoverable, "ReconEvents were NULL",
int xRun = data->GetSpill()->GetRunNumber();
int xSpill = data->GetSpill()->GetSpillNumber();
ReconEventPArray* recEvts = data->GetSpill()->GetReconEvents();
for (size_t i = 0; i < recEvts->size(); ++i) {
MAUS::CkovEvent *ckov_evt = recEvts->at(i)->GetCkovEvent();
MAUS::TOFEvent *tof_evt = recEvts->at(i)->GetTOFEvent();
if ( !ckov_evt || !tof_evt)
this->fill_Ckov_plots(ckov_evt, tof_evt);
if (!(_process_count%_refresh_rate))
void ReduceCppCkovPlot::reset() {
for (size_t i = 0; i < _histos.size(); i++)
_process_count = 0;
void ReduceCppCkovPlot::fill_Ckov_plots(MAUS::CkovEvent* ckov_evt, MAUS::TOFEvent* tof_evt) {
// Get the tof event and tof0/tof1 spacepoints.
TOFEventSpacePoint *tof_spoints = tof_evt->GetTOFEventSpacePointPtr();
if (!tof_spoints)
TOF0SpacePointArray *sp_tof0 = tof_spoints->GetTOF0SpacePointArrayPtr();
TOF0SpacePointArray *sp_tof1 = tof_spoints->GetTOF1SpacePointArrayPtr();
// Get the ckov digits
CkovDigitArray *ckov_digs = ckov_evt->GetCkovDigitArrayPtr();
// Number of photoelectrons in CKOVa and CKOVb.
int PE_B = ckov_digs->at(0).GetCkovB().GetNumberOfPes();
int PE_A = ckov_digs->at(0).GetCkovA().GetNumberOfPes();
if (sp_tof0->size() == 1 && sp_tof1->size() == 1) {
double t_0 = sp_tof0->at(0).GetTime();
double t_1 = sp_tof1->at(0).GetTime();
double TOF = t_1 - t_0;
if (PE_B > 0)
_htof_B->Fill(PE_B, TOF);
if (PE_A > 0)
_htof_A->Fill(PE_A, TOF);
double charge, time;
charge = ckov_digs->at(0).GetCkovA().GetPulse0();
time = ckov_digs->at(0).GetCkovA().GetArrivalTime0();
if (charge > -1000)
if (time < 255)
charge = ckov_digs->at(0).GetCkovA().GetPulse1();
time = ckov_digs->at(0).GetCkovA().GetArrivalTime1();
if (charge > -1000)
if (time < 255)
charge = ckov_digs->at(0).GetCkovA().GetPulse2();
time = ckov_digs->at(0).GetCkovA().GetArrivalTime2();
if (charge > -1000)
if (time < 255)
charge = ckov_digs->at(0).GetCkovA().GetPulse3();
time = ckov_digs->at(0).GetCkovA().GetArrivalTime3();
if (charge > -1000)
if (time < 255)
charge = ckov_digs->at(0).GetCkovB().GetPulse4();
time = ckov_digs->at(0).GetCkovB().GetArrivalTime4();
if (charge > -1000)
if (time < 255)
charge = ckov_digs->at(0).GetCkovB().GetPulse5();
time = ckov_digs->at(0).GetCkovB().GetArrivalTime5();
if (charge > -1000)
if (time < 255)
charge = ckov_digs->at(0).GetCkovB().GetPulse6();
time = ckov_digs->at(0).GetCkovB().GetArrivalTime6();
if (charge > -1000)
if (time < 255)
charge = ckov_digs->at(0).GetCkovB().GetPulse7();
time = ckov_digs->at(0).GetCkovB().GetArrivalTime7();
if (charge > -1000)
if (time < 255)
void ReduceCppCkovPlot::update_Ckov_plots() {
for (auto &c:_canvs)
} // MAUS